*kvetching intensifies*


Jews are going FULL peak-kvetch since last night's Trump presser.

First, they gave GLOWING praise to Antifa terrorist communists. CNN and Yahoo News were the biggest culprits.
Second, they claimed Antifa groups didn't exist, and that the communists who rioted and beat people in Charlottesville were just concerned mom and pop citizens.
NOW, they're claiming Antifa is this wonderful freedom-loving collective of centrists, and that Trump is wrong for getting mad at Communist-flag waving savages attacking their own citizens.

Long story short, the (((Tribe))) is terrified that their favorite tool/shabbos collective might be taken away from them, and they won't be able to attack white people by proxy and force their apocalyptic Talmudic agenda on the country anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:


If Trump's playing it like I think it is, it's all going according to plan. He knew the media would do this. If the media really tries this they've just handed Holla Forums the biggest redpilling opportunity imaginable.

Shills are sliding the catalog with a ton of duplicate threads. Try to keep similar topics in the same thread and report obvious slide threads.

What is this here? Oh just a jewish confederate monument. Would be a shame if somebody called for the removal of it.

Oh they're definitely trying it. Just read this crap:

They're going to attempt to rebrand American-flag burning third world mutants who shoot at cops and burn down cities as some sort of StarWars/Harry Potter-esque plucky resistance group now, I guarantee you.

There's Confederate monuments for this Jew, as well:

Lots of Jews were involved in the Confederacy. Why? Because Jews were slavers. Curious how nobody ever demands their monuments be pulled down?

Lots of Jews were expelled too.
General Order No. 11

Which is going to be an insanely stupid move. All that would have to be done is show people massive compilations of all the destructive shit Antifa has done in its history. Hell, make professional looking documentaries on all of it. Once the normalfags see all that shit while the media tries this rebranding, they'll definitely snap.

It would actually be really funny to get these monuments attacked. Play the Jews off against their golems.

It would be a redpill moment. It wouldn't be hard to whip them into a frenzy against the Judah P. Benjamin monuments because Jews like to brag he was "the brains behind the Confederacy."

But, without any doubt in my mind, if you got Antifa/blacks into a frenzy to tear it down, Jews would come out of the woodwork and stop them, and they would do it on the grounds Benjamin is Jewish.

Capturing just such a moment and blasting it onto the net would severely damage them.


except that jews would love a chance to erase evidence that they were the redneck slave owners.

ANTIA is protesting outside his fucking house. What do they expect? Trump called them out. He knows that White Lives Matter and Black Lives Matter are two sides of the same sheckle.

It's hard to say. Jews have a very hard time accepting any criticism of Jews from goyim. They will snipe little Palestinian kids in the head for sport and then when anyone calls them on it they act indignant and call the opposition haters and antisemites. Same thing as when they suddenly find themselves labelled as white and on the receiving end of some of the anti-white discrimination they have institavistockd, suddenly they say it has gone too far. At the very least it would cause some division in what is "good for the Jews."

I hope you realize that Hitler wanted to deport the Jews back to Israel. Gassing them is like shooting fish in a barrel. It's much more dignified to simply strip them of their power and money and dump them back in their homeland where they will be forced to sink or swim.

Not gassing them was Hitler's biggest mistake.

Is this your first day here or something?

Every last jew must be killed, kike.

Is it yours? Jesus.


Even gassing them is a meme. It never happened. It never happened, because it was inefficient and dumb and overly dramatic, and cost far too much money.

If you wanted to kill lots and lots and lots of people with zero cost: Round them up into one geographical area, cut off all outside support, and let them starve out. That's how the Soviets killed 10 million Ukrainians. Ask the Jews for details.

Because the Alt-Right is the Alt-Kike.

But it's already been discussed:

It's dishonorable like kicking someone in the balls in a fight. I'm not a nigger, and I'm not going to compromise on this. While all Jews are implicit through silence and by acting as a protected class, I do not hate them. Hate is for niggers that have no capacity for abstract thought and must rely on basic emotions.

Obviously. The chambers were used for delousing. The gas that was supposedly used was developed and sold as a pesticide and was pretty expensive. The best that anyone could argue is that the chambers were repurposed for gassing Jews.


You're missing the point. All jews, by consequence of having jew genes, have the capacity for once again ruining the world. There is no way to effectively determine which jews aren't sociopathic shekel grubbers and which are, so the only way to be safe is to gas them all.
Meditate on this and come back in a few months.
The holocaust never happened but it should have and will.

The media changes their narrative more than a hooker changes her clothes. My Cuban neighbor wants the commies dead and he was furious when he saw their commie shit.

And then you see the wooden doors and other possible places it could have leaked from. Pretty much everything around the hoax is bullshit if you start looking closer. Logically, mathematically and physically. Even chemically if recall, because you need above certain temperatures for zyklon b to be deadly for humans or some shit, i don't remember.

What did Himmie mean by this?

You "fight fair", Moishe. I'm going to pull your fucking nuts off when it comes to defending me and mine. I don't have to hate you to destroy you in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

Playing fair and playing nice got us here. We're done. I would have figured Saturday would have been a big enough clue for you. So much for that talmudic IQ.

Wrong. You simply look for those who are more interested in serving their country than in serving themselves. They'll join in early on and they should be defended and made honorary Aryans.

You have to keep in mind that these were gas chambers, they just weren't built for humans. It pisses me off to see retarded arguments like "it haz 2 b a certain temberature!" or whatever. A better argument against the holocaust is the ovens at Auschwitz. Take the number of people supposed burned in the ovens, then divide it out by how many ovens were on average running simultaneously and how long it takes to cremate a body (it takes about 8 hours for an adult, I worked in a funeral home). They would also have to clean them after every body to prevent buildup of ash that could cause the ovens to overheat. So that's one body per running oven per day at best. The numbers do not add up and they've been changed many times.

This is what happened with the chinks. They lost their compassion and now look at them. Do you want to end up like chinks?

The biggest redpill for me specifically on the Holocaust was the mathematical and logistical impossibility of an incinerator burning 6000 jews a DAY. Modern crematoriums incinerate bodies at a rate of ~1hr/100lbs. Not only would the amount of coal and coke to achieve such a feat be impractical and inefficient, just transporting the much fuel to each camp every day would be impossible. especially while fighting a war on multiple fronts

No they don't.

Even this is self-serving and you know it. If you honestly think that Hitler had the right idea by having kikes serve in his military, you haven't been here long enough.

It is the compassion I have for whites that allows me to do what I must. Remove bagel.

That was a number I just pulled off wikipedia.
If that is incorrect, I am sorry.


Deep state is making a power play here. They realize they can't get people to jump on the lefty's side. So they're trying to make it appear that both sides are out of touch and then create a "center" that they both control, which will slowly move back to the left.

Deep state has realized they can't get people to convert to leftism any more so they are going to attempt to subvert the center and people who don't give a shit. They're also going to try and get people to fall into the center by making both sides appear out of touch.

I wouldn't be surprised if they had this plan on a fast track where they tell everyone both sides are stupid and extreme and then tell everyone that antifa is moderate.

Mate. I am talking about the showers that were supposed to be "gas chambers".

I've been around here for a couple years and halfchan Holla Forums since 2012. Hitler did nothing wrong.

I agree with this. I just think that other options should be explored first.

I worked at a funeral home in 2002 when I was in school and they were using equipment from the 80s. I'm not sure if newer ovens get hotter or something. I think it would be safe to assume that the ovens in the 30s and 40s were no more advanced than what I was dealing with. You also have to use a metal rod to break apart the bones in there. The bodies don't just turn to ash. Also the teeth don't burn.

This source sites about 5 hours:


Well that's bullshit.

Problem for them is, Holla Forums could easily swoop in to claim a portion of the center due to how effective it is with information warfare. That's partly why they're cracking down hard on right wing communications. The left doesn't stand much of a chance to adapt as their very rhetoric alienates reluctant fence-sitters (either to stay silent or slowly shift further right).

Mine was this

And this

That makes me sick with disgust. I can feel it in my stomach. Communists are pure evil.

Totally dehumanised and degraded. It's an affront to nature, to God. The worst part is I wouldn't put it past any Antifa member to treat his enemies like that for wrongthink. These people are worse than animals.

I think we could definitely win, I just want to let people know that this is where they are probably going and that we should already be preparing for it.

To a large extent, this is true.

The problem for them is that they've just got done shitting all over the center. Like a steel beam freshly removed from a furnace, it's going to take a while to cool down. Virtually everyone who didn't agree with white dispossession, Christian extermination, and the forced demographic change, was called a "Nazi" by every media outlet. Trump was called a "Nazi" and "anti-Semitic" as early as summer 2015 and it never stopped. His followers were then called "Nazis" and "anti-Semitic" and "racist" for the remainder of the election up until the present time, in an effort to scare off their support to Trump. It didn't work.

A white person or a white family holding the opinion "I should be allowed to be employed, to have children, to have a future, to have a faith, and to not have the government interfere with me in any way" is a mainstream centrist viewpoint. That's been the bread-and-butter Republican—and to a lesser extent, Democrat—viewpoint for generations. But after eight years of a crypto-Muslim Alinskyite as president, those views are now considered "racist" and overtly declared to be scheduled for destruction by Jews in the media. And they haven't walked it back. Not in the slightest. They've doubled-down, in fact. And Democrats—which is now the Jewish Party, let's just be honest—are going to get slaughtered in 2018 and 2020 because of it.

Normies aren't as dumb as Holla Forums believes. They pay attention. Even if they aren't aware enough to know who this mysterious (((they))) is who is trying to destroy them, they're aware enough that the plot is underway. And Communist goons going after war monuments just reminded them of that fact.

The real threat is actually establishment Republicans who have been party to this negotiated genocide for decades, at least since the 60s.

Remember the X-Files and that secret cabal negotiating with aliens to kill everyone, but in a real organized sort of way so that they're the last ones to die? That's basically the Republican Party in the current year. Except in this version, the aliens own media outlets and gloat about killing everyone.

Holy shit. I too am deeply disgusted by this.

Second biggest, after not gassing the Brits.

Ever since I was little I doubted this shit and didn't understand why hitler was such a bad boy

Didn't get good grades in history though

I really need to read this book, sometime. I'm just distrustful of English translations. I don't want them to be tainted.

You want to see some real shit?

Read this: miscarea.net/anti-humans.htm

Student "reeducation" in Romania.

That was probably it for me, as well. When you can go to any modern crematorium and they’ll tell you that it takes two hours to burn one body, it becomes utterly impossible to believe that the Nazis were able to do four bodies faster than that with BRICK incinerators from 70 years ago. And then, of course, I found a physical copy of The World Almanac and Book of Facts from 1948 to confirm that yes, indeed, it shows that even the Jewish groups that report on global population ADMIT that six million didn’t die. I have physical evidence of the jewish admittance of the nonexistence of the Holocaust in my hand. It’s a great feeling.

Then save your sanity and never read about the Spanish Revolution. Peak Judaism was on full display, and it was revolting.

It's even worse than that. They claim the majority of bodies were burned in open pits dug in the ground, which is completely nonsensical.

WTF how is Poland so based with all those Jews?

Wait… that's the claim they put on the Nazis…
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

How is not killing Jews a value? Killing your enemy is the highest possible value.


It's a long book, any key words I can Ctrl+F just to get a sense of it?

The teeth is a big clue. In Cambodia they can find human teeth all over the place in genocide areas.

Can you poison bronze with mercury? I know that copper will form an amalgam but I don't know if doing that would be practical.

tl;dr is that they tortured a bunch of student political dissidents in various ways, including forcing them to torture each other as a form of "reeducation."

Wrong thread, whoops.

It's not that I think normalfags are stupid, I think they are lazy and have much more to worry about. They are essentially in Brave New World.

Ironically enough, the browbeating normalfags have gotten for merely looking out for their own interests is enough to get them motivated.

And the author of this tripe is Peter Beinart.

Every. Single. Time.

Interesting how you say nigger but not kike

now is the chance to declare antifa a terrorist organization

I’m currently working on the math to determine the change in birthrates in Europe from the years 1933-1938 and 1939-1948. It’s extremely difficult to find the BIRTHRATE for those years, though. Most of the time I can only find population, but that includes wartime deaths. The goal is to show that the Jewish population’s birthrate was decreased (due to the war) at only a slightly higher rate than that of the rest of Europe. If I am able to reconcile the two population numbers above with the birthrate percentage reduction of the REST of Europe, it will not only show that the Holocaust didn’t happen, but that the change in jewish population increase only came from the ~300,000 jews dying in the camps.

Assuming they haven't scrubbed all of those videos and then delete any new ones for tos violations.

True, that would be a major problem. Hopefully enough anons have archived lots of photos and videos in their offline storage. As for spreading in a censor happy environment, they will require some creativity and precision.

What's shocking out of this is that ALL OF THIS is over one death. What kind of reaction did we get over the LA,Baltimore and the other recent race riots?

maybe now would be a good time to have a dump/save and archiving session


I was also 'redpilled' by logistics. I think this is the most realistic way to uncover truths, but also the most frustrating to convince people of. Normally very intelligent people will completely deny science, physics, and common sense to stay in their little narrative bubble. Fear is powerful. Same thing with 9/11 narrative. They will come up with all kinds of fanciful ideas for how WTC7 fell while it was never hit by anything. But hey, arguing that it was 'pulled,' which it was, will give you an aneurysm when you realize that people won't accept it. It was all some goat herding mountain men. Bin Laden suggested that we all read books regarding disproportionate Israeli influence in our government.

I'm not a kike.

Double ditto.

The problem is that we're not suppose to think but rather just accept what we're told. Critical thinking is an absent aspect in modern education. I mean, shit, just do the math and you'll see how overwhelming such an operation would have been.

And if you're in the midst of a war…would you waste fuel to simply kill non violent populations. No way, you'd use that so to not lose the war. Fuck feeding your prisioners too because wouldn't you want the food. Add in some infections from being thust into a camp and what the fuck do you think really happened.

can a bro here with a twitter account do me a solid and send this pic to twitter.com/adamfriedland ?

I don't know it would bother jews. They really don't give a shit of jewish gravestones are fucked with except for the propaganda.

The simple fact that it didn't drop by 6M is already a blowout. However, the more data the better and research efforts like yours are what we need to strengthen our side.

Same. They never explained WHY the Holocaust happened in the first place, and I remember some other kid in my class asking specifically why Hitler hated the Jews so much. My teacher (((Mr. Cohen))) said it was because he was "jealous" of their success. Even as a kid, I thought that was strange.

Oy vey, making sense is doubleplusungood hate speech.

Kek at that pic, and yes. Everyone that doesn't understand this drives me up the wall, honestly. It's such a goddamn ridiculous story. It's dumber than just about anything else, and yet there's still idiots that believe in it.



They hate it when you steal their ammunition.

They really don't like getting pinned with that altleft name. I think we found their weakness. Thank you Trump.


Everything Trump does upsets them.

Trump should just claim that the Dems aren't socialists, and they'd start screaming "NO, WE'RE NOT JUST SOCIALISTS, WE'RE TOTAL COMMIES! LOOK!"

I think you guys just found the ultimate solution to block the jew's plans, at least severely delay it, giving us more time to redpill, prepare and organize.

That was a nicely written summary user.


Play is to make Trump look like racist/lunatic and invoke the 25th Amendment.

Ok so is this real or did jews falsify themselves fighting for the south during a time where white christians were the overwhelming majority demographic

More than that, they are trying to rob him of a base. Why do you think they keep putting out stories that his base is leaving him and so on. They were trying to make him anyone that sides with him unelectable and at the same time, potentially convince anyone that would take up arms for him to not do so. They know that the far right would take up arms, which is why they had Spencer pull the shit he did, which is why certain people who side with Spencer were throwing Trump under the bus a well. They want to rob him of a base that may retaliate possibly violently so they can take him out.

This is also why there are going all out on anyone not towing their speaking points.

I suspect you're thinking of Zyklon B's evaporation point, which if it were dumped down in pellets as they sometimes say, would have had the kikes waiting around for hours for the pellets to turn to gas

Whew, that one is almost too spicy even for me. I still can't think of a better way to put it though. Good job. In fact your whole post is good.

(White) normalfags statistically get weighed down by all the subhuman trash that they both associate with and are associated into their grouping. Add in all the illogical bait they've bitten (knowingly or no) that adds up to their conditioning and you have a recipe for surface-level retardation. That said they deserve the flak they get for not realizing/fulfilling their innate Aryan desire for truth, especially since it's easier than ever before to seek such information. You don't need everyone to be in full 14/88 mode to win the war (intellectual or physical) but more people consuming more redpills never hurts. In short,

Even more so because they're under the radar. Even a centrist who truly hates all sides and knows that the leftists have been fanning the flames won't see the true threat the neocons pose (they tend to just assume that they're either stuck in the past or have overly aggressive/destructive ideas on how to fix things). To fully understand their role one pretty much has to have realized the nature of the false dichotomy, and a normalfag who can see that far into it usually isn't many redpills away from at least reaching newfag status.

This. From now on I'm making a point of using Alt-left to refer to them constantly, on board and off. Trump has spelled out the direction he's going to take with this, we need to help him meme it.

Good stuff, user.

Holy shit they really are retarded.

The most Jewish name

what kind of fucking imbecile are you hahaha jesus christ

Don't forget communist either, that's what they literally are.

Holy shit, that alt-left shit really stung, didn't it?

Say it with me lads:

Antifa and BLM are…
alt-left anti-white communists

Hitler did nothing ethically or morally wrong.
He made quite a few mistakes. Dunkirk, for example.

Alt-left is a killing word it seems.

Also important. Most people out there still dislike communism.

The problem is that white people think this rhetoric is harmless and that, because they're right about something, it automatically protects them from harm. Because the left is being hypocritical, they don't need to lift a finger. That, the left is inconsequential to anyone who matters. The problem is, the left influenced CHILDREN. Literal corruption of the youth.

This American instinct of dismissing the left in such a way is how they tolerated the rebellious children stage. It's how they prevented themselves from appearing too 'bad' to their own children - and they were softened by their children's demands.

This let Communists gain control of the education system. Especially when those parents, being conservative, don't want their kids to question their teachers since it gets them in 'trouble'.

I recall an image/account of a Republican who got up and defended Jews against people like Rockwell. He said that defending Jews was like a joke to him and the party, it was like "Oh, we wouldn't want to be anti-semitic *wink wink nudge nudge*"

It starts with that and becomes full fledged Judaic nepotism.


So, it bears noting that the piece appears to be written by a Jew, and, OF ALLLLLLL THE TWEETS ON SOCIAL MEDIA, she managed to pick at least one Jew in her damage control piece's opening image.
Its like they think people still aren't noticing this shit.

Only because anglos were misled and Churchill was a complete bastard who only realised he messed up when he "butchered the wrong pig" instead of going after the Jews.

“Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn’t profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig.”
-Sir Winston Churchill, 1960

World War 1
“Should Germany merchandise (do business) again in the next 50 years we have led this war (WW1) in vain.”
– Winston Churchill 1919

World War 2
“We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.”
– Winston Churchill 1936

“Germany becomes too powerful. We have to crush it.”
– Winston Churchill

“This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.”
– Winston Churchill 1939

“The war wasn’t only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn’t want to.”
– Winston Churchill 1946

“We made a monster, a devil out of Hitler. Therefore we couldn’t disavow it after the war. After all, we mobilized the masses against the devil himself. So we were forced to play our part in this diabolic scenario after the war. In no way we could have pointed out to our people that the war only was an economic preventive measure.”
– James Baker (1992)

“Not the political doctrine of Hitler has hurled us into this war. The reason was the success of his increase in building a new economy. The roots of war were envy, greed and fear.”
– Major General J.F.C. Fuller

“We didn’t go to war in 1939 to save Germany from Hitler…or the continent from fascism. Like in 1914, we went to war for the not lesser noble cause that we couldn’t accept a German hegemony over Europe.”
– Sunday Correspondent, London (17.9.1989)

“The enemy is the German Reich and not Nazism, and those who still haven’t understood this, haven’t understood anything.” – Churchill’s chief counselor Robert Lord Vansittart


I've found it effective to give them the information and step away. They'll either delete it and go on in their bubble or look at it at their own pace. Often the next time I'll see them and the first thing out of their mouth is something like "holy fuck, you were right!"

Except for not actually attempting to genocide the jewish race.

I love this Alt Left meme

it doesn't matter if they were real or not, what matters is the plan to throw THIS in the face of EVERY media outlet and negro that's running around fucking up "monuments" and MAKE them see this FOR WHAT IT IS! JEWISH SLAVERY!

The van story reminds me of the china "ambulances" that were in fact mobile surgical units to transport living "organ donors" to the airport in order to ship out fresh organs to wealthy recipients. They were cataloging and tracking "enemies of the state" who just so happened to match a donor profile request for $$'s. A lot of healthy Falung Gong were rounded up this way and "harvested". These vampires have been making movies about harvesting "us" for quite some time now.

When Jews say Trump is colluding with Russia, that Russia is a threat, what they mean is that Trump is going to force them to let Russia take over the United States, otherwise they'll be kicked out. They're saying that Trump is 'forcing their hand'. Maybe Jews shouldn't have to be in this position any more. Maybe they shouldn't have to be forced to commit atrocities any more. Maybe they should be dead.

If somebody spraypainted a swastika on that, normalfags wouldn't know what to think!