Netanyahu Jr says leftists are worse than Nazis


You wish. We are on the upswing.

just playing both sides of the field.

kinda slow.
that was true maccarthy said it, back then. and now he's basically the devil and literally hitler.

are you a neonazi?

Guess I'll just have to have 6+ kids then.

See you in the eugenics war, Holla Forums.

jews reaping what they sowed


Jews are fragmenting in many sects. They're in a silent war at one another.
But still, they will act monolithically if external, non-Jewish, forces interrupt them fighting.

Kissinger wasn't kidding when he said Israel has no future.

The future of right hates them and the left hates them.

It's their own fault, they shouldn't have Jewed the way they did.

left wing Jews don't want Israel, only right wing Jews do.

Right wing Jews see Isreal as a place in the middle east (from which they rule the world) .. left wing Jews see it as the whole world is Israel (from which they rule the world from).


Well, he's right.

If they didn't, they wouldn't have made our jobs easier. Our first major steps to culling them will be difficult but the rest is easy because they set themselves up for destruction.

Idiot son of a corrupt Jew politician is interviewed, why?


Fucking kikes, always playing both sides. Trying to turn White Nationalists into Israeli supporters.

lol those mentally retarded torah studying welfare kikes are on the 'upswing' for sure. you smarter fuckers are being drowned out and paying for their gibs

This though.

Our efforts to turn the golem are quite successful when this shit bubbles to the surface from such prominent people. Public kvetching.

I've never seen the jews so scared. You just need to give back the money they stole in 2008, jew That's all. Or accept niggers as payment. We ultra right neo-nazis are busy building underground ovens. It's your only chance.

Just kidding. There's nothing you can do. Too many ovens have been built. It's too late. You're fucked.

I agree with his assessment
Left wing is incredibly strong and honestly getting stronger
With growing inequality in America communism is going to be the first attraction to the poor and brown people
Sadly any social nationalist movement that arises will probably be coopted again by cuckservatives ala Mussolini and Hitler because the far-right likes to delude themselves

Seems relevant. Bump.

Now I even confused who is more based and pro-white: Putin or Netanyahu? Who should be a Hero of alt-right now?