By Bill Van Auken
11 November 2016
By Bill Van Auken
11 November 2016
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This is why we can't have nice things.
Christ, I'd hoped that at least one good thing to come out of a Trump presidency would be to widen the split between US and Turkey. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd get all buddy buddy with Islam McHitler now that he's actually in power and doesn't need to appeal to retards. At least Holla Forums would get cucked in the process.
I also really don't want to be killed by Turk or slippery backstabbing Americans.
Turk here after the """"coup""" attemp he got strong, now he tries to install presidental system, if he can't he'll lose power.AKP is one man party, if erdoğan goes down whole party will.
Also he interrupts MHP candidate election, there were oppositiion from mhp and they were quite popular but now all those opposition from mho are shadowbanned.There were polls about opposition, if the curent party leader changes their vote was going up around %5 to %10.WHich mean CHP-MHP could make coalition and get rid of AKP but it couldn't happened.
Just like DSP,ANAP,DYP etc
Turkish comrade, what the fuck is with the delirious nationalism in your country.
Whilst following Rojava and the Syrian Civil War I've come to see how absurdly nationalist and obsessed with the past Turks are. I can understand hostility to Rojava and the YPG but the shit I've seen goes far beyond that.
Nationalism?No, I would call it partisanism, fanatism.Before AKP kurds were barely represented in Turkey, AKP used kurds and liberals to challange kemalism,nationalism.
Right now there is no use for kurds and liberals for him that's why he's opposing them not because of nationalist.
Also he once openly said we have crushed nationalism together.
My point is he's gonna use eurasianist and nationalist just like he used kurds and liberals.
I'm not a communist, but of course I'm not deluded to believe his lies.
Calling kurdish suicide bombers not terrorism won't make you popular in Turkey
CHP is the party of Ataturk right? How have they not capitalised on the godlike reverence the Turkish people have for Ataturk with votes?
Reasons are, they saw elitism as cultism, also they're social democrat and barely oppose AKP effectively.
Also conservatism was always popular in Turkey and chp is not conservative.
Raqqa is about last toss of the coin for the US in Syria. If they can't take and hold a city with their special forces embedded among the 'moderates' then they don't have a leg to stand on. Given Trump will commit no more resources to the moderates, I think we are approaching the beginning of the end of this whole fucked up tale.
the SDF aren't moderate beheaders bro. FSA have no place in the Raqqa conversation. It's SDF with US help v ISIS.
True. Nor are they hardline anti-assad. The US hopes to still have a base of operations for the 'moderates' at large but the SDF taking Raqqa does not guarantee them this. The SDF will probably not be poked into advancing against the SAA and will likely when all is said and done partake in the democratic process in Syria. Given Trump's victory the US pre-condition of 'Assad must go' will be dropped.
Unfortunately, it is not the poster you are replying to who is an idiot, but rather the US military's commanders.
Didn't real, lol.
Yeah, this ain't sustainable for the US. Rebels and SDF hate each other. Their whole policy in Syria has been retarded, backing contrary groups at the same time.
the US played a big part in the SDF's creation but recently they've become increasingly alienated from the US and are starting to move into Russia's sphere of influence. It's for the best I think.
I'm also questioning the decision to move for Raqqa, but we'll see how it goes I guess. Seems pointless when it won't be part of Rojava.
Essentially, they want anti-assad rebels in Raqqa so the glorious revolution can continue.
I'd suggest this was an idea that started with the US. In fact no I am stating unequivocally that it was at the will of the US. Ostensibly it was about wiping ISIS out once and for all in both Iraq and Syria, hence the timing to coincide with Mosul offensive. I suspect in reality they hoped to drive ISIS to Aleppo so their games their could continue, 'ebil assad, ebil Russia targeting civilians'. Civilians who have obviously chosen to stay there and totally aren't being held as human shields by the brave 'moderate' rebels.
C..can this be something of a /Syria General/? Just somewhere to document the closing acts of this farce?
this or
we are in need of a space for syria either way
The US has to be offering something in return for Raqqa. If indeed SDF are serious about taking the whole city and not just fortifying the outskirts it will be a fight on the scale of Manbij or Kobani, with many lives lost. And at the end of the all this they would hand it off to a separate entity?
They were gaining on Al Bab at a very decent pace and their progress seems to have halted once this Raqqa campaign kicked off. Al Bab and connecting the cantons makes far more sense.
The Turkish rebels are pretty close to Al Bab now but they will not take it if ISIS put up a fight, which they should
BBC propaganda piece anyone?
funny, not one of them mentions the rebels holding them there, despite footage of the rebels firing on people who tried to leave during the last Russian ceasefire.
The reasoning for staying is fucking pushing creative license to the limits.
And perhaps most disturbingly,
Essentially the reasoning for not leaving is
1) We're trapped
2)Don't trust the government
3)My home, I refuse to leave
This one just seems kinda dumb.
I wonder how many interviews the BBC chose not to publish here?
It did however have this map. Sure, dated 3rd Oct but it is more up to date than most as it shows the east of Aleppo entirely encircled
I suspect the offer was fire support from the air. Remember, the SDF aren't exclusively Kurdish. Some will be out for ISIS blood for its own sake.