Y-y-you're not watching your n-n-nicotine intake!
Y-y-you're not watching your n-n-nicotine intake!
Smoking is hazardous to your health
No cancer in the lungs, hacking and whooping.
No cancer in the mouth, rotting teeth.
No vaping and looking like a massive faggot.
Just pure nicotine and sweet fruit flavor.
being addicted to a shit tier drug doesn't make you the master race of anything
Fuck off, we all know you're addicted to memes you faggot.
Snus is good too. I use to do a bit of it. Unfortunately never got to try authentic swedecuck snus.
Next you'll tell me weed is addictive.
I'm addicted to cunny
kill yourself
I'm addicted to sunny!
I smoke when I damn well please you brat
Autism speaks, its time to listen.
Pot heads are the worst.
depends on what kind of addiction you're talking about.
Its not addictive like nicotine, its addictive like porn.
Don't tell me this Swedish pestilence has spread to the US, too.
that male is not black, back to >>>Holla Forums
Shit shit shit shit shit awful game.
Shit shit shit shit shit awful story.
Shit shit shit shit shit awful movie.
Shit shit shit shit shit awful acting.
Shit shit shit shit shit awful pacing.
Shit shit shit shit shit awful characters.
Shit shit shit shit shit awful lack of mgs3 tier female vocal themesong.
quality thread
shit analogy
Not necessarily
Please don't type like that
I want to hug Sunny!
Nice trips
I want to cum on this face
Go back to tumblr.
Still better than MGSV and Pisswalker
I really liked MGS4, I don't get the constant sperg about it
Is this a Sunny thread? Because we need a Sunny thread.
>>>Holla Forums
Being alive is hazardous to dying.
Good gameplay that only lasts up to 10 minutes before being bombarded by extremely lengthy cutscenes that attempt to explain plot contrivances that were never meant to be explained in-depth
Is this suppose to be wrong-hole or is it just not rigged as well as it could be?
This. If the game let you fucking PLAY IT for any length of time it would have been a lot better.
Peace Walker's biggest problem was all the bosses being huge bullet sponges that got tiresome quickly.
MGSV could have used some of the unique set piece moments that MGS4 did, the lighter storytelling would have been acceptable if it actually had an ending. As is the game just sorta stops, and all the gameplay stuff that got cut (like using the mech and fighting alongside your troops) would have made the entire game much better.
Shit taste
Also unnecessary and stupid plot points.
IE Snake having to crawl all the way through the microwave hallway, only to find metal gear mk 2 COULDA done it no problem.