Thoughts? Even if the media tries to spin this in a negative view, most people will find this funny. It's not destruction of property since even superglue can be removed with a nail polish remover. In fact, it will make the leftists go so wild they will end up causing destruction of property themselves.
Make Statues Great Again!
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Bump for lols
you realize they aren't cheap right?
Also glue isn't going to gold them on.
Overall this is a shitty idea and should'nt have been posted on here in the first place. Lurk moar faggot
Not a bad idea actually, it would be damn funny to see MLK's tiny negro head with a maga hat on it. However you would definitely be charged with destruction of property (or whatever) if caught, the technicality that glue can be removed wouldn't protect you.
This. Better bolt that shit on user
Great idea
Do you have better ideas kike?
Why not weld metal MAGA hats to shitty statues?
counter bullshit 'art' with wonderful american valued art
Right-wing nerds:
Is the right-wing a paper tiger? Be honest with yourselves.
This isn't going to get as much publicity as you guys are thinking, its better to do grassroots level movements (posters, pamphlets, etc) then this to get new people in the movement, its a better use of time and recources
mommy and daddy will ground you if they know. No more credit card
That would take time to do. I was thinking more like applying the glue inside the hat at the top and all around the side of it, going in, putting it on the statue and bolting the fuck out. Preferably at night time.
Some of thm on ebay cost around 2 dollars. Maybe a thrift store has them even cheaper.
Imagine normal people going to work in the morning seeing it. They would tweet about it. Other's would be laughing, others would be fuming. If it's done in enough statues around the country it will work. But it would mean a great deal of coordination on our part.
Defacing it this way should be illegal i think, so if you do this you shouldn't post about it. Might as well use wheatpaste and put a sticker with "CAPITALISM PAID FOR THIS", "KIKE" or "ALT-LEFT" on it like the other thread suggested. Though truthfully i don't know if it will create enough butthurt to be worth it.
You think people on here even have the courage to glue hats on statues?
And then what
Work how? What is going to happen?
But it would mean a great deal of coordination on our part.
You would have to leave the house yeah that's more coordination than you can handle.
Don't you have some gluing to do?
Even better. We don't want anyone getting in trouble.
If we did it one night on ten statues accross ten states, I suspect it would be picked up by the media. We can alternatively even push it to the media by using the classic fake twitter accounts with a smart hashtag meme.
FOR WHAT. What do you achieve. What do you get out of it other than looking like bigger nerds than you already do.
CHARLOTTE NC ANONS there's a ghandi statue near the court house in downtown that needs some love
Calm down FBI.
Don't you have a bull to prep?
this is a much better idea, the problem is that they're made of metal so you would have to smash they base and throw it in a bed of a truck with a friend, make sure you have your license plates off for the smashing though though
Holla Forums activism has been using posters for years, its partly why the alt-kike movement got so big
What means?
You shills are so fucking obvious. It's a smart, legal way to cause a reaction. It will make some of the less retarded leftists to reflect on their whole movement. Subtlety is key here.
I'm okay with posters too but no tearing down statues, no beaking anything, no causing trouble. A Civil war in America wouldn't benefit anyone even if we know we will win it. The idea is to continue redpiling everyone without any bloodshed or civil unrest. We are not leftist savages.
what can a blowtorch do? or a corrosive acid that eats off the metal?
to make this less of a shitshow, i'd put yellow tapes around the statue indicating that the "state is working on it" so people won't trespass and touch the thing, throw in a bottle of corrosive acid and run away, hoping that no moron will come to contact with the statue.
What about a corrosive substance? Maybe some chemanon can weigh in on this?
Or superglue glitter
I'd reckon that nitric acid or aqua regia might work
Spray a little water on it then toss some glitter on and that bitch will be sparkling like a faggot for weeks as they try to remove every little speck.
yes letting the idols of our enemies remain intact while they get our statues destroyed by either vandalizing it or screeching to the government for removal is a "smart" move alright, you're losing the culture war you fucking imbecile, this is what cuckolds actually do.
legal does not define effectiveness, statistically you're a failure in comparison to the left, your way of thinking is cancerous and you should probably kill yourself for even going down that pathway.
The irony.
You will never make a difference because you are no different, and that's why communism fails. You're only capable of destroying, which is why you starve.
nitric acid should definitely cause damage.
Aren't maga hats like $20 a piece?
You can even claim to be a leftist and that you're making the statue more LQBTBBQ-friendly.
It would be hilarious to watch them clean that shit for weeks
No matter what you do, what fortress you build or where you are, we will always destroy it and you.
As of now, pretty much. The right, that is to say the racially aware, are too few in number to effect change in any but the most circumspect ways. We have no legal protection, no institutions that back us, no NGO's with any lobbying power that back us, and no significant funding. Plus the entire world hates us. So we work with what we can.
brand new official ones maybe. older ones from ebay won't be that expensive. I've found some that are $2
See guys? Thtat's what I am talking about. Leftist are freaking out just by the though of it. Imagine if we actually pull this off. SJWs would be pulling their their hair out of anger. Think of the lols!
And with an additional 14/15 dollars you can do a permanent damage to the statue by purchasing nitric acid.
Nah, you'll destroy yourselves like you did with the USSR, Communist Spain, and Venezuela. Considering that you advocate and fund your own members to castrate themselves while aborting babies. You're pathetic animals who do everything they can to gimp themselves while displaying little restraint.
The reason why you're doing this is because we permit you too. We're not pathetic cretins like you.
Don't do this guys, you know the media will freak the fuck out and it'll make Trump look bad.
Makes me wonder sometimes though, would the media rage if Antifa defaced an MLK statue?
Yea they will say something like "Nazis planting MAGA hats on MLK statues". Most people will think "wait a minute". The left is tearing them down and it's okay, yet the media is freaking out over a hat?"
That's cute, you're *permitting* us punch you in the fucking face and brake everything you love. lmao gotta find someway to feel like the strong man huh?
you don't belong here, back to reddit.
trump ALREADY looks bad to the media you fucking retard, this is a war on the left now, this has nothing to do with trump.
Yeah, really makes me ponder how much Antifa can get away with. The media isn't upset about them beating people in the streets with sticks. The media seems to be supportive of them ripping down statues. I wonder how supportive.
The law will handle it, not us. We're more patriotic than you self-destructive losers ever will be in your lifetime.
Nice spelling error too, I guess your toilet paper degree for uni didn't help. lol
I think it would be the same category as graffiti
Exactly. If we cause them to freak the fuck out, like the leftist on this board already are, we have won another battle. The media will dig their own holes if they try to turn this against us.
Also, maybe blow up some government buildings while where at it?
Depends. If the antifa in question are white, then they'll be castitavistockd as ignorant privileged whites. If they're black, then everyone will humm and haww and try to forget about it, the same that always happens when niggers commit unspeakable crimes.
Who the fuck cares? Hes already the president of the fucking most powerful country on earth. Its only the jews that will get butthurt
It's like you can't understand what I'm saying.
I don't disagree with you but fuck off with the ironic shitposting.
Sorry, I don't speak hebrew.
So MAGA hats, wheatpaste and midnight OPS. Go in, plant the hat, get out. Anyone want to start gathering intel on statue locations? Preferably different states.
Super glue doesn't bond so well to metal. Maybe some kind of epoxy would be better.
I'm gonna go on record and say that if you're afraid of cops/alphabet men you are a pussy ass bitch coward.
Can be done with stickers too. Or even Posters.
this, commies don't understand hypocrisy, but normies(some) do
What are you, a pussy ass coward? Do exactly as i say now, also post when and where. kek
Oh shit. That's my old school, university of south Florida! Should I give it a good whack or two?
No stupid, you put another hat in his ass this time.
It does not even need to make sense, as we all know that the leftards will figure out some explanation for us
look at this Holla Forums faggot LARPing
Put a hat on it. Use a wheatpaste so that it doesn't fall off, or it doesn't come off easily, but it will also not cause any damage to it whatsoever. Don't do it in front of others. Or if you want it easymode, glue a MAGA sticker on it's forehead.
We're gonna need money, fire up the gofundme.
HAHA that would be awesome too if we had the funds.
How to Make a Thermal Lance Kit
Epic outdated reverse pysops you got there, you fucking kike.
pic related, it's you not knowing what to do while on damage control;
the use of a tactic by the enemy legitimizes our use of it. since it would be impossible to remove statues through the state/city legislature, we have to use some other means, whatever they may be.
I'd rather have 10 autists doing subtle redpilling on the masses than one autist doing something drastic and cause another shitstorm. All of us here became redpilled by facts and sensibility and that's how we should redpill the others. We know the left is driven by "muh emotions" so we turn it in our favor.
You were redpilled because you're a nerdy internet loser no nuts that feels emasculated by women that are better than you and black guys that have bigger dicks than you.
you might just be retarded. it's hard to distinguish your type from Leftards. it's not that destroying them makes you part of Holla Forums, it's the overt call to violent action against inanimate objects that really makes your true colors show. who's tactics mimic ISIS again - is it NatSocs or (((commies)))?
Exactly, in the end of the day, Hitler didn't rise to power by destroying things. He did it by getting the people on his side. He related to people's feelings and showed them that this was the best way. He only killed his opponents AFTER gaining power and the united support of his people. If the Night of The Long Knives took place when he was a nobody, he would have never achieved what he did. We need to be smart.
You know nothing about me Goym. You know nothing about yourself either. You are just a puppet and Soros has his hand way up your ass fiddling with your prostate.
Subtle redpilling is the most inefficient tool you could ever use when you know that your opponent is using something much more innovative and advanced to spread their bluepills.
the study of imagery and also the mastery of persuasion is the only thing you need to be efficient at what you do, and by having those 2 skillsets you will eventually conclude that it is much easier to remove their historical representations and outnumbering them with our historical representations when compared to circlejerking with weaponized retards stamping black and white A4 posters on a wall, the only way to play the real game is by knowing that you can alter statistics, not individually working with a fraction of those numbers.
killer irony, to bad that irony didn't make you kill yourself yet.
This meme is perhaps the most petty shit right-wing internet nerds have ever come up with. Its inline with that old meme "when white people are gone the world will go to shit so screw you n-words lol". It's the most pathetic petty white people shit imaginable. Basically saying "even if I lose, I win" or "If I lose you will too", self-important faggotry.
Let's get this shit straight. Even if your fantasies about "useful idiots" is right it doesn't change the fact that you are fucking pussy coward that doesn't have even a fraction of the courage the average leftist has to beat down, shut down and march on the enemy. The left is the real might-is-right force in politics and no rich Jew conspiracy theory or petty "useful idiots" meme will ever change this.
okay one of you autists, and I mean ONE AND ONLY ONE, go put a MAGA hat on a statue. We'll see what the ensuing consequences are after fact, and decide whether it's a tactic worth pursuing.
They won't even do that though.
Stop watering down things for the Alt-kike. Overall I give you a 5/10 for the idea. If you actually do that you better pray the superglue actually pastes your hat
honestly this reddit invasion has made the majority on this board a bunch of betacuck faggots, everytime you bring something up thats actually a GOOD idea, some random redditor faggot comes out of nowhere and posts "NICE TRY FBI"
every single time.
because of the reddit invasion we became more pathetic than those faggots wearing epic fail masks with lgbt armbands.
Its half shills, half leddit fags that are too scared to put a hat and a sticker on a statue
I would tend to agree except for the two following facts:
1) leftists already associate Trumpism with Nazism
2) if the media attacks the perpetrator for the MAGA hat, they'll continue to look like the insufferable jews they are. A wehrmacht hat would not only be very expensive, but would actually gives these mediatic kikes legitimacy.
I agree with you, but then you post an anime picture as you say that. Do you not see the pharisaicalness in that?
Then the cheap option would be a swastika arm band. If you search in the right places, you can find them cheaper than a MAGA hat. Watering down stuff will not work here. Armband and hexagram or it's not going to redpill anyone
I'm researching for one that is accessible but also on a place where it can be seen by many. The one in DC is tall and hard to reach. It would be too dangerous to climb. The one of Lenin in Seattle is too tall as well.
Boy you love that word, huh? Did you just learn it?
Well Holla Forums has never been a good place to actually organize anything irl. It's an anonymous imageboard, which pretty much means it's by design incapable of producing focused, coordinated action OUTSIDE of the boundaries on the internet. No one has any idea who they're talking to, where they are, or whether they're trustworthy, hence half the comments in any thread are people accusing each other of being kikes.
Here you faggots go, the final solution
also an update/fix
needle not needed, just put a very strong glue, if someone pulls the hat out of anger, the bag will tear itself apart as the glue will pull it back to the statue and so the acid will spill and the butthurt liberal removing the MAGA hat will be blamed, end of story.
swastikas themselves will not redpill anyone either. I thought the point of this was to piss off media jews and communists. Their overreaction would be the redpill, and that's why MAGA gear is superior. For normies, their reactions would not be exaggerated if it were nazi gear. Thus the project would fail. I'm all for the "fuck PR" stance, but only when it benefits us. For example, when kkk members in the early 2000s' would go around acting like hooligans, it was seldom helping our cause. It was not until self-respecting younger men in suits took to the streets. Same symbols, but in this case the PR helped. Self-respect and self-worth is already the greatest redpill. Live superior lives to those around you, and when others ask: "how do you do have a loving wife, three kids, a stable job, a nice house, intelligence…" respond by advocating for nazism and how it has helped you forge your life in a manner superior to other philosophies.
good job user, but my question to everyone is what would be the implications if one were to put these symbols on statues of confederate/right-wing american heroes.
adding an update, encouraging anons to add on too so we can have a good prototype
Fuck that. You really want to make klkes sweat? Put stars of david on leftist statues.
Is anyone close to this address?
Martin Luther King Jr. Park
1702 N. Broadway St.
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
39°47′27″N 86°08′47″W
There is the statue in picture. Someone could put a hat (that has glue all over the inside of it on MLK's hand, as if he is giving it to JFK or vice versa.
Don't verify if you are there actually. If you are and you want to do this kek's blessings upon you!
Or put it on the head of that girl with the bull and an antifa sticker on the bull's asshole.
Whatever, either way you faggots are not going to do shit. muh PR has never helped anyone, just looking at Europe will make you realize that, at most, the MAGA hat will make them mad. Place a simple swastika armband and it will make them sweat and scream "muh 6 gorillion" all week. Place the star of David and (((echoes))) in the leftist statues and Hebraic screeching will be heard from miles away for months.
This kike has been posting this in all the statue threads. Do not do this.
Those only need to have their hand cut and glued back with a 90º twist
why not just use spray paint and draw some swastikas?
This. Everyone who has read Mein Kampf knows why.
Also, "Alt-Left" for additional assburst of the week. This has made them really pissed recently because they were coined by a term they didn't come up with themselves.
Fucking this.
we have a winner
If using spray foam, it is better to tie hat somehow down.
Holy projection batman!
What kind of statue though?
Why not just take down or destroy lefty statues? There are plenty of threads about lefties taking down confederate statues and you propose gluing hats of a moderate on, as retaliation? Why not M43s or visor caps? Or just knock them down?
Welcome to the thread, Rabbi Goldberg!
That could work too. Another great high impact location would be this memorial. It's The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. Just it's title is a middle finger to all those angry SJWs and antifas who LARP about being badass. It's located in Atlanta, Georgia.
A statue of Lenin, or MLK, or the girl with the bull statue or any statue that has some sort of value to the leftists. But not one that is too tall or too dangerous to get to.
and remember to use wheatpaste + hat or stickers or posters. Don't use superglue or anything that could damage the statue. I don't want anyone causing damage to public property.
You realize some of us are millionaires right?
'gold them on'… you really do have money on your bean. Must be a Jew and with that weak black pill.It's not meant to be forever, just enough to get notice so jimmy's are rustled.
My sides, also, the irony of making a non-violent, non-damaging statement there and having the kikes shriek about it while their own are violently removing statues would be impressive.