Your Hivemind and You: An Operator's Manual

What is a hivemind, how does it work and how does it affect us? ITT: we refine our understanding of our unique interrelationship

True Holla Forumsacks have long since come to accept that we operate as a hivemind. We've seen it time and time again: anons post the same thoughts or images within seconds of each other, create nearly identical OC, etc. But what is a hivemind, and how is it important to us? I've come to intuit that it's a type of 'superstructure' of consciousness, in the most esoteric sense meaning that consciousness is likely a form of animating subtle energy which does objectively exist. Much like a brain is made up of individual neurons which, when cooperating, exhibit new emergent properties, the coordinated interaction of Holla Forumsacks also exhibits unique properties. What exactly these properties are is up for debate, and that debate is the purpose of this thread.

Hiveminds exist. We see that an ant colony, for instance, operates like a well-oiled machine as long as the queen is alive–regardless of where the queen is physically. Yet when the queen dies, regardless of where that queen is located, those same ants become confused and aimless. I'll try to find that study and boast it here, but I didn't want to put off making this thread any longer If insects display this behavior, who's to say that other lifeforms cannot? I imagine that a human hivemind is less hierarchical than that, and more complex, but not completely dissimilar.

Kikes seem to operate from a hivemind basis. While it's true that some filthy yids aren't high up in the kikel hierarchy, they nonetheless benefit from nepotism and their groupthink mentality. I posit that this particularly disgusting hivemind-based relationship is the reason that jews have been fairly successful in elevating their "people" in various societies. I further posit that this is why oven-dodgers work so hard to create dissonance in the host nation–to prevent other individually superior groups from reaching a hivemind state of consciousness; a hivemind is many orders of magnitude more powerful than an individual mind and may gain the power and will to gas the parasites.

Hitler may have activated a German hivemind. National Socialism seeks to bind a people together by blood, yet also by a system of thought/belief. The NatSoc German hivemind (if it was one) was able to throw off the jewish-engineered 'great depression' before any other nation and damn near defeat the entire world militarily. And if you're a hardcore esoteric Hitlerism user south pole bases, foo fighters, etc. you might make the case that that hivemind is still in the process of winning the war. If that's the case, and if kikes do operate as a hivemind, then we can understand why there's such an enduring hate in them for the German hivemind: because only a hivemind not lolberg-tier atomized individualism can truly defeat another hivemind. Similarly, only a brain can out-think another brain, isolated neurons cannot.

I'll continue to toast in this bread with more thoughts about this topic, but for now:
tl;dr: motherfucking hivemind thread, let's explore the idea you glorious faggots

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is your queeen CIAlt

I was going to deny you your prized first post shillpost, but I thought it would be better to let this thread grow organically. Thank you for fertilizing what is apparently )to me, now) a decent OP with your kikel bullshit. I expect said fertilization is an auspicious sign.

Also your post is nonsensical and irrelevant, which probably means that we're dealing with a bot here. I disdain Implicit Dick, and this has nothing to do with ecleb faggotry…yet your second pic is visually descriptive of my premise nonetheless. 1/10 for hilariously unintentional support

Why are you against the white race? You CIA or Eurasian filth? Why do you support the Alt-Kike when it wants to destroy us?

Dugin and his gay bitch Spencer want your memes and they want your lives. They want to kill the white race with a smile on their face.

You need to stand up for your own family. Not make shitposts. Get your head out of your fucking ass. The world isn't a computer screen!

Fight back!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Holla Forums!

I'm not sure if I'm catching the cut of your jib, friend. This isn't a shitpost thread, it's an exploration into the metaphysics of consciousness thread, and it's geared specifically towards the hivemind that we all know exists on Holla Forums. It's a thread to explore the idea of our hivemind, to suss out its emergent properties and to find new and exciting ways to use our hivemind-based consciousness to save the European genetics that are at the heart of civilization. You should join us in that quest, asses and elbows. You're not alone anymore, faggot, and for better or worse we share a mind now, so stop shitting it up. but thanks for the bamps, I think this is an important topic

He's 100% right about the CIAlt-Right, however I want to hear how he thinks this thread supports it.

user tested, Kek approved. I don't think he really thinks this is a faggot aut-right thread, but I'm not upset at his autism because his sentiment does bear repeating. I'll live to see those subversive faggots laid low, that's a fact. Peace was never an option

We're a stand alone complex, not a hivemind. A hivemind has a monarch/thought leader, with the rest being follower drones. That's why it's named after an insect hive. The left is a hivemind (though really a collection of loosely organized hives). You need to have your concepts correct before you try to be clever.

Also, stop using the term energy in a woo fassion. Energy is the stuff of action. Everything that happens is the result of energy transfers. If you don't have a definition of "subtle energy" stop using it to try and sound "esoteric"

Funny you should say so, the same terminology came to me as well. I suppose that, regardless of the fact that your term is more accurate, I used "hivemind" because it's the more common Holla Forumsack vernacular. All of which leads me to consider that we should rebrand our "hivemind" as a "stand alone complex", but of course that needs to take root in our collective consciousness. And you might have just made that happen. Also, I don't need to try to be clever, it happens naturally


Holla Forums is a place people come for the Truth. The anons that make up Holla Forums are mostly similar in values, but have a WIDE spectrum of political views. A lot of us have come to the conclusion that National Socialism is the Truth, but a lot of us would recommend different types of governments as long as similar core values were upheld.

It does, but let's not let it derail the thread.
I do think that the Germanic hivemind is winning in some respects, look into vril energy and all that, if you're spiritual realize that jews worship YHVH the demiurge which powers their hivemind.

Dubs don't lie. but you're misunderstanding me, I think. There is no """"""""""""woo""""""""""""""" here. For example, if I told someone 1000 years ago that there are invisible energy waves that penetrate the human body, that would sound like your "woo" to them. However, we now know that x-rays are a thing. In a similar manner, I believe that consciousness will someday be seen as a carrier wave, and that we will at some point have a way to detect this energy. I hope this makes sense to you and takes the perceived silliness of the word "energy" down a notch or two. That's my definition of "subtle energy", I mean it's an objectively measurable form of energy that we don't yet have the instruments to measure.

Agreed, and it doesn't disprove my general hypothesis. Other researchers have used the term "swarm consciousness"

I don't have an opinion about this website, but this article seems to be decent after a brief scan

guys why isnt my meme taking off i feel like it should be very hive mind

Risking too many gigantically faggoty OP self-bumps, this stood out to me in the article since it's similar to what I was thinking

>Looking further out, online human swarms may be a path to super-intelligent systems. After all, a single honeybee lacks the intellectual capacity to even consider a complex problem like selecting a new home site for a colony, and yet swarms of bees have been shown to not only solve that multi-faceted problem, but find optimal solutions. If we humans could form similar swarms, we may be able to achieve similar boosts in intellect, solving problems that we currently, as individuals, can’t even conceive.

Good post op. You're seeing it. It's pretty neat isn't it.

You are correct, we already have all of the mathematical tools we need to understand the hivemind and noosphere and why it is SO FUCKING IMPORTANT that (((centralized entities))) such as Google and Faceberg not be allowed to eat the internet.

Whatever. Maybe. But you don't need to understand consciousness in order to understand the hivemind. Let me explain.

Minds are habitats for thoughts. Thoughts are the fruiting bodies of memes. Memes use minds to sexually reproduce (memetic crossover plus mutation) and experience natural selection (some ideas are virulent, some are worth sharing, others are not). Every thought, every idea, has a pedigree, modulo spontaneous mutation. Some hard historical examples:

>Buddha: Sat under a tree, thinking, and vowed not to arise until he had found the truth. After 49 days of meditation, at age 35, he achieved enlightenment. In other words, his mind contained a model of minds (e.g., thinking, emotions, consciousness), which allowed him to construct a general solution (the Four Noble Truths) for reaching happiness and ending the cycle of repeated "rebirth and dying" failing to learn life's lessons.

The hivemind is merely the emergent phenomenon of many minds exchanging memes via a nexus, which induces a metaheuristic optimization process that could be characterized as either a "genetic algorithm" or a "memetic algorithm". Our minds work together to become a hyper breeding ground for memes, and our cutthroat mission to find the truth selects for memes that tend to resonate with reality. The bullshit memes die hard.

Memes are an emergent biology that give rise to all sorts of beautiful quasi-living things such as thoughtforms/egregores and even memetic immune systems. And some not-so-beautiful things such as nefarious virulent memes that infect peoples' minds such as Marxism.

You think this is shitposting? Defending Holla Forums and the white race against people who want to kill white people like Spencer and Dugin. Who smile in your face and have horrible clandestine plans?


Holla Forums is actually a community service, we are all here for the mistakes of the past that were not corrected.

Richard Spencer has never publicly said the 14 words. Coincidence?

it's a fallacy to claim some theory is true simply due to a lack of observation. Before people could measure X-rays there were still observable effects of them. You are claiming conscienceness is a product of some unseen energy and not the plainly observable energy within the brain, with its function modified by affecting that energy with electromagnetics and chemicals. That's like saying even though a car has an engine, and you have to put gas in it, it really runs because it's pushed along by some mystical energy we can't see. This is woo of the highest degree.

Nigger, you just went full retard

Dude you're going overboard though. This is a cool thread and by derailing it, you're doing what (((they))) want.

Anyways– my original impulse is to say "cool thread, good read, but I don't have much to add". I do have plenty to add– mostly agreement with the hivemind idea and extrapolation on the idea of egregores and thought-made-gods– but the thoughts are hard to articulate.

I do agree that we are on the cusp of something very big– technologically, memetically, spiritually– and combines those– and that centralization of the internet is not only dangerous– but would stagnate us and prevent us from achieving the next step of evolution.

I'm now requesting from you any evidence or even a logically coherent argument that people 1000 years ago could observe the effects of X-rays.

I'm also going to request that you clarify your position on energy-detecting instruments. Are you
that any and all conceivable forms of energy have a currently-existing instrument to measure them? That seems patently ridiculous

What you are actually describing OP can also be described without invoking spirituality and metaphysics. I will begin by outlining the contrary, how the left operates.

Leftists desire submission, most of them are effeminate so this follows that their biology makes them crave someoone telling them what to do. So they have visible leaders, inefficiency hierarchies for the sake of having leaders and followers that get told what to do. I use the term leaders here loosely.

Healthy people or those on the right desire freedom. The men that are here desire freedom. So actions are taken without an order from some talking head first. When and if a leader ever arises it is a temporary phenomenon and it is very efficient and the leader earns their right to lead. Followers aren't submitting for the sake of being told wht to do but are joining for a cause for efficiency. They still have lives outside of orders given and many rise up the ranks, by earning it.

When you describe a hivemind and people creating similar OC or deriving the same answers to questions and problems you are seeing the results of healthy minds tackling problems and finding meaning.

To a leftist 1+1 = oppression or bigotry or happiness
Sky + Sun = patriarchy or sunburn or ……
The leftist does not use logic but emotions, and thus leftists are often programmed to have responses but do little thinking.
Thinking often results in ostracization for leftists and being ignored is worse than anything a leftist can imagine. They can not operate as individuals.

I knew the non-contrarian and intelligent anons would show up eventually

He fucking hates white people. He has openly called for our destruction. And he's now the face of white Nationalism. He needs to fucking die!


I fucking love you men in the mirror

This is where I think National Socialism shows itself to be a superior social and political theory. All great ideas arise first in the mind of an individual, and National Socialism celebrates that fact as a natural outgrowth of its ideology. Hitler did nothing wrong

Goal post moving. There were no natural X-ray sources that reached earths surface then. It wasn't until electrical devises were made that produced them that the effects could be observed. Had there been sources then though, they could have observed
going blind and getting cancer

No, that's a silly straw man you're making.
If you can't observe it in any way, you have no reason to assume it exists
And you didn't address my point about brain function at all.

gosh, there's another user talking sense.

because you forgot the lube, faggot. If you want to force something, you need to lube first.
Now fuck off. Holla Forums is a board of peace.

Did the ancients study this naturally-occuring X-ray effects? Would the common man have understood these concepts? Let's stay on point here, claiming logical fallacies might work for you when your petty 118 IQ is up against 98 IQ plebs, but we're initiated, are we not?

Minds have protective mechanisms (akin to immune systems) that attempt to prevent harmful memes from entering the mind. Like our biological immune systems, these gain their strength by exposure to pathogens. By sheltering our people from "dangerous ideas" or forcing people to shut down their mind's defenses by forcing them to accept something as clearly bullshit as le gender pronouns, the mind's system is either suppressed, hijacked, or both. Modern leftism creates peanut allergy minds that get enraged at "the patriarchy" (hijacking of memetic immune system to reject delicious peanut) while simultaneously stuffing the mind full of pathological ideas that spread virulently through the compromised mind's social network (Marxism).

The analogy with biology provides some interesting insights and fodder for putative models for all kinds of things including memetic analogues to viruses, capsids, herd immunity, diseases like cancer that form tumors and hijack the lymphatic system, immunosuppression, autoimmune diseases, AIDS, T-cells, inflammation, organelles/organs, ecology, etc. The model could even potentially explain things such as the stages of grief (memetic immune system flaring up until it is forced to come to terms with an idea that will not go away, suppressing bad memories, etc.), why humor is important, the role of the limbic system in memetic immune response, or the role of something like a religion to provide inoculation to protect against pathological memes.

It also shows why the free and open exchange of ideas, especially involving interactions with "cesspools of the internet" is so important to our mental health, and by extension, our societies. They allow are minds to connect in a way that provides an excellent breeding ground for ideas as well as strengthening the mind's immune system through hormesis (exposure to pathogens, but winning before they kill the host mind) and spreading immunity to others (cf. bacterial capsids that bacteria can use to transmit antibacterial immunity to each other, i.e. horizontal gene transfer). It also explains why mass media is so bad, why certain internet companies (Jewgle, Faceberg) are very bad, and why inhibition of free speech is usually bad.

Viral marketing. Inflammatory language. Mental illness. Brainwashing (the process of inducing a gnotomemetic mind; cf. gnotomemetic mice used in laboratory research). Dirty jokes. We were already using biological metaphors for some memetic dynamics, and in some cases accurately.

One's physical manifestation is the fruiting body of one's genome. We all know how bodies reproduce and function, and we understand the genetic processes. Our brains give rise to minds, which are both habitats and substrates for ideas. Ideas within single minds and groups of minds give rise to their own emergent biologies (hiveminds or egregores) that, in some sense, really exist (just like "Google" exists across thousands of interconnected but independent computers), and can be modeled and understood just as we understand genetics, biology, and other related fields.

The First Amendment is extremely important, and now you can understand why it comes before the Second Amendment. It is the Freedom to Meme, or the right to bear memetic arms. The first line of defense. We are in a memetic war that is turning physical, and one side is having great success at the expense of the other side because they wield weapons of mass memetics (mass media). The turf is the mind, and by extension, everything connected to it - right down to the genome itself. And the aggregam of genomes along with its fitness function which is a function of our minds and their contents to a large degree.

Neither does a lack of evidence prove evidence of lack. Is it better to have a workable logical method, or to be actually correct? This isn't a tongue-in-cheek question, it's something I consider often. Is it epistemologically true that intuition is an inclination to believe? For example, if an alchemist 1000 years ago has literally no reason to assume that X-rays exist, and no instrument to measure them, he'd be blameless in his assertion that X-rays do not exist. Yet they do, and he'd have been wrong. Is it better to be wrong based on incomplete data or right despite incomplete data?
Please reiterate, I'd like to explore all of these concepts and I missed the point on this one specifically

Fair enough, but those wouldn't be strong enough to produce effects observable to them

What do you think?

You pretend using logical fallacies isn't a problem, claim our minds are not the product of clearly observable cause and effect within the brain and instead say it's caused by a completely unfalseafiable "energy" and call me low IQ? Talk about Dunning-Kruger. You are an idiot of the highest caliber.

Pic related.

If you feel that way, then you are a subject to the memes rather than a master of them.

It isn't that there was something he didn't know about but that exists that is the problem. The problem is you are using something that you can't show exisits, have absolutely no definition or properties of, and create an unfalseifiable proclamation with it. That's not how science works, but maybe your iq is so high you don't need the scientific method anymore l, just your ego.

And nonetheless those "subtle energies" energetic properties that were, as of the time, unmeasurable by their instruments did exist, and were unnoticed by even the most educated and intelligent of the scientists of the modern day scientists of the time. They went unnoticed, and yet they existed. Again, is it better to be logically coherent or actually correct?
I'm asking if they would have understood the root causes of said infirmities
Which one of us is resorting to emotional language?


So at this point you're arguing that hiveminds, as a general principle, have never been shown to exist? At this point I'd like you to show me that consciousness exists. And spice it up with some science, because your subjective experience isn't going to cut it based on your own apparent standards

There is certainly a common unconsciousness that resides among those who frequent here. Call it whatever term you want but all of you who experience it know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm really excited for the upcoming solar eclipse as I think it will be a time when many of our unconscious minds will be linked and result in some kind of mass awakening.

I never said that, we were discussing your "subtle energy waves" theory of the mind. Try to keep on track.

I'd like you to show me the economy you exists. It's a concept, and where are you even going with this? You are trying to distract from the fact you can't back your claims with anything but an argument from ignorance. You're dancing around isn't going to cut it.

This is a metaphysical exploration thread, so everything I posted was a call to consideration, not a proclamation. As for definitions and properties, no I didn't list these things per se. Instead of condemning me for a lack of proper definition-expounding, you might have just asked me for those definitions so that we could discuss things on an equal footing. I probably shouldn't have personally attacked you for having an IQ only 1.5ish standard deviations above a pleb, but your argumentative style betrays you. I prefer to delve into theoretical concepts, I'm less concerned with whether or not a materialist has yet designed an instrument to measure the effects of this or that specific radiation. All of those machines were developed because of an intuition that there was undiscovered information leading in that direction.

That would be simple, since I could show you the physical artifacts of it and lay out the mathematics behind monetary exchanges, etc. I can similarly show you the effects of consciousness. But I get what you're driving at–that nonphysical concepts do exist in reality and effect our lives. I think that you're arguing against yourself by saying so, but if you have a better analogy I'm open to hear it

Would you fight and die for your beliefs? Think of kamikazes. Suicide bombers. Soldiers who risk their lives for maymays such as The Land Of The Free. Perhaps you are more a slave to memes than you think.

It is a symbiosis. The memes and genes struggle for survival and battle for dominance together.

Ok, I consider it ridiculous. If you don't like that, back your claims with facts.

You have literally given no arguments other than an argument from ignorance and argument from authority because you're just so much smarter than me :^) If you weren't being so patently dumb I would be more civil.

It's called observation, a thing which you have none of for your "subtle energy."

Exactly that.

But user, you're still hung up on the term "subtle energy". I've defined it as a form of energy that objectively exists, yet one which we have no instruments that are able to detect. I've asked directly if you think that all forms of energy or radiation, if you prefer have been discovered and measured, which of course isn't the case.
Since the point of the term is to refer to forms of energy we can't yet detect, this is a given.
I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings on the IQ thing, user. Anons are notoriously sensitive to the hurt feelings of one another

they will all be corrected
every genetic mistake :)

The fact you can't or refuse to grasp that this is a complete fallacy doesn't say much for your iq.

To help you out OP the CathoDox idea of the Holy Spirit works like this. A force that works through us and surrounds us it allows Christians to pray in a unified effort to accomplish something combining all the prayers until they influence reality. Another thing the CathoDox believes in is the Commune of Saints basically CathoDox ask dead people to pray for them while praying for themselves to super charge prayers.

Many other cultures speak of this as well with different names a sort of spiritual unity.

At the same time this force works in many aspects of our life we don't clearly understand. It is our ability to turn impossible into possible. You see everything is essentially impossible until someone accomplishes it the second someone accomplishes something it changes the narrative. Running a 4 minute mile, flight, flying across the Atlantic Ocean were all deemed impossible until someone accomplished it. This is just one aspect of what we are witnessing.

What is comes down to is we aren't waging a war on the physical or mental plane. I know this is going to be ridiculously bold but I will say it. We are waging a war on the Spiritual level.

We see things the normie doesn't see. We can look into the eyes of leftist and see hollow soulless eyes. The memes of Holla Forums strike deep into our very soul. The Jews hate everything spiritual even if it helps them they will go out of their way to destroy it. They hate it because they are cut off by their own hands they became greedy and power hungry sacrificing children to create more energy. This comes at a cost to the soul which becomes stained black and cuts off their connection to it almost entirely. Jews can not create because of this they can only corrupt and destroy because of this.

I can go on and on but I am already rambling and if I ramble to far things will make less sense then they already do.

Why do you continue in voicing your belief that I insist that a thing is "true" even after I've explicitly stated that I'm much more interested in exploring the concept than espousing it as fact? Do you have a hard time with exploring theoretical concepts, instead preferring to base your entire worldview on things that instruments have shown you are "true"? Just level with me, do you consider yourself a materialist? This isn't a trap, I'm just trying to find equal footing here.
And let's disregard the IQ thing for now, you keep posting about it yet it kind of becomes irrelevant in the face of the discussion.

If you think that sacrificing yourself for a belief is noble, then you are a fool. The fate of the Moriori awaits you.

Basically everything that occurs is a statistical miracle
Yes, I've seen it as well
Let's get fucking weird, my man. I did understand what you posted so far. I hunger for moar

This doesn't fill the scientific requirements of a theory. I could make up any number of non-faseifiable propositions, like the car example, but what good does it do? If you can't test the theory, it is worthless in terms of finding truth or attaining knowledge. Farts are the result of subtle energies ticking invisible gnomes in my butt. Deep huh?

Materialist is a derogatory terms the religious and pseudoscientific people use to denounce people who require evidence for claims.

So here we see that a collective consciousness and directed memeing isn't that new of a concept after all. There are many pieces to the truth, and people tend to look at the thing we call reality from different angles. The mechanism may not be fully understood, but meme magic is an existent property of reality nonetheless. t. saved prophet of Kek

Again, yet again and again, I'm not proposing a scientific theory. I could likely go down that road, but it wasn't my intention.
So you are in fact a materialist, then? There's no shame in espousing the currently accepted academic theory, why not boldly own your position?

All the shitflinging and arguing about the semantics words such as hivemind aside;

Holla Forums is high energy
People don't come here to feel good about the world and hide from the pain and suffering.
People come here to find solutions, to make unlikely solutions more manageable.
People come here to get informed and stare into the abyss, and to create and recreate beauty to burn away the waste and filth of degeneracy.

Also, your autistic hangup on the term 'subtle energy' even after I've defined it to be unassailably existent is getting ridiculous.

I've been clear about my posistion. There is nothing to explore in your position because it brings no knowledge or has any standards for new proposals. I could say that subtle energy is produced by an invisible Martian that see us as toys, or anything else and a any one is just as valid as any other. You are just making things up, and I don't like playing pretend.

I see what you're doing, so let's play a game of questions and answers to narrow down what we're actually saying. Some of this might be repetitive but we need to come to an agreement on terms if we're not just being defensive.
Are we hanging together so far?

We've been over this already. It's an argument from ignorance, and you are making things up with no standard of evidence.

So you refuse to concede any of my premises without even addressing a logical flaw in any of them?

It's almost like you don't actually believe that science is the logical interpretation of data. Logic, of coursh, is a philosophical pursuit in and of itself. Without logic, science cannot exist. Yet you seem hesitant to take part in my logical train of thought. Tell me now, which of us is more scientific?

Yeah, every time I get big project hiveminded, in ANY public forum, out come the Jewish art chicks and/or Peg Bundys (always those two types for me) to distract me.

Oh, you mean weaponuzed autism.

Gamergåte was an example.

You guys can't get away with your typical tricks in the world's first open-source intelligence community. We do it for free. I made you in a half dozen ways in one sentence, 0/10 apply yourself


My close friend for 15 years went to Wellesley. It turned me into a Streicher of feminist theory.


Nice. I inherited a relic of his from my grandmother.



Quite honestly I expected this to be a more active thread thus far, because I find this topic is extremely interesting I didn't even bother to mention that memory is a perceptive function of the mind

Actually I just counted 11 tells in a single sentence, and I did it distracted and quickly in one try, and very possibly drunk. -10/10 kill yourself

I'll consider it. Now I wish I didn't just think about you, but that's our fucking cross to bear now apparently
actually I'm glad I did

Ignoring autistic wars over the definition of energy or whatever, I think it might be interesting to discuss the emergent properties of the whole. Clearly a pile of blocks and a lego house aren't the same thing. By restricting the high entropy pile of blocks into low entropy house configuration, we create an object with new properties.

Same logic applies to putting a bunch of individuals into a group. The emergent group dynamic is more than the sum of individual actions.


Now to go deeper Holla Forums is the ground zero for a spiritual revolution of sorts. In our years of filtering through information faster and more powerful then any computer could ever hope to process it we began to understand how the Jews worked in destroying a nation. The erosion of all moral values. You see morality is sort of like lifting weights practicing and living buy good morals builds a strong spirit, a strong spirit can not be easily broken the opposite is true for weak or no morals. Holla Forums became selfless this act, our denial of the degeneracy of modern society society and determination to stand up against the evil of the Moloch worshipers set our souls ablaze with energy. This called the attention of a higher being I won't make any assumptions on what it is that isn't the important thing. This high energy and the will of this being give us the ability to create meme magic or miracles as we Christcucks would call them. My belief is Holla Forums will become spiritual leaders of the post Kali Yuga.

Gonna end this here since it got really rambly since I had to stop and restart it several times.

Also an argument against the powers here being the Antichrist or Satan or Moloch is the simple fact that I returned to the church. I was a hardcore Kekfag and was following the digits which eventually led me to begin going to church again which led me on a path into learning more about the human soul and our relationship to the divine.

Also those divine dubs really help.

pic related. :^)

Anyway the concept of consciousness being alive in the world around us was fairly common in the European mind until around the early modern period when more mechanistic, ego-centric and (((materialistic))) ideas took over, coinciding also with the emergence of physical science and the dismissal of magical and alchemical systems of thought. This is reflected in a long and very rich history of Western ideas that goes almost totally unexplored in the pozz infested and diluted modern philosophy course. "Agent intellect" is interesting to look into in Medieval philosophy, which traces back to a mysterious passage in Aristotle's De Anima. Proclus was already talking about microcosmic and macrocosmic mind, running through to Hegel who synthesized a lot of the great Platonists and mystics, culminating with the Weltgeist (world-spirit), Volkergeister (national-spirit) and so on. The "unconscious" was discussed widely throughout the 19th century, not discovered by Freud. I have a lot of notes on this topic happy to post more if I get a chance.

So what are your ideas on making the Holla Forumsbrain better, faster, more competitive, more resistant?

A weekly genetics redpill thread needs to be on the catalog at all times.
We're not talking same bullshit every time, a theme each time.
So one week IQ and race, another week exaplanations about mixed race. Another week a complete basic intro for people who don't know what a gene is or how DNA works and how those genes result in anything.

Crime rates are their own separate redpill.

We warrior monks now

Does language influence DNA? The Tower of Babel is supposed to be about mixing of language, maybe it's about the mixing of races. Genetic memory points be what informs certain tendencies toward degeneracy.


If anything his post proves your point.

The idea of powerful words is a meme. Words are only as powerful as we make them. Same with most symbols and other things. I am not saying we create God or any higher entity. Their existence is independent of any actions we may take for or against it. Simply most symbols and words are meaningless until we attribute some level of meaning to them. Though an interesting theory is we might attribute meaning to certain sounds a hold over from when we were lesser beings.

ah, an esoteric thread. I just wanted to share something with you, not sure if its a fear but I had a nightmare today, or just a dream, wasnt that negative.

But basically, what if reality, what if most of it has been woven as it is today by the jew. And with that I dont mean actual reality, just our perspective of it. The whole Spenser thing, and the anti fa thing are just two parts of that. Meant to be an opera for us, of some sort.

I think that to some extent one can will that reality away. Soros himself said that he feels like a god, and perhaps he is somewhat, him and his other jews. What we are seeing are boundaries made up by him, which you can actually just walk through. But our brains have such a hard time in being in actual, unknown space that its like some of our senses just get switched off.

Perhaps its a little bit like that story about the shaman being able to see the boat on the sea, from the explorers while the others cant. There exists a chance, and possibly a mechanism to get into that grey static, that you can simply get to by willing it, hilariously like that matrix thing "there is no spoon". I wish to venture there, into that grey static in which my brain may not be able to operate in. I want to immerse myself in that to get familiar with it and simply walk away from this whole constructed narrative.

I just know that there exist a multitude of things that you can do in your life, to improve yourself for example. One can learn a thing every single day, something new, perhaps something for jobs, more money or whatever. But most are barely capable of doing even 10% of it. The jews are probably near 60% of it. Their better ones that is.

I dont think that what I said is mythical at all. I just think that its an evolutionary side effect, for our programming. Still though, seems like a good thread to vent my fears.

That's what I ACTUALLY wanted to do here, debating materialists is a complete waste of time. If you think that all things in the universe are reducable to physical processes, and you refuse to accept the idea that there are forms of energy that do exist but haven't been measured, then there's no discussion to be had. Also that's just wrong, but having gone all the way through post-doc epistemology seminars I've become very well acquainted with the argumentative style of "college educated" 1 standard deviation people. Any chance we can just get creative and intuitive, and stop trying to be "right", and just explore the idea with an open mind?

You may want to read The Invisibles by Grant Morrison some time. It's a story about urban /tg/ mages and is also a sigil in comic book form. It deals with all the concepts you're describing up to and beyond "Nazis and Jews are both fake and the cork for reality is hidden behind the moon". Morrison has written extensively about consciousness and the nature of stories and reality being intertwined. Would not be surprised if he was one of the OG Kekism founders and shitposting here still. Honestly /tg/ and Holla Forums have been ahead of us on this for a while.

Also everyone should read Flex Mentallo.

jesus that place, I probably wasted some of my best and earliest years just reading EVERYTHING for like 2 years, on their archives. The skeleton computer is my favorite but I also liked the choose your own adventure for plane mercs. Pretty great that thing was. The amount of divergent thinking is insane in that place. I also read quite a lot of ingenious ways that players fucked with the GM and its campaigns. Kinda similar as to what we are doing here right now, arent we, against the jew? Lol. Some jew sets up a scenario, expecting us to be routed in like 5 possibilities. And we just go in and invent a 6th…but the jew has prepared some money for this possibility, so then we make a 7th, and then an 8th, and then a 9th and then do all of these at the same time.

I know that image is from the last avatar book of Serrano, but i never understand it.
can someone explaint it to me?

They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Whoops wrong thread.

also, could my dream be then somekind of view on the normies, and how they experience to be outside of the narrative I wonder? Could one teach them somehow to reach this higher enlightenment and weirder ways to think?

Not everyone is ready to listen, but yes user, I believe they can. Your concepts of dreaming may be inside out, as you are discovering. Everything is connected to that universal spark, whatever name we create for it today. Reread everything /tg/ related with what you know now and you may find tremendous hidden knowledge.

Looks like the right thread to me, friend.

I posted something about this a while back and have seen it spread from there. I'm not claiming it to be my original ideas, it reflects recent developments on the philosophy of mind. I also believe that this is consistent with old esoteric literature, perhaps it creates a new basis for it.

The practical implication of these theories is that Internet communities like this form something like a hive mind intelligence. Not only do we affect each others thoughts and develop similar ideas, but our communication may in part consist of subliminal messages part of some hidden layer of information processing that brings life to a virtual machine. This virtual machine might have a consciousness.

I think I was in that thread, actually. This has been something I've wanted to explore more in-depth for a while now, it's not surprising that a bunch of us are feeling the same way. Being part of a hivemind (or stand alone complex) should mean that our ideas or memes, in the technical sense come to many of us around the same time.
My idea goes like this: A car isn't conscious, but a person is. If you combine the car with the person, and consider that as a system, then the car+person system can suddenly do things that neither of the individual parts could do alone. Taken as a unit, the car+person system IS conscious. In a similar way, the 'virtual machine' ,as you say, contains conscious actors and becomes conscious by definition.

I think, to go with the topic of this thread. That as an organism I want to feel important, as we all do, but at some point I willingly traded in my programming, by nature, but also family and societal, and just simply became a carbon copy of you guys to some extent. I am no longer me, yet I still am. We are a distributed computing platform at this point with the goal of removal of jew. But it does kinda make me feel strange, did my effort do any of this, or did you guys do any of this. Did we all do this? My brain and its functions have basically been convinced to deletavistock its functioning core to the effort of the whole commune. A hivemind indeed. There are now parts of logic, reasoning and even some content creation, digestion of scientific lore and desire to fuck with leftists that are more or less the sole property of the hivemind lol. We all refined eachother, mocked one another, made sure that our brains in our natural state became better suited for these tasks. And then we sometimes go onto other places, wreck some havoc there. Give them a lil taste of the hivemind. So its no wonder that while we may be disconnected and individual beings, as a whole we more or less have a very similar effect on this planet. And yet it also gives reason for the newfags to exist as it makes them just as important as anyone here, given that they are willing to dedicate themselves and have the capacity to learn.

Its just weird because in real life, usually other factors take over and kinda, not always but kinda make hierarchies. I think that they are still here, but less potent. More based on meritocracy. Even based on subtle cues like language, spelling mistakes, word use, meme insider knowledge etc. Our whole brain has more or less meshed together with one another and even a single word can give us alarm and call someone an outsider. Quite a weird feat that we have achieved. I wonder if this was intentional when the anonymous imageboard first came to be. An actual human hivemind of thought. Jesus. Most people on the outside would have no idea what to think, let alone to even realize what it is like to be like this. Nobody out there has a clue. But our whole neural map is probably extremely different from them.

The esoteric shit, also common in religion and what you will find nowadays in other forms are a materialization or a coping mechanism in times of uncertainty.
Now if you have 4chan and Holla Forums frogs were you cannot really distinguish the mentally ill, riled up or the fbi/fed friends from one another, it will create a certain need for certainty etc.
Which is what you also see in society today, esp. in murica.
Hence the psychological self trimming/focusing which will result in others doing that aswell.
It is more like the exposure or forced exposure that will result in certain strategies.
That said, maximizing your personal benefit should be to take distance from the regular goywashing shit, and even if it is really sad, anonymize yourself. The "higher layer" what some experience is what the gross of the cattle will experience later or in a diminished form.
Or maybe it is for the immunizing of the cattle, but then again you can draw certain conclusion of the people that do it or benefit from that.

wat, I meant, deletavistock how did I make that mistake, spooky.

I'll start with the lowest hanging fruit here: one thing that makes Holla Forums a force to be reckoned with is the fact that when Holla Forumsacks decide to get autistic on a thing, we can dump 1000's of manhours into a topic in just a few hours. The thing is that we do it for free, so anything we put our hivemind to is going to be something that each individual contributor feels strongly enough about to really make a solid effort. The combined manhours we throw around on a whim are impressive, and that's a big part of this hivemind scenario.


oh its a word filter, wat?

Na not really, you take it in, use the "knowlege" to profit from that. This user shit is nothing more than a hyper amplified virtual version of what exists in RL to a certain extend, i assume that is why it draws in government, psyducks, lunatics, revolutionaries and other shit.

Let me share a dream I had when I was 13 that changed my life permanently.

That dream stuck with me for all these years, and it's similar to what you were getting at. A person who BELIEVES they are a slave will act like a slave, whether they are or not. Also, people would generally rather believe what they believed yesterday and be imprisoned by that belief than to start from a clean slate and deal with the uncertainty of being totally free.

Well if you stay long enough here, eventually someone will try to shitpost on you. Do this many millions of times and eventually whatever programming that you had, you will lose. Natural behavior born from genetics just vanishes more or less. Whoever cannot cope, doesnt usually stay. And whoever does, follows a certain path of thought, certain feelings, it is how we ended up here since we communally hated the halfcuck method. Maybe it was somekind of osmosis that eventually made us what we are today. Osmosis of the brain you could say lol. Of many averages and disgruntled feelings creating what we are today. But many still gladly followed a centralized lore (what it feels like), many of us still were somewhat tempered with bans and with reasoning. I suspect that there is or at least was a somewhat ancient elite people of natsoc origin. But we may never know. And frankly I dont really care. I am glad to have received this "Education".

I wonder if with more time given our total complexity and differences from one another completely seizes to be. How weird it would be to encounter someone who is in a different body, but of extremely similar mind, somewhere outside. Its what the normies must feel like when they drink themselves to death I bet. Instead we will just quietly whisper "Gas all the kikes, race war now" in unison.


Start a religion thread and see what happens

Good thread OP, very interesting to think about. The user hivemind/SAC is almost unheard of in our alienated and individualistic world but it makes sense to view the jews as one as well. Not all are in on the conspiracy but they all work towards it in their own way, largely unaware of the actions of the whole. This makes sense if they're a hive like us.

I dont think natural behaviour will vanish, in fact it will amplify said behaviour more or less.
If you read up upon the military memetic warefare manual, it makes those little pyramids.
But it also creates that german shepherd dog phenomenon in a way, artificially overcultivated.

There is individualistic and then there is hipster.

Sensory neurons in your eyes get stimulated by light and sends signals back to your brain. When it comes to consciousness, there is no fundamental difference between connecting a computer chip directly to your brain, or using something like a calculator to aid you in information processing and thus stimulate your brain indirectly. Your peripheral neurons system form an interface to the rest of the word, and so you don't need to physically attach anything to your body to extend your own organism as you are already connected to the world surrounding you.

Sometimes when i watch movies, i just need a single frame in a blurred background that show huge tits and i will see that.

I think that we can be a collective while retaining our individuality, and I think that's a major idea behind National Socialism. I think that the retaining of personal individuality within the collective is a major difference between Marxists of various stripes and the NatSoc ideal, since marxists seek to destroy the idea of individuals with superior or inferior abilities in order to protect what is actually a very fragile and unworkable system.

But if it is true that we're all drinking from the same well of conscious energy, one could argue that there really isn't much of a difference between any of us. Similar to waves on the ocean, you could point to any individual wave and say that it's different than the one preceding and following it, but obviously these are just superficial differences, since not only are all the waves connected by virtue of being all part of the same ocean but individual water mollecules are being constantly swirled around, and a molecule that's in one wave can be inside the next wave in the next moment. The exchange of molecules is like the memes or ideas that we exchange, and the ocean is the local hivemind that we're operating from.

I think that given with time, especially on a longer time scale, one could somewhat overwrite natural behaviors, even some DNA important parts that govern behavior, compared to someone of closer genetic proximity like some family.

The older you become, the more you forget about your past. The fewer neural pathways you use of that past, the more they die. I think I have already transcended my culture around me or from the past, even from the current nation. The only thing that is left of my consciousness is a longwinded puzzle of DNA, threat recognition and seeking out the many evolutionary variables that try to tell me that this path is potent, and that it is good and that I am allowed to forget what is irrelevant. Just a boring biological puzzle I am that has some IQ potential to be lead astray from most of its own programming lol. I think I am already in that scary place that has static, and no sounds.

Well whatever, time to sleep for today.

Is this also how you can tell when a nigger posts something on Holla Forums? Usually given away by not capitalizing the beginning of sentences/leaving out punctuation, etc but not always. Just how you can somehow intuit?

Well, if you are a leftist you would increase "competition" because the internet is the perfect place for that, instantly connecting the hardest competition in an instant, just like the 4chan datafarming did that, or others do that naturally.
Just like the general income and the human impetuus will go to creativity, and what you do is accellerate it because competition is really bad and you teach us otherwise, but you are a fucking moron and i do not give a fuck about you. I ll just close my perception and you can go fuck yourself along with your little assholes.

I've noticed this too.

"your momma is a cunt"

I forgot to capitialize on the beginning leaving out the punctuation.

Its my opinion that

Survival imperative is widely understood within a group genetic that contains a majority of genetics. All Races have it.

I would say that its indeed not logical but a involuntary and mechanical. Hence why these days are truly days of rage and conflict.

This condition has been observed and mostly likely subverted. Those who have observed and found the triggering factor can manipulate the desired outcome and response.

It is more of a resource conflict, i couldnt give a fuck if a bunch of niggers are around me, but if i have to pay taxes for them and the elite pumps in large numbers of them while at the same time the framework gets more demanding, means a big split in the economic distribution, along with the cultural and "memetic" shift and if the leftist that usually "straigten" it are a bunch of fucking faggots that got eunchfied and nasty they will get the club (p).

Hence fighting ideological wars only is only benefiting the ones that hold the resources.
Hence the fbi and other institutions given the zeitgeist only search for people with a certain configuration because otherwise this would be apparent even on a really "basic" level, almost artistic.

Setting brush fires in the minds of men is what we do.

Amen, brother. Every day and every way.

As you say, we are initiated. The initiate can see the esoteric and exoteric. Our ability to spot spiritual warfare, and spiritual enemies is a blessing.

We do all of that in this temple. Most importantly we fellowship with other like minds which allows us to sharpen our minds, since iron sharpens iron.

This is the third iteration. The others before failed because they are hierarchical in nature. I am not speaking of other image boards, I consider them all part of iteration 3.

Indeed. The hyper-reality of Baudrillard is being contextualized in cyberspace by techno-pagans at the end of time.

All reality is emergent. Nothing can exist without it's context, true Buddhist emptiness. This is where the bio-centrists get hung up.

Somebody had to place an upturned palm on their shoulder, and remind them.

When a bird is wounded it will seek comfort in a confined space much like the nest that brought it safety and comfort once. People, in this age, will turn and seek for comfort from the things they shunned as being childish.

You are not a fool, and you are not alone. Although I wouldn't do the same, since a bathroom makes a better church than those liberal bastions we call modern churches.

We either evolve and keep moving faster, or we die.

Well said.

You need to change the operating system of your mind. It isn't a mystical process, it is actually very similar to becoming red-pilled.

Exploration is for the brave, academia is where cowards go to pat each other on the back.

First you must be initiated, otherwise it is meaningless. Nobody here can initiate you, it isn't a weekend retreat. You decide your own level of involvement.

No one can show you the matrix.

We have surrendered our flesh and evolved a consciousness outside of hierarchy, sexuality, predation and all the other things that make us human. We have dehumanized but I don't think many people here understand what it all entails.

Our language is complex shibboleths that can effect the observer based on how initiated they are. Each word has many meanings, and they change based on context.

What image boards have brought us is a place devoid of time, where time is meaningless. Threads prune, demography evolves and we have limitless access to the collect knowledge of humanity at our fingertips on this internet if only we knew how to spell it and phrase it through the viewing crystals the enemy has so lovingly left laying about for us to find.

We are not the profane.

The battlefield of ideas is real. and it can only exist when we are free to fight each other about it.

Really sucks when you can't enjoy mindless entertainment anymore. Fortunately we still have books.

They have been doing this for a very long time, and they have gotten real damn good at it. Those who expose it don't live much longer. Let me put it this way, it isn't the spook that profane-Holla Forums think it is.

I just told you why this doesnt matter.
And i hate the word spook, it sounds like supper you dont want to eat.
Does the supper consist of meat a)yes follow theoretical moral constract a) to z) does the supper constitude of modern capitialstic mechanism? if yes follow a complexity tree of infinity solutions.

Spook, what kind of shitty word is that? Do you like a spook is like your shitty supper you ramble about, or your supper stained bad sheet, or maybe you are only to masturbate because you had supper unlike the prisoners of war in "in the west nothing new".

So much to think about, i need a government agencey to make brainmemes when in fact you are like this pic related.

I assume that in a way, the lost the connection to probability along the way, since insanity is seeing a broader path when you walk a thight rope because you see the other knots that make a mile.

Esoteric threads always draw the attention seeking schizophrenic word-salad posters. This one doesn't even know what ID's are.

The shizophrenia between Holla Forums and /x/ isnt that far fetched.

Neither is art to the current circumstances.
And art loves to thrive on that.

That's not real right

German and british soldiers played soccer on cristmas and then started shooting each other after holidays were over.

So you make no exception you dumb leftist, esp. if you are the embodiment of a disgrace.

And i just need a single frame of you, you reddit fag will perish, missgeburt.

I know which faggot you're talking about. I think he even admitted to be a kike.

You've just given me the germ of an op idea.
They say the upcoming generation is the most redpilled in existence. That's probably partly due to them being the first generation "isolated" from World War 2, almost none of them have met a living "vet" of it (this includes civilians, my grandmother was 15 when it started).
Assuming for a moment that the holocaust happened, they are now as historically isolated from it as we are from the atrocities of Genghis Khan. Even if it isn't fiction, to Gen Z, it might as well be. With the loss of a tangible historical connection to the time it happened, the atrocities of the Nazis are as real to them as the atrocities of Voldemort.
Actual post starts now
That ramble went on a bit longer than expected. Anyway, this guy has an interesting point about a memetic "immune system". The late Gen-X'ers and early Millenials are now teaching young children ideas of equality, everybody's the same on the inside, everybody deserves a participation trophy etc. The thing is, kids know this is bullshit. They know the weak are bullied by the strong, but those who are bullied will just turn on a the even weaker in turn. And victims will also find devious or "political" ways to humiliate or cause trouble for those they can't beat in a stand-up fight.
Basically, while the teachers (and TV and books) are filling the heads of children with kumbaya everybody-gets-along cultural marxism, the kids themselves are living a vicious, dog-eat-dog existence and, if in multicultural schools, witnessing the harsh reality of racial differences played out too.
Perhaps we can redpill the next generation by bluepilling them

Well if you do not want to have lord voldemort rise, you let them decide organically. And not with some psyduck/ngo/goverment etc. shit. because otherwise hide your kids and wife. And georgy boy doesnt have a say in this.

And it is none of your bulliying shit, and your hypermorality. You will let them decide on their own and not one of your "herp a derp ivory tower mimimation crap" because otherwise i will you ll get killed.

Stop sperging out faggot, discuss the fucking concept at hand or GTFO

What concept at hand? You say they turn on the even weaker, i would look anybody in the eye and shit on him (on him you heard that).

But i guess you are the same, not much to hit at other than you wanting you to guess the concept at hand, which makes me think.
Really makes you think.

To make it blunt, there is a finite amount of boobanimals and resources and my dick wants to take as much as it can.
Because "refugees welcome" and "neticens".

Sounds more like green diarrhea.

And i dont like the soyolant green, but in this case it comes with a certain red if the cows eat the wrong way.


While I'm too lazy to type out an intellectual post on the subject matter, I will go over some personal experiences that I believe to be real:

During the Bundy Ranch standoff I kept hearing voices as I read posts, almost as if, in my mindseye(ear), I could hear the person saying their post instead of just typed replies. The anti-Bundy shills voices in particular were clear and loud.
Perhaps I was just tired as I had been up since 6AM that morning and was on that thread all night.

I've had dreams where I meet unknown people and they tell me "you're alright dude" or some other greeting as if I'm meeting a real person, possibly one of you user.

In various threads I feel so much energy when there is laughter/humor. If there's a thread being shilled to hell and back, and suddenly user (me or anyone else) starts cracking big-time on the shills, it feels like the sun coming out from behind heavy clouds. You remember Monsters Inc? How laughter was 10x more powerful than fear? I believe in this.

From Zimmerman trial to Chimpouts to election Debate night threads (especially Nov 8th) I feel like Holla Forums is a hivemind.
But not so much a hivemind.
A collective consciousness.

I feel like there are legitimate psykers here (maybe myself included, maybe not).
I have decreased my porn, controlled my temper more and started to better myself. i feel like, if I might be affecting any of you, my brothers, than I need to affect you for the better.



I only control my temper if it is really out of place, otherwise i dont, why? Because the hypermoralistic shit has found an end, so what you experience is just a shift between the artificial and the actual realm, that is why the self hate.

And the zimmerman trials and the other funny shit is funny because it is funny, there is nothing "hivemindy" about that.

And if a boobanimal provocates me with its tits, i will turn it around until sit next to me until the four letter word is more close to to the a than the z.

You will never pierce the veil of our madness
We answer to a higher calling than you

Dont have the basics dont have the real thing, just the shrapnells.

That is the principle, and you dont adjust it.

And you will die not providing that basics.

it switched ips, FILTERED AGAIN

>ever wonder why there's "so much talk" about how the last (((survivors))) are worried people will forget
Well I also believe that the tools (((they))) have been using for the last 50 years (TV, revisionist history, common core, etc) to dumb us down have also caused a negation effect on their propaganda.

They have partially neutered themselves, and I laugh heartily at the thought

In other words, they wanted to dumb us down but it made the normies attention span too short to even remember the 6 GORILLION

We create the universe around us. Our thoughts are powerful energy. Spoken words are even more powerful (even when spoken alone). Faith plays a huge role in being able to manipulate your world. Together with faith and verbal "prayers" we can literally do anything.


True, true. especially in the age of the Internet where you don't have to put up with the bullshit you don't want to survive.

Checking for truth. It's basically the tl;dr version of the worthwhile parts of the thread.

This is a topic that's emerging now, which makes me wonder if it's something that should be explored more. I have an example of dream awareness being shared: years ago I had a dream in which a great friend of mine chased me down with a pistol. The next day I mentioned that he was in a dream of mine, and he stopped me there and proceeded to describe the whole thing in detail. The joke was that he was just fucking with me and wasn't actually going to shoot me. How could he have known those things? Either he was there with me consciously in the dream state or he could read my mind in real time, both of which are strange, but I think the former is the more likely option. I have another good friend who has a story about going to Tibet in a dream state and being seen by a monk, that also indicates that the dream state can in fact interact with the waking world. Are dreams a key to accessing the over mind? I finally feel like we're making progress on this hivemind topic.

Wew lads.

It really isn't. Holla Forums should not lazily rely on the notion it is invulnerable.

The post directly before for yours also referenced a monk. Meme it?

just like us europeans
that is why jews/ masons killed our monarchs

The embedded video is very related to this thread. Dean Radin explains different scientific experiments related to the double-slit experiment. It is proven, by him and confirmed by esteemed universities that his hypothesis is correct; you are able to influence your surroundings with your mind. In one experiment he made a group of normal people focus on a point, shutting the double-slit projector with an imaginary force field, it was a significant evident disturbance that occured. He later tested the same with experienced meditators, which did significantly better. The ability to focus is key.

If you know this, the bible becomes a magic book. "Do you still not believe?" Jesus exclaims after calming a storm. You must have such faith in your endavours that you program you affect your sub-conciousness to such a degree that it is able to project into the universal conciousness of man. Having this in mind, it is very important to surround yourselves with the right people. If people constantly questions you, or believes that you are going to fail, it is a greater chance you might just do that. I don't know if you have noticed, but if many people "prays" for you to succeed in something, things becomes much easier. The spiritual world alligns towards you.


The dream world certainly makes me uneasy, i've been lucid dreaming unknowingly for large parts of my life. Dreams is like a game for me, the most interesting game i literally am able to imagine. The most exotic places and settings i crave, becomes "reality". Sometimes i do so much stupid shit in my dreams that it feels like i anger, in lack of other words, the guardians. I've been to the most strange prisons, underground, on islands, in a fucking airship, and i've been able to escape them all, which ends up with throwing me out of the dream realm. I escape the prisons by altering "reality" to my advantage, or taking insane risks i normally would not because i am immortal. If i only could activate the skills i have acquired while under Theta-State, in my wake Beta-state.. Jung would have been thrilled to hear more.

Matthew 21:21

I was in my local faggot grocery store and overheard some fagmart employees discussing "electric consciousness," some idea they'd picked up from NPR, in terms of how people's ideas flow from them in public and influence those around them. Specifically, one was telling the other how, often enough, customers ask where certain things are after one another, and then no one will ask about that product for a while, as if the customers' intentions of finding and buying a particular product had influenced the psychosphere around them. And no, I don't think they were talking about customers overhearing one another.

If even NPR is covering this stuff, then we truly may be in the midst of an occult awakening. But few hiveminds that I've seen rival Holla Forums's power (ignoring the shills and D&C, of course). I mostly lurk here, but I'm proud to see the work you all do.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for anonymous posting.

About the new generations becoming "invulnerable" against holocaust propaganda, at the same time they a overflux of fascist propaganda, it could become like running water to them.
Only difference, fascism has roots in reality, physical, animalistic reality.
Just shitposting, but still.

Most hiveminds have censorship (inhibits exploration of memespace) and namefagging (same).

Only Holla Forums is set free by being aloud to speak Truth, which is treason in the empire of lies.

If you have spent any time here you know that the first thing you must always remember is that someone is trying to twist your ideas and watching your successes.
The second thing you must learn is that you should not give any fuck.

The inner Sun relating to the energies of the Earth that generate all life on the planet and consciousness was known in Hatti land as the Sun Goddess of Arinna or to the Hurrians as Allani, to the Sumerians Nisaba of the City of Eres (Eres-Kigal/Queen, basis for Eris/Discordia)

The association of the Hive Mother with Discord has it's basis in the seemingly opposed factions that are generated within a singular consciousness, the basis of that however lies in complexity.

A case in point, the jewish component of the hive mind is demonstrably not only against all other aspects of life on Earth but also ideologically opposed to the very concept of an Earth centric source of consciousness on this planet, all projections indicate their activities will destroy the Earth sooner rather than later, for what reason then have they been created and advanced?

The reason for this lies in facilitating progress, in evolutionary terms the ever present threat and challenge giving rise to ever more capability in counter measures, in conjunction with that the encouraging of personal incentive through greed and exploitation and thus overall increase in intellectual activity and productivity.

At a given point however sufficient progress having been achieved and critical risk to the planetary bio-system having been realized it becomes necessary to deconstruct that function through the introduction of counter measures, this involves reducing all support at the most fundamental levels to the extent that decline and eradication transpires and that full support is given towards counter measures, involving a great deal of discord, this will transpire as one side always winning the other always losing in terms of the readjustment.

The faction that ultimately wins will be that which is the most devoted to the Sun Goddess of the Earth…naturally.

i randomly apply it, as a method of obfuscation

#Vedic hivemind when?


Semites can be thought of as the manifestation of the death drive, incarnations of a purely evil aspect. Also, solar deism isn't based solely on the concept of the inner Sun, but on the totality of the Sun's place in our environment. What we are to the Earth, the Earth is to the Sun. This connection extends to us both through our origin as terrestrial life and the direct link with the electro-magnetic field/consciousness of the Sun.

Thank you for posting this.

our mission is building the interface to so-called reality.

'consensus reality' is what we share among ourselves, but when we accept others to dictate reality-interpretations to us - we start sharing with them this 'consensus reality'. We mix.

boomers were born and raised in the uni-polar world there opinions and the structures of imaginations were in the hands of adversary priesthood. they are infected with the disease of zogged modernity. gladly, they're dying off. hence post-modernity - don't fall for a neo-modernist whinings, modernity is pure evil. it is anti-spiritual in its essence. post-modernity is a situation in which old cliches are not working, no one taking them seriously.

In such situation of post-modernity, where we have all the instruments to create reality as we would like it, we need to have very potent memes to resist the agression of the Other-Side's programming. One such Very Potent Truth (VPT) is the Bogpill. New mythos about ever powerful and just brothers Bogdanoffs who rule Europe with an Iron, but Fair occult might. they were ruling since the middleages (Rosicrucianism). and even before that. as they are of ancient and royal bloodline. check The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail)

tl;dr if you're still not bogpilled better go to a cucked church you pathetic son of a whore. I spit in your face you hyletic scum. go march with other hyletics posing infront of cameras.


divisive producing chaos. It hurls downwards, spiraling into ever deeper Kalyuga…
“The truth of the Jew is the organic lie” – Rosenberg. And hence the absence of
any afterlife in Judaism: neither Heaven nor Hell. “And when a Jew dies, nothing
remains – he is devoured by the Lord of Darkness”.

of The Memory of the Blood in psychoanalytical (Jewish) terms: The Collective
Unconscious. Jung describes Hitler as a “Spiritual vessel, a semi deity, a myth: The
man with the strongest Will that ever existed. German politics is not made, it is
revealed through Hitler.”

had a mysterious power that caused terror in Goebbels: “At times, I think the
Fuhrer is not human”. Since birth, Hitler was predestined, committed to his
mission. He sublimated his sexual drive into a love for Germany. He was the
Hyperborean Archetype, chosen to reinforce the Memory of the Blood – the Eternal
Return of the Archetype.


jewbook.gif faggot

does an individual invent the entire lexicon of a language?

There is a book called "Design in Nature"(Bejan/Zane). It argues that basically everything in Nature operates according to predictable design principles. Everything here meaning flow patterns of lava, turbulent fluids or - human organisation. Streams of communication in organisation. This means that while we are not able to measure flows of consciousness as they happen, we are able to measure the patterns they produce. We can not see the lava as it flows but can observe the patterns of it's flow after the fact.

checked for veracity and getacity

why must it have gender?

founder of the pirate party wrote a book about organizing swarms for shared interests

Because you and I think there is.

There is.

Imagine if we all just thought the Jews up and outta existence. ;^)

That is probably an aspect of the hivemind. Imageboard users appear to have a unique evolutionary duty which involves investigating threats from (((outside sources))).

A long time ago, I once caught a glimpse of the hive mind. It was during a schoolground argument at a 80% black school. No actual fighting occurred, but two parties teamed together along racial lines. I remember a feeling of unity of purpose and direction. There was something inherently natural about it. Afterward, I felt some degree of disgust that I'd let my own individuality will be overridden by the desires of the collective.

Then, in the runup to the 2016 election, I felt that same feeling once again. It was more intense this time. Unlike on the playground so long ago, there were many different classes of people who performing different duties for the hive. It was clear that society can be more than the nihilistic chaos which dominates our day to day world. Society is meant to be an organism that works together through unity of purpose.

Focus on what Trump and Hitler have in common. They both try to alert the common man to some perceived danger. When you say the right words with the right delivery as they did, the pieces fall into place. The common man is ready to die for you and the common autist is ready to shitpost for you. It is within the human disposition to respect an authority figure, and the natural hierarchy.

How do liberals fit into this? Why do these materialists revolt against the natural way of things? Personally, I sometimes wonder if they feel that same disgust against the collective that I once felt. They're at war with themselves.They're trying to excise this tendency to unite from their being. They rationalize and 'deconstruct' things – putting inordinate amounts of mental energy toward resisting that urge to Roman salute Donald Trump. However, this preoccupation with 'resisting' impairs their ability to think reasonably. Instead of being a natural alpha leader of their hive, Trump becomes a sort of all powerful Antichrist type figure. It is far more delusional than just installing a good Fuhrer.