New Podesta interview

Hey /pol, check out what was hiding all this time in the credits of Steven Greer's Unacknowledged. Just how much does Podesta know about extra-dimensionals?!??

The interview is obviously pre-election since the interviewer asks Podesta if people should vote for Clinton to release UFO files.

So many questions, namely, how closely is Steven Greer associated to John Podesta to land this interview? Are extra-dimensionals protecting Podesta, and by extension, the Clintons? So many questions….

Other urls found in this thread:

ayy lmao


Webm it you retard and archive everything. SAGE goes in all fields because OP sucks dick.

user's right, was too preoccupied with sucking dick to convert to webm for cripplechan. enjoy! >.>



Ayy stuff is classified way beyond president clarence.

You know what is more likely? White people (and especially democrats) are obsessed with Zombie and Alien fictions in order to emotionally deal with nigger violence and kike control. So, this situation here with Podesta isn't /x/, it is just a way to seem legit and wondrous to retards and white people in denial of reality.

After years of watching Greer I have come to the understanding that he is an actor operating on behalf of the Rockefeller Initiative. This initiative officially ran from 1993-1996 which included the Clintons, Podesta, Al Gore and many other reputable characters.

The Disclosure project was supported by the Rockefellers as with all of Greer's works. Watch Greer's body language when he talks, he speaks not from a position of enlightenment but from one of subterfuge and ego. I believe this is the seeds of an actual implementation of the alien false flag event discussed as far back and by as reputable a character as Wernher Von Braun

I'm going out on a limb here but I believe that this all financially ties back to monarch projects for the most part.

Worst president we ever had

Podesta is setting us up for an (((Alien))) invasion. The next level of "terrorism"?

Aliens need a quota of kids every year.

project bluebeam. remember that one infographic about staging an alien invasion right before the election? my bet is they will try it this monday.

if you see saucers coming down over major cities, dont panic. its likely a hologram. if you get vaporized from it, make sure to come back here and post about it so we all know whats up


This will probably be stickied too like the other OP who cant into formatting a decent thread. All of these slidefaggots need to lurk more.

Speaking as an ayy, OP is a faggot for locating this bread here instead of
Nothing much happens at A51 these days relating to us ayys anyway.

no questions will be entertained, and you didn't see this


Greer is mentally ill. So his associating with a child rapist isn't surprising. Podesta's know about 10 year old ass and second rate Italian foodstuffs, that's about it. Oh and election fixing.

I agree that Greer is a type of disinfo agent, controlled mostly by his massive ego (what a fucking creep he is), to serve as an agent for some sort of limited disclosure that works in the favor of the elite.

Try this ayy pill on for size:

I saw a TR-3B with my very own eyes in the late 90s.

Polite sage because this topic causes too much division on Holla Forums.

Who said they are aliens, they probably predate humanity.

the point isnt about area 51, the point is that Podesta thinks there are plenty of planets in the cosmos visiting earth. Yet he's suspected to be a pedophile/ cannibal. What does that tell you about our interstellar neighbors?

Steven Greer is a liar who's intentionally deflecting attention away from the real thing. It doesn't surprise me at all that child killer Podesta is involved with Steven Greer.
