Chapo Trap House

Are they, dare I say it, our guys?

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our family


I tried listning to one of their podcasts but it wasnt about anything.



i just started listening like in the last week and got hooked.


I like them, but they are a bit too normie to be our guys.

being a socialist requires being properly socialized

Felix is the best tbh

I thought they were just ironically Normie

You people keep copying Holla Forums. Instead of trying to constantly copy what we're doing how about you become actual fascists instead? Materialism is a spook anyway.

Huh? The right invented podcasts?

Chapo Trap House is a cheap copy of Holla Forums with faggotry added.

so just Holla Forums then

being volcel ISN'T normie


Not really, they are obviously socialists.

One of the most pathetic things about the alt-right is their belief that they created podcasts.


Get cucked lol

lol owned



Why are they not using that money to get better sound equipment, a studio, a film crew, etc.? I've heard all those things are in the works, but they remain to be seen.

Off yourself, retard.

You brosocialists don't stand a chance against trans* nigger coalition of the oppressed and shitlibs. How are we supposed to take you seriously when you got taken over by faggots?

Jewish astroturfing. Good goyim certified

Here's the interesting thing. We're not being taken over by anyone, the point of being against idpol is that we are all of those things.
We're white, black, brown, yellow, gay, straight, trannies, not trannies, men, and women. So we can never be "overrun" with one of them.

I guess that's what happens when you fight for the world and not just yourself.


muh joooooos

Do you all see how fragile Holla Forums's cultural hegemony is?

Irony really is an effective weapon, especially when used as efficiently as the Chapo boys.


The alt-right is much more cringey, have you ever met any of these faggots?

At least the Left doesn't need to put up fake paper tigers everywhere to have a movement. You fags are more obsessed with black cocks than the material conditions of the working class. It's complete anti-intellectualism.

do they actually need those things though? sound quality is fine and i like the fact they record in their apartments

Almost anyone on the internet is cringy.

I know the alt-right are a bunch of faggots. I'm not part of them.


joos did patreon

Yes you are bitch, they are the logical conclusion to your ideology.

Yes. We are. We have to be. That's the whole point. Anyone here who denies this is not a leftist.
Plus, it means we outnumber you, and, if you got your way, you would have to go through a lot of inbreeding while we would not.

You are posting with a Nazi flag on an anonymous imageboard. You are the alt-right.

A visual component would be great, especially with Felix. Something like a leftist, ironic version of Alex Jones' YouTube channel. Only real way to counter the alt-right's cultural hegemony.

My ideology is Christian. I'm a fascist.

Doesn't mean I'm part of the alt-right.

mein Gott

Fuck off


So does the hatred of fun come from envy, or from jealousy?

Gets me every time, I have more respect for autismos LARPing as pagans

ignoring what a dweeb he is, i never really got how their idea of an American nationalism can coincide with isolationism

i mean it's hard to conceive of what that would even look like, especially in the 21st century.

The end of the latest episode with the alt right guy was hilarious

Fun in Hell. At least everybody is equal in Hell you have that going for you.

I live in Brooklyn and actually see them all the time. they hang out at my local bar. They are not normal at all. Felix talks with a pronounced speech impediment, matt limps and just looks like a neckbeard, and will is pint sized and has bizarre facial ticks. If anything I'd day felix and will are just slightly too bougie, mattt's cool tho.

Felix may be very muscular, but he's not nearly as handsome in real life. He's just good at taking selfies to hide the odd shape of his head.

It's a wordfilter, sorry, de.gener.acy

Good thread!


Actually, Nazism is a perversion of Christianity. The whole idea of a "Third Reich" came from Joachim de Fiore (an 11th century Christian theologian) and his three ages, the third of which would only be possible AFTER the return of Christ.

Will is for sure bougie. He went to a private Quaker academy. That shit ain't cheap.

TBH they're in the DSA, who are full on social democrat Kautskyists, so the Chapo gang are not as radical as most on leftypol. But they are still better than 99% of socialist media out there, and they are like most people on this board in that they spend all day on the internet shitposting instead of actually organizing.

He's always talking about growing up on the Upper West Side, so that makes a lot of sense.

Yeah, you go over to some people mid career and tell them you want abolish capitalism and the state through revolution.

I'm god and it's actually okay to do anything except be a nazi.

of course

blood in, blood out

I'm a Matt guy myself

I don't buy this. There are many podcasts of them with video and they all seem like regular people except fucking Matt which is why I like him the most.

And Will is definitely bourgie, and he always talks about how he "gets" people who are left-wing idealists at youth but sell out later, so I'm totally expecting him to become a liberal later in life

Rania Khalek has been getting destroyed on twitter recently for her tacit Assadism

I love Matt too

Matt looks like a fucking domestic terrorist and Will looks like a gremlin teddy bear, but felix is super cute.

TDS already blew them the fuck out

damn those daily shoah guys sure are threatened

impotent little anonymous internet nazi tears

I don't know why trs thinks they invented podcasts

do they still make episodes? they seemed to indicate in the previous one that that was their last.

They did smugly copy the alt-right and pretended to do it ironically.

They meant thier last till till election day

How? By making a podcast?

you don't see it do you?

a political podcast? that's fuckin TRS

three people? that's fuckin TRS

against hillary? that's clearly TRS


They didn't invent political podcasts
Really? There are a million podcasts with three people
They are socialists, obviously they'd be against Hilary

but hillary is a leftist, dumbass. she clearly wants more government. next you're going to tell me she's actually state capitalist because her campaign failed. typical regressive behavior.

Chapo for life


Okay fam. This is why intellectual property, and you, are fucking retarded. Me and my cell laughed at your type earlier over a drink.

They're fucking hilarious. Their politics are kind of shit, but I could say that about most leftists.

Christianity is actually very lewd. The Christian ascetic actually enjoys repressing his desires and having lewd, sinful thoughts to feel bad about. It's well know that Christians have dirtier minds than most people.

wowwy zowwy you might wanna read a book my man

nope. alt-right took internet culture and called it their own. it's clear that the chapo boys have been Online well before 4chan existed, let alone the alt-right.

Not true

They are definitely our guys, but I hope they don't regress into The Daily Show now that Trump is president. I will say that Will is painfully bourgeois at times. Felix is good, but Matt seems to be the only one of them concerned with viewing things critically through the Marxist lens.

I don't think they will considering a common trope of lefty twitter, where their humor derives from and where their core audience is, is to take the piss outta liberals who deify smug pundits and talk show hosts.

are you not a leftist, buddy boy?

they've already shot that shit down on their twitters, thank allah

new eps up boys

pretty cringey tbh

this episode is perhaps the least jokey I've heard

mostly pure hatred for the democratic party and hillary

and rightly so

Fascists are incapable of nuance tbh.

The propect of the republican majority modifying the constitution is fucking terrifying

They joeked about Oprah being president and George Clooney being a senator but in the world we're now I can't take that for a joke, those prospects seem very real now.


Anyone here digs Cum Town?

I didn't get it when I first listened but the last episode has turned me around

it's next on the list once i get caught up on chapo

sell it to me

Cum town is great.

What is cum town?

Slightly less insufferable version of Chapo Trap House.

Nick Mullen's podcast. One of the funniest people on Twitter.

thoughts on this? Never been impressed by Virgil Texas tbh

This song makes me think of chapo

Virgil is fine. Amber is great.

I love Virgil and I haven't heard enough of Amber to know anything about her but she's funny on twitter so I think it'll be good.

Virgil's Job on digcast is basically to be straightman, but the ep he shows up in to talk about Ron Fournier and The Fix is real damn funny, he and Felix obviously have great chemistry.

i haven't regretted paying for it, the recordings of their live shows have been worth it alone

Listen to the Jeremy Scahill one.

Why, aren't you marxists and not Democratic Party partisans?

Can Felix stop doing terrible impressions? Please.


I actually like robot Hillary. It's basically any other time he tries to do an impression. He sounds like he's gargling a pair of nuts dipped in phlegm.

what's the best cold open and why is it the one where the rank woke twitter allies like sports pundits

Ep. 24 where they did a promo for the RNC's guests and events.

I'm cool with it as long as Virgil doesn't do anymore tryhard, overly sentimental closers about how politicians failed black people and women. It was pretty lame tbh.

Good one. Also got a lotta love for the Adam Curtis parody one.


the woke zoo crews are pretty great too

What about Ben Carson?

I personally thought it's one of the few expressions of emotion post-election that made me feel anything at all, what with this monotonous haze of lib weep-pieces. The description of fascism erasing symbolism, nuance and irony also gave it value outside of some sort of catharsis, solidifying the show's value. It was also couched in a preceding hour of humor, making it seem a lot more deserved.

I may have been a bit harsh on the man because I also liked the bit about fascism. I'm just so sick of all the melodrama surrounding the Trump win (like fucking Kate McKinnon singing Hallelujah dressed in a pantsuit) that I got slightly triggered when it seemed to invade my Chapo space. The bulk of it seemed so obvious that their audience more than likely already get down with the message. I dunno. I literally just got done listening to it so the comment was full on knee-jerk.

Who could he mean by this?

what exactly is Tracey's game? Is he a lefty or what?

I love Amber
She's a feminist but she isn't annoying about it and she's genuinely funny
Also she's pretty far left and wants to smash capitalism so that helps

is the guy who got fired from vice the other day


This loser got fired from vice and is now basically trying to make a career out of bashing left Twitter lmao

How did he get fired from Vice?

Neither Vice nor Chapo Trap House are for him, and very little in this world is.

It's so typical. I hate being right about bargain-bin SJW-tier stereotypes.

Thanks for introducing me to these guys, OP.

It's nice to hear some down to earth fuckers talking politics instead of establishment robots and alt-right schizophrenics.

He's a leftist he's just a fucking asshole.

He doxxed Lena Dunham, lol.

Vice is so fucking lame now

It was always bad. its a tabloid for hipsters

Once again, proving that stormcucks are politically illiterate

bumping because i just listened to the latest episode

good shit

They make fun of Matt's limp all the time

they all posted on something awful, which is basically the genesis of weird twitter

isn't SA a sjw central?

not 10 years ago

What bar? I'm in Brooklyn too. Let's make it a watering hole of camaraderie.

Back in the day it had a culture similar to 4chen

Amber did great on the newest episode

I like their show a lot, but their politics aren't very good. They all support the DSA and have fairly vague understandings of Marxism, anarchism, and the history of the left.

Why does every SJW with an internet presence originate from that ultimate hotpocket circlejerk?

SA birthed 4chan.

He got fired for exposing that Dunham couldn't have actually voted for Hillary due to her residence. Her house was public info, the subject of numerous news articles.

And he's fucking right. Hundreds of shiteating liberal journalists NEED to get purged for their Clinton shilling.


Yes it did retard. moot was an SA regular and invited other SA weebs to come to 4chan when he first started it. Holla Forums newfags should shut up and lurk more.

Shut the fuck up.

Cum Town is really growing on me guys

Anyone who shite on chapo grey wolves are not my friend

Can you post proof of this? What was their acct names? What episode/twitter posts did they state they were from SA?

Anyone seen the elections special? I was crying with the Dr. Strangelove references.

Also Felix looks good af in an uniform.

Btw had no idea Virgil was asian

There was some great shit early on when Virgil and Amber were added to the crew where people were complaining it was all white.

Virgil played with it a bit, said he was Asian, despite not being constantly moist and covered in ants.

Oh my fuck even the trap house isn't safe from these vermin

Yeah. The New Yorker just put a out a piece on Chapo ( and both liberals and tankies are kind of losing their minds over it.

Shame, user.

Fuck off with the performative "I'm not clicking on that link because it will increase their ad revenue, maaaaan" horseshit.

lol it's not performative at all. Why do you think that's performative? Also, I'm not clicking that link because they measure everything via clickthroughs regardless of ad-revenue. Archive it or don't post it.

what a spineless fuck

if you're going to publicly call someone out as a piece of shit you better be ready to commit to it

why don't you just archive it you lazy faggot

Tankies and liberals are such shitheads
Iyou actually makes me appreciate the tankies we have here

Lol. It's funny that those little Chapo twerps have managed to cozy up to the One-Eyed Kings of twitter-leftists shit mountain enough to start bullying people who accidentally treat them like an outsider. I'm so glad I got out.



our guys


This is the most hilarious part of your movement. It's nothing but a collection of recycled, and garbage memes nobody wants right down the The Hitler and Nazi shit. Do you guys really have that little self awareness?

Why is Virgil so fucking cute?

but they make jews add parentheses to their names on twitter… therefore, they're winning or something


He's right except chapo is actually funny
Under trump it's gonna be a lot Republican bashing and it'll feel kind of like an edgier daily show after a while
Unless a real leftist movement arrives to sweep them up and liberal bashing can be just as prevalent

He's a loser who got humiliated at the ironic twitter stand up event

They're all cowards who are afraid to say LF.


not whatsoever

this is fucking great

The woke libs will be just as irritating under trump.
I feel like they're gonna bully Peter Daou off of twitter.

_Jordan is gonna cry cause people keep sending him pictures of himself

fucking kek he blocked me

How do you skip ahead on SoundCloud? Or is there somewhere else I can go that lets you skip to the middle of a 60 minute recording ffs

Uh you click on the progress bar

It doesn't do anything but bring up singup screen that only allows me to link my facebook account to it, which I'm not doing.

Works fine for me

What browser are you using?

At least for your own fucking safety, get on that shit.



ffs, every time

I'm starting to feel embarrassed for liking this piece of shit.

How can you know them and think they are saying this shit without heavy and fat layers of irony?


It's a joke. Relax.

a new episode was uploaded last night

Why do they have a Daily Beast editor on as a guest?
What is their endgame?


Her articles:

I'm sorry if you are offended but this is also a regular joke on chans in general so you might have to get used to it.

There's some bullshit going on in twitter with (white, mostly male) liberals hating them for being too white and male. Some liberals are comparing them to Trump etc.

She also said she's becoming a communist :v)

No clue but she was trash. Not funny and a complete liberal. Proof

Where is Frost? She's cool.

Yakub joke was great. Matt is a fucking genius.

piece of shit here–i have no problem with this

did you listen to the latest episode? they called matt a fat unemployed loser lol

She was bad. I don't even understand why she was on. She wasn't really that funny or insightful. She's either friends with and/or fucking one of them. Like how do you go from Jeremy Scahill to that?

I honestly didn't think she was that bad, she had a couple of funny quips and showed enough self-awareness to not be a nuisance, we'll see.
I really didn't like that guy Virgil either the first couple of times he was on the show, but I've warmed up to him a bit, I think he can work as a host.

Also, somebody who's actually willing to take this discussion should probably be screaming in your direction that saying she got the job by "fucking one of them" is pretty fucking degrading.

I think maybe you're mistaking the last guest for Amber A'Lee Frost, the new co-host, who wasn't on the last episode?

Ah you're right, my mistake, didn't notice that the new episode was out.

Chapo getting some heat on Twitter again. I want to jump in but I validate so much every single one of the worst stereotypes about the Dirtbeg Left that I don't want to associate things I like with people like me for their own good

oh my god you guys what if we're giving the Left a bad rep?

I hope the Chapo guys don't change the humor or formula because they've got some criticism from butthurt liberals

Holy fucking shit these "feminist" critics are tearing me apart, this shit is so fucking hilarious.

You're thinking of Amber the new co-host she's great
They're talking about the guest

Yeah I realized. Just finished the new episode and the people I responded to were right, completely forgettable.

I bet they will. They're getting criticism from some people on the Left as well, and Will and Felix even RT'd a very shitty article ( which literally complains about the lack of #diversity on the podcast and the "masculinity" of it.

And you can tell that they're becoming increasingly self-conscious as they gain popularity. They seem more and more concerned with gaining approval from clean progressives instead of just being three dipshits with a podcast, which is what makes them good.

A huge mistake, imo. Lack of confidence on your own shit is a scourge in the Left, as it kills creativity and makes everything feel monotonic and homogeneous. The idea of a dirtbag Left is exciting precisely because it means it's assertive, it's righteous in its outrage, so it's willing to get rid of some of the usual norms and procedures. If you try too hard to tame this impulse it starts to come off as calculated and dishonest, as it certainly will if they give these fucking people any attention.

The chapo bois can't fold to these people especially when most of them are clintonite lanyards

I don't think that RT means anything other than an acknowledgement, the hosts have been pretty clear on their attitudes with regards to the whole "toxic masculinity" thing. They've RT'ed stuff that was just hysterical liberals before.
Also, their whole "focusing on issues that actually fucking matter" shtick is too much of a thing for them to conspicuously forget about it in an attempt to suck up to fucking "Elitist is code for cunt" 'progressive leftists'.

whoa i'm #woke now

eve is good people, let's not go down this road

the answer is that they have to line up two guests every week and some are bound to suck. not the end of the world.

That second picture with the skinheads looks cool as fuck though. Bad Propaganda.

This is your brain on fascism.

They don't have to have a guest on, though. It's not like they're beholden to some contractual obligation. They've done shows in the past with just the triumvirate which worked out fine. If the options are no guest or guests of that calibre I'll take no guest every time.

I forgot Holla Forums is the most autistically black and white place on the internet.

Dude you're posting vaporwave pictures of trump, you think dirtbag boneheads look cool, and you post on Holla Forums. I don't think it's that much of a leap to assume you're a fascist. Either way you're an idiot if you think living in filth is cool.


I was posting the trump thing as a cringe image in response to the cringe image the other guy posted. I thought it was more cringey than that picture, unless you think fat old men playing baseball in 80s aesthetic is cool.




wow dude you sure showed us

how big is your daddy trump folder?

as big as the dick that produced you

so nonexistent :^)

What the fuck does this have to with being American?

Generally the only people who think living in squalor is cool or aesthetic are sheltered kids from the cul-de-sac who romanticize it. Everyone I know who actually grew up like that has no desire to go back to that kind of lifestyle.

Because I like being fucking lazy and going on benders faggot.

She's the Lena Dunham of the Twitter Left.

what the hell is GNC now


cum town is just the right amount of offensive and subversive of identity politics but it is still left leaning and legitimately progressive

i'm trying to get into cum town

any recommend eps that i should definitely listen to?

the david cross interview was what hooked me

i think their election episode was great

when it cuts into their real life it's over
they are spineless

What real life?

This is their fulltime job now, they all are heavily involved in DSA and Jacobin's circles.

Blood in Blood out.

The revolution will be podcasted kek

Not money, social status. Idpol people won't give up, the character assassination will break them.

The election episode

I am Iraqi and I think of myself as a bit of a self taught expert on middle eastern geopolitics and I am very happy with the podcasts because of how "leftpilled" these guys are about the wars and the major players. I am so happy, there isn't a hint of the stupid simplistic "USA good arab bad" or vice-versa from them.

Felix in particular I quite like because twice he's mentioned sheikh nimr's death which I assumed no one but shias gave a fuck about. He also seems to have studied shia Islam. I nearly cried laughing at the "let's convert trump to shia Islam" joke in the latest episode

I'm so happy they are giving Americans a proper understand of what's going on

If you don't mind, who was sheikh nimr ? The media doesn't discuss Iraq any more unless it's to talk about a suicide bombing or heroic American heroes heroically helping fight Isis, which mysteriously appeared from nowhere using Muslim magic.


Nimr was actually arabian, part of the small shia minority in the east which the Saudi regime had been systematically denying basic rights forever. Since Wahhabis fucking hate shias so obviously the shia who live in the heart of wahabisiism will have a bad time.

Anyways, nimr was an outspoken critic of the Saudis, and they arrested him shortly after he made this speech on charges of conspiracy

This January he was executed by beheading along with a couple other shia who they claimed were conspiring with him. Currently they are holding a number of youth for engaging in protest who are also set for execution.

If you watch the execution video, as he's being dragged to be beheaded he screams over and over in Arabic "death to all tyrants"

If you live in northern America, his son baqir is studying there and does a lot of events. You might be able to talk to him

They've said in the podcast twice that Felix is learning about the politics of the region so he's self-taught as well.

What tools, sites or books do you guys usually go to learn?

I think I saw a news segment on one of these kids. They got him for simply attending a meeting or something

Felix is definitely a /r/syriancivilwar devotee. And the various different twitters from all over the Middle East give you a good idea of the banter and views among the people from different areas.

For example, this guy

He's a Hezbollah fighter but still has time to shitpost and engage in banter about Shia, Hezbollah and Syria etc.

I think Felix's education on the region is more cultivated by that king of thing than hard academic type stuff.

I'm sincerely starting to think that (in certain topics) knowing where to look for information online and to tell truth from fiction there is almost as valid as proper book-learning tbh.

Rather more so in some cases.Wikipedia for instance is an excellent resource for highly technical subjects and is pretty much a required supplement for today's serious student of math or physics.
Also you can basically learn sophomore orgo exclusively by futzing around on wikipedia and erowid.
The most enthusiastic predictions about the "information age" weren't strictly false. You just need an excellent filter and a certain self-awareness.

By Marx's flowing beard

Thank you for the explanation

That's true. Actually most of my favorite episodes are with no guest. It's clear that they have a lot of anxiety over keeping the show fresh and I'm too invested to not give them some time to figure it out. We'll see how it goes.

She's still good. I mean wasn't she trying to push people's protest votes towards Gloria La Riva? We can't sperg out about stuff like this when someone with a big normie audience is promoting genuine leftist ideas alongside worse idpol shit. Face it, we WILL have to work with these kinds of people if we want to win.

staying within the chapo-sphere, check out @dwdavison9318's curious cat. I think he has some book recommendations in there that are probably worth checking out.

Scahill is so cool. Not only is he an incredible dedicated journalist, he is also exdtremely witty and funny

It's funny how Scahill said that Chapo trap house has lots of Fans in The intercept office. It's funny to think of Greenwald listening to the Chapo analysis of Suicide while in the bus on his way to interview the Brazilian president

Why is Amber so weird looking

Are you sure that's not just a profile pic?

She looks weird in every picture I've seen of her

She's definitely not conventionally beautiful but I actually think she looks cute and her more "wierd" features endearing in that picture

She is weird-looking but I find her really cute and really attractive. Here's video of her, pics don't do justice imo (but she's still weird in video as well)


just found out Frost/Christman is still going on.


That is DeBoer, not Scahill. Scahill got sick and couldn't make it.

Yeah nvm that post I completely mixed things up.

I was scared it got cancelled

They're in another Soundcloud.

Don't get too excited, Matt and Amber still have chemistry of a long elevator ride. The last episode features Will, and it made me realise how essential it is to have Felix or just anyone who can sense an awkward silence coming and jump in before it happens.

Oh come on user, Matt and I have great chemistry.

post feet

they're on the timeline. if you want em then you'll put in the work.

laissez's faire

laissez's faire

laissez's faire

laissez's faire

laissez's faire

laissez's faire

There's a lot of sexual tension between Matt and Amber.

she's cute as hell

The latest ep is very good. They shrug off the whining libs and talk about how useless idpol is in and of itself. With the help of a black guy no less.

Wow the left sure goes out of its way to make itself seem so appealing!

But three are white white, one's questionably Asian, and the other is Jew white
nothing wrong with stealing valor
amazing criticism coming from a Nazi
families should be destroyed
goddamn right, blood in blood out fam

first we'll kill your spooks and then we'll kill you

enjoy the dustbin of history faggot

The id of the left is predicated on destruction and ugliness. Kaczynski was right.

if you hate destruction and ugliness, maybe don't praise a terrorist faggot

just a suggestion

Take the lefty our of Holla Forums if you're looking for the safespace bitch




wtf I feel bad for Holla Forumsyps now

Who is this retard?

i agree that was a shitty point but the rest of what he said about narcissism was roughly accurate, though it sounds like he got that some sam vaknin

does anyone hear pay for the bonus episodes? are they as good as the typical episodes?


Generally speaking, yes. Some of their early ones are weak, though.

yeah i do. sometime the pay episodes are better. it's 5 bucks and you can always cancel whenever. i subscribed like two weeks ago and binged on all the past episodes, thinking if i wasn't happy i'd just cancel.. but i'm keeping it


spooked term t b h

Did the same thing and it's easily worth it tbh. They (chapo) have referred to a dropbox link that's floating around, but 5 dollars really is nothing compared to 1. the "value" for your money, compared to other non-free entertainment is pretty high, and 2. I really don't mind spending 5 dollars a month on something that helps them do more things, pay for expenses, reach more people &c.

That's actually step one of becoming a Full Grey Wolf. Afterwords you'll be asked to take a few oral exams that test your knowledge of Shia Islam and the Frankfurt School, but after that it's just a few weeks of constant violent hazing before you're given access to the deeper mysteries.

This last episode was very interesting, so no matter how much president baby hands moves over to the centre Holla Forums will keep defending him at least that is how prophecies fail

Also what can we do to avoid stroking the aut-right's ego?

It was. The "prophecy" will fail and the excuses are already being readied. (We never thought Trump… / the GOP back-stabbed him…etc.)

Holla Forums just dismisses anything they don't like Trump doing as interdimensional chess that will somehow work out in the end.


Jacobin is trash. Proof that they're Jacobin cucks?

Jacobin is good and they have Jacobin guys on the show.

Jacobin is mediocre at best and that doesn't excuse their support for DSA. Personally not too bothered by it though.

tell us what you read

Last thing I read was their ABCs of Socialism. They've also supported really shitty reformism in past articles, though I guess not every writer is a reflection of the organization.

Just out of curiosity, are you referring to their online content or the magazine? I think the magazine is great but I'm less willing to defend the online content.

Online content.

No, I mean what publications you read regularly.
'Which brings us to the week’s most diverting assault on the Clinton base: a New Yorker profile by Jia Tolentino of the men and woman behind Chapo Trap House, a popular leftist political podcast, unofficially led by Will Menaker, the son of a former publishing executive and New Yorker editor. Calling themselves “The Dirtbag Left,” Tolentino’s subjects say that their political mission is to take aim at the Democratic Party and “offend the sensibilities of the ‘leftist’ language police,” a set of goals that makes them not entirely distinguishable from many on the right. The story was funny and punishing, itself a New Yorker cartoon, bringing to vivid life some of the worst suspicions anyone has ever harbored about the young, well-heeled Hillary-haters who proclaim themselves the true left.

In the piece, Menaker’s colleague Felix Biederman described the podcast’s male listenership (70 to 80 percent) thusly: a guy who “goes downstairs at Thanksgiving, briefly mumbles, ‘Hi,’ everyone asks him how community college is going, he mumbles something about a 2.0 average, goes back upstairs with a loaf of bread and some peanut butter, and gets back to gaming and masturbating.” In perhaps the piece’s most startling example of self-reflexive commentary, Biederman said of Clinton’s Election Night celebration turned funeral at the Javits Center: “This entitled fucking slob … This fucking asshole brought all her donors to have a big party about how great they were. She’s never been a fucking leader, ever, in her life. She just has these fans who are psychologically weak, tormented, elite freaks.”
The peanut-butter gobblers are keen to unleash their righteous rightness, their furious convictions, on the Javits Center crowd — the wealthy donors, sure, but also Mothers of the Movement, the reproductive rights and women’s leaders, the thousands of supporters who had canvassed and phone-banked and gotten out the vote and driven souls to the polls. It could almost be Trump supporters talking, but it’s coming from the people who — though they don’t believe it — may agree with the “elite freaks” about many policy prescriptions and political goals.

Like Sanders, the Chapo guys acknowledge that better representation of women and people of color in the media sphere in which they work is crucial, but seem to exempt themselves from any personal responsibility. “We are literally just dudes who just do this,” Matt Christman told Tolentino, without seeming to have considered that the passive state of being just dudes who just do this — have a podcast, exult in their slackerdom and sloth, and say terrible things about people without fear of repercussion, of arrest, of violence — is predicated on their identities, as economically comfortable white men.'

This faggot Menaker is a regular tribune of the people. Is he gonna gulag mom & pops?

Fuck off Matthew.

So? It's not like he purports to be some salt of the earth prole. There isn't an income limit that excludes someone from being a leftist. Engels owned a factory ffs.


He's joked about being from a muh privileged background before. How is this news?

Where exactly where they blown the fuck out?
that whole article seems like nothing but impotent whining to be.

Engels needed a bullet in the back of the neck behind the chemical sheds t b h

Not very familiar with Socialist organizations but is DSA legit? Seeing a lot of Chapo listeners on my feed talking about it. I know a lot of you talk shit on Socialist Alternative and whatnot so I'm always skeptical.

Saw Todd Hitler shittalking it, that's all I've seen about it though.

It's a SocDem organization.

They're one of the worst actually.

Any examples or is it just because they're SocDem?

that twitter is wild

Hot though


weird shia twitter is fucking crazy

From what I understand they are really focused on entryism through the Democratic party which I think is pretty much useless. They don't really have any intention on building a party outside of the Dems right now.

Most of the people in DSA are pretty cool tho. If you're looking to meet some like-minded people it's not the worst thing somebody could get involved with.

I want to find the origin of that bottom pic, but I don't want to go from a algorithm-generated NSA list to manualyl-handled and individually-observed FBI list.

If I'm being honest, they sometimes have some good articles. I think they occupy an important space where they popularize some socialist ideas as not this scary specter of Soviet style purges but rather run of the mill democracy. Like many others, they're good at getting libs and weak lefties on board and engaged with socialist material.

But holy shit, they're all pretentious cucks. They're release parties are absolute condescending shit. At their most recent one, they had a huge room of people, probably their biggest crowd yet, and that failure of a writer Seth Ackerman gave the most bloated, boring, monotone "talk" ever. They had an opportunity to rile up people and actually organize, or direct people to organizing groups, but instead they had that cumstain of a human drone on and on about his shitty article, and everyone on twitter couldn't help but jack themselves off about how great it was that they had such a big crowd. But they blew it. They wasted the energy and potential. At least Richard Wolff moves people to action.

No, they're not. They'll fall right into the trap of passive "we don't care about any of this shit anymore" acceptance of imperial war propaganda.

Though I suppose maybe that might still make them 'your guys', but it certainly won't make them mine.

Also, the last thing we need are more limp dick PhD cucks writing shitty discourse on history or thinkpieces on current affairs when they could be agitating and using their positions as a valuable way to actually move discourse leftwards instead of as a way to pad their resume and act as an intellectual cialis.

is this, dare I say, leftypols first eceleb whores?

Nah, we already have tripniggers

That would be like calling Alex Jones a Holla Forums e-celeb. These dudes are probably only vaguely aware we exist.

chill out cunt, it's an aesthetic picture, is right

As much as I like what the Lumpen/Dirtbag Left is currently doing, do you guys also feel that there's too much criticism and not enough concrete demands, proposals and so on?

I understand that our goal right now should be to win the culture wars and to attack conservatives, liberals and the establishment, but I'm also worried about what's our long-term game plan.

I can already see this Left we're building receiving, a few years from now, a sudden upsurge of popular support and not knowing what to do with it, and wasting it all like the 60's and 70's New Left did.

New episode today right? What time usually?

Their latest ep was uploaded 3 days ago

We haven't even gotten to this point yet. The left is all but dead in the West, we're still working on getting our foot in the door without getting screeched at about niggers and 100 gorillions.

not til wednesday

Honestly I think we're at the beginnings of a fifty year period of reorganization. Which isn't to say that we can't make progressive, concrete demands, just that the left in its current form has been utterly devastated, and many of the people gravitating to it now are, to put it lightly, disoriented.

yo we are going to see the rebirth of radical leftism, we are living in the best time.



He is going to have to deal with an economic crisis that make Barack's 2008-9 look like nothing. We are seeing an upsurge in labor organization that will function to challenge the new even more business friendly administration, and they will no longer be held back by being beholden to the democratic party.

And Bernie now has a national voice to directly attack trump and capitalism within the democratic party. he knew they couldn't win without him and has positioned himself as trumps key rival, the farthest left politician in the senate.


He will cuck out just like he has done his entire life

Lmao the author keeps flipping back and forth ok how self-aware an unapologetic male leftist can be in 2016 and tries to have it both ways by suggesting that they're being self-aware on accident.

if you look at how Holla Forums is reacting to trump giving a literal goldman sachs banker and employee of george soros the head of the treasury dep. you'll see what the "when prophecy fails" argument means when it comes to trump

they are just doubling down, it's about more than politics at this stage


Is Phil autistic? I'm not even asking this rhetorically

where is the new episode REEEEEEEEEEEE

Yes. Does he even have a point throughout the entire convo?

When is the new episode dropping? Anyone know?

one hour ago

oh its premium fugg

somebody could always post it here

but you wanted private property and shit

fuck intellectual property!ZpVXSLaC!aLh8JKRU0iq8uLzbNVHlAGZ8_wbuJo1802S4sMHeFY4

left over from shit posting my property :)

awesome thanks!

So I've been planning on getting into Traphouse, but is this a bad episode for an introduction?

If you could upload the recording of their live show we third world poorfags would love you forever.

Not really since they reference a lot of past stuff, episode 52 is the best to start with right now.

not their best really tbh

holy fuck

Thanks comrade


Thanks man. I swear I'll give these cucks money as soon as $10 is no longer almost 50 bucks where I live.


Chapo is like Arrested Development in leftist podcast form. Also you need to follow them on twitter to understand some stuff too. Stuff like Peter Daou or Arthur Chu jokes will be lost on you if you don't.

amber's laugh is qt

Just listened to the new episode.

I really fucking love Amber, as a writer, a member of the podcast and as Twitter person, but she has a really shitty habit of kind of interrupting others in the middle of the jokes. It's particularly bad when she does it to Felix, because he talks like a retard and takes forever to get to the punchlines, so it ruins the timing.

I'm mentally excusing her by telling myself she's only been on the a couple of times, compared to the original triumvirate's 60+.

Podcast, of course.

Bug the cutie on Twitter about it

does felix have a speech impediment or what

This is my biggest problem when I'm on the radio or podcasts or whatever. I end up talking over the other person all the fucking time ruining the flow. It's hard because your always aware to not allow "dead air" but often you just get too eager.

I think it's largely just something you learn over time when you get better and better at it.

They interrupt each other all the time tho, Matt does it a lot

The knockout game will do that to you

I hope. Fucking Opie didn't learn in twenty years.

I also think being in the same room helps, I have close family that has been on national (yurop national, so more like statewide in American context) radio, and sound quality isn't the only reason that guests always are invited into the studio. It just helps the flow of conversation a lot when you're sitting face to face, body and facial cues and all that.

Probably something minor. I have a small speech impediment as well and I also speak slowly so I don't fuck things up.

is she asian or nah

Jim hasn't really learned how to do good radio either. Did you listen to Nick Mullen's appearance on Jim & Sam the other day? Jim completely ruined it.

Nah, only listened to a few shows after Ant left. But I love Mullen so I might give it a go.


matt does it too, and when i first started listening it annoyed me, although his is excusable because he's on skype or something

i haven't really noticed it with amber

She's one of those weird looking girls who's just mad fuckable, DSA are cointelpro though



Cool your boots fam

I'm going to become a famous leftist writer and then Amber will be my gf

I wonder who here hasn't said that one day

All this memeing about the fun S O C O O L hosts and pretending they're your friends


uh ITT

I don't see a cult of personality.

New episode on folks.

15 min in and I already want to punch the guest.

Want it cycled?

Looks like a gelfing tbh fam


What's so bad about him?

theshrillest was on for like 10 minutes and said maybe 5 things lol

They should stop trying to force a guest on every week.

any notice that in his new song Burial uses the same laughing sample Chapo use for their transitions sometimes?

I just hate when the guests speak with the same cadence and rhythm of a kid forced into a school play bc it destroys the energy and flow of the show

In theory I like the idea of having guests and giving all the many left-of-liberal people out there a platform, but why do so many of these people suck at talking? Is left-Twitter basically therapy group for people with speech impediments?

Blood in, blood out

What did she mean by this?

amber is quite bad at talking. shes a sweetie though

Idk the one that sounds like he's doing a bernie sanders impersonation all the time annoys me the most

SuccessFail: The McMegan Story feat. @TheShrillest (12/4/16)

Yeah, if you don't people will probably just end up making a new thread every time a new episodes out as an excuse.

yes please

Last episode was so good. Interview at the beginning was boring but book review ruled.

i like the book reports

Bumping this too. I went to the bar after their first live show in Gowanus. I'd like to know some of the better spots in BK to drink at.