Holla Forums, I've been lurking here for a few months, and I must say: I'm impressed

Holla Forums, I've been lurking here for a few months, and I must say: I'm impressed.

I'm impressed with how committed everyone has become to the far-right circlejerk while NEVER breaking character. I mean, it's obvious that no one here actually believes the reactionary stuff they espouse here (I mean, does anyone REALLY identify as a Nazi or Templar in 2017?), so that makes the charade all the more remarkable.

Indeed, I'm certain that everyone is so in-character that nearly every comment on this post is going to be calling me a shill or low-quality bait, but that is only a testament to how devoted everyone is to maintaining this appearance. Don't get me wrong, I'm as much of a leftist as anyone else here is (proudly voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 U.S. primary and Hillary Clinton in the general), but it is fun to come on here and laugh and how "radical" everyone pretends to be.

Keep up the good work!

Fuck off ((berniebro))

You're correct. The biggest secret of Holla Forums is that 90% of users are middle-aged soccer moms and retired strippers, the other 10% is non-whites LARPing as natsoc. Why don't you know this?

low quality sage alert

No it's half White Nationalists, one quarter FBI/CIAniggers, and one quarter leftist shill faggots like yourself.

yah ha ha we're total fools

pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


I understand user. It's the last defense of your psyche, you can no longer fathom people having opinions other than yours. On top of that, you're brain has realized by now (you might not be affected by lurking here, but ya brain was) that your own ideology is flawed as fuck. But you're already too far gone, your body would self-shutdown if confronted. So now your brain has come up with something else, a new survival-tactic, just not believing the world anymore.

Low quality bait, shill.

But then I run the risk of killing myself, and I certainly don't want to do that.

All of these people falling for the bait is so good. Can't wait to see the rest of this shitstorm play out.

Yes, that's why we all come here.

This is, obviously, a slide thread.

However, OP does mention an important aspect of this board that SHOULD be talked about, because we DO have natsorc roleplayers and shitskins pretending to be white here.

I can only laugh.

You probably know one or two anons IRL who pose as berniebros, the people around me have no fucking clue what I know. we're all riding the same populist wave, idiot.

Gr8 b8

Hi Holla Forums.

You shills are just getting tricked by our wizards fucking with your data mining again.

We're all leftist perverts and loser nerds that masturbate to hentai all day. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go smoke marijuana and play Magic the Gathering™ with local Spaniards. But first, I wanted to take a moment to remind you that Holla Forums loves freestyle poetry, and that our primary recruitment grounds are poetry slams.

T. capitalist retard.

Go learn the difference between Marxian socialism and Austrian National Socialism. Between Keynesian economics and Austrian economics. Until then, back to cuckit.

We all know this is really the Intelligence Communities' informal shitposting imageboard, Dave, but just mentioning it outright ruins the joke.

Its Reddit or some paid shill. They try to push this line on cuckchan too and it always blows up into like 300 post threads when everyone gets asspained. Just fucking report it, dont post, even if you sage post some other retard replies to you without a sage on.

The face in the picture is supposed to aggravate and provoke. Just remember that at the end goal of these little games is white genocide, and no matter how innocent or small it might seem for this OP to make this post, hes effectively cutting white childrens throats little by little, and should be treated as such.

Nazis? No , we are much MUCH scarier than Nazis
Your papers please

Who would reply to you without their sage on, user?

Get gassed, faggot.

Holla Forums, I've been lurking here for a few months, and I must say: I'm impressed.

I'm impressed with how committed everyone has become to the far-left circlejerk while NEVER breaking character. I mean, it's obvious that no one here actually believes the Marxist stuff they espouse here (I mean, does anyone REALLY identify as an antifascist or transfaggot in 2017?), so that makes the charade all the more remarkable.

Indeed, I'm certain that everyone is so in-character that nearly every comment on this post is going to be calling me a Hitler-lover or low-quality bait, but that is only a testament to how devoted everyone is to maintaining this appearance. Don't get me wrong, I'm as much of a National Socialist as anyone else here is (proudly voted for Donald J Trump in the 2016 U.S. primary and Donald J Trump in the general), but it is fun to come on here and laugh and how "radical" everyone pretends to be.

Keep up the good work!

Nice blog post.