Why has it been so impossible for any dev to make a truly great TMNT game since basically the 16 bit era?
Why has it been so impossible for any dev to make a truly great TMNT game since basically the 16 bit era?
developers have since lost the attitude and testosterone required to do them justice.
It's certainly odd considering how much more prevalent co-op and multiplayer in general has become over the years. You'd think at some point some dev/studio would be able to put some talent and effort into making another good TMNT game.
So Holla Forums, which Turtle do you pick?
Michelangelo is the best
I'd like to see a 2-Player brawler where you play as Raph and Casey Jones and you got to rescue the other three. I know, the appeal of these games is that you get to play as your favourite turtle but any premise can make for a good game.
TMNT 3 Radical Rescue automatically starts you off as Mike and you have to rescue the other three (and April) and I think it's the second best game in the franchise.
Probably because the shows and movies have been shit for nearly as long.
How about a marvel vs capcom style fighter? The last fighter made for turtles was pretty disappointing considering the other fighters available at the time.
It's not even just the rise of co-op and MP again. Fags said for years le Platinum should make a Turtles game, then when Platinum actually did it turned out awful.
That's a good idea as well.
Platinum being a good developer is a fucking meme that I'm glad is dying. They were never good and the games that were decent, were only because they got lucky.
Platinum are good at exactly ONE genre and only when they use their own IPs, all their licensed shit fucking blows and yes that includes Transformers and MGR too
Platinum works like this:
There's a main team that makes the actual good games, MGR, Bayo, W101, etc (i don't give a shit if you don't like MGR, it's objectively good)
Then when they take commissions from companies they employ the secondary team.
For example for Korra, they used the second team, for Transformers: Devastation (i don't give a shit if you don't like it, it's objectively good) they used the main team, and for the TMT game they used the second team again.
It's their own fault really, they went trough a period where they took too many jobs on a strict schedule and were understaffed to deliver on all of them.
yeah, down syndrome's one hell of a disease
Here's a riddle for you chuckles, am I talking about MGR or Transformers with these? ITS BOTH, FAGGOT
Well, you have to be talking about Transformers, because I didn't play that one:^). Other than being short, nothing there really applies to MGR.
guess you didn't play MGR either bucko
because couch coop is dead to companies
Couch co-op requires actual friends which like nobody has these days
fuck off casual
oh look another casual
Except he didn't say it wasn't.
And many other games in this genre are known for having a bad camera. "Easy to brake" also applies to many others; DMC4 with "Distorted" Real Impact as Dante, and Nero with his grabs (don't get me started on Vergil). The best strategies for modern Ninja Gaiden games rely pretty heavily on Ultimate Techniques, to the point where most of the fights you'll be holding Heavy Attack and watch the game almost play by itself. You can also say they're repetitive.
I don't see how those things are enough to call MGR a bad game. And Transformers is almost a perfect game, the only that brings it down is how the loot system is handled.
Are you implying that the 8-bit games are any good?
Why do they make them all blocky and noodly now instead of the traditional artstyle?
The kids don't like turtles with rounder faces?
Well this one is ture, if you skip all cut-scenes and just complete game without retrying for S, you'll finish it in under 4 hours.
No? Played with KB+M and never had any problems with camera.
No? Well you can complete the game with just basic combo and parry move, but it's your fault that you didn't use all the variety game offered to you. It's absolutely not repetitive.
Sounds like any game ever. I dare you to name ONE that isn't like that.
Don't play on baby mode?
Well here are my arguments. It's not the OMG BEST SHIT EVER, but it's a good little game.
The blame lies with the 2003 series that gave them generic superhero physique.
The series itself isnt that bad imo. I liked it.
Any TMNT game beyond the best one is redundant anyway seeing as that one saw Shredder get killed and Splinter turn back to a human.
now where's my fucking HD refresh konami oh right you're too busy turning Metal Gear into pachinko and Left4Dead, faggots
Speaking of TMNT1… Most people think Raph sucks, but they just don't know how to use him. He kills flying enemies (and projectiles) in one hit, and his sais are the fastest weapon. This means he can basically jump through every flying thing in the game without taking damage. Best turtle to go through the inside of the Technodrome with.
Yes, I remember that despite having the longer reach, Donatello had a slow attack.
I know that Raphael was quick… did he had a stronger attack?
I somehow remember Leo & Mike having basically the same attack in gameplay terms.
I don't think Mike had a single redeeming quality aside from being a damage soak.
Mostly that game is all about Donny and his bo staff of +10 rape, Leo is just the boring all-rounder that most team-leader style characters were doomed to be..
I don't think we've had a single game with the original artstyle, actually.
yeah unfortunately the Mirage versions have never had a game appearance. I have been holding out hope for decades they or the 1990 movie Turtles would have a game debut but no dice.
They is a game with the first art style, its on the PC
Look at the history of companies who has had the IP rights.
1989 - 2006: Konami
2007-2011: Ubisoft
2012 - ????: Activision
TMNT is in the some awkward position as the James Bond rights in the later years of the EA deal and Activision's hold on the rights for nearly a decade.
The reason why the platinum turtles game sucks is because they didn't give a fuck about it. Korra and Turtles have no presence in Japan
I'm pretty sure TMNT is fairly popular in Japan or at least was.
I don't think its as popular as Transformers. Isn't that series technically from japan despite the animated series being from america?
I also recall that the a japanese transformers actually split path from the american transformers animation down the line, too
TMNT is basically a meme so get over it already.
They were just decent when Ninja Gaiden Black and DMC3 exist.
Oh I'm sorry, I guess I'm a casual because I don't like flashy bullshit that lacks substance and has QTEs up the ass, especially in the fucking boss fights. Oh and I guess I'm also a fucking casual when I beat all of those games on their "hardest" difficulty and still thought they were decent and quite possibly the easiest shit I've ever played.
Everything was decent, even MGR. Being decent doesn't mean the game is literal trash you reactionary nigger.
Korra suffered from almost no budget and a pretty shitty series.
As for TMNT, it was pretty apparent that the attention was divided [even with their other Activision release] and, as you said, no one seemed to care.
Transformers in Japan is its own bizarre topic.
The divide continued through to the Beast era with completely new 2D animated series airing between seasons of the dubbed 3D cartoon. Oddly enough, Beast Machines wasn't released in ANY capacity in Japan until 2009.
For better or worse, the success of the 2007 movie has pushed the American G1 canon to be the main storyline worldwide. IDW is gradually phasing in Japanese and even European-only G1 offshoot characters into the canon so Hasbro can eventually market them in new territories.
Yeah, they even had that old two episode OVA.
I think the problem is that Platinum used ideas that looked good on paper, but didn't work in the actual game.
eyy fuck you man, that show was the best.
I didn't say anything about the show itself other than the Turtles looked awful
Okami had great presentation and Action segments, but every adventure scenario was poorly planned out and even a little buggy. Events with needlessly specific and spiteful triggers. Ruined the pacing of the story, too.
Then there were those Arena rings all the minor enemy fights took place in. They made every battle feel way too similar, and having enmies appear on the field as floating scrolls killed all the tension in the game.
I hate all the little problems in Okami so much.