Most of BioWare's junk, Bioshock, and other vidya MSM darlings aren't on the list of course. But the rest?
List games that came out during 2006-2016 with actually have good writing or narratives
Mgs 5, i guess.
Yakuza games (not sure when yakuza 1 came out, i think it was post 2005)
Fuck, i meant 4. 5 was a disaster
papers please
Better than
Never played it myself but I've heard 999 has a good story.
Red Dead Redemption?
The writing of Metal Gear went to complete shit after Tomokazu Fukushima left, with Kojima and Shuyo Murata taking full control starting with 4.
>inb4 sonygger
Steins Gate
Ar nosurge
Resonance of fate
Dragons dogma
I could name a bunch of Japanese games but what would be the point? Normalfags don't play them (which is likely why they're so good).
Stop playing mainstream shite.
Ah yeah that's one Western game with actually good writing.
Nah Peace Walker is Pretty good as is MGR:R
Well Charles Barkley Gaiden had a great story
Fighting to save japan from the jewish pseudo gods, what can be better narrative?
Is that one of the SMTs with Yahweh
The evil route in Alpha Protocol is so good.
Taunting Albatross and telling him killing a little girl felt so good.
I havn't played 1 but I highly doubt that some of the worst stories in Vidya would be in the same series as one with a good narrattive
Because executing some slut who was just trying to kill you is evil? I was good I just chose to shoot that bitch in the head. That's what you get bitch. Pretty two dimensional thinking to say "good and evil" in that game.
Read a book once in your life.
They honestly can't.
Stein's Gate isn't a videogame Though I am enjoying it right now
Deadly Premonition, everything Kojima. Because weird Japanese stuff can at least pretend to be doing it on purpose.
But don't make the mistake of looking for big loads of words, to define narratives. Subtle approaches like Dark Soul's worldbuilding write as much of a story, as Bioware's word salads. If anything, this approach understands that slapping a book on a screen is not the best way to convey stories visually.
1. Popular narrative is just a socialization tool, actual artistic merit is zero. We're not in the 18th century anymore, when people thought people capable of writing books were all with the wisdom of gods. Books are sold on the same shelf as papers and snacks.
2. Reading actual classics is both presumptous and hypocrite. People who do, are social signaling they're getting closer to the big shots and growing as people. But they're just looking at works they would never be able to write in the first place, as if ignorants looking at the Sistine Chapel were magically be made smarter.
Sorry to blow your tiny brain but people can enjoy reading and playing video games.
Also there are lots of games with interesting narrative and characters. It's just that they don't sell millions and aren't mainstream.
Red Dead Redemption. Can't remember the last time I cried during a game
Your post is detrimental to your argument. lrn 2 englsih.
How about…
Ghost Trick
NWN 2 - MoTB
Good point.
There a thousands of games with better story than Harry Potter or Ready player one.
Most popular fiction isn't really outstanding.
Typical video gaymer trying to justify his brain rotting "hobby".
Cry more.
Did I say literary master piece? Just a good story better than anything you find in movie theatres or the front of book stores.
I thought GTA IV wasn't too bad, in the sense they managed to build characters that had some depth and backstories, set a mood and build a rather good story of betrayals and shit. Probably complimented by the whole style of the game, the cold graphics tone help create the mood and the "difficulty" curve embraces the story pretty well culminating in a battle across half of LC.
That's quite an arbitrary time frame though, across all their history video games weren't exactly known for their good writing.
Most of the recent GTA protags since Vice City have been pretty good. At least developed. Even GTA V's homages to past GTA games.
I chuckled.
The Witcher 3 obviously. Especially the side quests and Hearts of Stone
I love ME1, but I have no problem saying it had mediocre gameplay with a mediocre story. The characters and the setting carried that game.
And the soundtrack.
Ofcourse ME2 catered to the mainstream with more classic orchestral music.
I keep hearing pic related has great writing, but I haven't gotten around to playing it myself.
Pic related is one, but if you're playing video games for writing and story then you really should go to a different medium.
Back in the day most games didn't even have a story.
The writing in the base game is absolutely shit but the writers somehow learned to write again in Hearts of Stone. I still believe that Geralt should really be just an observer than anything more in the games.
I heard good things but I spoiled myself on it thanks to Zero Time Dilemma. 999's still really damn good.
The expansions were so much better than the main game. I hope they'll carry those lessons with them into Cyberpunk 2077.
Social signaling exposed, the only goal of the reading club is to pretend they're becoming bigger and better. Next stop is social justice of course, since the good fellas are always on a mission.
Smh tbh fam
Something tells me you can't read past nigger level books. I bet you're into capeshit too.
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Ah the "text is superior" meme. Been exactly 0 days since I last saw that one. List some of your "superior" media please, I'd love to see what form of indoctrination pill you've swallowed; my money is on Holla Forums-tier alt-right garbage.
Watch this guy go full retard and name off a few classics and Shakespeare, as if any of that writing is still relevant past the historical significance.
Darkness, 2007. One of the first games i played on my 360. Blew my fucking mind with its narrative and overall atmosphere. Game's a regular item in the feel threads too and for a good reason. Jenny, neva 4get ;_;
Hub area was so damn comfy in that game and the amount of attention devs put into small details is staggering. One of the best singleplayer fpses i've ever played period.
Age of Decadence
Deadly Premonition
Nevermind the exploration and analysis of concepts like loyalty, love, despair, death, and fate commonly found in Shakespeare's works. There's a reason (classic) literature is still studied and existent today. You seem to be missing the point of reading beyond an elementary level. I mean, I understand if you're just that retarded but please don't wave off monumental things beyond your reach. It makes you look incredibly ignorant.
So when is this going to get ported
Shakespeare's works aren't even meant to be viewed as text anyway, they're meant to be performed and watched. You both fucked up. Shakespeare is an example of why text is not superior.
Unlike bethesda, the people at CRPR are capable of learning, that's why the expansions wore better than the main game. I have no doubt that they'll look over every complaint and try to avoid it with cyberpunk
Not necessarily. Even in text there's great care in the composition of every line and the diction found within it. You're also forgetting that he wrote these little things called sonnets that are open to just as much study in text form. Try again.
They lost the source code, so
never ever
4 was even worse.
I thought it was
That's what usually goes on with people like that.
The problem with this is that most of the people discussing this all are only adept in one area and don't know what the other media has to offer. And even if they do offer some examples, people will just shoot it down to make the other person feel bad or themselves intellectually superior.
People need to give examples to why they think something is a good narrative. And if someone were to counter that, then they should also declare why a certain game has a good narrative. Or we just shouldn't compare narratives across mediums because they all have different techniques to telling stories.
Saying that, I really enjoyed what Soul Sacrifice Delta and FF12 had to offer. In both games, the bestiary gives you tons of insight on the world. Tons of world building is done in both of these games by just observing the background of the things you kill. Like how a man became a monster due to gluttony in SSD or how espers battled with the gods and lost. Too bad 12 has Vaan and Penelo that add almost nothing to the games besides just being young and ignorant. On one hand, it does give a view of someone who's getting redpilled about the politics of his country and the view of a guy who saw everything go to shit because he was involved in it.
The Desolate Hope
2006 you say? I got you covered, buddy.
How does this fucking happen?
how are you PC gamers always port begging even when the thread has nothing to do with it
Don't forget other movieshit. Like White Guilt movies.