why is that?
Why is that?
Other urls found in this thread:
This image is a lie. Game 2 is not awesome.
Better than this
Fuck you nigger, Game 2 is Developer's magnum opus.
bones were a mistake
user please.
What did the devs mean by this?
Game 2 is a betrayal of the series
they are taking it back to the beginning
Shut the fuck up. Faggots like you were the reason why Awesome Gam3 was a casualized piece of shit
What is the purpose of this thread?
Talking about the "Awesome Game" series, faggot.
go back to playing Todd's cock kiddo
Awesome Gam3 never happened
Stereotypical Evil Guy did nothing wrong. It's because of you niggers that Edgy Man got resurrected on Awesome Gam3.
user what the fuck are you even doing on Holla Forums?
Holla Forums general
Back to >>>/shittyboard/, faggot
You are the one who's shitposting for shock value.
Fuck off, Arin. Go fuck your ayy lmao gf.
Underage please leave
You keep telling yourself that, user. There is no escaping that piece of shit
Oh, you're one of those faggots.
Epic Game Series will forever be the best
People can like more than one game series, user.
Awesome Gam3 wasn't that bad.
All Stereotypical Evil Guy ever wanted was a Questionable Goal. MC did nothing to better the situation, the country is still fucked to hell and Edgy Man still had to sacrifice himself for nothing.
Generic Girl is my waifu, fuck you guys
New awesome game never ever
That it's negative 2, which makes it a prequel.
Anyone play 3rd Game
There is no third game. Anyone that tells you so is lying.
So they can add Current Year's Gamemode Meme to it? Please user, some things are better dead. At least it had a somewhat honorable death.
I'm still assblasted about Comedy Relief Character actually being the bad guy all along.
go home you fucking pedo, everybody knows that Edgy Enchantress is the real waifu
Bad taste to be honest
I though there was that spin off called 3rd Game on the Gamestation Takeaway
B-but it takes place after Event, user
You don't think Developers are pulling an Evangelion on us?
meme game
remind me again why Holla Forums likes this piece of shit?
I admit that the part where Generic Guy fought off hordes of Generic Bad Guy was a cool moment but that game was shit, user
Except his sacrifice helped make the the Ultimate Generic Weapon
You disgust me
i dont get it
Because Holla Forums doesn't play video games, user
You're thinking of GaMe, Game was made back in the 90s
What is Holla Forums's favorite gun in Game?
I love Revolver that does more damage than anything else in the game.
I like using the Gun
It was a great game you faggot, it just wasn't an Awesome Game.
The pistol is the best weapon, clearly.
I liked using gimmick weapon.
That horny slut that cucked Unimportant Side Character? Please.
user please get some taste and start playing better video games.
Obviously the Katana Variant you get from Edgy Man after he tells you about his tragic past.
I was going to say that's shot taste but you got Trips so who am I to judge
Personally I really like Shotgun #836
Hey guys! What about 4wesome Game? Call me a casual, but I loved it. It was a nice return to the classic formula of Awesome Game.
I think you should kill yourself, user.
Generic Lying Man pls go.
At least it's not the aweSome gaMe series made by [generic western studio] don't know why any one bought them
beat me to it
Generic Big Tittied Girl is a good girl. You have no poof that happened
This user is spot on. 4wesome game has many excellent features best described by trite buzzwords.
The classic formula was much more than simply removing weapon reloads.
I thought it was a good alternative to the people that never played Awesome Game and wanted a starting point to experience the series.
See? This totally honest user knows what he is talking about!
Toddposting knows no bounds
I don't get the hate for Good Game with Autistic Fanbase.
theyre making an awesome game reboot, and it looks awful
I used to like Good Game too, but fuck me, it's impossible to talk about it online without running into a bunch of slack-jawed faggots.
Just look at this shit, Website users are faggots of the highest order
Well as I said it's better than the Reboot series by [Generic Western Developer]
I see 4wesome Game is the one always getting shat one, well a lot of it is warrented no one bothers to callout the shitty aweSome gaMe reboot series [generic japanese publisher] made a huge mistake by hiring [generic western developer]
Fuck current year
Look at this shit, they didn't even try.
BadEnd in Awesome Game will always be the best.
It already came out you slow faggot, there is 2 games and a phone game in the reboot series and a 3rd one planned for some reason
I actually liked Good Game. But Good Game 2 was so fucking terrible
There's your problem.
Does the Awesome Game series support generic ideology?
Oh guess like its yet another reboot then
It's going to work well like last time
Just look up gardevoir on e621 the artist's tumblr got taken down. His Patreon is still somewhere out there though.
Is the fan translation for Awesome Game Spinoff finished?
Bunny Ear Girl was absolute shit in Awesome Game 2.
Some faggot nearly completed it but he's not going to release it until it's 100% done for some reason and that's never ever going to happen
I just want to get passed Mission that I just can't comprehend
Doesn't help there isn't a single guide on the internet
Watch it be Generic Zombie Game at this point
She wasn't best, but she was still a cute. Generic Big Tittied Girl is best though
Finished Translation Project NEVER EVER
Been following Awesome Fangame for 3 years now, I know that feel.
Holla Forums has gone to shit
Because nobody played the aweSome gaMe reboot.
But the pachislot version of aweSome gaMe has godlike graphics. It's a shame that Generic Japanese Publisher decided to dump their videogame division and focus on pachislot and mobile.
You can't justify this level design. Western Developer stopped giving a shit during Awesome Game 2.
It'll just get DMCA'd by Game Company, what's the point?
They really could have made the different sections connect better than just having all that open space, but I heard they were forced to release it early.
I thought more people would shit on aweSome gaMe because the media was shilling it, saying were liking it because they changed his shoe
Here, I fixed that for you.
The moment they added Generic Gameplay #345 it was dead on arrival.
At least Awesome Game 2 is better than AWESOME GAME.
C&D, I meant.
Role playing is for fags.
Honestly the only good thing to come out Awesome Gam3
user please.
Game 2 had way too many fucking windows for enemies to shoot through.
Then play Awesome game Spinoff 2, its a racing game
Dude, you are a god.
Yeah, they drew the 2 backwards
Game 2's soundtrack was better than Game 1's
Prove me wrong
There, proven.
Awesome Gam3 might have been shit but the soundtrack was solid. Embed related.
Noise #14 is the best and most memorable track
bad taste
Pleb tier taste user, if there's one good thing to come out of Awesome Gam3's soundtrack, it's embed related
that moment fucking crushed me
I've seen more remixes of Game 1's OST.
That wasn't even supposed to be part of the franchise, the execs just renamed that unrelated game to cash in
Doesn't it change it has solid mechanics
>people actually thought this was interesting
hell, even the potporri mash that was Publisher Licensed Tracks from that one spinoff was more interesting
Whatever you say, user
Noise #25 was some heavy shit
Awesome Game 2's soundtrack was greater than this fucking garbage.
It always gets to me
Just because it was on that level doesnt mean it's bad Besides it was shit on purpose because you wouldn't expect the hidden room to be there
Alright let's open this can of worms.
Which was better, secret boss music or final boss music?
Miniboss battle 3
They turned the optional vehicle section into a full game? Nice.
Its like you didn't even touch the game.
I love hidden rooms but that level was just a fucking slog to get trough
Secret Boss is obviously the best out of those two but the best is Generic Ice Level music
I put over 500 hours to get that ending. But it was fucking worth it. Although I almost cried due to how depressing that ending was
A lot of customisability as well as the making the vehicles easy to drift
Does it at least have fully integrated eurobeat support?
Of course
Does anyone know what happens when you get the 12 hidden MacGuffins in Awesome Game 2 for Obscure Platform? My friend on Steam says you unlock a cutscene where Edgy Enchantress strips.
Sold, where can I buy it, I want to support such awesome devs.
Well it came out ages ago on the Gameplatform 2 and AContainer and not on PC so look out at 2nd hand shops and ebay
He is misleading you, its way better then that. You have to fight the Edgy in a sharp knife battle. If you are careful you can strip her by cutting the straps of her thick black leather clothing. Just be sure to disarm her or she tries to cut herself if she knows she is about to lose.
I have Gameplatform 2.5 as a gift I swear that I softmodded, so I might just look for an online copy if its just second hand stuff.
Well they might release a Digital copy for Gamestation 4 but I wouldn't bet on it
Plucky Sidekick was the best bro, tho.
Remember the Feels Scene at the end of Game 1?
It was the sequel to Threesome Game you fucking philistines
Take your threesome games faggotry out of this thread, you will never have your foursome games and the series has just descended into Company localisation meme translations and waifus. with Threesome games: Awakening.
I'm sorry, but this shit is way too meta for me.
The rpg Gameboy port of awesome game was good though, hell I'd say I enjoyed it more than the actual game
It's obviously a 5. Awesome Game 2 is actually Awe5omu Gamu 5 in Japan.
xXx4w350m3 g4m3 420xXx
Come on. 4wesome Game was alright. Sure it doesn't hold a candle to the originals and took away some features but it brought back some of the feeling of the original. The only reason people hate it so much here is because people on normal.com undeservedly hyped it up as the greatest thing ever.
Any /tg/fags try that board game adaptation yet? there was that one ccg a few years back but it never took off since it was just a rip off of Card Game.
I'm going to marry Generic Girl!
no thanks.
How much did that one vidya company everybody here hates pay you, you fucking shill?
How do you do, fellow anons?
Have you heard that Mr. Phonyhack, the director of the first Awesome Game is crowdfunding a new project?
I haven't been on there in like 4 days and when I did I only went to certain subcategories on normal.com so that makes it okay.
I really loved the first Awesome Game, but
I'm cautiously optimistic
Yeah, no thanks.
The first screenshots are out!
We've updated the hero's design as you guys suggested, according to the polls held by our lovely community manager, Cunt Fuckface.
Sadly, we've run out of funds, and we might have to start another campaign, and perhaps release the game in episodes. Thank you for your continued support!
that screen is /agdg/ as fuck
They are close to beta and this is the screenshot?
Fucking shit casual. Console where a mistake
they already removed this screenshot from their Community Website, after all the backlash and cancelled preorders.
fucking weebs on and their non-games
With which game should I start if I wanted to get into the Awesome Game series?
I've only seen Awesome Game: Badly Made Anime Adaption and it got me interested.
Super Awesome Game > Awesome Game 1 > Awesome Game 2 > Awesome Game 64 > Awesome Game '15 >>>>>> Boring Game >>> Boring Game 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Awesome Game Online
The Boring spin-offs were a mistake, and Awesome Game 4 doesn't exist
What went wrong?
Moeshit ruined it
why live
why is life so cruel
I generally stuck with the assault rifle since it was never really bad at any point but the rocket launcher was just too damn fun.
Good to see not everyone here are plebs, they polished the controls and got more creative with level design, leading to an overall better experience.
The only people that prefer Game 1 are blinded by nostalgia or "I liked it before it was cool" hipsters.
mmmmm spaghett
I heard the new Awesome Game is going to be on Mobile Phone.
Dongers games is a fucking noname shovelware dev.
daily reminder
People actually gave their shekels for an ASSFAGGOTS spin off.
you guys have some shit taste
I want to play as bowman
Sounds like the ocean
Is [generic snek archer] destined to be nerfed for all eternity?
Call me a shill, but I'm pretty hyped for Awe5ome Game.
I bet you thought horror g4me was great too.
Contrarian hipster faggot detected
why live
I'm still mad that it was rated so poorly when it came out.
The Feels Scene with Generic Girl takes place on a beach, yet you're surprised when the music playing there sounds like the ocean?
Shit taste user
It just keeps on hurting.
I did both you user. My heartboner needs fapmaterial too.
This is an 18+ board.
Get the fuck out my man.
how about you actually kill yourself
I just bought 'Slightly Pretentious Indie Game With Popularity On /board/ Inversely Proportional To The Size Of Its Fanbase' in the latest Digital Retail Medium sale. What am I in for?
I think its time to download doom.
Admit it you paid for it
The cast isn't even this interesting
tfw still no porn of the generic tsundere
Why live?
DongersGames went to shit after Awesome Game 2. It's sad, but it's how the industry works these days.
It's for the best. It's just not the same ever since Awesome Dev was bought out be Evil Publisher.
Shit I didn't even notice. I thought I just forgot what a 2 looks like.
So why does nobody every talk about Awesome Game 4?
Everyone completely forgets about it.
It doesn't exist.
When will you radical faggots accept that there is NO connection between them?
It's not our fault Radical Game didn't sell.
Goes to prove how casual Holla Forums is
I played Game 2 first. Anyone who says that Game was better is just blinded by nostalgia. Honsetly the whole series is pretty mediocre. I like 2 the most, but I'd be the first to admit its flaws and I'm not deluded enough to think it's so great because of anything other than nostalgia.
Company are fucking sjw hacks
I hope you didn't give them any money
Awesome Game was fun but now it's all about Frank's Abandoned Senior Project. It's just a demo but you should see all the stuff that Frank is planning to put into it. And it hasn't been updated in a while but once Frank gets through finals and gets his financial situation straightened out and gets off the drugs and gets over his depression he can get back to working on it. It's gonna be awesome!
fuck off back to Social News Aggregation Website
Is it worth it to get it on Steam, or should I just pirate it?
You are giving money to people that in no way or form helped make the game, in fact asshole company actively helped ruining the franchise.
y'know what, if the thread's still around tomorrow i'll try and see if i can get something up
That costume looks fucking gay on you
That's not me punk this is me faggot i'll fuck u up m80
I want to see Plucky sidekick and edgy enchantress love each other in a playful, caring and tender way.
What a nice logo. Good Job
yet Fighting Game gets mixed because some BR's play on a toaster
if you can't run the game, go play something like Retro Game or ASCII Game
Can somebody shill me on that game series?
I am failing to grasp.
That was a thing that used to happen.
Didnt activision reference that later on?
Wait for a sale. Its good, but 20 bucks is fucking ludicrous for a 13 year old game. Besides, they always put it at 90% off on sales.
Yup. Opening cutscene of the next game had the protagonist playing with a plastic dinosaur in his tank.
yeah, there has been more than a few dinosaur easter eggs and the such lately.
I believe Advanced Warfare had one, along with Black Ops, and Black Ops 2 for that matter.
it's hilarious to think that maybe the OP was actually legit and the dinosaur inclusion wasn't a coincidence
he's just a Competitor Corp shill trying to derail the thread, ignore him.
Awesome Game: Mobile Clash when??
I want to hold hands with furbait side character
for you
I enjoy Overpowered weapon, also you know that in Awesome Game 2 The Character is betreyed by That Weird Sidekick.
Developer never made a game after Gam3.
Too much shitposting around Thick Girl and not enough porn of Thick Girl.
So now that the Awesome Game dev team got fired from Evil Jew Company what do you think will be the future of the Awesome Game IP?
I see this often too.
Reboot called Amazing Game, boring and casualized as fuck
Why would they remake this shit game with a better name?
user why are you posting fake games?
The BoB radiant AI was a fucking disaster. No one can fucking beat that piece of shit game.
user what are talking about? I'm only going through 4wesome Game right now.
Enjoy your broken AI.
Wow, I imagine this is what posting on reddit is like !
Simply ebin, upvoted all these posts !
Guys, my Generic Console 2 broke down. Is there an emulator for it?
I bet you even installed the "optional" security firmware for it!~
What do you even do in awesome game?
You beat the game.
by doing what?
You know, stuff
ah, I see now. thanks user
drawfag here; still working on [generic tsundere]; bumping to hopefully keep the thread alive long enough for me to post the sketch
Does anyone else play Skinner Box? I tried playing Skinner Box:Random Numbers but it deviated too far from the original for me to enjoy it.
Ehh, it kinda went downhill when they made it a first person simulation…
bumping 'cause i feel obligated to get the pic done before the thread dies for good
We need to start an Awesome Game general
Sounds fun, but I don't think it'd last more than a second or third thread before the concept's run completely into the ground, if it hasn't been already.
this. Believe you me, as the OP, I'm having a shitton of giggles at what you did with my thread, but it does not have enough potential. Maybe one Awesome Game thread every few weeks for shits and giggles, but otherwise it will become just dumb.
Maybe if someone posted concept art once in a while, it'd be fun?
More like Man-Go Anus
Ya can't force people to have fun. Make some content yourself, and see if others join in, if you want
Why is that?
Maybe, but again, its nature as a parody, and not actual V I D E O G A M E S, means everyone'll either get bored by the next thread or autists will overexpand the concept into a cringe-filled tumor, before someone puts it out of its misery.
Either way, it's not gonna last, for better or worse.
Not forcing anyone user.
Ah well, had some good laughs while it lasted. Maybe before it dies I'll gather all the posts and try to create some sort of timeline.
It's too bad the studio went tits up mid development, I was on the testing group and managed to sneak a half finished copy out of the building the day they told us we were losing our jobs though.
post screencaps?
Will we ever catch a break?
It's ok if jew number 3 does it
Actually can someone explain this to me, someone on the dev team decided to put his face for no reason or there's a story behind it?
Lol, What's This thread? Fucking Weird
I Cant Make Sense Of It Lol Awesome Game?
ok havent had much luck dumping the rom but i might whip out the old Mega Drive (PAL) and try to take a pic later.
that's the most creative thread Holla Forums has had in months
Here took a pic of my TV
looks awesome
how about you at least give us the preview of the pic
I might as well, seeing as I'm probably not gonna be able to get back to this until Monday at the soonest. At this rate I'll probably have to resort to posting to the draw thread or something.
Roughness aside, sorry if it feels kinda lacking; haven't drawn in three months; also haven't attempted r34 before, so bear with me here.
No it's not. Fag.
why are you talking about doom?
There's certainly a lot that's gotta be improved, but is there anything in particular that stands out to you?
It's too flat. You gotta draw 3D shapes instead of lines.
you're as fucking nonspecific as a man can get.
…okay, you're just baiting, then.
It's really okay for a beginner The face looks really nice, and I can see you know your way around anatomy, but user does have a point that it's flat looking, especially the clothing-thing on her stomach. Instead of being properly foreshortened, it's basically a flat board with a hole in it, that gets wider at the end, and then… something weird happens to it, and it turns into a torso.
I take it that the nipples are just placeholders for now, but if they aren't then you're clearly not taking the curvature of her breasts into account.
Also the ribs-line too emphasized.
Keep going at it. I
Nah, I get what f90dca means: A fundamental principle of figure drawing is understanding how to convey three dimensional volume in a 2d image, or in more basic terms, knowing how to draw what you see, rather than what you "know".
Like I said, I've gotten fairly rusty.
If nothing else, I'm gonna have to get myself back in the habit of going out and sketching passerby whenever possible.
*This shit's unacceptable and I only have myself to blame.