I think the bob finally said fuck it, his source is up and this was the website last night if anyone cares to read more of "bob's rants" : archive.is
source: github.com
I am going to try and finish it for him, so expect lots of updates itt or on one of the many Holla Forums approved github alternatives.
Bob's Game Is Out (kind of)
bob pls go
b-but you can right now user
bactually trying to see if you can, I don't know how the fuck IDEs work
Chris's life has taken an extremely dark turn
also who was 1bil GET?
so it isn't finished?
i havent heard much about bob's game so can someone tell me the gist of it?
from what i am reading of the rant it just seems… sad
The meditation songs only worked to grow breasts. He had to be more proactive about the taint
Sissy hypno claims another victim.
He made a video game, locked himself in his room as a "protest", became homeless, and now this.
there's a lot in the middle I blew over, you can find an even longer rant somewhere if you google this, the PDF is too big for 8ch.
also don't think he's homeless anymore since there's no "i need money" shit.
what the hell who's even going to remember this guy on this board
Who's Bob?
Did I miss something?
you missed some good shit in '08-'09 tbh lad.
I guess it's the price I have to pay for deciding not to go on 4chan and stay on my regional chan
oh well
LOL never heard about this guy but apparently he have a lengthy past making the game, he even have a wikipedia page. How come the hotpockets let it stay up all this time?
he's fighting with them to make this revision official though
this is the most accurate depiction of the events.
after reading the rant i thought bob was just a cool guy with aspirations too large to put into reality.
now, he is just a faggot
some of his code is sound as hell and some of it is well… like that
I think it's only coming back if we finish it, which is going to be too much of a pain in the ass tbh.
I don't even see his sprite files in here, maybe they're compressed.
I mean the memories of Bob's Game is coming back, what a joyful yet inspiring ride that is Bob's Game.
Will bob's game be the new undertale? I wish something would beat the shit out of it.
Japanese chicks seem to love him.
why did you post a pic of yandev's code?
Rip in peice
yes I know this isn't him, but it will be him soon if the fever doesn't take him
I hope mark will delete this, because that's the easiest derail you could do to the thread. To any thread.
Wasn't this just a clusterfuck of nonrelated elements just going off in every random direction
Also I didn't know it wasn't even out
I forgot to spoiler and was about to delete it but the hotpockets got me
At least I know they're there now
Why dude just don't do steam greenlight, like other stupid proud indie game fuckers, that want money for no effort? At least he worked on it for few years, with rage and shit.
If you call a gaping wound a vagina
I seriously dont get how he spent almost a decade of his life on his game. What was he doing? For 10 years?
He also fucked himself by not using that as an excuse to work for a publisher.
Did you watch that shit to the end? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT SQUIRTING OUT
Also if he dies from an infection after carving himself a vagina that would be an end no one saw coming
Someone should just call the mental home at this point
probably semen
holy shit, i did not watch until the end, and now i am disgusted beyond belief. you have no idea the emotion i feel right now.
that HAD to be semen,
so that means that the surgeons took his penis and inverted it so it had to have a passage to his urethra.
well i mean yeah, theres a reason so many people kill themselves after going through a sex change, and its because they mutilated themselves beyond repair then blame the world for it
He doesn't have money to pay for that shit he uses all his gibsmedat on lego and videogames
But even then him and his mom had to resort to ebegging.
I will not watch that. Anyway, that would be a funny way for him to die.
I don't care how or when he dies, I just want it to be funny and caused by his own stupidity. After all the shit that happened over the years, it would be a complete waste if he died of something boring like cancer or a heart attack. It would be a shit ending to one hell of a fucked up life.
I kind of want the breaks to be slammed on this train but also I kind of don't want them to. It's a complex kind of feel.
All things must come to an end, and in Chris' case a more peaceful would would be preferred.
If we never discovered him and never set him off, cuing an autistic rampage, would he have gone this far?
No matter how much I post shit like "haha feget went 0-1, git gud" I'm never gonna stop thinking this blood's on my hands too, even though I know who and what he is.
This isn't funny anymore.
No shit he dresses like a jrpg protaganist
Just think about what would happen if something suddenly released him from his insanity. That would be the only interesting way for this to happen.
He probably would've just led a peaceful life as neckbeard, occasionally being the subject of ridicule on Holla Forums threads.
But there is no denying that he was fucked up thanks to some people, especially Bluespike, and the whole Sonichu comic.
Was he the one who said his brother commited suicide over Sonichu being "canceled?"
I don't think thats the one. Bluespike is the 13 year old faggot who pretended to have phone sex with Chris.
Goddamn underagefags, I'm almost tempted to pity Chris.
This is some shitty roleplaying, bob, nobody cares about your game.
how that works out? they either did it or didn't. Well at least on Chris' part
Holy shit.
He was also the kid responsible for the "JULLLLAAAYYY" funny internet joke.
I agree on almost pitying Chris, but he's been fooled by so many people by that point its amazing he probably thought she was different.
Well to make things clear, Bluespike pretended to be a girl interested in Chris and had phone sex with him.
You know, I honestly expect nothing less from a guy who expected people to fund a Kickstarter with the sole purpose of letting him literally live in a van down by the river.
at least bob's game isn't a thinly veiled jewish plot.
No, imagine if we got chris obsessed with working out or infosec instead of diving him delusions of grandeur.
reminder that he actually thinks people at nintendo and sega really like sonichu
d-did bob lied?
Maybe he just called his own shit RPGEngine? Or do you know about all that stuff?
Can anyone compile it and get it running?
>you will never get to play that original DS prototype
actually RPGEngine is his original game engine, main.h is for the RPG game, puzzle game, and online client.
there's another
this is the case.
or it would've given him a reason to go outside and start doing shit like it did for the autists on SKNet.
I forgot what SKNet is, but let's put it this way. Imagine "SONICS ARMS ARENT BLUE" but now it's "BERSERK ISNT A BOAT MANGA"
The person who made it can't even get it running
Honestly it was made by someone who has a mental deficit of some kind. He spent 10 years on some garbage that makes the RPG maker games made by japanese teenagers look like master works, and he managed to not learn any of the fucked up data structures and shit that would have made him a really good salary at some software company outside of games
It's a relic, top kek imagine if he replaced "curse-ye-ha-me-ha" with GRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIFIIIIITH
We will see in six hours or so, I only have a shitty laptop though.
From what it looks like, it's a basic outline for an engine with no actual content.
He said the graphics were all in "binary tile data" which I can't find much of, but there are arguments for handling players, NPCs, conversations, and "areas" which is bobspeak for layered tilemaps with rectangles.
The original demo for DS was quite nice when it came out, didn't age well at all though. Sad stuff imo, if he'd just bit the fucking bullet back then his game would've at least been something.
With the exception of /agdg/, every thread that involves looking at a game's programming seems to have someone screaming about how many conditional statements there are. There is a grand total of four if/elses in your image. How few do you want?
Dude the entire thing is full of them. It's like the only thing he knows how to do
it's like a pachinko machine
Jesus fuck. Okay, nevermind.
In this case there's a legitimate overabundance.
if this was programmed on an MSX home computer I can understand, but no.
I will know if this works in 30 mins.
God, that movie was fucking weird.
OK everyone here gives shit about conditionals, what's the alternative? How would you write this in an OK way?
map or a dictionary or some shit
Yeah, a map would have worked.
Learning to program :^)
His original shit was all hard coded for PALib and this is the "more dynamic" re-write.
I have a little experience in PALib, it's fucking retarded not to at least have some kind of dyanic engine for warps and sprites, this was shit I had figured out at eighteen.
I imagine hard coded means using arrays that correspond to the tilesets, and linear scripted events that can easily be broken if the game isn't absolutely full of checks(ie conditionals)
The general rule of programming is that every bit of functionality is ideally only written ONCE.
If you can automate something or reuse something by putting it into a function, you should pretty much always do that.
Some if's in this code sample could probably be merged together. if(textBGColor == black) is done twice, so why not merge those two things and cut down 6 lines of code? Not only that, but you would get the added benefit from changing both conditions at the same time if you need to make changes later, making it less likely to accidentally forget changing the other condition.
In C++, make a Vector, where the first string is the country code, and the second string is the country string.
Then just foreach over the vector until you get a country code that matches. Bonus points if you use a sorted container to get O(log(n)) instead of O(n) complexity, but we're talking about keeping code clean here, not efficient.
I was taught that programming was all about conditionals.
And then I dropped out of college and never touched any of this nonsense again. Programming is for nerds, not for people that are cool like me.
sounds comfy
At least I'm not a programmer.
Gee, the years haven't been kind to him.
at least he's not a jojofag.
Looks like he's about to go suicide bomb nintendo or something
take it from one Mongolian sewing machine enthusiast poster to another: programming is too good for you, nerd.
I guess you just don't like having good taste.
nah, I just don't like having images of homosexuals on my computer.
You don't like having pictures of yourself?
That's understandable.
a-are you hitting on me?
Yes, there was indeed also a time in my life when I enjoyed the taste of feces in my mouth as well. But I eventually grew some balls and watched JoJo. And my life has improved ever since.
I've watched some of it and read it and the manga is genuinely good.
I can't get into the anime at all, the gay shit is ramped up to 11 when it's all moving around and shit
t. autism
It's the same reason why I fucking hate all the Berserk movies + 2016 series even though it's my favorite manga or graphic novel in general of all time.
Good. Someone else with good taste.
It's called flamboyance. But in all honesty, it's a bit of highbrow art that takes a good minute to appreciate, and admire.
Having a dick should be enough.
JoJo's bizarre adventure is the only manga(or spin off to be precise) to ever be featured in the Paris Louvre Museum.
For those of you that don't know. That's the fancy Museum with the mona lisa and all those statues art fags never shut up about.
So it's officially fine art for gentlemen of the most refined taste.
Gucci even commissioned some art for their over priced clothing and handbags.
Truly refined. Post-Diamond is unbreakable
I knew none of this, that's fucking cool.
the main problemof that code is that it's fully executed: the computer checks if country code is australia, and then it checks if its Aruba, and then checks if its etc.etc. a simple switch with case/case/case would have been better since it would save on average 50% of time and would give the option for unexpected data.
Not just art, but an entire short in which Rohan encounters a Gucci bag stand.
I don't know if I should think this is hilarious or amazing. Does the idea of korean comics in the Louvre seem surreal to anyone else here?
It is weird seeing a shonen like JoJo accepted among fine art.
If you think about the fact that it's marketed to the same fags who read Naruto.
Feels rad man
Naruto is a thing of the past. They read Boruto now.
Good god man, at least use a switch:
String countryCode = "FU"
String countryString;
switch (countryCode) {
case "AD": countryString = "Andorra";
case "AE": countryString = "United Arab Emirates";
case "AF": countryString = "Afghanistan";
case "AG": countryString = "Antigua";
default: countryString = "holy fuck bob clean up your code at least a little";
and so on
Needs more [code]
Togashi did the exact same thing a while ago. What do these people have against boats?
here's some gold.
also since my laptop doesn't like any of the compilers i just acquired I couldn't see if it works.
use a fucking enum and a switch or a dictionary jesus christ how do people manage this shit
If you read the manifesto (at least the last one I read) those women were hired from craigslist. The whole thing was staged. He placed the boxes in his own kitchen. They only went to Nintendo World to get a few shots.
So? In America doctors won't bounce you if you have life threatening shit like in china.
having a cock you don't want isn't life threatening
didn't read the reply chain, I assumed he was talking about chris' torn taint
Yandev tier.
user you don't understand
He never had surgery
He has his penis
He has his balls
The piercing he got turned into a gaping wound on his taint, and he cleans it thinking he grew a vagina
I wonder if Chris will try to do surgery on himself towards the end.
Well shieet thats a blast from the past
Guy was fucking nuts and not in a good way
Shouldn't shit like this be stored in an array?
This is the face of true horror
Is that a Lain graphic novel? I didn't know that existed. Is is just some side story to the show or is this just something cut?
it's called a manga. or comic.
don't use terms coined by numales to justify buying my little pony merchandise or capeshit to their parents
JoJo dropped the "shonen" genre quite a long ago, somewhere after 3rd part. Not that it is comparable to trash like Naruto or Dragon Ball (which ironically went to shit because publishers of DB wanted the artist to draw muscular guys beating each other for hundreds of chapters like in JoJo)
Yes, he has mutilated himself and now calls a gaping hole his "vagina" but this webm is from another retard. Why the fuck are people falling for it every time this gets posted
my point about "graphic novel" still stands
Yeah I'd probably have to agree with you on that. Graphic novel is just used in place of comic to appeal to a wider audience. Graphic being the only word that actually makes sense; most "graphic novels" don't really have the word count to be justified as novels.
Man, it's fucking gross anyway.
it's a doujin that bridges the gaps between the game and tv show called the nightmare of fabrication.