What is a hivemind, how does it work and how does it affect us? ITT: we refine our understanding of our unique interrelationship
True Holla Forumsacks have long since come to accept that we operate as a hivemind. We've seen it time and time again: anons post the same thoughts or images within seconds of each other, create nearly identical OC, etc. But what is a hivemind, and how is it important to us? I've come to intuit that it's a type of 'superstructure' of consciousness, in the most esoteric sense meaning that consciousness is likely a form of animating subtle energy which does objectively exist. Much like a brain is made up of individual neurons which, when cooperating, exhibit new emergent properties, the coordinated interaction of Holla Forumsacks also exhibits unique properties. What exactly these properties are is up for debate, and that debate is the purpose of this thread.
Hiveminds exist. We see that an ant colony, for instance, operates like a well-oiled machine as long as the queen is alive–regardless of where the queen is physically. Yet when the queen dies, regardless of where that queen is located, those same ants become confused and aimless. I'll try to find that study and boast it here, but I didn't want to put off making this thread any longer If insects display this behavior, who's to say that other lifeforms cannot? I imagine that a human hivemind is less hierarchical than that, and more complex, but not completely dissimilar.
Kikes seem to operate from a hivemind basis. While it's true that some filthy yids aren't high up in the kikel hierarchy, they nonetheless benefit from nepotism and their groupthink mentality. I posit that this particularly disgusting hivemind-based relationship is the reason that jews have been fairly successful in elevating their "people" in various societies. I further posit that this is why oven-dodgers work so hard to create dissonance in the host nation–to prevent other individually superior groups from reaching a hivemind state of consciousness; a hivemind is many orders of magnitude more powerful than an individual mind and may gain the power and will to gas the parasites.
Hitler may have activated a German hivemind. National Socialism seeks to bind a people together by blood, yet also by a system of thought/belief. The NatSoc German hivemind (if it was one) was able to throw off the jewish-engineered 'great depression' before any other nation and damn near defeat the entire world militarily. And if you're a hardcore esoteric Hitlerism user south pole bases, foo fighters, etc. you might make the case that that hivemind is still in the process of winning the war. If that's the case, and if kikes do operate as a hivemind, then we can understand why there's such an enduring hate in them for the German hivemind: because only a hivemind not lolberg-tier atomized individualism can truly defeat another hivemind. Similarly, only a brain can out-think another brain, isolated neurons cannot.
I'll continue to toast in this bread with more thoughts about this topic, but for now:
tl;dr: motherfucking hivemind thread, let's explore the idea you glorious faggots