What is your thoughts about the whole conspiracy theory about Cultural Marxism destroying video games?
Gamergate wearing tinfoil hat
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Ridiculous. Cultural Marxists can't accomplish anything, much less destroy the biggest entertainment industry on the planet.
GTA 5 alone proves that.
But it's capitalism that's destroying games…
Paid mods
Doing anything to sell.
and so on
Any kind of authoritarianism ruin it, just like murrican priests were ranting about video games because it was evil.
It's wrong, only because cultural marxists are too big a bunch of pussies to accomplish anything.
None of these were addressed by the GG bros, they just wanted to cry about women making games they didn't want to play. Like haha lmao bro I never would have heard of Depression Quest or whatever the fuck if not for this outrage. Just don't buy their fucking product, god damn.
Yeah fuck gg bros
cultural marxism is the biggest meme of all time
GG can't fight that, you need an entirely different beast to fight that.
it's like a big pot of shit stew in here
video games are shit anyway
Retarded. There just was a group of SJW's who managed to get influential by manipulation and used it to push their own ID to become rich. None of them care about video games, they make fat cash of bitching about them though.
people already complain about that, lol
they just don't call it capitalism
Legit. GGHQ kept finding links to the actual Frankfurt School. They were trying to get their ideology into future US Army video game training programs by creating celebrity gamedevs who happened to be cultural marxists, and Fullerton and Bogost would recommend them through their State Department friends. Their particular style of cultural marxism was traced back to Paolo Freire and Joe Kincheloe.
It's stupid as fuck and the obviousness of its propaganda nature is what made me finally look up what socialism is and isn't and turned me into one.
fucking retarded
Illogical leaps to avoid addressing how capitalism is churning out worse games all the time and uses games media as PR.
Oh look, a goon mamyay straight out of Ghazi's playbook.
First, none of those are existential threats to the medium, merely forms of corruption within it. The pseudoscientific censorship, and favoritism toward didactic uninteractive walking-sim "games" on the other hand, represent the kind of wholly destructive threat previously posed only by puritannical religious fundamentalists and prissy soccer moms.
Second, those are the things game journalists, online forums, and fan conventions were supposed to fight. Instead, all of these institutions supposedly dedicated to furthering the medium were compromised by parasites attempting to burn it down as fuel for their own self-enrichment and political agendas.
All of this represents the fact that leftism, once the eternally reliable ally of scapegoated pop-culture, is now one of if not the greatest threats to its continuation.
Whatever you want to call them, many of the people being churned out of academic postmodern critical theory programs describe themselves as Marxists. The fact that they're being abused by groups ranging from the CIA to Bill Gates has little bearing on their zealotry.
That pic is retarded. Don't take me wrong, I think Thompson and Sarkeesian are both hacks — but the featured statistics don't mean jack shit.
The idea of a consumer revolt is absurd. Goober gate was doomed before it got off the ground.
You can't prove a negative, but the overwhelming lack of correlation suggests the need for strong evidence before the theory should be so much as humored with consideration. For something more substantial, read the linked article.
Remember the SJW pseudoscientists are still relying on those 1960s-era bobo doll "studies"
The way I see it is like this
If you want to put nazis in your game, fine
If you want to put trans lesbians from outer space in your game, fine
If you want to make your game about the plight of the white race, fine
If you want to make your game about the plight of blue haired women against the forces of twitter, fine
I do not care just give me games I wanna play them
Honestly if it wasn't for GameJolt I'd despair over the idea of games not being produced for profit. As it stands I can only give a sigh of disappointment knowing games with assloads of content will likely never happen under communism.
I'll take SuperTuxKart over Witcher any day, tbqh famalam.
Battle for Wesnoth's got assloads of content too.
Literally 2 years late on this thread
Does it? I have the game, I just never booted it up yet.
The problem with open source software is that it is almost universally derivative. 99% of it is a near-identical clone of a specific commercial package, the next 0.9% being software that has no features nor assets that weren't cloned from from various commercial software, and then a final 0.1% of genuinely innovative software. On top of that, 99% of the "free" work that went into it comes from assigned employees of commercial development firms, and 99% of funding (thus internal political leverage, responsible for a Gamergate-like crisis inside the open source community) for the rest also comes from them.
The closest thing to truly creative independent games (and other tech/art) seems to come from various crowdfunding/patronage models, but they are so rife with fraud I'm not sure they represent a sustainable model. Hopefully it's just a side-effect of these financial models' newness, and can be patched over somehow.
BfW is somewhat innovative open source games, even if all its features are old, the combination is new, and the execution is also uncharacteristically polished. Check out the ingame add-on browser, there's MOUNTAINS of stuff, some quite good.
The hobbyist scene in Japan is hugely creative too.
doujin gaming is the best
This is due to lack of resources. The open source community is mostly focused on the OS, tools and productivity software with games getting little resources in comparison.
If you look at what the open source community does with systems and tools they are far from derivative.
gg could have been good if it was anyone other than Holla Forums and /reddit/ behind it. This coalition of anti-SJW liberals and white nationalists is the worst meme of the 21 century.
And infinitely less cancerous than the western "indie" scene, it reminds me very much of the western shareware/bedroom coder/demoscene community before the 2000s.
The flagships of the open source community are the components of the LAMP web stack, a more derivative and uninnovative specimen of software is difficult to imagine.
As somebody who's seen numerous pieces of superior software crushed between the rock of Microsoft/Oracle/IBM and the hard place of the open source/*N*X parasites since the 1980s, there are fundamental problems with the entire model.
Oh, definitely.
When I was in it, they were happy to use fags like me as their shield (ironically titled #NotYourShield) but any time I said that all the hate towards lgbt people needed to stop (I'm not talking slurs, I'm talking constant beratement and harrassment just for their sexuality) they'd get mad at me and say I was a covert SJW. Eventually I got tired of it and told GG I was also #NotYourShield and left.
People unironically talking about cultural marxism makes me wonder
If you literally do a google search it says it's a conspiracy theory
that's not good enough for Holla Forums types. it's all a joooooish conspiracy to them
The information is readily available and they refuse to believe it because it doesn't fit their bigoted world view. Bizarre.
I honestly did not give a shit about cultural marxism, I just wanted news outlets to stop bashing gamers like me for shit I wasn't about.
And then funnily enough the movement was a self fulfilling prophecy.
It can make people aware and point to the solution. Except they didn't do it.
Do you realize how retarded your pic is? You need to change the backbone of economy before you can get "Communism".
I know you're not one person but do you ever settle your differences or argue with each other?
Or do you all just want people to replace it with another word that isn't related to Communism?
Under communism, only productive labor is rewarded with labor vouchers. Game creation is something that will be done in off-time, right? I know it's hard work (I've been learning 3D modeling, holy shit is it hard) but would it warrant labor vouchers if it doesn't produce something functionally useful? People couldn't sink as much effort into game creation like they can now that it's a career, because they'd starve, right?
If I'm wrong that's amazing.
How is game development not productive labor?
Toys don't have any intrisic value. You can entertain yourself without any tools.
Fruit juice doesn't have any intrinsic value. You can remain hydrated with plain water.
That doesn't mean the process of creating fruit juice is not productive.
Rewards for labour = socialism (to each according to his contribution)
Do you think that Socialism is some sort of prison state where no recreation exists? What the actual fuck?
Granted, Soviets went under before gaming became mainstream, but that's hardly reason enough to think that games will not be rewarded.
There's no reason to waste collective effort on producing trivial consumer products that only exist because of the needs of consumerism driven capitalism. Everyone can make their juice on their own time.
That would be inefficient. Mass-production exists for people.
There is a reason why Soviets went all out with restaurants - this reduces time spent in kitchen.
People who endlessly rant about "Cultural Marxism" are people who are upset about progressivism and deluded about the various forces that motivate it. Which is why they blame a boogeyman for their perceived grievances.
The notion that Marxists are the masterminds of an evil plot to genocide white babies and censor video games is a conspiracy theory.
As for the few legitimate concerns over identity politics and related issues some of them have… That's when they should blame Liberals, not Marxists.
What would be inefficient is producing useless recreational items that are wanted by a few and needed by no one.
I see where you're going but try applying yourself and laying off the retarded spacing.
Shit like this is why the suicide rates went up by 30% when they implemented commie blocks. Certainly you're smarter than that.
People here are too contrarian to admit the difference between a pejorative, an autonym, and genuinely accurate terminology. Also, the old Nazi-era conspiracy theory with the same name.
The fact that basically all of the people who fomented Gamergate were hip-deep in postmodern critical theory, that the Frankfurt School and its alumni were key to the founding of postmodern critical theory, and that many of these people literally referred to themselves as "cultural Marxists" is undeniable.
The fact that "cultural Marxism" is an oxymoron, is secondary to this. I can simultaneously acknowledge that Bolsheviks described themselves as Marxists and communists, just like fascists called themselves socialists, while still remaining aware of the fact that they were both state capitalists. People denying the existence of cultural Marxism are incapable of such nuance.
The problem with this concept, is that some tasks require full-time dedication in order to be practical. What if a group of workers in some crucial field related to sustenance decides to use surplus labor to subsidize the luxury work of one among them?
Even on a purely spare-time basis, what if a bunch of different people are clamoring for the involvement of a particularly desirable luxury hobbyist, and said individual has no particular prejudice for one collaborator over the other, but only has enough time to work with a few of them? What if some of these people want to bribe the person to choose them?
What does mass-produced juice has to do with anything?
And commie-block is better that authentic hut with no heating, water, gas, electricity.
Is this infamous "ironic shitposting" again?
Feel free to counter my arguments with anything but "I want the people's effort to be wasted on my blinking toys".
It is not "wasteful" if it provide people with something they genuinely want.
Why do you assume video games to be nothing more than shallow consumerism? Would you say the same about books, films, music, travel or cooking? Art, entertainment and leisure are not "useless".
Do you expect production under socialism to be strictly limited to white bread, plain sweaters and concrete housing? There is a reason why Kropotkin dedicated an entire chapter in The Conquest of Bread to the "need for luxury".
Are people not allowed to have "blinking toys" if they want them?
Are only "approved authorities" allowed to judge what people willl have?
That's reactionary technocracy right there.
Wanting isn't needing.
They can make them as a hobby on their own time. Don't put words in my mouth.
Every single modding community can be considered communist by that logic.
There is a good reason paid mods was such a gigantic shitstorm.
Which is inefficient.
That's the only conclusion of your retarded idea to de-industrialize recreations.
Are you seriously claiming everything that could possibly be manufactured more efficiently should be manufactured communally? What kind of twisted logic is that?
capitalism destroyed video games
you'd have to be a blind retard not to see it
I do, because it is not meant to simply describe the Frankfurt School as a group of social theorists who attempted (among other things) to study the evolution of culture under capitalism through the prism of Marxist theory. It is used to slander them as the origin of some sort of scheming cabal seeking the destruction of the West.
I used the word "progressivism" to refer to a range of policies that include gay rights, women's rights, family planning, anti-racism, etc.
In the US, "Liberals" is pretty much synonymous with "socially progressive". In Europe, it isn't and is more often that not used to refer to laissez-faire economics. I think that is what might have you confused.
I'm sorry… What?
nothing has intrinsic value you fucking idiot
Are you a legitimate mongoloid retard?
Anything there's a demand for will be produced, there's literally no difference between capitalism and socialism in this matter. There's a lot of demand for luxury goods and in socialism that demand can only increase, since many more people will be able to afford them.
Nice way to say "shit that people want", you troglodyte luddite. People work to buy things they want and it's not up to you to judge what is trivial and what not, and since they are willing to pay and of course any "trivial consumer product" holds value because it needs a lot of work to produce, there's no reason to ban the production of it. It's a huge fuck you to people and I don't deny soviet people suffered because of the lacks of these goods (but it was necessary then).
[citation needed]
Lay off with the impotent insults. You are claiming the people should work to produce things someone wants instead what everyone needs.
Not that guy, but it should be obvious that the two aren't incompatible. Just because you produce novels doesn't mean you can't produce bread.
This is what socialism is, and full communism is different because no one "ought" to do anything anymore.
I repeat: Technocracy is not Socialism.
Stop hammering your enter key you fucking retard.
Incorrect, their studies do not have citations or evidence. If anything, they're "social theorists" who quite honestly ruined everything.
I still can't find any quotations for their Relativist papers(Aka, Critical Theory) but if you look around you see people following their train of thought.
They're, at very least, phony social theorists, as I have pointed out above.
It also meant that in the U.S. past too until the hijack. Alas, we use the words Cultural Marxism just like you use the word Liberal but you always devolve things into a semantics argument whenever we do it.
There's a citation in the fucking image, for starters.
Someone wants a statue of their ass, so we need to communally mass produce them. That isn't practical, it's lunacy.
Did you know that video games is a billion dollar industry in the current Capitalist system? Maybe that's because you're wrong about the amount of people who actually want to play videogames.
And, you can have people working on getting water around and making houses while also having people coding video games because there are multiple humans around the world.
Guess he'll pay some labour vouchers to the statue/ceramics/whatever factory and they'll make it. I'm sure there are already factories offering this "we make whatever statue you want" thing along the normal business.
Or, instead of serving the wants of a few manchildren the people coding could be coding something that is needed.
Don't get too wrapped up in Holla Forums memes. "Liberal" here is usually employed as a sardonic slam against every flavor of pseudoleftism under the sun (SJWs, neolibs, millenial hipsters, rotten boomers, etc) without any reference to the actual tradition of liberalism.
Same for "progressive", to a lesser extent.
Then Socialism is for manchildren. And I'm okay with it.
Go back to Holla Forums, kiddo.
You just want the people to produce your toys, got it. You are selfish.
What's up with the paranoia recently?
now you're getting real spooky. If something is worth anything, that's up to me. And millions of people like videogames. And juice, and whatever entertainment you value "useless and trivial". The more there's demand of a good, the more people are willing to organize its production (and in capitalist system, the more a porky is likely to start a business to produce it).
Those people will be paid fully for their work
So am I. I've set my cause on nothing!
I'm glad we got that cleared up.
Your juvenile egocentrism is appalling.
Of course. If I wanted to sacrifice my life for someone else - I would've stuck to Capitalism.
Trumpets are running around like a bunch of headless chickens. Apparently, they still didn't get the memo that Holla Forums did not support Hillary.
Or maybe you are seeing shadows. The paranoia has really harmed this board.
Your slave attitude to the spirits is baffling.
The well being of the people is not my well being!
If you actually had the will to actualize your property, you wouldn't be hanging around lefists.
So does anyone have a argument against Frankfurt school being bad or labeling their works "cultural marxism" yet or have I just wasted my time?
cant believe such a shitty thread got this many replies
Explaining in full would take much more time and effort than I'm willing to invest right now, so please accept an abridged version.
The declining economic situation particularly in the US and Europe lead to diminished purchasing power by the consumer base. As purchasing power declines, available "space" for competitors also declines. For a while this was mitigated by the overall expansion of the purchasing base for video games, which increased in popularity after the launch of the NES.
The increase in popularity means that there are more people to buy games, but the declining economy means that each person is able to buy less. When production costs were relatively low, this wasn't so much of a problem. The value of the gaming industry grew just about every year, which for a while wasn't bad either. The more money the developers and publishers made, the more games they were able to produce. For a while this was good since companies could afford to take chances on weird titles and ideas. Plenty of legendary titles came out between 1995 and 2005. The gaming economy was booming.
This success subsequently lead to mergers and acquisitions. There's an image popular on Holla Forums of all the studios that EA purchased and subsequently killed. Part of the reason was that once owned by EA (or whoever), these studios could no longer indulge in their multi-year production times for their games. More time in development = higher cost = less profit.
As more and more studios get bought up, these gigantic publishers now capture a larger and larger share of the market, which leads to them being able to massively outcompete independent studios, which leads to even massively popular studios having to either close down or be bought out.
So we start to see the same thing in the video games industry as we see in the movie industry: a shift from many smaller less expensive titles to fewer larger more expensive titles, all of which are made by an increasingly small number of ever bloating companies.
Keep in mind that the driving factor behind much of this is the corporate imperative for ever-increasing levels of profit. It isn't enough to just make $500M per anum. Next year you need to make $510M, and then $515, and then $525, and so on. There is only ever so much available capital to capture in a given market at a given time, so eventually to meet those profit goals you either have to expand the market (like Nintendo did) or merge with another company (like Square Enix did) in order to increase gains.
Eventually we get to the point where we are now, where the game development scene is dominated by a massive corporate structure, ran not by enthusiasts, developers, and artists that want to make great games, but a massive corporate bureaucracy whose only desire is profit. Just as an example, Tribes came out in 1998, and Tribes 2 came out in 2001. Meanwhile, since Call of Duty 2 in 2005, there has been a new CoD every year for the past 11 years.
So it shouldn't surprise anyone that as costs increase, and profit goals increase, and consumer dollars grow increasingly scarce, that the corporatocracy that directs the industry is going to go full Politically Correct Controversy Aversion mode as they try desperately to protect their increasingly expensive products from encountering anything that would even seem controversial in order to protect those revenue streams. And even all that is to say nothing about the homogenization of other genres, as these companies try and expand their appeal, or as that one fucker (Todd Howard?) said, "we want the call of duty audience."
tl;dr market forces and corporate greed are the reason games are shitty rather than SJWs/Cultural Marxism which are just symptoms of the overall disease
I'm sure there are lots of gaps in this but it's lunch time now and I can't be fucked.
who let all these fucking retards in here
Go back to Holla Forums
I do. Probably. I ignored your discussion about "Cultural Marxism", so I don't know what it was about.
Are you trying to say that Cultural Marxism is real Marxism?
You seriously need to chill out if a few lines breaks trigger you that much.
I disagree with your claim that they "ruined everything" (?) but that besides the point — you're moving the goalpost here. The issue is not whether or not they're "good" social theorists. The fact is that "Cultural Marxism" is virtually never used to neutrally describe a school of thought but mostly as a politically-loaded, conspiracy-mongering snarl word.
There's a huge difference between not being to your liking and being the all-powerful mastermind of an evil conspiracy.
That's an obscure picture of Zoe Quinn posturing with Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. Get real.
I used to search GG threads with notyourshield because searching gamergate on the catalog used to show unrelated threads
10/10 analysis of the mainstream A/AA/AAA market, but how does this explain the overwhelming outbreak of cancer that occured amongst hobbyists during the 2000s-era shift from the old bedroom coder/shareware/demoscene identity to the hipsterized non-gamer "indie" identity, and its complete SJW-ization in the 2010s?
That's a good question that I'll try to answer when I'm done eating/watching anime.
The short answer is that it's tied to that same cost/profit problem that leads to market consolidation and similar developments on the internet, coupled with the shitty nature video games "journalism" has been burdened with from the very beginning.
How are indie games "completely SJW-ized"?
You know that second image is a fucking joke, right?
Considering how much effort modders put into their projects under communism I'd find it hard to imagine games being produced less under communism.
What do the SJWs have to do with vidya? They do not play or make any.
Not necessarily the games (aside from film school-dropout "'art''game'" garbage), but the community. Even indie developers I personally know aren't psychopathic ideologues, who make games without the slightest whiff of SJW (for instance, Wolfire's Overgrowth) are forced to constantly pay homage to the SJW cult whether or not they actually believe any of it, because they and all their colleagues are socially dominated by what looks to all the world like a highschool clique that demands endless protestations of political virtue.
So, indie games aren't SJW-ized in the slightest. It just happens that some video game enthusiasts are obnoxious liberals. Who cares?
Well, yes. The economy of modding is mostly Communist.
What did you expect?
They don't. That doesn't change the fact that video games haven't been "SJW-ized" like you claimed.
It's cultural capitalism
I literally do not care what message you put in your game, as long as I like it I will play it.
I liked Gone Home and Life is Strange
I liked Postal 2 and Hatred
I do not care, just make what you want, put whatever you want in it, and let people decide individually if they enjoy it.
Cultural Marxism literally isn't even a thing. SJWism is just retarded liberal idpol wanking.
"cultural Marxism" is just neoliberal new left capitalism that exploited the culture to wreck working class families and communities.
1) Many developers who otherwise wouldn't are pressured into forcing the SJW agenda into their game
2) Many developers (and "developers") undeserving of success are propped up on politically correct (in the original leftcom sense) insincere praise of superior peers
3) A social (and often monetary!) burden is exacted by the constant demand to pay obeisance
4) Anyone who fails to perfectly conform to the dominant political ideology will be ostracized. In addition, due to the parasitic nature of SJWs, if such people fail to materialize, innocents will be randomly selected and ripped to shreds by the hivemind as a demonstration of the clique's power and/or a cover for political housecleaning.
I'm a different guy from the one you were arguing with before. He rightly pointed out that the culture surrounding indie games is dominated by identitarians. Indie games are "SJWized" because they demand that games and the creators adhere to the ideology on penalty of their reputation being tarnished.
Do you have any example to illustrate such claims?
Here's a translated version for Holla Forums
One or the other lads.
Wow, uh, any random article on Deep Freeze? The Five Guys mess that started GG? The IGF revelations from the Polytron hack? The Penny Arcade dickwolves saga? It's hard to choose.
I guess Max Temkin's is a particularly infuriating story.
"Cultural Marxism" is literally nothing but a phrase meant to sound scary that was made up by a political group of unmedicated schizos that think literally everything they arbitrary dislike is "communism".
Did you see that rooster on the Frankfurt school you idiot? They were mostly composed of people calling themselves communists.
Y'know, coming form Germany and supporting Carl Marx?
No just conspiracy theory.
No, they do not.
And if you've actually read any Frankfurt school work, you can tell why their claims are absolute nonsense.
Hell, Adorno sounds like a social conservative.
Who are you quoting?
This is one of the most retarded post I've read in this thread.
Game developers are not "the bourgeoisie". Game enthusiasts are not "the proletariat".
Forcing "proletariat" and "bourgeoisie" into everything even when it's simply not warranted doesn't somehow make you Marxister, it simply betrays the lack of serious theory behind your "anti-SJW" posturing.
Those scandals are related to specific video game journalism websites, not video game in themselves. This hardly support the claim that video games are being "SJW-ized".
How so?
Before it was quite obvious that capitalism was destroying video games. I wouldn't blame neetsocs for shitting up Holla Forums, it's the lolberts defending capitalism so the argument for what's ruining video games can be whatever nonsense the nazis would like it to be.
Pretty big insight on that greentext joke if I say so. I think we should use this remark to disprove beyond any belief that gamergate is retarded. Lets post it and your reply on Holla Forums and see what happens.
Maybe if you weren't a redditor
I have no idea what you are on about.
If anything the lack of money bumps when Kotaku or some other "journalistic source" reported on a videogame actually sped up the boycott.
It doesn't need to be supported because its blatantly obvious
All in all it should be obvious that Holla Forums REALLY doesn't have any room to be criticizing gamergate because they don't even see the influence that is blatantly smeared across it.
Due to the lack of knowledge and interest of SJW in video games, it's unlikely that they are changing vidya to reflect their views, but rather they are retarded and their actions have no order to them.
top is greentext snark, bottom quotation
The websites, forums, and journos were merely a part of it, each of those also involved innocent devs (and their fans) who suffered as a result of their antics.
The genesis of Five Guys was in a (probably planted) "hate campaign" against a game by an obscure imageboard, propelling the "developer" into a reality TV show she then intentionally sabotaged, wasting the time and money of everyone else involved. The IGF scandal revealed a Ponzi scheme whereby a fake contest was created to collect dues from actual developers, funnel it into the pockets of fake developers, and use all the industry attention to promote them with portals like Steam and Humble Bundle. Penny Arcade's woes were caused by fake artgame devs creating a fake controversy over an average example of the comic's strip, castigating the authors relentlessly, and eventually bullying them into hiring some of their pod-people into high-level positions in Penny Arcade's physical expo events and a propaganda series featured alongside the comic on its site.
Max Temkin is an example so obvious that you have to be clinically retarded not to grasp it. Dude made a game that was edgy, it became popular among hipsters, they oozed into his circle of personal "friends", SJWs whined about politically incorrect edginess, he changed it, this went on back-and-forth until the game was completely neutered. Then they dug up an old "rape" he "committed", the "rape" was proven false, the girl who accused him recanted her story… AND HE STILL APOLOGIZED! Now his latest game came out, it's about how evil nazis are and how everyone is secretly a nazi, the SJWs are still whiny toward him.
SJWs are a death cult
If it's so obvious, why can't you give have any examples of actually "SJW-ized" games? How are game developers forced into "obeying" SJWs? To what do SJWs have "influence" over the medium and its industry?
Of course we have. GamerGate wasn't even an actual movement but more of a "swarm" as Byung-Chul Han would put it. It was hardly more than an impotent consumer revolt co-opted by reactionary e-celebs. There is nothing value that could be salvaged from it.
It's always been bizarre to me how some on the left will almost always reject narratives proffered by liberals yet accept it in the case of Gamergate. Certainly "cultural Marxism" is off, but if you take it as a sloppy term for the cultural and academic industries churning out identitarian garbage, it isn't completely wrong.
In some sense it's a continuation of the imageboard wars against this type of "leftist" (of which even Holla Forums can be considered a part of), but Gamergate was taken over by the right. It didn't have to be taken over by the right, but the movement's supporters had nowhere else to go and for a time discussion was banned on virtually every gaming website and board on 4chan except Holla Forums.
They don't need interest or knowledge in video games to be a "Video game journalist" that goes around reporting how they were offended by something in X game or to report how Y walking simulator is so good without citing their connections with the game's creator.
the divinity original sin armor """"""""controversy"""""""""
Games journalism sucks. So does Milo Yiannopoulos. Think for yourself.
That's pretty odd. Progressivism actually refers to social-democratic or Keynesian regulation of capitalism.
I've been revisiting my old views on the decline of game quality recently and I'm glad to see that someone else came to a similar conclusion.
The declining quality of video games is actually one of the better examples of the effects of capitalism's tendency for the rate of profit on investment to decline over time. The need for perpetual growth to counteract this while competing leads to consolidation of smaller projects into lesser and larger ones. In a creative medium like video games, large bloated projects with hundreds or thousands of people working on them and massive financial risk in marketing means that they are forced to make the safest design decisions possible, always second-guessing the unknown subjectives of innovation.
How was that "SJW-ized"?
As far as I'm aware, they just got rid of the stupid waifu bullshit.
the averange Holla Forumsirgin measures a game's quality by how hard it makes hi peepee
A game can have shit game play but as long it has hot waifus Holla Forumsirgins are going to love it
You are saying that like it doesn't count as SJW-ized.
They also went full retard with the translation, with shit like making one character obsessed with pickles, the whole Soleil shitstorm, localizing a suport conversation into series of "…" or adding some outdated obscure meme on what it was supposed to be a dramatic moment.
Talking about Nintendo, here are some other games that got fucked, Xenoblade got breast sliders removed, some terms that were used since fucking Xenogears changed for no good reason, and more shit I don't remember.
Bravely second had a indian class changed into a cowboy class for no good reason, and a fucking ending removed, leaving the game with only one ending.
The solution to shitty market practices is removing the feminists? What?
Please stop
You don't see how the two are related? How do you think people find out about video games.
"Cultural Marxism" is the same kind of shit as "Social Darwinism." It's not the same thing as Marxism or Darwinism; it's what you get when retards badly interpret it.
That turned out to be a lie
Which ultimately amounted to some websites writing articles that were not significant unless you suffer from Alex Jones level retardation
Gee, some people didn't like a rape joke. Clearly my gamer identity is under siege.
What did a rape accusation story have to do with gaming?
Its called reading dude. Its been like three since gamergate, five years since the sjw "infiltration" via anita sarkesian and triple A games are still about as white, male fucking whatever as they've always been. The most amount of diversity we've seen is in Overwatch and that was very well received by normies and Holla Forums tards alike. Even goddam Final Fantasy replaced their typically gorgeous, sexuallised female characters with an entire male cast a much better decision tbh as cuteboys are justice
So when is this destruction of gamer identity and overtaking of SJWism supposed to happen?
Tbh xenoblade x was still a had a great us version. I barely gave a shit about muh lin and if GG wanted change so bad they shouldn't of had went ape over comparing it to Communist censorship as their tweets were showing
Reading what, now? Also, this isn't just a matter of you or me. It's a billion dollar industry and millions of people read those sites.
Deep freeze is some site that lists journalists that don't care about GG or simply was against it.
I wish GG would stick to those specific websites, they're guilty as sin and every time GG tried to broaden their focus to other issues they just came out sounding dumb.
You didn't read that bit
Not an argument for why the games are being sjw-ised
Because the bourgie idpolers were fucking around in indie games, not AAA games.
Nobody was arguing that. The problem is when "SJWs" fuck with people's ability to make or sell their games. Again, you're just looking at AAA titles which is not their domain, but while we're on the subject - they got GTAV removed from store shelves in Australia.
I did. How does one "read" a video game? Furthermore, how does a video game inform you about different but similar video games? You sound like you're saying anything that comes to mind so that it might seem to a retard like you made an argument.
I agree with you, it's just that I wanted to inform you.
Its hard to believe this tactic still works on people.
Weren't video games banned in Soviet countries?
Checkmate, NEETS
This guy is obsessing over it
But if no one is arguing that, then who gives a shit? The games will be pretty much the same you just have to put up with more whiny on twitter only now exacerbated by that of "meninists".
In Target, which is like poor man's walmart, so not really a major achievement. It was mainly due to a push as part of a larger campaign to end violence against prostitutes which at the moment is a massive problem. It wasn't run by some armchair internet feminists, it was run BY PROSTITUTES. The normies got spooked and removed their shelves
I saw GTA 5 ON SALE in pretty much every electronic store and on Australian steam. Unless you want to use some bizarrzo slippery slope logic (which wouldn't make sense in this context anyway) that example is at best a non-seqeuiter.
You're retarded. Either show how games themselves are getting fucked up or fuck off
Well thank you friend
I see what you're doing now. You're deliberately ignoring the context that's not being quoted, because it allows you to imply a different context. I was not making an argument why games are being SJW-ized with that sentence. I was explaining the role of video game news sites. But you think you're being smart when you reply to the part of my post where I respond to thing 1 as if it were a response to thing 2.
See here if thats not whats happening then who gives the slightest fuck other than overally sensitive tards on the internet? If you don't think all major gamer news sites are already bullshit then I just feel bad for you.
Cute straw man. It's a site for cataloging journalistic malfeasance in the video game industry.
No, he's rightly pointing out that they're trying to spread ideology through video games.
Here's what you just did:
>oh so I guess there's no problem whatsoever
>using "poor man's" as an insult
Literally kill yourself.
Yeah, it's still a material achievement. They prevented exchange from taking place, and they prevented at least that "poor man's" distributor from being able to participate in the socially beneficial act of distribution.
Wow, you really don't give proles any credit. Prostitutes have bigger shit to worry about than middle class people's video games.
Just because the scope of the campaign was limited doesn't change its basic purpose and accomplishment, which is to exert authoritarian control over the economy.
The bourgeois clique sees something they don't like, such as a video game that offends their sensibilities. They castigate people who cover it. Now people who write about video games are wary to cover anything that might offend the bourgie clique. Wow that was hard. Do you have trouble understanding systems?
I already pointed out that "If this specific thing isn't a problem I guess there's no problems" is nonsense.
It's not a matter of preference or perceive quality, you myopic fuck. These sites affect the revenue for companies, which due to capitalism is crucial to their functioning. If certain things in a game might make media coverage less likely, and therefore diminish revenue, and therefore reduce the developers' ability to keep working, then the developers' desire for self preservation will steer them away.
He literally explained in that post why the given definition was inaccurate you fucking retard.
He says
Which is directly impling that the games themselves will become Sjw-ised
You are actually retarded
I can show you the copy of GTA 5 on xbox I bought ==six months ago== if you like. Funny thing is Australia always had a shitty relationship with video games which had nothing to do with feminism en.wikipedia.org
Video games are more expensive at Target you fucking faggot, no one in their right mind would buy from there
Then how come they pushed the ban you ignorant fuck?
Nah it must be Anita right? Fuck off.
Kys, seriously, or at least explain how a slippery slope is going to occur in this instance.
Fuck off back to /liberty/
So video games haven't been affected? Sweet, good to know :^)
So there is no problem. Sweet, good to know.
Yeah because "le feminsits XXXDDD" are the problems with capitalism, not capitalism being inherently shit
He just gave a completely different definition that suits his idealogy better
you mean they call themselves liberals right ?
Which is not the same thing as "overtaking the industry" or "destorying gamer identity." Rather, it's spreading an ideology.
At least I'm not classist.
Literally "I got mine so who cares if it was hard for other people." At a basic level, your way of thinking is incompatible with leftism.
Doesn't change the fact that this instance was a result of feminism.
"I have the ability to choose where I buy things, so fuck the people who have limited options because they're less wealthy than me.' Wow, you've totally convinced me that you're a leftist.
Yes, because the "fact" that the handful of people who made the petition were sex workers means that sex workers at large care about this shit, and it also definitely means the people who signed the petition or wrote in were also sex workers. The fact that the people behind the petition didn't identify themselves is just more evidence.
I never said shit about a slippery slope. Preventing people from participating in the economy how they want is a bad thing in and of itself regardless of the scale. I bet you think small businesses aren't bourgeois.
dank meme
You literally just omitted the rest of my point, so I'll repost it. The bourgeois clique sees something they don't like, such as a video game that offends their sensibilities. They castigate people who cover it. Now people who write about video games are wary to cover anything that might offend the bourgie clique. Wow that was hard. Do you have trouble understanding systems?
You're not even trying not to look retarded now. You set up a strawman of the grievances people have with bourgeois identitarians controlling the video game industry, and when called on it, you act like your distorted version of reality is apparently the only possible problem. Look at the paragraph above, it explicitly outlines how this works.
Hey fucking retard, do you understand the concept of systems? Do you understand that multiple problems can interact? Both capitalism itself and the people who use it to push their ideology are bad things.
So you're saying
is a
and giving a completely different definition for something is somehow not compatible with claiming the other definition is a strawman. You're an idiot. As for the actual purpose of deep freeze, it doesn't just list people, it also lists their alleged breaches of journalistic integrity.
Pic related
This is really low tier trolling. I just said it was CHEAPER to not buy from Target.
I explained why it wasn't. If you are too retarded to understand then i'm sorry, there's no help for you
Yes you did.
Yeah but you said
And then said
Implying, like all GG fags that we are on a slippery slope to feminist control of the economy and video games.
Great, so its got nothing to do with an impact on the video games themslves, glad we agree :^)
Can you please google the deifnition of strawman? Because you are aren't using correctly.
Is this some kind of idiotic reverse intersectionality?
So GG are the real socialists? By attacking the feminists (a capitalist ideology) and maintaining the current ideal in the video industry (another capitalist ideology) whilst pushing their own brand of idpol (an even more twisted attempt to protect capitalism)?
Just stop.
Is this case yes.
More of the rich man's Wal*Mart really.
That's actually just you inferring that's what's being said because you can't conceive that someone who disagrees with you would defy the stereotype in your head.
Alright well I'm done here. I'm satisfied that anyone who reads the thread will sufficiently understand what a retard you are and how thoroughly unable you are to read and comprehend what's right in front of you. Also, you're not a leftist, you're another LARPing liberal.
Kind of like GG as the rest of the thread has demonstrated.
I mean for God's sakes people are using "postmodernist" "critical theory" "cultural marxism" interchangeably like its some kind of amorphism blob of sjwism. Hell that guy just implied that prostitute activism are somehow connected with armchair gamer feminist critique and when shown otherwise he whines about how i'm an ivory tower, bourgeoisie intellectual.
So tell me exactly where I went wrong when I "misused" the GG "stereotype" when nothing that i've said isn't self evident.
And you are almost certainly a pol/ack. Read Marx nigger.
Is there any proof this is due to some esjew conspiracy and not just bad localizations?
Also, most of that stuff isn't even that bad outside of them fucking with the dialogue and removing an ending.
They're all related to a brand of anti-marxist thought that became popular among "left wing" upper middle class academics after the collapse of the soviet union. Maybe you should take your own advice and read some Marxist critiques of post modernism and critical theory. Before you spout out stale liberal memes.
Those changes are all based on exactly the shit that would offend the outrageists. This is the shit mentioned in above posts where the games get changed because people are worried about the consequences or have drunk the koolaid themselves.
a. ha. ha. Fuck off neck yourself return to Holla Forums
Except it's seen as more of a conspiracy.
Cultural marxism is another term for liberal idpol, something that this board often opposes.
It's such a meme that it now churned out idpol from the right.
No it ain't, it's a dumbfuck conspiracy theory used to delegitimize the left and you're a traitorous little homosexual if you use that shit.
If you think that the people that right-wingers call cultural marxists are the left, then you are the traitor.
I think cultural marxism doesn't even exist and using it makes you not worth my spit.
I never mentioned "cultural Marxism" you fucking asshole. I was talking about post modernism and critical theory . I told him to look up actual Marxist critiques of the origins of those cancerous ideologies. Absolutely nothing in my post suggest that I'm from Holla Forums. Stop being such a triggered moron and actually read post before you shout off buzzwords. It sound like r/socialism is more to your speed then here faggot.
Yeah you did, you took his list of words, which included cultural marxism, and said it's related to a brand of anti-marxist through that became popular.
Again read other people's post before you sperg out. Anyway, the other guys are right "cultural Marxism" is a misnomer used be reactionaries for liberal identity politics.
A misnomer yeah, not a real thing though.
It's hard to follow so many threads after so many drinks but I'm trying. I'm trying really.
You're failing miserably and should stop.
Considering I've been told being against sister-fucking and being against racism are the same thing recently I really don't want to.
Stop embarrassing yourself and go to bed.
Most of these changes are just accounting for Western tastes.
Most Westerners, for instance, would find waifu sections strange and off-putting.
If you're here, I'm still eagerly awaiting your hot take on how the cancer spread to the small-timers theoretically insulated from capitalism, if you feel up to writing it.
or Bolshevik "communism"
You drooling subhuman moron, are you seriously this incapable of using a search engine, or are you trolling? If you're too deluded to look up both sides on any of this, I already illustrated how blindingly obvious they are here
And mein got
This has to be trolling. It isn't about whether or not the games themselves are "diverse" (seriously, we've had plenty of stuff like Shadow Man, Interstate '76, and Prey as far back as you care to look), but about how badly the agenda marred the game, and how badly hurt the industry and community are hurt by hush money demands from SJW protection racketeers kneecapping people. Look at Battlefield One and "Mafia" 3 for a couple of recent examples.
Only the very first of those five points was specifically regarding games worth caring about, the rest were regarding corrosive effects of SJW parasites on the medium as a whole
It spread to K-Mart as well
Leaving aside the fact that sincerely (but very ignorantly) concerned randumbs have been the catalyst for numerous dumb phenomona up to the Satanic Panic in the 1980s, you surely aren't denying that (as other replies have noted) it was backed by beyond the authors by armchair feminazis? Further, even the petition and the author herself linked extensively to feminazi propaganda "journalism" on the subject and debunked pseudoscience, proving she's waist-deep in the Kool-Aid already.
Even ignoring who's responsible for it and whatever motivations they had, histrionic morally panicked bookburning is NOT something the left should become associated with.
Yes? They're not even secretive about it, pics related.
A misnomer for a real thing. Anybody who can deny academic critical theory programs and postmodernist continental philosophy being linked at the hip, with a straight face, is some sort of robot.
Well gee, then maybe they should make the censors OPTIONAL with age restriction settings? Or do what the Japanese do in their domestic market, even with many hardcore hentai games, sell separate adult and kiddy versions of the same game? Censorship and "localization" should've died in the '90s when the staff switched from faceless suits to (SJW skinwalkers who appeared to be) actual fans, there is absolutely no possible excuse.
It's more likely that they're actively trying to muddy the waters.
Nerds caring so much about fucking games is so sad.
why dont you try learning japanese instead you lazy fuck lol
It's not about the individual person. It's about the trend and that other people are getting a shitty product. Are you even a leftist?
What a great policy. We should try it for everything.
Want to read Marx?
Want to read Lenin?
Or, you know, you can acknowledge people do need good translations because they don't have unlimited amounts of time and energy. That'd require being thoughtful and not making low effort posts, though.
caring about an industry is such a leftist thing to do oh man
Two of those pics are stupid and unneeded, you stealth Holla Forumsack gamergater cuck.
Caring that the system has flaws that result in shitty products is leftist, yes.
I'd rather bring the system down, sorry.
I wish they had half the enthusiasm they have for """"gaming journalism"""" and one or two games getting shitty translatons for the revolution.
Third pic looks like self-degrading satire, really
You sitting here and wishing sure is going to change anything, you LARPer.
[citation needed]
Not that games are the only thing I care about, but what makes you continue to draw breath and get out of bed every day? Everyone has hobbies and passions that they want kept pure from political concerns, everyone that doesn't is a brainwashed death cultist.
Temporary solution, if the cucks are allowed to fester they may eventually be able to destroy otaku culture, like many worry preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games in Japan will, that's game over.
When combined with details of exactly what was censored and otherwise altered in each individual game (which speak for themselves, really), they're the cherry on top, producing damning proof of method and and intent of these parasites. But taking things away isn't all their only activity, they also leave their own special smudgy fingerprints!
Huh, I can't tell if you're being serious or not with that line to be honest.
As usual only westerners care about le scary sjw boogeyman. 2ch only worries they might take away loli, and even then it'll either be a temporary measure or they'll have to only get it via cons, so no big deal either way.
It CAN happen there:
Call me biased but I really don't feel like reading some shitty gamergate infographic lmao
The slideshow isn't related to GG in any way, it's a historical review of the Comics Code's founding, the resultant destruction of every genre except capeshit and every demographic except the kiddy market in American comics (unlike Japan, and to a lesser extent the rest of Asia, Europe, and South/Central America even today) during the Silver Age, and the fact that after Silver Age readers grew up in the 1970s, Americans basically stopped reading comics.
It's really not that big of a deal.
If you want to jerk off, go watch porn.
Literally does not even belong on the card, along with a few others.
Also fuck them I got mine. At this point I might support censorship just to spite you faggots.
Capital was written in English and directed at an English-speaking audience, you know.
Aside from the obvious objection that this is frequently an "I fell down the stairs!"-grade deflection from the SJW clique's pressure tactics, there are commonly times when the person censoring their previous work isn't the same as the person they were when they created it. Offering a new version is fine, eliminating access to the old version is petty and spiteful.
have you never played a game that has a dedicated open source mod made for free by volunteers that is vastly better than the original?
Modders gave us Counter Strike and Dota, capitalism gave us League of Legends and Angry Birds.
I'm sorry but as I see it, all fighting against the Frankfurt school theories seems to be false or "In name only"
You can't claim to be against SJWism/IdPol while defending pic related on or journalists giving better coverage to games with SJW approval.
So you don't like SJW games? Then just don't buy them.
What's the alternative? To "stop" the SJWs? How? By censoring their games? To fight censorship WITH censorship?
Was your mother severely alcoholic when you were born? Were you dropped on your head at a young age? The post you replied to was specifically about SJWs polluting the translationslocalizations of foreign-language games.
It's funny, because you've actually described (quite accurately, at that) the opposite side of the shitstorm that you apparently thought you were describing.
Yes they are and yes they are. What the fuck.
How many developer cooperatives do you know? How many of the millions of people buying escapist toys can possibly be from the ruling classes?