If you stay on a Trump council, you are on the wrong side of history, goyim
This democrat affiliated major kike economist is trying to dismantle Trump's councils by calling on all CEOs on them to resign, claiming Trump's recent Charlottesville comments are far worse than anything he's said before and completely contradictory to muh (((American values and traditions))) of "justice, inclusion, and fairness." He's set his sights over his hooked nose at Walmart's CEO in particular, essentially calling him a pussy for not leaving the Trump council he is on over muh principles.
He actually unironically said wrong side of history.
Let that sink in
Austin Gutierrez
Kikes are getting ready to blow up the economy and blame Trump and those evil capitalists who can't work together and for not helping the poor minorities. (((They))) feel they can get a Communist revolution because the media won't call anti-racist counter protesters anything but commies. IT'S HAPPENING!
Blake Ramirez
Trump cucked, chose his side, this is his reward for not cucking hard enough (because its impossible to cuck hard enough without killing yourself).
Jeremiah Taylor
Meh, been hearing that for awhile now. I'll believe it when I see it.
Carson Johnson
No, they feel they can get a communist revolution because the "right wing" in America is embarrassingly weak and so brainwashed by capitalism they can't even motivate themselves to seize the capital of people using theirs to fund a communist revolution.
Nicholas Perry
Easton Wood
worst case they're going to use this as an excuse to pull the rug out from under the economy, and feel righteous in doing so. they won't take direct responsibility, they'll spin it as a "leadership failure", but make no mistake, it will be a deliberate and spiteful maneuver. they will both fleece and punish the goys because "nazis". they've been telegraphing this pretty strongly over the past few weeks, until this week I thought it was a feint.
Joseph Smith
Oh no, that would be awful
Justin Ross
It's pretty obvious they were fired and are trying to save face.
Cooper Fisher
I don't envy all the bullshit Trump has to put up with.
Jackson Anderson
Luis Allen
Quit sliding this thread with hilarity, you delightful man.
Kayden Martin
Jew-logic everyone. Literally a half-step above nigger-logic.
Kayden Evans
isnt this shill invested in debrahs mine(along with cheney) in the golan heights?
Zachary Smith
Dominic Long
Bentley Cooper
There's that stupid phrase again. Listen moron, it's not "courageous" or being the "underdog" for you to back the views of multi-million dollar musicians, actors, and corporations. You're not "right" from dismissing the primary source, only reading the bold titles of sensationalist headlines from metropolitan dwelling journalists who lie and omit information to prove their dishonest point. That's just you pussies taking the easy way out, especially if you are getting popular news coverage and not losing profits from it.
Instead, it's courageous to think for yourself while backing and supporting the rights of American citizens like Trump did. The right stands for righteousness, and you are objectively wrong. Go fuck yourself.
Kayden Taylor
Middle class White Christian (oriented) males made two mistakes, one, fighting to stop slavery, two, saving the kikes in Europe.
Justin Morris
He's lived a long successful life at the top of the NYC business world. This will be his final struggle. How he's remembered in the future will be up to us.