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When will Holla Forums realize that they have been had, and what will finally drive it home?
Place your bets
When will Holla Forums realize that they have been had, and what will finally drive it home?
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The wall will be the big one. Also when the lack of industry returning becomes apparent. I give it 2 years.
I am going to say 2017 when Benjamin Netanyahu declares that Isreal will never give Palestine its own state, and Trump backs him by saying that the U.S. will be Israel's greatest ally no matter what.
Trump bans video game violence and hentai.
Oh my god, that would be brilliant.
We are finally going to get a chance to experience the proletarian dream.
Have you seen Holla Forums lately? Never.
My bet is on Don's impeachment, he's being hit with a lot of lawsuits.
It will be fun to see how deep denial can run.
Holla Forums will either be busy working 14 hours a day or be too tired to shitpost on the internet about it.
Four months
They're in denial right now since he's not in office, and there will be a grace period, but when he doesn't make any effort they'll be overcome with rage.
the dude never even wanted to be president. if he lasts till 2019 i'd be amazed
You guys seem confident that Trump will not deliver.
I'm not a Holla Forumsedancer, but the same thing was said about Duterte (yeah, I'm a flip). He wouldn't dare use death squads once his president.
But he did.
The thing about Duterte is, that he used to be mayor of Davao.
People were not afraid, that he won't deliver, quite the contrary, people were VERY afraid that he will deliver and deliver he did!
Trump on the other hand never had a political position before.
Nor one quite like this. He's going to be so dependant on his advisers for the entirety of his term.
They said that Duterte had no experience on a national level. That he couldn't handle national politics.
They were wrong.
Funny thing, they said the same about Sanders, despite him being Mayor of Burlington, Representative of Vermont's at-large district and finally Vermont's Senator.
Clinton on the other hand was experienced, because she was fucking (or rather getting cucked in the most literal sense by) the then president of the United States. After she lost to Barraich O'Bama, it qualified her as a minister of foreign affairs.
See, experience.
Then he's doing something wrong, because the neocons from "Project for the New American Century" are backing Saudi Arabia in every endeavour.
You proved my point?
Experience does not determine performance.
It's too early to tell what Trump will do. Maybe he will deliver. Maybe not.
Hell, even, here, we don't know what Duterte will do because he sends mixed messages to keep his enemies off balance.
All we can do is look at trends around the world and make guesses based on that.
Netanyahu released a video talking about how great of a friend Trump was and how he was excited to work for him, IMO if that hasn't made them realize he's just a funnier and more authoritarian version of a republican nothing will.
You better go tell Netanyahu that. Or the rest of the Republicans.
Don't need to, it's common knowledge among the people who matter.
Start reading wikileaks
Why bother when it's in the headlines.
There will be shills there who try to play this off as
a lot of them like Israel for fighting da muslims
You forgot
Another pile of baseless witch-hunting speculation. Hasn't proved true yet, but I guess that won't stop you- hey, everybody needs a fantasy right? So keep on dreaming meine kameraden.
Nobody expects Trump to be the reincarnation of Hitler but those swallowing your BS.
You are aware that Iran and Saudi-Arabia have their own cold war going on, and that nullifying the deal is within Saudi-Arabian interests?
We're actually just expecting him to be the anti-pol jew-loving capitalist he always has been.
Or wishful thinking.
And if he does a fraction of the things he intends, he'll be an amazing president.
For a board that gets on Holla Forums's case for IDpol, you fags sure spend more time arguing about flags and what class/ideology people fall into than examining their results.
So Iran's reconstruction of its nuclear program is a justification for American intervention undertaken by the Saudis? You're going to have to fit the pieces together here.
How does it feel to have advocated a child sex criminal deep in Jeffrey epsteins pedophile gang you degenerate cunt
The saltiest situation would be:
Trump enacts some socdem policies while still saying insensitive shit.
Trump shits on Israel while hiring tons of Jews and trying to "heal race relations".
Trump starts a war, but entirely for humanitarian purposes.
Trump plays the crony capitalist with his buddies, while still raising taxes on the rich.
I can only hope it gets this salty.
The deal was pushed by Russia and the Europeans.
Israel and Saudi-Arabia were against it. New president, new perspectives.
Feels good considering those charges were dropped- the case was shown to hold no water and Mr. Trump wasn't involved at all. There's no proof of it, but I'm sure that won't stop you from using some fallacy to continue believing.
Here's your (you).
They will say that he is fighting the "Electric Jew."
And then the Mongolians show up.
In an alternative universe, Holla Forums has a thread about how Bernie Sanders will eventually cuck Holla Forums and bow down to the DNC
Can you link some wikileaks fam.
But that was this universe, just a few months ago.
He's still fighting, though.
He supported Hillary. I wouldn't call that fighting.
Just like they were dropped for the litany of people involved in epsteins pedo gang, Bill Clinton being one of them. Not only is your candidate a pedophile, he uses his corruption to get out of it.
Makes sense for a guy that talks about fucking his own daughter
[citations for angry rambling needed]
I see this all the time, but can't find proof. Is there an actual quote on this?
From what I've heard, the charge that Trump was fucking his own daughter was because she was caught sitting on his lap, which I consider a silly accusation.
Damn you have a low bar for success. So, what will be the bare minimum that he needs to accomplish to be an "amazing president?" Does he just need to make more jokes that offend SJWs while the world burns?
From what I gather, they think it would be enough if he enforced existing immigration laws, and make peace with Russia.
Nazis confirmed for liberals.
It is incredibly well established that
1) Epstein is a pedo cunt
2) both clintons took many rides on his "Lolita express"
3) so did Trump
4) So did prince Andrew
5) so did a whoooole bunch of Celebs.
6) nobody connected to Epstein has faced consequences, Epstein barely faced consequences due to his connections
7) key witnesses relating to many different people were threatened and harrassed.
The liberal establishment is full of child fuckers. This is known. Trump is a firm part of the liberal establishment, which is why his cabinet choices look the way they do.
Ethics reform, strong borders and a growing isolationist economy would do quite a bit for making him better than many in the last century.
Again, this is if his plans work out. Sitting on the sidelines and shitposting about catgirls is nice and all, I'm sure removing yourself from accountability regardless of who won the race is good for protecting your feelings, but he won and we'll have to move forward with him.
Can you link some emails specifically relating to the PNAC
There is like 6/7 videos where he's like "lol she's so hot if she wasn't my daughter I would bang her" and other such degenerate nigger shit
Can you offer the exact quotes?
There's really no proof of Trump's involvement, though. What you have are a list of widely agreed upon opinions, no matter how sketchy, with totally unfounded claims tossed in among more supported ones.
To play devil's advocate, what's even your point in relation to the larger issue of Trump's potential policy flip-flopping? Guessing at what Trump will do barely a half-week after the results of the election is just another pile of baseless speculation- it's intellectually void. No better than the assumptions about Hillary's potential presidency. Hell, we've already had like four cases of "OH MY GOD HE'S GOING TO ELECT [SO-AND-SO] TO HIS CABINET!" that turned out to be completely false.
Liberal Establishment "lol who are you Woody Allen" lolol
Our other pedo friend ahaha
There are so many of these man I'm not doing your homework for you
You'd have to be fucking dumber than operation Yewtree not to see this shit
So just talk.
We need a wall that costs billions to keep the day laborers and migrant farmers out (forget that they are not getting in that way). At least until they get the proper visas, which Trump promises to give out in record numbers. Now there is a brilliant use of funds when you are facing a looming recession while planning to re-industrialize.
So, how do you think that is going to work for a society that imports the vast majority of its manufactured goods? Until the factories are churning out commodities (and why should they when no one is buying?), all tariffs will do is drive up prices and destroy consumers' purchasing power.
By the way, you guys do realize that you are hoping that Trump will be Teddy Roosevelt, right? Does Holla Forums actually like Teddy Roosevelt?
So what you've got for me is…
That's some serious projection you're doing there user. This isn't enough for a high-school debate class, let alone a court of law and adults to prove anything remotely fishy about Trump himself.
I'll choose to prove he's innocent until otherwise proven guilty.
Does the sun rise in the morning and set at night?
You're talking to a person, user. Not the vague, ephemeral hivemind consciousness that is Holla Forums, you know, like how identities are abstractions of the decisions people make, and those decisions can be different from the whole?
I know it's easy and fun to fight caricatures, boys, but focus. I'm down here.
Not so vague once you thoughtcucks started banning any and all dissenting opinions.
Okay, ignore the Liberal Pedophile cult from the BBC to Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump.
You realize Clinton and Trump were firm friends for years before all this right?
They sleaze with same banksters, have holiday homes in same neighbourhood, don't you get it yet, whoever you vote for, they win.
Instead of Liberalism with LGBT rights, you just picked Liberalism with a wall.
Wait, are you stormnigger 8/pol/ or liberals-who-say-nigger 4/pol/?
Oh, and particularly regarding the economy…
We obviously can't judge yet, but what I'm hoping is that all the bluster (which seems to be exactly that, the "oh shit, he'll really do it" factor) helps him leverage our own resources better. Opening up manufacturing and energy production will give us the option to slowly restructure, then re-examine our international ties where they're inefficient or costly. Sure, the reliance we have is going to be a liability, but cutting away from any system you're initially dependent on is going to hurt short-term.
I'll concede that this is the position of Trump's that I'm crossing fingers and watching warily rather than having any supreme confidence in.
Mate, It's shit. It's been a shit choice for longer than you and I have been around. If I can tell you the truth, sure, he might full well be a premier pedophile of the Illuminati.
The lizards gave us a choice of two lizards, and yes, I picked the one with the scales of a color I enjoy because that's better than ignoring the choice.
Burning down the system and starting from zero like every sidelines-warrior wants to do right now isn't really an option for us as a nation- hell, a species. We're sprinting toward the end game, and what works best of a bad lot will win.
Dream big.
Anti globalist, Anti establishment… Oh wait.
In this situation, the third choice is revolution.
You have a second amendment for this very reason
also I resent the Lizard reference. There is a mountain of proof on the pedo stuff
That's the point, you dip. They float dozens of names for positions and gauge reaction.
2016 numales couldn't revolt if the US military consisted of sandbags and chicken nuggets
It sounds like you are serious about an economic change, but you do not have a structural plan in place, only a vague idea of where you want to go. Let's analyze the global capitalist system as it stands.
The system, and thus the world, is divided into three spheres: resource extraction nodes, industrial production nodes, and a post-industrial economic center. Currently, the post-industrial center is contracting into the major cities. In contrast to early-20th century capitalism, industrial production is now done far from the economic center that it feeds. Resource extraction is in a state of perpetual growth and facing the imminent threat of environmental limitation.
The wealthy cities in the United States like New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, and Boston are themselves part of the global economic center, however the the surrounding areas have largely lost their status as industrial produces, having been undercut by other industrial producers. The rural country is, as it has always been, used for resource extraction, but the loss of nearby industrial production has not slowed demand for their resources.
Now, what you hope to accomplish is to rebuild the industrial production sphere in the United States. The problem there is two-fold. Firstly, as stated above, the post-industrial economic center is contracting. That is where consumption rates are the highest by an exponential margin. There is no demand there for greater industrial production, and even if there were the consumers lack the ability to increase their rate of consumption. There is no market for more industrial products.
Secondly, resources are beimg extracted as quickly as industrial production demands it. An increase in industrial production will proportionally increase the exchange value of resources. That will necessitate an increase in the production costs of the industries that you hope to create. Industry already can not turn a profit, and an increase in the cost of resources will only make that more insurmountable.
What is the Trump plan to make local industries profitable again? Tariffs. Tariffs will increase the cost of industrial goods produced elsewhere, ideally to the point that the cost of those goods are greater than those produced locally. The thing is, those tariffs are going to have to be incredibly high to overcome the corresponding increase in the cost of resources that I explained above. Those industrial goods will have become so expensive that the contracting economic center will be unable to consume them at the previous rate. That, again drives down production and thus undoes everything that Trump had hoped to achieve.
tl;dr Material conditions make a reversion to protectionism impossible.
Actually millenials are generally fitter and healthier than their parents.
They don't smoke or drink or do as many drugs, and are more likely to get regular exercise
yeah they are pretty much joyless, sexless fucks
They are more likely to have sex younger, but less likely to get pregnant or get an STD. They are also less likely to have promiscuous sex and value relationships over 1 night stands
aka the exact opposite of "degenerates"
Ideologies and class arent identities. You can't choose to identify yourself as proletariat and there are no edge cases like mixed race people.
I give it three years, minimum, for at least Alex Jones to give up. The liberals never figured out Obama was shit and pol's ideology is pretty strong