Meanwhile in Strangereal Holla Forums

there isn't even a war going on what am I going to do over there?

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Puke's go home. Osea best nation of Earth.


feels bad

t. Belkan who figured out that clay doesn't have internet

I thought it was agreed that Ace Combat Earth was called Strangereal, even if it's not official?

Not our fault Erusea has a shit economy.

I wish that flying AIDS ribbon pilot failed to destroy megalith

Well that's what you get for building shitty superweapons. At least the Belkan's got that part right…..

Shut the fuck up. You don't know the losses we went through in the Megalith attack. That "AIDS pilot," known as Mobius One to non-degenerates, is a hero to Osea. No, a hero to ALL Strangereal, and shut your mouth. I bet you rooted for the Yellow Squadron, fucker.

Actually, no.

The planet's name is the same. Strangereal is the name for the whole universe, and it is official. I actually thought Ace Combat Earth was called Gaia or something until I looked it up.

Well I'll be damned. Thanks buddy.

And they lost the war HARD.

I wish he didn't kill my best friend. Dude is a fucking monster.

I should've listened to that song.

Your friends probably shot at him, so of course he struck back. God don't be such a faggot, it's not like we dropped firebombs on your town afterwards

Belka is the wisest, strongest and bestest nation ever made, Yukes and Oseans should accept that fact and give back rightful belkan clay


He was just driving a truck in a convoy, you hair-trigger apologist fuck.


Is it still Early Access and Steam-only?

Still Steam-only as far as I know. Not *technically* Early Access anymore, but it still feels like it. It crashes all the time (the last update actually seems to have made it worse; even *pausing* can cause a crash now) and FPS still drops low in crowded missions even if you're above the recommended specs. It still doesn't have cockpits. The single-player campaign is still very short, and apparently a lot of people are having problems getting even the first mission to finish properly.

I don't think any of these issues are insurmountable. It's just a question of whether or not the developer is dedicated to fixing them. He really should, because the game has enormous potential and could be very successful. Action-oriented flight sims are rare enough, but ones you can mod almost any way you want and make your own missions and campaigns? Nonexistent. I even think the cel shaded graphics are cool and distinctive.


How easy is it to mod?

It's hard for me to say exactly, because I'm not a modder myself, but it was designed to be moddable from the start, which is more than you can say for most games.

It does seem quite easy to add new planes and paint schemes, because there are a lot of those available (more than I need; the base game is already loaded with planes, yet strangely doesn't include the F-18 for some reason). There are very few missions available, but the mission editor is supposed to be pretty powerful. Honestly, I wouldn't blame people for not making missions no matter how good the tools are with all the technical issues the game has.

Who wants to hack stonehedge and shoot down random targets?

And yet three dozen versions of the F-104, including THIS abomination of both common fucking sense and aerodynamics.

And this thing. He must really love the F-104. I suppose it could be worse (the F-104 is certainly not as ugly as the MiG-21), but I do prefer more modern fighters.

There's actually been some discussion about this lately on the game's Steam forum. Apparently, making new planes is a kind of stress relief for the developer after working on debugging and such. If it keeps him working on the game, I can live with it, if it eventually does get the game to where I'd like it to be.

Looks like a weedwhacker

The final victory of thrust over aerodynamics.

If there's no AC7 news at the Tokyo Game Show should I just go ahead and kill myself?

You should make your own game

You should go dance with the angels, mister

Or join up with the Vector Thrust developer. He's on his own right now.

What is this?
Also did the map makers just get lazy here?

I got it from google, apparently it's from the Wiki so it's possible that it's bullshit, but still the least awful-smelling bullshit we got.


Get a load of this nugget.

Here's a map from the ACES at WAR:A History artbook.



What song? The Back of the Coin? I love that song.

im confused, they just took our map and flipped it the other way



What a Strange, Real world

Hey fellow Yukes have you heard what those Obtuse Osea pilots did? I heard they bombed a Civilian facility. We should get them back for that!

Hey Oseans those dirty Yukes just did a gas attack on our nation, we need to burn them alive for this!
destroy all yukes

What if it is a false flag?

We have IDs here, clayfag.

Good job clayniggers

A false flag? You must be a traitor. Assuming that Belka would be involved with these two nations is unfounded.

that's the joke

He was aware

B-but i've never mentioned Belka!

Almost all of the map is taken from Earth, just split up into bits and pieces. New Zealand is in the middle, near the south pole, for example.

Also, where the fuck is Emmeria on that map?

Is it really rock n roll though? Would have love to listen to it, but damn, there was an air raid happening at that time.

ANEA continent


Here's some other variants.

Second one is fanon as fuck
Left one is canon tho

Thanks for the maps.

It's some classic rock and roll, man. I think I still have it on vinyl somewhere.

did they just get lazy with greenland and new zealand. kind of annoys me how the whole cannon world in AC are based of a bunch of shitty eastern European/Siberian countries

Aurelia strong, Leasath are descendants of monkeys and belong in the zoo.

Have to admit though it is one of the best modern worlds around, at least politically. I've always wanted a grand strategy set on Strangereal, where I can take back rightful Belkan clay

Isn't there a Civ5 map for Strangereal stuff?

This one?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of, Trips. I don't play Grand Strat games so I don't know if it even works.

Mere coincidence, fellow non-Belkans!

This guy is right, anti-Belkan attitudes on this forum have gone too far.

Thank you! People shouldn't be so quick to cry about Belkan shills.


Sweet. I wouldn't mind collecting something for the base, but I'm afraid of losing them.

I know it's fan made, but someone deserves a slap on the face for making that.

Why? In ten years, it will be a reality.

My shitposting aside, does anyone else fucking love the colour scheme that Gault and Yellow Squadron share? There's something incredibly sexy about that grey pattern with yellow highlights.

I'm guessing they drew inspiration from the Bf 109's look.

if you fucking say Sky Crawlers I'll slap you, its not the same

I am seriously considering buying IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey, someone talk me out of it.

Because it's spoiler!


Don't buy it.

You're not being very convincing, user.

How's that mercenary unit working out for you?

Buy Sky Rogue instead. It'll give you all the same disappointment but for far less money.

A WWII-era Ace Combat might be fun, but early Cold War jets are pretty ugly.

So? I wanna fly a Thunderceptor while laughing my ass off at how silly it looks.

Come on, it has a kind of fugly charm to it.

Long story short, botched full release forced by publisher = zero community interest in title.

TimeS is incredibly dedicated, that's for sure, it's just that he's the only one fixing them. Poor engine choice definitely has a hand in how poor the game performs and the supposed laundry list of bugs it has (of which I have yet to run into any).

Incredibly easy, for models and custom maps though you have to have the right tools to get whatever you want into the Ogre3D engine. TimeSymmetry has only given tutorials in 3DSMax, and no one seems to know how to achieve the same results with other programs like Blender. Mission making can be a bit of a pain but when you get Triggers and Scripting down pat, you're golden.

This is one of the main reasons why I stopped making my campaign, when I started there was no F-5E, Rafale, MiG-31, Tornado, or F/A-18 in Vector Thrust. Since then the F-5E, Rafale, and MiG-31 have been added (along with tons of other planes).

Pic related, one of the many skins I made while making the campaign. But like I said, lack of interest kinda killed it for me so I've been on hiatus for about a year.

I don't like anything from the 50s. It's one of the reasons I've never been able to really get into Fallout.


All fine and fair, such are aircraft tastes.

What do you prefer?

F-15, F-16, F-22, Su-27/37. The F-5 is pretty nice, too, despite being from the 60s.

Hey guys, what do you think about Ace Combat Assault Horizon? Apparently they're going for another world, should we call it StrangeReal?
What a retarded name for glorious Yuktobania

If Yukes are Russian, what are Stovies?



Next you'll tell me you think an F-14 is ugly

Forgot my image

F-14 is A E S T H E T I C as FUCK

Nah, I like the F-14.

I also like the F-16 SCAMP in Vector Thrust, because it reminds me of the Cybertronian jets in old-school Transformers.

My negro.

Su-37 is my planefu. Any AC game that lets me use an Su-35-37 with the Yellow Squadron colours, it'll be my most flown craft.

F-15's fucking noice as well. I prefer the C over the E, though. Can never get over the fuselage bulges on the underside.


Fuck I'm retarded.

The paint schemes for the Su-37 are actually a bit of a problem for me. I prefer simple, solid colors, like the Razgriz colors in AC5, but the Su-37 always seems to get these garish camouflage paint schemes.



Let's say I've never made a mod before and know nothing about modeling, but want to make a simple paint scheme for my planes that just makes them one solid color except for the cockpit. Would that be pretty easy?

All you need is something like GIMP to edit/create the graphic and Notepad++ to edit the .skin files.

Any files you need for template or example are found in …\vectorthrust\objects\airplane\