Considering how there are so many newfags, redditors, and liberals on this board we need this thread to reduce the amount of shit threads.
My question is, which country will America most likely go to war next?
Considering how there are so many newfags, redditors, and liberals on this board we need this thread to reduce the amount of shit threads.
My question is, which country will America most likely go to war next?
I don't think these types of threads are ever a good idea to be honest. They end up killing traffic more than they help anything. What Holla Forums benefits from is a vibrant rate of discussion between everyone, not cordoning off everything oldfags don't want to discuss into containment threads.
What did he mean by these? none sounds particularly pleasant or beneficial to me
No thanks tbh.
kys yourself
I feel ya man, but most of the shitty threads being spammed right now are Holla Forumstards that could care less about being considerate. I think we're just going to have to wait it out.
t. Holla Forumsyp.
Putting artistic effort and luxury design into buildings takes extra resources and extra labor. Under communism how do we ensure architecture does not become dull, lifeless blocks that are merely functional life storage cubes?
If you guys want to appeal to people, you have to learn how to have fun.
Hell, I made a few hunger games threads, and people had a blast.
What i believe this board needs is more funposting.
In a communist world we would have surplus resources to put into art and architecture, and plenty of free people willing to put in a bit of effort to get the results they want.
did he do anything wrong?
Merely sedation. We can have fun, but this is not Holla Forums. I think we should definitely have discussions, but reduce the simple once answer, controversial-identitiarian questions in one thread to reduce attention to petty issues.
Accidently created a personality cult.
Idiots, you realize Marxian doctrine literally blames the uselessness of obsolete craftsmenship on industrialization. It proposes to go back to a time where a person instead of using machines use hard labor for farming or using your hands to make something a machine can with precision in multitudes more so more people can afford them. Without machines we couldn't produce half the shit the planet relies on for survival at such an effective cost that they could afford, and it would cause the death of hundreds of millions around the world. It would not be slow merciful death either. It would cause famine, fights, crime would sky rocket and, the means of production go to the GOVERNMENT your new bourgeoisie. Communism is nothing more than evil and a fools task to emulate. There is no freedom in communism, no equality. There is no such thing as equality since for equality there must be no unequal treatment. You're all idiots for thinking this ideology would work in any economic system. The USSR failed, just like you will if you follow it.
What's the difference between a Dear Leader and a fascist dictator?
I came on this board and all I see is limp-wristed wannabe communists living from the benefits of a capitalist society. 100% of you idiots wouldn't be able to live in the conditions that the USSR/Communist citizens lived in. Keep sipping your fucking coffee at your local coffee shop and typing on your laptop because you'll never be a real communist, only a fucking roleplayer. You're just like anarchist joining a movement that's for a big government candidate, a fake.
nothing gets past this guy
He got caught up in nationalism. Also, he was not much into theory.
Boy, I sure am lucky to be able to work long hours to produce commodities worth several times my wage while having more debt than personal property.
Yeah it sure is fun competing in a cutthroat market to obtain a job that pays enough to cover food and rent. It definitely wouldn't be better if I could create my own job without investing shitloads of capital that I don't have.
Bitch I work a full time minimum wage job with no benefits that is nothing but difficult and dangerous manual labor in the hot sun. It leaves me so exhausted my days off are spent aching in bed. It works me so hard I'm unable to find the strength for another job, so I remain poor.
On top of that, I take care of my disabled father, so what I do make has to cover two people, not just one. It's a good thing he paid off his house before his accident, or we would be homeless.
I need communism, this isn't some armchair shit I philosophize about.
We might need an entire thread to discuss your stupidity comrade.
take it easy he's obviously tired and upset
I know it was bait, but I want people to know we're not preppie kids driving ferraris our daddies bought us.
It also seems like you needed to get that frustration and alienation off of your chest user.
Yeah, I guess I did. I'd love to walk up to Wall Street and vent at all the Porkies, but alas I'm too poor to leave town, and Wall Street is very far away.
Nah dude.You probably pass a bunch on your way to work.
Tbh I don't, I walk to and from work as it's only half a mile. I do come into contact with rich people on a daily basis there, but I wouldn't vent to them because that would just get me fired.
If you happen to live in the south the fat cats generally live out in the country where they can buy tons of land and build big fuckin houses
Couple months before economic crash comrade. You can probably punch a porky in the riots to come.
How do mass shootings fit into leftist theory?
That's a really vague question. Mass shootings of yuppie scum is pretty kewl.
What about school shootings specifically
I'm newish & I care about education, knowledge. I don't want to have anything to be with memes & shitposting so speak for yourself.
man being a wageslave for the big corporations sure is fun as heck! fuck no. kys.
There are probably plenty of instances where school shooters light shit up as a result of being alienated by capitalist society and the ensueing cultural norms that reject them. Same thing with office rampages obviously.
Pretty much this. School shootings are a product of alienation - in similarly hypercapitalist countries where there's not as much guns, the same feelings manifest as suicide, knife attacks, alcohol abuse, and so on.
Switzerland and Czech Republic have just as easy access to guns, but way less shootings, because their societies are less alienating and inducing of hopelessness.
I have several questions about labor vouchers tbh, sorry for the pile of questions. I'm not at all saying it won't work, but every new system has to adapt to the human experience in order to work.
Under communism, a labour voucher that says you worked that day/week is good for all the food and services you need, right? You just show it off everywhere you need to go?
If there is tons of food for everyone, is it ok to splurge and get more than your utilitarian need, or do labor vouchers only cover [x] amount of food?
Doctor appointments can sometimes be months in advance of when you actually go. Sometimes the mechanic can't get to your car this week, and you're out of transportation to your job. When will the vouchers expire?
Capitalism or no capitalism, people around the world make things differently. Say you are in what's currently known as Peru, and you want something that's in what's currently known as Ukraine. How do you order the item with your labor voucher? Will labor vouchers be standardized worldwide, and if not, how will the person on the other end verify the legitimacy of your voucher?
How do you keep a job supervisor that dislikes or downright hates you from not giving you your rightfully earned labor voucher?
If you've had a shitty day at home, and this effects your job performance poorly, do you still earn the voucher?
If you are sick, injured or dealing with a personal emergency and you cannot work, how will you get your voucher? What if you have to remain hospitalized for months or even years?
If you want to take a vacation, or go traveling, how will you earn your vouchers during your abstinence from work?
If your job is to make the labor vouchers, how do we ensure you don't take a bunch of them home give to people who don't want to work?
Are vouchers just for utilitarian needs, or are you allowed to use them to obtain things like books, movies, toys for your children, that bust of lenin you always wanted, a spoiler kit for the back of your car, etc?
Might need your own thread for that shit fam
What the h*ck is a global civil war?
I'd be way better off, actually.
Don't you remember learning about Global Civil War 1 and GCW2 in school? Jeez user go back to middle school