This liberal lunacy must be caused by something. The way the scream and chant and cry and attack you viciously. There's no doubt that these people are crazy.
Now here's why i think its the weed. Some long years ago i used to smoke weed. I only did it for like a year. And during that time i remember well i was becoming rebellious. Hell one time i tried to held a cop accountable for something some other cop did and became viral in the news. The cop put me in my place no doubt seeing as how i was still a kid. I went the whole nine yards Bob marley wannabe nigger faggot type.
However i quit one day and never fucked with it again for reasons.
Yet my sister still does that shit on occasion and she's become a liberal idiot. Yet my eldest who never fucked with the shit. She's a bit of a drone type but right now she's a centralist and doesn't go ape shit like my other sis.
So i can theorize that had i continued going down that road I'd no doubt be a raging lunatic junky today..
Why? Anyone who's ever smoked that shit here knows full well that the shit you buy in the streets is laced with some quimical. Way back then i could smell and taste it. And seeing how things always evolve from small quantities to huge amounts. Ive no doubt that weed is being bathed in whatever the compound is.
Just think of the blue states where medicinal weed is allowed. Medicinal weed that is first handled by whatever (((corporation))) is behind them.
Think about It.
Every lefty i have known.. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Is a stoner or smokes occasionally. Every. Single. One.
And this is obvious because modern liberals tend to adopt certain fashion sense from the rest of the degenerates.
However when you look at most in the right side. The great majority don't fuck with weed. Yet those that do have admitted that they have a hidden bed growing their own shit.
Also the few black people whom also don't fuck with the drug also tend to be on the right.
There's a reason all these blue states are trying or have already passed legal status of the drug.
Sorry for the long read. Is anyone here a chemist of sorts? How hard would it be to extract and analyze whatever is being sprayed on the drug?