You know what? I want to normalfags experience real war. How they will all get out on the street, screaming, in pain and fear, how they women will pretend to be strong, raped and dismembered, how bunch of those whiny neckbeards and nu males, who spewed feminist bullshit on the internet will scream in agony and tears like little babies, while their bloody guts lie on the floor. And all those capitalist pigs, who made money on lies and degeneracies, hanging half dead on pikes, along with jews and other rich parasites, eaten alive by thousand flies.
Sleep well, planet Earth, because you will later wake up in hell. And no nation will remain afterwards, your pride will be your grave.
Lawrence was a hack that did fuckall, and his "proud Bedouin warriors" were the stereotypical mudshits that only bothered to attack poorly defended cockroach strongpoints and gave up when the money dried up.
That being said, I find it hilarious that the Svencucks are so far up their own ass that they think the current population of Saudi Arabia would have allowed a woman to ride into battle, let alone ride at all.
Careful, you'll cut somebody with that edge.
t. complete civilian
Stop being so dramatic, it's fucking EA, did you or anyone else really think that there was a chance they were going to approach the first world war with anything that could be considered accuracy or respect? Do you think the modern gamer that would line up to buy this schlock would even give an ass' rat whether anything in the game is even close to being similar to real history? This game was fucked from conception, it's not even worth expending the calories to get mad over the next inaccuracy when this game is literally battlefield 3 with a WWI skin over it. Save yourself the heartache and look else where for you WWI fix, Battlefield 1918 is pretty decent, in fact most 1942 mods are; they're more extensive and they're free, you can't go wrong. It's better than wishing the death of human civilization because a bunch of hacks have as much respect for history as they have for games in general.
I'm not shilling for the new CoD, but normalfags hate things for the wrong reasons.
i like it.
Gonna love the comments like:
Normalfags. Not even once.
It's sad that CoD haters and their bots are having fun downvoting every IW trailer on Youtube while they're letting EA/Dice get away with pozzing WWI and putting the french and russian army in a DLC.
I was worried about the idea of Infinity Ward making this year's CoD, especially since their last 2 games were shitty (MW3 and Ghosts) but so far I like what I've seen of Infinite Warfare.
I'm sick of the pseudo futuristic setting but I like the idea of a futuristic CoD taking place in the solar system.
I bet they're gonna have gun customization too. Fuck.
I don't know whether to tell you to go to Holla Forums or Holla Forums, but either way you need to leave.
50 years ago Arabic countries were basically on tier with the US in regards to women, dumbshit. The current stat of women's rights over there is a very recent development, starting around the 80s.
The movie about him was great, though.
Oh, it'll be shit, but at least there is some originality. They should at least make a spinoff with the style and lack of seriousness like .
It's funny that they say that about CoD when it seems to be remotely interesting. Meanwhile Battlefield seems to be as bland as you can get post Bad Company and yet people love it.
I really dont get the hate for the new CoD, call me cliche but this new one looks like the others but with space fighting which as I see it is a good thing.
I just dont get anything at all.
You know what?
I also want you to experience real war for once.
When will the neo-80s shit finally end?
They do
You get them from battlepacks and premium membership
I've seen full golden weapons as well as heavy ornamental shit that would be ill-fitted in a Monarchs living room, let alone a soldier in the trench.
would you ride that shitstorm?
I wish it would never end.
You know the only reason they dont have Russians in the game is because you cant put niggers on the Russian team
I hate cod but hating cod has become a mainstream meme, probably shilled partially by EA, we know they have a massive shilling deparment.
Its because it isnt entirely the same with each entry anymore and its not marketed as the hip cool thing
I actually really like this new CoD Zombies. Treyarch's out of touch with their original view on Zombies. This looks like something the old writers would have made.
There's already a Republic Commando 2, it's called Halo 5 :^)
You're right, it's gonna be another corridor shooter but from what I've seen so far it looks like they put a lot of thought into the world building for this game.
Glad to see you're a fag with no taste.
Checenya would like to have a word with you.
And no, it's because the consumer base is so historically illiterate and because Russia makes such a small percentage of the active Battlefield player-base that we didn't include Russia and France from the get go instead of DLC. Nobody knows shit about the Western Front outside of Murrika and Britain and Russia is that one big blob of nothing that tripped over itself. Easy to milk shekels out of buttmad historyfags and it would cause a small uproar compared to not introducing Germany or Britain from the get-go.
I'm starting to think it's all actually a stealth/viral campaign against CoD set into motion by EA in order to make BF1 look good in comparison. That, or the normalfags really hate the whole "advanced warfare" direction CoD's been going for the last couple of years.
This one slice of the game looks more interesting than everything else Infinite Warfare has going for it, why they didn't go Blood Dragon on the rest of the game is beyond me.
Nah, fuck the entire industry.
Normalfags do in fact that the "advanced warfare" direction. They can't just get easy kills while occasionally shooting up to get a UAV or killstreak down, now they have to look up in case an enemy is above them and its really hard to do you guys
As for BF1 I don't get why people are excited outside of the new setting because Hardline was lackluster and Battlefronts reboot sucked.
What is this cancer
This needs a baneposting rewrite.
I think the community don't know what they want.
They "hated" Advanced Warfare's exo system but they all sucked Treyarch's dick with BO3 and it's shitty campaign and multiplayer (lag, hit detection, horrible matchmaking/servers).
I think a lot of people are sick of the futuristic setting as shown in AW and BO3 (it's basically the same art style in both games) but downvoting every IW video is really dumb, it's like these people think that a studio can do a 180°, scrap everything done for 3 years in less than 6 months before the release date.
Oh the pains of being a normalfag who worships youtube e-celebs.
reminds me of when initial footage came out and people thought they were doing something cool like "alternate history WW1"
having a big train on the map and horses, planes, infantry, tanks and jeeps all at the same time sure looks neat in a trailer but we all know actually playing the game will just be a clusterfuck and most players will just be sniping in the dunes
3 minutes of just saying he doesn't like vaporwave, and i understand that everyone just using faux neo-80s shit these days is pretty silly but who would believe that people follow trends
This has been strange. CoD is trying to be the one with original content and Battlefield is just repeating the same shit. This is a strange time since I used to make fun of CoD but I actually think Infinite Warfare will be pretty great. Battlefield one is meh. It's just more of the same but in "WWI with black people and Arabs".
I was expecting some actual Moonman, not Michael Jackson.
I doubt CoD will be more than a 6/10 game, maybe a 5/10 game, outside of some shit entries it was average as heck.
Congratulations, you triggered me with that line, if only because there will be people who will actually think that.
here's one made from the original commercial that moonman came from
he changed philosophies over the years.
50 years ago Arabic countries still had white men ruling them.
how things change, how things change.
Good movie, though.
Thats pretty fucking funny. Not even their pet mudslimes are safe from being diversified. Also that sandstorm is going to be like the blimp and appear at a set point every match, isn't it?
According to what I saw of the stream at Gamescom, the sandstorm has a chance to show up every round, but sometimes wont. The map can have rain, too.
The way BF1 is now, it would be a 3/10 at best for me.
History revisionists are a thing sadly.
You're confusing Africa and Arabia
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
deepest lore
If that were true, there wouldn't be video games, good food and luscious behinds, m80.
You know what? I want to normalfags experience real memes. How they will all get their planes crashed with no survivors, screaming , in pain and fear, how they women will pretend to be big, raped and dismembered, how bunch of those whiny small guys and nu males, who spewed sheevposting bullshit on the internet will scream in agony and tears like little babies, while their shit OC lie on the floor. And all those sheevposters, who made money on lies and degeneracy, hanging half dead on pikes, along with hotheads and other weaker memes, eaten alive by thousand flies.
Sleep well, planes, because you will later wake up crashed. And no survivors will remain afterwards, your flight plan will be your grave.
Haha, you sure are an angry one!
You should relax, and I dunno… maybe jerk off?
Maybe try something new, like imagine yourself as a woman for a change. Close your eyes, imagine the emptiness between your legs, the hole in your crotch, follow that feeling up your pelvis and ponder upon your uterus. Now, you see a very fit lizardman rising from the river on a sunny summerday, in all his primal glory. You gaze upon his glistening muscles and feel a sensation in your vagina. Your nipples stiffen, and you can feel your face blushing. How embarrasing!
The lizardman looks at you and gives a smug smile. He knows exactly how you feel about the situation. He walks up to you and grabs you by the waist and pulls your bodies together. You can feel his scales gently scraping your skin. Against your pelvis, you can feels something wet and warm growing… The lizardman reaches besides you on both sides and lays his hands on your buttcheeks. He drags them towards your thights, and in one fell swoop he grabs your legs and lifts you up while spreading your legs. You seek balance by throwing your arms around his strong neck, and resting your chin on his shoulder. You slide down slowly, feeling your breasts and stomach scraping his coarse body. You feel his slick, throbbing videogames first pressing against your vulva and then penetrating inside. You feel waves of pleasure shooting through your body and can't help but gasping out loud. The lizardman reacts to this with a self-satisfied smile and a deep, soft hissing-sound.
As he starts slowly moving his videogames back and forth, you remember hearing from the village elders stories about young women such as yourself getting impregnated monsters who walked like men, and giving birth to new such beasts. An aspect yourself whimpers "what about your duties to your own species?!" but these foolish notions are quickly silenced as your physiologically perfect reptilian mate turns your head against his snout and invades your mouth with his forked tongue, tickling your tonsils in the process. You stop caring. All you want is more of him inside yourself. "humanity is overrated", you think as the lizard continues his gracious plowing. After moments of extacy, the creature that you have accepted as your master shoots his hot, thick gameplay into your womb, guaranteeing that the only offspring you will ever carry will be of the true lizardman PC gamer masterrace who doesn't play fucking awful stupid garbage games like Battlefield 1.
well that's probably the most disgusting copypasta I've ever read.
Good job!
Actually, it's OC. Fresh off the ovens, for you! :)
Well, the Brits at least had a strong influence over Arabic countries following the fall of the Turkish Empire. IIRC, many of those nations' boarders were drawn up by British generals.
I'm amazed that this game is being paraded by normalfags while they shit on Infinite Warfare.
But then again they do have shit taste.
Btw, I do realize it's shit, but I just wanted you to know that I had a boner all the way writing it.
You forget that shitting on COD is the cool thing to do. Take for example No Man Sky defenders, they use shit like "Go back and play COD" for no reason other then to win the argument, even if it does't hold.
You're back again?
This is why political faggots were mistakes
No matter what side your on your retarded
The new CODs are believe it or not
"To fast"
9/10, "videogames" caught me off guard
Woman's POV was pic related
The funniest thing about the "go back to playing CoD" insult is that they assume everybody who doesn't like NuMale's Lie is a consolepleb.
People on PC have thousands of good titles at their disposal. It just shows how fucking retarded the rapid fanbase is.
Also, leddit.
Yeah, that and CoD is also a very good game.
Slow down there Satan
COD by Treyarch you mean
Or "maybe it's just not for you".
Actually nigger, it was for me when I was looking at the trailers of the game. The end product does that resemble that anymore.
It's literally just like somebody defending Watch_Dogs. Looked cool in the trailers, and in concept, but the final product is absolute trash that should be cleansed from the Earth.
Is it actually confirmed thats supposed to be Lawrence of Arabia or is it just some character thats going to fight alongside him in the campaign and the dude is taunting her about killing her boss?
I just figured it was taunting, not that the girl in question was supposed to be Lawrence. Typical "your legacy will die here" shit.
I loved BF4 and I got into the Alpha for BF1 I was not a big fan of the game. It doesnt have that Battlefield feel to it.
Its hard to explain but everything is so clean so stream lined like even the fuck up that was Hardline managed to still basically be a BF game with a cops and robbers paint job.
Its getting to the point people are defending historical inaccuracies with "The older BF titles had experimental weapons and shit" when but that shit was atleast plausible stuff like XM8s or EOD drones but I am not even sure soldiers in WW1 wore knight armor while using an machine gun like it was some sort of minigun.
and the comments to that video make me sick
That last one was probably written by a 14 year old
Don't forget how everyone will be using a smg, autoloading rifle or scoped bolt action. and everyone gets sidearms
OK, I'll concede that Austria-Hungary didn't fight alongside the Turks all that much, but the Germans were practically running the Ottoman Army by the end.
Also, I fucking hate that bullshit with the weaponry having the emblem of the army that's using it on the side. It looks fucking stupid, and takes away any sense of immersion I may have.
The best thing I can say for Battlefield 1 is that it looks like a really impressive "Hollywood"-ised version of the alternate universe World War I, but historically accurate, fuck no.
So many people don't understand the core concept of what vaporwave is. You can't just slow down a song 400% and call it a day.
All they had to do was say it's an alternate history game and I could deal with this bullshit, but instead the arguments I'm seeing are that this is what history should have been like and somehow the real thing isn't adequate.
i miss the days where dice made actual good games. remember bf2 trailers when they came out it wasnt just random "EPIC MOMENTS GUYS" the trailers actually told a story. it was a shit story dont get me wrong, but they didnt have these cuts from one moment to another just to show what you can do in game and how epic it was. they showed everything you could do ingame in a story trailer……if you wanna call it that.
also it was more about how to be tactical squad rather than "SHOOT ANYWHERE ITS SO MUCH FUN"
where did it all go wrong?
shit like this is why people always shat on COD
now its just COD shitting on BF
It is, like every other entry into ephemeral pop culture; artifacts of surrealist gratification of the masses' base senses and their ever-changing schizophrenic unrefined taste, but with the additional sin of pretending it's different. In a hundred years, nobody will sing or play vaporwave songs. Nobody. It is by definition degenerate because it is driven by the common man who is not pursuing healthy ideals set by his own elite.
It's just groovy relaxing music. No one's claiming it's patrician shit, you can ease your tism.
Currently, vaporwave is overused, yes I've heard that Resonance song in about 4000 different places
I put the entire fascination with 80's vaporwave and 80's style as retrospective look at the last time western nations were actually livable
There was less brown people fucking shit up for whitey, government was still controllable and plenty of opportunity for young people. Fast froward to 2016, Dirty brown people are fucking everywhere fucking up everything, Government is absolutely out of control(regulations,taxes,Political correctness) etc etc.Very little job opportunity for young people.
Also trump is loosely connected with the vaporwave that is why young people are drawn to it.
People still listen to Bach, the first vaporwave composer.
Why are you niggers so triggered?
Fuck if metroid came out today you`d be shitting on it for making Samus a woman.
It was a different time back then, SJW where not trying to take games away from us back then.
Duh, they all wear exoskeleton. Physical power isn't very relevant.
Pre-exo CoD's didn't have female soldiers.
Holla Forums was a mistake.
I don't know why I ever expect anything but disappointment.
t. Leftypol.
ruling castes of middle eastern countries are whiter than the rest. used to be much whiter in the past.
t. not Hillary
Every retarded smug social-signalling leftyfag needs to be left in the worst part of detroit, or the worst mudslime country(Iran?) depending on how smug they are.
No back then you weren't a sensitive bitch
No since 2007 and recently with Gmaergate, SJW are trying to take our game away from us.
Back in the 80's and 90's that wasn't happening, so Seamus and Lara Croft where OK.
do you even know who started the taqia meme hitler?
After reading that, I thought it sounded like the person writing it got more aroused as it went on.
lol pigson, what's next? hasbara is a meme too?
If Samus was specifically a dude, then yeah. She was just in power armour.
Well I was just guessing
I can't really confirm which dunecoon nest is the worst, since I sure as shit don't plan on visiting any
Shit, meant for
Anyone want to add to this list of DICE's cuck fantasy history?
>readily available semi-automatic rifles despite them only existing in handfuls at the time
>"We wuz kaisers" aka le affirmative action conscription
It looks kinda cool but at the same time my historical assburger is crying.
I mean this dosnt have anything in common with 1st world war
its amazing, the gameplay in bf1 is indistinguishable from cawadoody, the only difference is flag capping and larger maps.The health bar is so pointless that they actually removed it in bad company 2 and you never worry about it, the only people that need to see it are medic so it worked fine in that game.
There's quickscoping, the last concession to normalfaggotry. If you point out that the guns in the game aren't realistic you'll get one of two responses
"its not supposed to be realistic, its being authentic!"
"its just a video game!"
Its funny, DICE actually used to have a reputation for not these kind of concessions, their games were historically accurate, not only that but they would TEACH you about those maps. Before every battle in 1942 you'd get a blurb explaining what the map is about. In battlefield Vietnam you'd even get weapon facts and explanations of NVA tactics which actually doubled as tips for playing as the gooks.
I usually point to battlefield 2 as the point where they fucked up since a modern setting has no historical basis. For some reason normalfags just can't get enough of the plain ass assault rifles with tacticool bullshit slapped on. bad company 2 vietnam was pretty much the best apology they could have given me. The historical maps were back, the history lessons were bad in the news cast, the real weapons that were used were back, the only thing it lacked was booby traps which was fine since its a bc2 skin.
the battlefield series was so promising with its debut. 1942 was a massive change from the normal fare of shooters, a game that relied not on twitchy reflexes but on teamwork and good vehicle work. And then they spend the next decade ruining it. My only guess is that DICE gets some sort of perverse pleasure out of cucking their game.
Actually game about niggers in the African jungle would be more fun that bf1
Or someone was tapping their shoulders, pointing at Call of Duty.
probably EA.
I would say that DICE are the next up on the killing floor but their games will never sell poorly, battlefield 3 cemented it.
racis basterds
I would like to see their interpretation of Gallipoli, fuckers will probably have you play as turks on the invading side or some shit.
Also that's not a Nagant, it's a fake Mauser as I recall.
You got, trips! Fucking loser!
Thats a springfield you loser
Kinda hot actually!
do you have anymore?
You know what? I want CIA to experience real darkness. How they will all get out on the street, screaming, in pain and fear of the reckoning, how they flight plans will pretend to be strong, crashed and with no survivors, how bunch of those whiny cops and nu batmans, who spewed justice bullshit on the internet will scream in agony and tears like little babies, while their bloody masks lie on the floor. And all those capitalist pigs, who made money on lies and the stock market, hanging half dead on pikes, along with the mayor and other rich parasites, eaten alive by thousand flies.
Sleep well, gotham, because you will later wake up in hell. And no batman will remain afterwards, your pride will be your grave.
If it wasn't for the "pre order now, goy!" jewry I'd probably buy this if the gameplay was as fun as it looks. I can completely sympathize with people for hating COD, but I cannot understand why you'd hate the last couple while praising shit like COD4 or Battlefield 1. The recent COD games have been universally better than the previous ones just because they actually require a bit of skill to play properly thanks to the movement system and having some decent weapon variety.
Considering the fact that it became the single most disliked game trailer in the entire history of JewTube, I'm going to have to say that this one can be chalked up to popular opinion and not just a small group of faggots sitting around with an axe to grind with CoD. Everyone is just sick of exosuits and wall running and they wanted a "normal" shooter. Plus, the new CoD looks like it was developed like 6 years ago graphics wise. It just looks like complete shit all around. Meanwhile the new Battlefield is something new, at least on the surface, and 99% of the population aren't total autists who use a Taiwanese pottery forum in their spare time and could honestly give a fuck less about niggers being in a video game, shit, most people honestly don't know a single thing about ww1 and could honestly care less about the weapons or anything else about this game that isn't true to history. People just wanted something "fresh" so they all blew their loads over this and shit all over CoD for being another futuristic piece of garbage that nobody wanted.
Ow the edge.
Only if I write more.
I was kinda tired and psychotic when doing that but the thing is that I honestly can't come up with any other scenario right now. Do you have any ideas what the follow-up might be?
I don't mind hating CoD, but these same people think that Battlefield is genuinely a smart and refreshing take on WW1. Fuck that, you'd have to be absolute fucking retard to think tha BF1 looks good or refreshing. It's the same stupid comic book bullshit with muh epicool "realism" and pandering to their juvenile ideals.
At least CoD:Infinity is doing space warfare better than BF1 is doing WW1.
And they hate it for some bizarre reason.
Further proof normalfags actively want to gobble down shit and nothing else.