Haven't seen such authoritarian shit in a while. Jesus Christ just looking at it makes me furious

Haven't seen such authoritarian shit in a while. Jesus Christ just looking at it makes me furious

Other urls found in this thread:




who the fuck cares
the sooner the shithole collapses the better for the rest of us

They have a mailing address and they are trying to social engineer more info out of people. I could drive down the street and come up with addresses and names just by reading mailboxes.

Any response is a trap.

Sweden isn't the only country that's in a bad situation, and these tactics can be and are used in countries other than Sweden.

Sage netavistockd.

I will say though, "authoritarian" is not the word you're looking for. Perhaps "obnoxious".

Give them the emails and address of leftists. You can also send a picture of Brevik to them.

We need to expand our RWDS (Right-Wing Dox Squads)


At that point, why not firebomb them ? Is there even a thing we can do that doesn't require violence ?

So is this why Pewds cucked out?

Contacting the police would have gotten *him* arrested, I assume?

What a fucking clown world we live in. When is the collapse, the happening, RaHoWa coming?

Do what says and just be proud. Sweden will dissipate into nothingness before you know it and nobody will care by the time the Swedish people as a whole realize for themselves, that THEY had enough.

He could always marry some American slut for citizenship if he needed to get out of Sweden for freedom of speech reasons.

Pewds is a self-made man and doesn't even live in sweden IIRC. Although yes, he's cucking because he sees that there's a silent coup happening all around us right now. Everyone is being shut down.

After the native Swedes are gone (however that comes about) mudslimes are going to kill and rape those types first. Classic case of, what goes around, comes around.

God I hope they do this to a lawfag who can fuck them up without the kikes.


Just how many fucking faggots are in antifa? Tens of Millions? I never even met one. But I don't live in a pozzed city shithole.

Antifa has an infinite war chest due to being funded by open society, Rockefellers, Ford foundation, etc. They can produce new activists anytime they want and have entire ngos established towards that purpose.

The entire american poltical right just licked commie ass and you've the nerve to mock sweden.

Impotent pussy mother fucker.

The effectiveness of a dox will collapse as social stability continues to decline. When things get bad enough, people won't care about being outed as being anything other than centrist; on either side of the aisle. Rather, they will be proud.

This. It's obvious.
Get the fuck out of here. If they had "nazi" info, they'd dox them all and say "xhe godyss will know her own".

You say that as if it means something. The entire American political establishment is owned by kikes just like every other Western country on the planet currently is. The difference is that the population of Sweden is largely unarmed and they are being increasingly swarmed by sand niggers who stockpile weapons in their mosques across the country. Sweden deserves to be mocked. They are leagues worse off than Americans and they yet they still have the nerve to openly act like they are somehow superior.

Americans still have a very good chance of removing the kikes because they are armed to the fucking teeth and a large number of them are extremely well prepared for an insurgent civil war scenario. If the DOTR is going to happen, it will kick off in the USA and cascade from there. Meanwhile, most of Europe is actively exterminating their native populations via importing mudslimes with no sign of stopping, and their politicians are smiling while they do it.

Whites are not in good shape everywhere on the globe, but Americans are in the best position currently to do something about it.

mail them a bomb

stats on this thread r good
ones a trip

This. Has anyone attacked the antifa crack houses yet?

Antifa is really feeling emboldened by all the mainstream support. This level of cockiness always precedes a massive assraping. Seriously, there's going to be a big loss for Antifa soon, I'm wondering what it will be.

One thing we need to understand, Trump called out the commies, and the entire political establishment shit themselves then excused the commies.

At least the sitting president has publicly let everyone know he is aware of the red plague

i'ld suggest burning them down but we already spoiled that plan

This swedecuck is right.

Wait. I meant THIS swedecuck here with the fine trips is right.

It's like you people don't even know how to deal with state actors. Thank goodness this is the LARPING board :^) and totally not a viable tactic you should totally try at home, kids

Is guerrillamail.com/compose safe to use? thinking of owning up to them that I'm a jew who needs nazi flags to pretend that I'm a fed honeypote neo-nazi.

You know your trips match the last 3 digits of the Volvo 8 valve head casting ID?

pic related

wtf I love Sweden now

Well yeah I guess not since Hitler. The irony being lost on both groups, apparently.

Hello t_d

This. It's a trap, but it can be turned on them by emailing them as a commie who's secretly a nazi and begging them to drop it.

actaully bretty good :^DD

bump, even though OP is a fag

I wanted to see if they are a legit shop and then try to close it down.

Then you firebomb a synagogue.

If at first you don't succeed user, combust combust again.

Trips of truth.

America has a cuck problem too and it is time we pwn it.

This leads me to a thought experiment.
What if Holla Forums were to start sending out these kinds of threats? Even set up some antifa/anonymoose twitter (remembering to set thousands of sockpuppets to follow it to lend an air of legitimacy to the normie mind) where they will be publicly doxed if we don't get an acceptable response from them. When we publicly "reveal" that the lefty is really a neo-nazi-skinhead who buys confederate dildos or whatever, make sure to have a few negro/beaner sockpuppets to chime in with some cute little anecdote about how these guys treated them with some microaggressions, but nothing major as a.) it will decrease believability and b.) a major transgression isn't required for these people to eat each other alive.
It would cause one or more of the following: Increase lefty infighting and the paranoia thereof, push moderates and slightly left of center folks away from the antifa, and/or cause major distrust of these (((internet hacktivists)))
All hypothetical of course.

he fled that shit to bongistan many years ago

What if Holla Forums continued to openly fight against these kind of threats, instead of adding to them, giving the kikes a smokescreen of: "Oy vey, heyah ay got en ahchaive of de besterds from eightchen pulilng a foalse fleg opareishen on ahs. It's like anudda shoah, oy gevalt!"

Smart Jews bend all narratives to their advantage. The only way to counter them is to show self-contradiction over time, and draw attention to the rhetorical tactics. This only works on people with 110 IQ or above. But once their eyes are open, they are lost to the Jew.

Risky. Truth likes to come out. And we are against the largest syndicate of information gathering networks in the world. Even if they didn't find out, they could just make it up. Everything can be lied about and fabricated.

I feel we should stick to truth, if "By way of deception we shall wage war" -Mossad, then "By way of truth, we shall finish the war"