Wurm General

New thread because last one is on the verge of death and doesn't mention wurm online.

What's Wurm?
An old ass autismo sandbox survival game, experience the joy of grinding for weeks and kicking down autism forts with huge boners, or get cozy as fuck and build a nice house with sick aesthetic. Every building you see, and every road that you walk on has at one point been built by the hands of another player.

Is it free?
Wurm online is freemium, but you can earn money in game without needing to be premium, and if you're persistent enough you'll be able to make plenty of money to activate premium time, and have some left over.

Wurm unlimited can be bought, but also has a free client available by the champions doing gods work at wurmian.cloudapp.net/client-download/ , it currently only works for pirate friendly servers.

What's the difference?
Wurm online is the main server that has persistent characters, you'll want to spawn on freedom, as epic is pants on head retarded.

Wurm unlimited is like the private server variant, with a bunch of small changes that make it better and worse, depending on your stance on things.

Which do I choose?
Currently, on wurm online we've got a bunch of bros spread across a few deeds on the island of exodus, which are basically villages. Right now we're getting cozy and grinding, but if you need to get your dick wet you can always hop into chaos, the pvp server. We've currently got some nice spots set up to take on new migrants, and the server is safe from pvp and stealing, so you'll be able to learn at your own pace.

Once you make a character in wurm online, spawn on exodus if you can, at the starter town of Esert. /tell Gobab, Chocobro, or Gringal to get a ride, and a village invite.

As for wurm unlimited, last thread some anons were talking about getting a server set up, but hadn't had any recent words of if it had come to fruition. By all means, if you've got an unlimited server, post it here and try to get people playing if you want. There's also another wurm unlimited server people are playing on already, but I've forgotten the details. Please post them if you have them.

So what are you waiting for? Join us in wurm today, and live on forever in the memories of your fellow bros!

Other urls found in this thread:


in case anybody considers me fake
i was never fake
only cryogenically stored

Do i need a beefy pc to run this?

Nope, it's old as shit so as long as you keep bloom off and don't have everything on extreme, you should be good. I'm currently running it on a fairly nice laptop, and it runs at a steady 50-60 fps



You can look up the skirts of avatars of gods, and see their fat cock bulge, which is great when you realize a 70 year old man took the time to sculpt and texture it.

Doesn't that entice you?

In all seriousness, Wurm Online bears host to some of the greatest autism of our time. An example is a middle-aged man who spends hundreds of dollars on their virtual village near the desert. He guards that desert like a fly on shit. If he catches you trespassing on his golden fapfest, he'll passive-aggressively insinuate that you should go somewhere else. He'll check on you in the middle of the day and the dead of night to see what you're doing. If you so much as begin digging up some of the sand, he'll sperg out about the desert being a community hunting ground despite no one ever going there because of his absolute 'tism scaring everyone off. This and many more colorful personalities await you in the neuro-atypical zoo called Wurm Online!


hi chocobro, hows turnips? i miss her~

she cheated on me five years ago and we broke up
i was depressed for three years over it and now i am All Chill

Are the anons who were working on the cracked private server still here? WRC is fucking empty and grinding without faggots from Holla Forums to talk to isn't as much fun

no clue nigga

why not play on the official rolf approved servers, that are tediously grindy but you won't ever lose your character. i logged in from my account i made like 8 years ago

Yeah but don't you have to pay to raise skills above a certain level? Fuck that shit

its easy enough to earn $$ to pay for prem time

yes, but you can earn in game money through selling shit nigga, for example selling fish, or moss to a settlement token. based off of quality, you get between 1-10 iron coins, with a cap of getting 5 copper per hour, or 500 iron coins.

we've already got a bunch of money though in reserves for bros that are actually dedicated and won't just take a bunch of money and log off forever

Alright I'll give it a shot. Which mods will still work in wurm online, if any? I'm assuming live map and improved improve still work, probably not the toolbelt one though?

no mods work in wurm, regrettably

most of them were pleb babby mode mods, but always stable compass with coords and improved improve would've been so nice


Come and join us, dont be shy

Reminder turnips was just chocobro roleplaying a girl.

reminder that you're fake and gay
now get in on this

There are "tools" for improving that can be used in wurm online. They can make the game almost fully automated.

i'm not looking for fully automated, i still want to play the game, but having to pick tools manually is shitty

the one press imp was nice, and having to repair shit when you damaged it made it good and not just literal botting

Professional work

same tbh

I need video proof, I need a laugh

made this when i dropped dirt on about 50% of the desert to fuck with him and prove my tism was greater. he has since converted it back to desert, my next move is probably to remove all the sand down to stone

Leave your silly pirate servers that wipe your characters and come join the the chosen

there aren't pirate serbs, people just don't like wurm

they just crashed and burned for reasons

Richfag apparently died

thats what i mean, there isn't even enough interest in a custom tailored server that panders to pirates and lets us play however we want, let alone enough to have an actual wurm online village with 18x the amount of tedium and grind

hell if there is one nig that joins its good enough for me, and the thread serves its purpose. We got currently 10 nigs+, just looking if any of u former pirate nigs wanna join us since its free (and if u cant make $$ for premium ingame, your just a casual)

Richfag died but the server was already struggling because he didn't know nearly enough about wurm to make it an enjoyable experience for the range of nigs we had

Did something happen to WRC?

far as i know its still around it just dead


Can anyone confirm that richfag actually died?

Some user in the last thread 'confirmed' it, but otherwise no. For all we know he could've just gotten tired of dealing with such a small userbase and fucked off.But I'd like to think someone wouldn't do that to their fellow anons.


No real proof was actually given, but their caretaker, annefranc that was playing on the serb with us posted, someone could've easily lied but nig was talking about waking up on a toilet filled with blood, and being in the hospital.

Nearly three days and not one newbro has even given it a try

Nobody from wurm unlimited migrated either


What do you expect when characters/maps don't even last a month? People got tired of starting over constantly.

I'm taking about wurm online, not unlimited

Wurm online, your characters are there, forever

I logged into my account I made and played on 8 years ago


characters are killed after 90 days of inactivity on wurm online
if you are premium at literally any point (either through using real money or nigged shekels) your account is never deleted

now stop complaining and hop to it

No joke, half the fun of the official servers is being a virtual pirate and swiping everything you see in sight that isn't bolted down. There's permissions so not everyone can come take your shit, but people still fuck it up and leave things lying around unlocked.

Not even if you paid me.


m8 I'm borderline anorexic for my height and have a toilet full of blood twice every month and I'm fine.

Remember the ip leak

nobody is playing unlimited either

Not everyone bleeding out of their ass has a good reason like you, someone mentioned that it might've been kidney failure, and you need both kidneys to live obviously

you sir are a very negative nancy, and i don't much like accepting your arguments

yes i'm fully aware of this
in fact almost everything i've owned at any Holla Forums settlement has been nigged from other players
if i still had the picture of brome's original YE OLDE CARTE SHOPPE with 150+ facepunch carts all on two tiles i would post it
but i don't. if anyone has it please send it my way. thank you.

see a doctor for that

but who asked?


I don't think so.
I don't have the time anymore anyway. I lost my patience after the Jesus nigging when I gave him my house

why did you give him your house
why would you think that was a good idea

also will you return for a tiny amount of time if i promise you six loli statues
exactly six.

this one?

no but that is also from brome iirc
about three days before the one i'm talking about
nonetheless thankyou for this relic

the only way i can repay you is by triggering your ocd
i am sorry

Who's fault was that again? I wanna say it was Josh's but I don't remember, it could have been Hotwheels'

**Because I had a death in the family and didn't have time anymore, so I gave it all up only to return 2 weeks later to learn that Jesus had not only nigged everything that wasn't nailed down in my house, but everything in the whole village itself.



well then

be glad jesus is not here! because nobody is other than me and gobab!


go recruit derpinghard, he misses wurm a lot. are you still steam friends with him?

Who were you on the server? There was a few niggas I remember were bro tier

And also, yeah, they went full retard mode and tried to 'pvp' on a server of 20 or 30 people brand new to wurm, and were somehow surprised people quit after they were huge faggots

The kicker was that they said they weren't even huge faggots when he started explaining their plan to me, because apparently maximum faggotry is breaking into your shit when nobody's online, sacrificing everything you can to an altar, camping spawns, and other shit like that.

if anyone needed proof here you go

i actually own it

i am not sry


quit gettin mad at video games

so hey i found an old thread where people posted old ass images
here's the image of the last time i saw doubledigger
he is on the far right
i miss him.

Wasn't derpinghard from Holla Forums?

did u even watch the video u fukin kike


i'm listening to it in the background
it's fucking funny but i don't recognise who it is


honestly if by some miracle santropez or doubledigger return because they saw this goddamn thread i will shit my pants

why not just message them on steam and ask them to play?


the only old darling that ever gave me their steam was one of my students


I remember my first day in wurm. I walked right up to someone bragging about his first iron lump and convinced him to trade it to me. Then I stole someone's rowboat and got eaten by a crocodile. Good times.

Sometimes I wish Prak were here to take care of me and feed me and build guard towers with, but I am grown man now. Must make my own path and now I must choose: poo the desert clay, or poo the desert tar.

the niggery is strong in you
perhaps you would? like to? continue that with us? maybe?


I also remember going on a trip in one of the more recent villages with santro, doubledigger, and a bunch of other guys to cut wood. We had deforested basically everywhere near us so we needed a lot of wood. We had 2 corbitas and 2 sailboats full of people. We bashed our way into some fag's tree farm and killed absolutely everything there. Then some genius decided to rebuild the gate we bashed with a new locked one. Naturally he got banned.

I'm already playing wurm online :^)

well good
are you willing to head over to us? on exo. alternative i can maybe pick you up

Nope, you're with mikesandy and his group. I'm enemies with them on chaos and don't want to be associated with them.

you were part of brolympus? what was your name

Okay I think I'm going to join you faggots for the grindfest. Just so you know I'm a total shitter and only played on the private server for like 2 weeks or so.

Once I've got this shit installed and whatnot, what do I do to join you guys?

fuck, my dude
then shout hello if we cross paths
blessings eternal

once you're all downloaded and ingame (you may want to tutorial, not sure of your experience), make sure you head to exodus and spawn at esert. once you're there, /tell Chocobro and i'll give you more info my guy

I'd rather not say, but yes I was in brolympus. I distinctly remember derpinghard taking over the village, making a new village on epic, and then trying to force us to join him by disabling permissions for everything for everyone at brolympus. Mike and his little gang were cool though. They moved away when derpinghard started being an ass. I can personally vouch for Mike's autism. One of the best crafters in the game with 90 weapon smithing, isn't he?

Don't need the tutorial, I've got most of the basics down. Also, just to clarify, premium time can be bought with in-game currency correct? That's what I've gathered from reading the thread

yes you can forage/hunt/sell shitties to a token and get coins for it
do it enough and you'll have enough for premium pretty quick!
i think once you drop at esert you may need to walk east a bit? there's an ingame map but it isn't like Live or anything
ultimately i'll be helping you out but do your best to evade demons like Bears and Scorpions

if my intel onboard graphics didnt make this game glitch out its graphics so hard I'd fall in love with this game forever

Good because I don't want to get stuck riding cows. Most of my enjoyment from the private server came from riding around in my cart exploring

ye hes getting there, was hoping you were one of the nigs that started playing around the same time as us. Desudesu senpai where art tho

desudesu? did he have an alt named "boku"?

Same, it's shitty but I eventually stopped noticing it

[19:43:27] ew, puttin factions before chanbros

RIP the chaos factions that divide us

desuoneone was the only nig that helped out mostly with us back then think he had a priest alt cant remember its name

i am almost to esert my darling
how are you doing?

Good timing, just finished downloading

RL friends and family > chanbros.

nah son, brommunism all the way

mike is a chill guy as far as i can tell, dunno why you're hating on him so much, the only time i'd refuse to personally never play with someone is if they went massive nigger mode

I just spawned in the tutorial area, do I go through the portal to get to exodus? I'm not quite sure where to go

My dad plays on MR, my grandma in JK

ok yeah, that was boku then. he came over to epic and then hung around the wurmbro steam group's chatroom for years, i think he still frequents it.

I don't hate him. He's cool. I just don't think it would be wise to join him. Maybe I will after I eventually kill him on chaos.

How many times did he kill you to feel this way, mang?

None. I haven't fought him yet.

Either way nig, not like them JK nigs gonna hate you for talking to us, hell some of them shoot the shit with us on exo

alrighty, got safe and sound. if anybody wants to join, now is a pretty fucking good time because i will wait at esert for a bit.
you have the choice to either teleport to the deed (once you've been invited in by me) or you can come with me and travel by boat. only got room for four. probably won't even get one.

pic related is exodus' spawn point.

Yah, it's not like your family is gonna disown you if you talked to us.

So wait I'm confused. If there's pirate servers with local characters how is it still freemium

pirate servers were for wurm unlimited, its a stand alone version of wurm online that you can make servers with. online is like the game developers servers, and they charge you ten sheckles a month to get past 20 skill, granted its ez to get 10 sheckles a month ingame

It's also a personal goal and I don't want you guys to see it coming.

Your not from brocules "camp autism" group are you?

inform me if you're downloading or whatever
if not i will head back soon

good luck with that :^)

later nerds i'm outie

rolf pls


kill yourself verd

Desu said no.

81 weapon smithing at the moment, not pushing to 90 for a long ass time

post screenshots faggots







No. He is an abomination and usurped the name of bro.

whew ok thank god

sounds about right

We are back in action for the day boys, thread revived

[17:38:13] i'm gonna get a discord up so we can breath at eachother

oh no boys, oh fucking no

why not start a fresh new deed on chaos if you want new players
First traveling in a group to the place, and then building a deed are the best parts of wurm anyway.

Have to outneckbeard the chaos neckbeards first. Otherwise we'd all get shanked and driven back to Freedom. After training newbros a bit maybe, possibly.

nice try sneaky jew



I sold my account years ago for 200$ to some autistic nigger who probably jerks off to my fat beard, 90 tailoring and killcount

I'm glad I don't have to deal with the autistic ramblings of people like Verdandi who get off of the fact they get 300 autismbux a month and live with their parents

Sage for not videogames


Does anyone know if Wurm will run on Linux, Wine or otherwise?

it works on linux, i got unbunto(?) on my laptop to play when i am on the road. dont ask me how to set it up cause im new to all the "not winblows" shit to be honest

awsome, thanks.

no problem man, join now and get your free 4AM chainmail :^)


got to bed kushier


It's a java game so any machine that supports java and has graphics capabilities can handle it. That being said, I know for a fact it works on ubuntu 16.04 using the official Oracle java runtime. I had some issues with IcedTea etc.

big bulky troll slayer mang up in here

that story of our one and only big bulky man still on the wurm forums?







Where the fuck is the black light on chaos?

Sell me on this game.

How is it different from other survival and crafting games?

It has 10 years of content.

ok guys I just bought the game (Unlimited). What server do i join?

Honestly if your going to be BL on chaos, try and get into ebonaura, you need kingdom people to survive there.

MR will eventually take anything good you create, or destroy any village you found because "muh 100% control of the map"

we're on wurm online
which is a free to play game

you fool

also join exodus and /tell gobab/chocobro/gringal when you've sorted your shit out. if you bought unlimited on steam and have played less than 2 hours you can get yourself a little refund there

to be fair i think there is a group of nigs playing WU, just not sure there posting in the thread.

where can I nig and sell shit?
merchants wont buy and settlement tokens have no sell option

settlement tokens have a sell option, just might not have be able to sell what you had, niggin on exo is hit and miss, got to just look around deeds. If you can catch a trader that hasnt been drained you can sell shit to it as well. if your on exo right now you can hitup gringal or chocobro and we can come get yah.

fuck off
hots till i die


maybe nig life isnt for me

want me to pick you up? need to gitgud at fightan if u wanna be niggin without a home

Can't you retards just admit you fucked up and go back to Uncle Ivan? Broschwitz had a good thing going, we had normalfags to fuck with and a dragon to work towards killing, and you faggots threw it all away because of the >muh Holla Forums server autism.

Ivan pls go

got it form g2a. god damn. i wont play WO because I hate f2p games. Guess I'll just host my own server and spam it in this thread until i get people playing.q

Be sure to open the server up to pirate clients

did anyone find out how to do that?

This game is absolutely beautiful. I genuinely love the graphics. They look so much like Oblivion and just feel so comfy.

I have no idea. I haven't touched unlimited yet.

Somebody mind inviting me?
Name is SaveMeFromJews

rip faggot neighbors will report your name m8

I'm willing to try out.
I'll try remembering after I awaken from ym slumber

Nah, I've have had anti-Semitic names everytime I played Wurm Online and nobody has ever reported me.

Did you try PMing gringal gobab and chocobro? I can't get a hold of you.

sent you an invite to village