ITT: Games you never see anyone talking about

ITT: Games you never see anyone talking about

1 > 2 > World Rally > 3

There's really not a lot to talk about Pac-Man World. but yeah, the first one is the best of them all.
Simple, nice and comfy. Sadly, it gets boring.

D E G E N E R A T E !


I don't even know how they could miss the point of the 1st one so badly, 2 and 3 barely play like it



I have a thing for obscure, cheesy 90s jRPGs.

This one was made by former Squaresoft USA employees who got fired after Secret of Evermore bombed. The story was written by Ted Woolsey.

goddamn that's some ff7-tier ugly models

Imagine if Final Fantasy VII had a retarded younger brother who was not popular or liked by anyone. That's this game.

It has its charms, though.

Currently enjoying the hell out of this. Love pre-rendered environments.


Found a copy of that recently for $5. Still need to give it a go when I'm not busy.

were the 64 games any good?

I got it as a gift.

Any thoughts?

Inferior Mario Party.


Didn't mean to reply

Stop posting TumblrTail

I remember getting that game in a box of cereal
or it might have been a box of LCM's, but I can't remember

Dr. mario


Maybe when they finally go out of business, they'll put those IPs up for auction