Good ol' NatSoc thread

I am angry. Angry about us diverting from values that once led us.
Not many people hail victory these days. Not many people quote and cheerish the greatest man who ever lived, father of our fathers, He who stood up to jewish tyranny when all the others bowed, Adolf Hitler. Not many people seek answers to all their questions in wisdom that this man passed on to us. Not many of us think 'what this man would have done or said had he seen the insanity of this world'. The tree that cuts off its own roots is destined to die. Have you forgotten? Why original Holla Forums had swastika in it's emblem? Every day You look at all these corrupt jewish puppets. You work hard to dismantle them. You work hard to break jewish tyranny. But have you forgotten?

Hold the eternal light of truth in your heart. Think of your volk and your race in everything you do. Only then will You stop being an obstacle on the road to jewish supremacy and become a real upholder of the west. One that bows to no men.

Or maybe You are just a newcomer to our humble community. Maybe you are unaware of principles of National Socialism, principles that guide this board. In this case here is the essential reading: Gottfried Feder- Manifesto for The Abolition Of Interest-Slavery- A book that outlines National Socialist approach to economy and gives you clear guidelines on how to break out of usury enslavement- one of basic and most powerful tools of jewish control ever imposed on White Man. - Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion- an actual outline of jewish plans of complete world domination. Demoted by all (((media))) but it fits perfectly to what is and what was happening on the entire world. One of great NS minds, Henry Ford, once stated that he has nothing to say about the Protocols but that what is written in them matches with what is happening in USA and all around the globe. - Adolf Hitler- Mein Kampf- Stalag edition. The only official translation of the greatest work by the greatest man who ever walked on this earth. A self-explanatory book and a must read. - Same as above but Ford translation- a matter of preference. read either one. I prefer Stalag to Ford. - Alfred Rosenberg- The myth of the Twentieth Century. A spiritual and racial groundwork for National Socialism. It explains Your history from a spiritual standpoint. Know who You really are. - Joseph Goebbels- Nazi Sozi. It outlines principles and guidelines for NSDAP, the first National Socialist movement. A must read to every National Socialist.

This thread is also self improvement and books thread

and finally


Other urls found in this thread:

This thread is gonna get deleted fast.
While it lasts, regarding Mein Kampf translations:
Stalag and Murphy are more literal, word by word translations. If you have watched a lot of subtitled speeches in youtube you're going to love this translation and you'll find several expressions he often uses in his speeches. Otherwise it can be a bit harder to read, and I often find myself having to reread statements to make sense out of them (I'm not a native English speaker, though).
Ford translation is probably easier to read, but to achieve he deliberately changes words and expressions just to make the structure more familiar. It takes away all the beautiful wording but it's far easier to understand.
Also Ford has a book on the translation itself, I think it's in /pdfs/ as well. He discusses words (as in Jewish Question vs Jewish Problem), structure and such.

I recommend Stalag if you can handle it, but I would keep the Ford translation open should you have any doubts in any expression or word.

Yeah there was a website that compared them a bit. Ford tries to translate concepts and words they don't have a clear cut translation butchering the meaning behind them.

I would say that first reading should be by any means Stalag translation. It helps you to get the ideas with no distortions, as clear as they come. And stay the hell away from redacted versions of MK, there is more addenda to the book than original content in the book. Oh, have i mentioned the fact that they all are meant to disavow everything that Hitler says? Disgrace.


Sorry buddies, but I'm NRx, or a monarchist. I will never be a Nazi, even if I realize the truth behind 99% of Jews. I feel like too many people here just saw that Hitler hated Jews just like we do and that means he was right about everything else. I don't even know why I come here anymore, as it's devolved into an echo chamber and I'll probably get banned or called a "kike shill" endlessly just for making this post. What will they focus on? Will they claim that because I said 99% instead of 100% I'm a kike shill? Will they claim that Jews somehow invented monarchy? God knows, let's find out shall we?

Hey, we appreciate the content but would You mind adding something in words to get the discussion going? thanks.



Niggers have their place in the world. Like termites and roaches. But they don't belong in the U.S. They were wrongly brought here into an ecosystem where all they could do is bitch to survive. It's immoral to keep them here.

Devolved into an echo chamber? Holla Forums was NatSoc from the very beginning. We do not agree with Hitler only because he hates jewry as much as we do. We praise him because he was one of the greatest men who ever lived on this world. He raised his country from ashes of degeneracy and impoverishment and in a decade he brought people up from their knees. And stop using term 'Nazi'. It is a derogatory term invented by allies for purpose of their propaganda. Real 'Nazis' called themselves National Socialists. And why do you out of the sudden bring monarchy to the table? No it was not a jewish invention, it existed long before the state of Jerusalem. And i think that You should be banned from real life (see- Zyklon B, a well known insecticide) rather than only from this board.
: ^ )

Nice going on using a term made by them. If you think NatSoc is just about kikes, you are are retarded. What next, fascism is just about dictators? Your whole thing is projection that people here are like race mixing anglin who are just LARPing for attention. Not sure how you say you've been here, yet come to the conclusion that "nazi" is just about holohoax killing.

You also ignore how kings were influenced by financial systems, but somehow you site your cards by making fun of the notion that kikes are involved. What next, Rothschild influence is just lizard people tier?

What on Earth are you even talking about? All I said was that I think a large reason people here on Holla Forums are (IF YOU INSIST) national socialists, has very little to do with national socialism. It has more to do with their Hitler idolization, which is rooted in his hatred of Jews. They have deluded themselves into national socialism, not reached it as a logical conclusion. I see no other reason as to why people have radically shifted from individualistic political ideologies like anarcho-capitalism and libertarianism to national socialism. Logically speaking, they should be repelled by a totalitarian ideology. Basically my argument is that the fascination with national socialism is a purely aesthetic one, which has morphed into a feigned ideological one as a consequence of the environmental pressures of the modern political climate.

I do love the idiot suggesting that he'd murder me simply for not being a Nazi though, it only reinforces my belief that for my sake, it looks like we will just have to leave you to dry. What sense is stopping white genocide when I just get purged in the aftermath by an overzealous moron like him?

I may get banned for "endkike blackpill shilling," but things sure seem to be getting rough for national socialists (I mean even moreso than normal). NS propaganda and material is being wiped off the internet faster than ever before, and sympathetic figures in Europe are being arrested left and right.

The Charlottesville fiasco, which had practically no NS input or participation, has been deemed a failure by the alt-kike/cuckchan factions, who are blaming everything on natsocs, as usual.

They are all doubling down on their anti-NS narratives, and trying to purge natsoc influence and aesthetics wherever they can be found. The conservatives, the libertarians, the anarchists, the leftists, the Christians, the run-of-the-mill nationalists, the reactionaries, the kikes (obviously), and even people who call themselves fascists and white nationalists are all in agreement that national socialism is the enemy, and must be purged and deconstructed at all costs. It's like in WWII when the liberal Allies and communist USSR cooperated, except this time, there's no Axis powers, no Wehrmacht, no Germany, no collaborationists, and no Hitler. Just the entire world against a few shitposters who did literally nothing wrong. It seems like it will be more difficult to proselytize in the future, because we are losing platforms while also being swarmed by actively hostile forces.

The most stunning thing of all, though, is how literally no one seems to question any of this. NS has had no real power since 1945, yet the entire world is falling over itself to condemn and undermine it to this day with blatant and demonstrable lies and typical tricks. Does no one find this off-putting? Will they just keep shrieking "muh notsees, muh white sooprimasists, muh kaykaykay" as they march into their graves? I've come to the point where I think most people deserve what is being done to them.

1.Our Hitler idolization is not rooted in our or his hatred of jews. We believe what he believed in- that people of one race can be brought together under one banner. With one Goal. With one leader. He recognized the vicious threat to our existence posed by jews and rallied against it. Out goal is likewise. You say that our belief in National Socialism is not reached by a logical conclusion? We do recognize the importance of the perseverance of our race and our people. We do recognize the grave threat posed by debt enslavement. We recognize that capitalism is too prone to jewish subversion to be an effective economic system. The conclusion is bright as dawn- National Socialism.
2.INDIVIDUALISTIC political ideologies? We know Your kind. You keep spewing your agenda about 'Individualism'. About diversity of opinion. But you do not aim to rally people together. You divide them. And only then are they weaker and more prone to be conquered. Individualism means power to the one and weakness to us all. It shall be rejected with extreme prejudice.
3.Beliefs are not about aesthetics.
4. >What sense is stopping white genocide
Please gas yourself already. Spare us the trouble.

You should be banned for spewing your defeatist falsehood poison you kike.

NS has incredible ideological power. It is the antithesis to (((globalism))), the dominant political ideology among the elite. This is why decades after NS ever mattered in politics it is reviled by all the talking heads in media, academia, and politics. NS works with human nature and people will flock to it if given an option.

It is the best tool to cut the cancer out of our countries. Individualism isn't going to fix the problem, and I think most people on Holla Forums have come to understand this. The future is more important than how many pozz loads people are allowed to take if they feel like it.



Never forget that the National Socialists of Germany had the moral high-ground.

I've been utterly demoralized since Charlottesville. These normalfags make me sick, and I'm honestly not even sure if they're worth saving

You guys should try meditating. It's really useful for helping your focus. You sit with your legs crossed on the floor. A meditation pillow is optional You put your hands right below your knees, look about six feet in front of you on the floor, then focus on your breathing. The goal isn't to have a 'clear mind' but to have your mind and your body in the same exact place.

They aren't worth saving, but the world is. Do you really want let it fall into their filthy hands? As National Socialists, as Europeans, the stewardship of the land falls to us. Look at Africa, look at what the slime has done to what could be a wonderful land. We can not allow the lowest of mankind to demoralize us.

"Sir Oswald, do you now, looking back with the hindsight and knowledge of history, blame the Jews or Hitler for the Second World War?"

"I blame both: Hitler for driving east, before he had got a diplomatic arrangement with us; Jews, for gradually persuading us, or the British people or government, to do absurd things which were bound to result in war. I was against both mistakes."

So why are shitting up this thread then? Monarchy is never coming back.

god youre a big faggot

I don't even understand how the mind of a monarchist works, are they going off the benevolent dictator mindset, do these idiots even have a list of candidates or potential families for monarchy?

I think at this point, we need accept that our lives are going to be lives of deep cover, of having to maintain false identities while pushing our towards our goals from the shadows. America is currently at the edge of complete communist takeover. Dark times are coming, but we must fight, and must be smart about how we fight. I still can't decide whether Dicky Spencer (who is without a doubt a pawn of Dugin, or perhaps someone worse than Dugin) is worth focusing on, because despite his fuckup, Charlottesville has forced the entire Republican Party to reveal its Trotskyist nature to the world.

It's pretty interesting how this seems to have all been planned out to sync with with 100 year anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution.

We call those "Britanistanis" around here.

I was thinking the very same, in a moral sense we should leave the Africans alone in their own land, while in another sense, why shouldn't we tend to the land, as we would make much better use of it in terms of resources and preservation(of the environment). It displeases me to see the potential for all lands occupied by various indigenous people, who are too native to know the proper goodness to be excreted in terms of the proper use of nature.

Monarchies are generally formed by a family or man whom wishes to provide(due to wealth or well suited land) for people in the occupied lands, and then in turn the people appraise and accept his settlement. I don't see land where this instance may occur, and if we are on the right side of the Political spectrum, might I suggest Aristocracy, a much nobler form of governance.

On the matter of retaining to the thread, have you anons any good essential viewing recommendations I may pursue. In my leisure time, I am often too fatigued after some period to continue my reading, but would also like to make good of the available time. Also any good book recommendations would be greatly appreciated, I've just finished Aristotle's Politics, and am moving onto Livy, so see the history yonder the opposing side of the pond. Quite frankly, it is good to see these self-improvement threads impose themselves once more, they surly do promote a proper lifestyle.>>10427734

You faggots are quite delusional if you believe the majority will consent to this, and as we are aware, the majority is sovereign. In order for a correct political transfer of power the sovereign populace must entertain the idea of having conditions better(or similar, compared to poor change on the opposition) under another form of governance - and holding in common is not a natural aspect, nor should it be one of the common folk. It does give me a sincere sense of political superiority that Holla Forums is constantly entertained in the though of Holla Forums - we see this in the 'Chad and Nerd' type relationships were the Chad ignores the Nerd, but the Nerd loves to spend attention on the Chad - Similar to relationships where one partner loves the other more than them, where in a potential barring of the relationship one may be satisfied while the other constantly barraging the other.

useful resources, thank you user.
RIP Ernst Zundel, Eustace Mullins, Michael Collins Piper.

Read HITLER'S WAR by David Irving

along with everything Mullins and Piper ever wrote.

and this:

DNA science and the "jewish" bloodline

Who are "jews"?

Interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein

The truth about edomites

Hitler the "jew" and the faked WWII


OC (2)

black sun (only)

OC (3)


Highly underrated video.

It contains all Hitler's best speeches about how he was anti-war.

Debunks the (((mainstream history))) narrative quite thoroughly

I'm not advocating for monarchism but I've read this of Italian Fascism beforeā€¦

New aristocracy.