Do you think that you play too much video games or too little? Are you eager to get through that backlog or do you feel like taking your time and only playing one game at a time? Do you want to play video games more or less than what you already do?
How much video games do you play
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't think there's many people on earth who don't perform a single task for a couple hours a day. Whether it's tv, coding, swimming, reading, eating, there's just too many hours in the day to be some free spirit who never just sits down and binges on some task for a couple of them.
Bet she spends that much time or more watching tv
Man, it's been ages since I've heard anyone say that. Funny how the media stopped reporting on that kind of stuff now that social media games are literally designed to be addicting.
She does smoke weed a few times a day. If anything it's extremely hypocritical coming from her.
My uncle spends his free time on his computer while she sits in a living room on her tablet.
It's funny, Everybody I know that smokes weed are adamant on it not being addictive, but what I see from them proves to be on the contrary as they act like they cannot go without it.
I play way too much video games, and it's probably why I'm in the situation I'm in now.
Well, that would explain why she's so dumb.
Weed is so addictive it's unreal.. People may not think so, but trust me – some people can't go a few days, or even one, without wanting to light one up.
But back to OP post, in between working on my own stuff I feel like I just seem to lack the motivation for it somewhat (as odd as that sounds) after coming back from a holiday where i've been away from it all week.
I haven't played video games in 10 years.
I fucking hate video games
Lack of motivation for work, video games, or everything in general?
Do you at least like tabletop games? You got to at least like a fun game of tag or snowball fighting?
I still need to beat Morrowind, Oblivion, Blood Money, and Vanquish. Unfortunately, school starts soon, so I don't know how much time I'm going to have for it. At the very least, I plan on beating Vanquish by the end of the year.
It's less of a problem than it would normally be, though, since we're only getting a drip feed of new decent vidya. So I can afford to go a few months playing very little and still not miss out on much.
It's pretty unquestionably not addictive on a chemical level. But, like gambling, people without much in their life can easily fall into something that looks pretty much the same. You don't need to take weed methadone to get off it, is the basics.
Dependence vs. compulsion. Too many people don't understand the difference.
What the fuck are you doing with your life why dont you do something productive I cant believe you spend all your time on that thing its becoming an unhealthy obsession you should stop
Weed is not addictive and there is literally nothing wrong with it.
Fuck off weed cuck
I wake up, eat breakfast, smoke a bowl, and play all day long.
mental addiction is pretty easy to conquer, you just need a reason to quit and stick to it.
How the hell do you smoke glass?
I'll give you that the culture around it is obnoxious and juvenile, and lots of assclowns smoke it ritually. But that's as far as it goes.
It's called compulsion, friendo. Compulsion is the psychological desire to engage in a regular, ritualistic, or habitual behavior. Dependence is the chemical need that the brain has for a substance, usually because your body is no longer producing that substance on its own due to the regular intake of it from external sources.
Stay pleb
I only smoke when I'm on fire.
I haven't smoked in years, and like I said, I detest the "culture" around it. What's there to talk about? I drink beer, but I don't go to beer forums and talk about getting sweet hops in my homebrew IPA or some shit.
sage for offtopic
Got any proof for that? Almost everything regularly do or intake has some habit-forming property. If sugar can be addictive, what the fuck makes you think THC isn't?
Fucking this. People who say these things are always the biggest hypocrites.
Read the thread.
Never understood this shit. I tried weed the other day. It was very unpleasant and while I did feel a bit relaxed, it was nothing I couldn't achieve with 30 minutes of meditation.
To each their own, I suppose.
Fucking this. This shit so fucking much.
If all you did was feel "a bit relaxed," then you probably did something wrong or had really weak stuff. But who knows, everyone's different. The first time I smoked it, I got nauseous and coughed a lot, but it definitely worked. Generally, it relaxes your muscles and makes your head feel…different. Like a mild euphoria.
I'll stop posting off-topic now, sorry.
jokes on him I suppose
don't weed with other people, except for online games where you can badly sing the theme of sonic heroes or something. It also increases your performance with fighting games for some reason.
For real?
I feel you, user.
less than 15 mins a day, i spent more time shitposting on Holla Forums.
My fucking sides
Too little. Steam sees 2 hours in two weeks.
Don't care about backlog anymore, I just pick whatever fits that mood.
It's probably porcelain you fuck.
What if it was metal
It's literally taken me over a year to get like halfway done with dragons dogma. I'm a wageslave and I take college classes and I barely have time for games except my days off. I have a backlog that will quite possibly last me for decades.
I'm content with this.
My college classes start next week. He could be talking about college.
Literally no one here plays tabletop games you fucking faggot. Everyone here has crippling social autism, no exceptions.
enjoy your future faggot, I bet you even have a job.
I've been through 3 jobs over the summer, It's been fucking rough. Job hunting is a bitch.
I'm a senior in college, jackass.
"Not much anymore, games are aimed at retards now"
and the topic dies because im a ripped shreded alpha and people instalty think what i think is the cool shit and start talking about pleb sjw tv shows\movies which i dont watch so i dont mingle because anything against sjws labels you as neonazi nowadays
This. In my experience people are susceptible to addiction when they aren't happy with their lives, so they become obsessed with whatever they can find to forget about life for a while. Some people drink themselves into a stupor, others smoke weed or do other drugs, gamble etc. I know happy people who do all of these things in moderation but could easily go without, while the depressed people end up addicted.
Meanwhile there are chinks and pinoys that play Doto 2 for like 18 hours straight and nobody bats an eye.
apparently weed is not addictive, but it does seem to give you an uncontrollable compulsion to defend weed on imageboards
basically it's the stoner's waifu. everyone who smokes weed daily is self-medicating whether they realize it or not
It really is weirdly reliable that way.
Pothead faggots like you are the worst. I drink like a fish, but at least I'm honest that I have a problem.
How hard is it to say, "I like being high?"
They don't like to admit they enjoy being high for some fucking reason. Might have to do with insecurity about being sober.
It's the legality.
420fags are just being defensive.
It depends of my moods. I can be playing a game for many hours when starting, but then I don't touch the control in months if I have nothing to play with.
I haven't smoked weed in years, and I never did it frequently enough to really be a "pothead."
I'm sorry that particular drug triggers you, user. It's no different than beer: a fun diversion that retards will take too far, but the rest will simply enjoy in moderation.
I've never been addicted to anything. I used to work in a drug and alcohol rehab facility, though. You're not an alcoholic until you're shooting vodka up your ass.
Guys, are you fucking kidding me? Cannabis may not be physically addictive, but it sure as hell is mentally (depending on who you are). I smoke weed, and I wish I hadn't started. I go through a quarter in a week and I don't even really enjoy it anymore. But I'm depressed, have severe anhedonia and can't really enjoy anything anymore anyways.
Also, I drink a lot now too. I'm going to die at 40.
I'm moving out next month though, and I have a decent job lined up - so I'll see where that goes I guess.
As for video games, I play them too little. I have a massive backlog, and I wish I played them more. I mean, I have the time too, but I just can't bring myself to enjoy anything. I've only fully played through a few games this year.
People who do other illegal drugs aren't that defensive either though. Even with the ones that are arguably not that unhealthy like mushrooms, their fans don't get bum blasted whenever anyone attacks the substance and are usually content with the generic "I like it and it seems alright in moderation."
My father's wife thinks LSD kills neurons and makes your children be born mutated.
Meanwhile, she fucking looks like Rudolph.
I don't think I've ever met someone who has a huge problem with mushrooms and let me tell you, you don't wanna play video games on mushrooms
It's unanimously agreed that cocaine and the like are dangerous substances that give momentary pleasure and can potentially fuck you up for years to come, while weed has the whole "Not as bad as nicotine and alcohol!" thing going on.
That has nothing to do with weed and everything to do with you being a weak-willed person.
Dude, I don't think the drugs and alcohol are your real problem here.
But the example I just gave also arguably has that, along with a lot of hallucinogens in theory.
Also I honestly know people who do coke as a social party drug and appear to have less of a problem than potheads.
They probably are better at separating their work life and their social life. Work being something a pothead is incapable of.
It's not about facts, it's about the general perception.
Uh, maybe I really do play too many video games. Hardcore characters are addicting.
**inb4 this becomes a real article^^
well shit if it means I don't beat and choke my kids
Not 100% true. I have been smoking weed for almost 9 years now and in the past two or so I've admitted to myself that I am indeed somewhat dependant. I can and want to funtion sober, but I've reached a point where I don't think "This might be even better if I sober" during recreational activities.
I agree.
For me, not at all. I like being high. If you don't like being high, that's fine by me. If you don't like other people being high, that's also fine by me. Just don't get all in my face like the 16-year-old DUDE WEED LMAO guys get into yours.
To answer the OP, too:
I play pretty much everything in a casual way, I think. I start up a game, play as long as it holds my interest, which is usually something between 5 days and two weeks and if I haven't finished it by then, I already know I won't be continuing that save when I go back to that game. My backlog would most likely last me a few years provided I stopped smoking/snorting/popping/drinking my monthly leftover money to fix up my PC. I play a maximum of 3 or 4 games at the time, usually just one or two and mostly rotate between games I either liked enough to beat again or haven't finished yet. Du to my unwillingness to pick up old saves, there's a lot more of the latter. All in all, I've been spending a lot less time on video games compared to a few years back and so far, it hasn't been bothering me.
I'm not addicted to video games, I just really fucking love playing them.
You're a stoner piece of shit, user.
Me too, holy shit man, I'll just binge a game or two and rotate every couple of weeks or something, and then I'll always come back and start a new game instead of continuing from a year old save
Considering I smoke the stuff for Chronic pain I can definitely say it's great in the medical field. Especially for people like me who react weird to most pills and medication. So I can't necessarily say it's addictive or not but I certainly have a dependency on it. I could see people getting addicted to it.
the legal definition of addiction is "does this have chemicals in this that compels the user to use it again?"
instead of "my life's fucked up so i'll obsessively do this because it gives me some semblance of joy or numbness and I want to keep that"
Typical really
Even with chemically addictive drugs though psychology makes a big difference. Nicotine for example is addictive, but users of it range from chain smokers to those who occasionally smoke a cigar with friends. Most serious addictions seem to me to run a lot deeper than the physical addiction itself.
2-3 hours per day can seem a lot to any normalfag with work, more than few friends, other hobbies, "keeping in shape", errands, cleaning the house, doing groceries, having kids maybe, relationship etc. etc.
But as OP in reality when you break down how much these faggots "netflix and chill", reading a book, or do some completely mundane shit that has no perceived enjoynment or progress like in games, it all becomes obvious - they're just in their own bubble and better to be left alone.
I smoked weed every day for a few months but haven't smoked anything for months. people use drugs as an escape from reality without realizing it, it has nothing to do with the drugs and everything to do with how shitty their life is
You're not tough enough to hand out here, kid.
Are you handing out game keys or something, user?
>mfw 0…* hours per day on average
>mfw 12 hours per day spent shitposting
How am I even going to begin explaining that?
On average. Shit, yesterday I Decided I would try out the MM Battle Network games and ended up beating the first one in one sitting. I wonder if the second one will be so easy.
If people don't understand the difference between dependence and compulsion then it doesn't matter. People still habitually smoke it for shitty reasons and it encourages complacency, or at least makes it tolerable.
Doesn't sound like weed at all.
You could make the case that you spend 12 hours a day communicating with other people instead of wasting it with an antisocial time sink.
I feel like the amount of video games I play is just right. Long enough to play to my hearts content while short enough not to affect getting /fit/ and the breaks help me enjoy the vidya more.
I think I'm addicted to being a useless piece of shit
How do I get out of this hedonistic rut?
I ate pot brownies my first time and my legs felt so hot I thought I took my pants off and eventually passed out for 17 hours. It was meh.
Pretty much describes my grandparents. Hell, they even raised me.
Fucked if I know, but I suspect it has something to do with becoming less like yourself and more like Chad and the other sheeple. Do tell, should you find out. I love knowing what I do wrong, beating myself up over it and then changing literally nothing.
You tell me…
Going on 8ch is like looking into a mirror.
Unless there's something I actually need to be doing I usually play four or five hours. A lot more if it's a game I've really gotten into.
Last time that happened was Arkham Knight. I binged through it in around fifteen hours
Realize that all of life is a hedonistic rut, the only difference between you and a successful Chad is that Chad prefers long term satisfactions like getting physically fit, having rewarding interpersonal relationships, and getting promotions and raises; things that require more work but pay off with a greater "high." You're simply spending your efforts on instant gratification like shitposting, (most) vidya, drugs, etc. that you can get every day but that are ultimately less satisfying.
Being human.
No seriously, not everybody can be a rich man in a big house with a nice car and a happy family. You can only make out of life with what you're given.
All I want out of life is to be alone and have some peace. I believe that is a reasonable life goal I set for myself.
Only you can decide on what makes you happy and it's your responsibility to achieve that happiness.
3-5 hours a day, more on weekends, and i still juggle work and other hobbies
and i never take shit from people who just watch tv in their free time, movies maybe but tv is 90% advertisements
Not thinking like that you won't.
Is it not reasonable to decide for yourself on what happiness means?
You can decide what your goals are, but meeting your goals won't necessarily make you happy.
No, listening to other people on how to be happy will only make you miserable, but you shouldn't hold low standards for yourself, and you shouldn't think of anything as being unattainable.
This is why I either use Netflix or pirate all my shows. I play games more than I watch stuff though. I watch 2 or 3 shows a year and I play at least 3 hours on weekdays, 6 on weekends if I stay at home.
Maybe an hour a week. If I find a really fun game I'll play something like 20 hours a week.
I always wanted to go to space. But all dreams don't come true. And I always enjoyed solitude and the idea of being all alone separated from the rest of the universe is a scary idea but also one that brings peace of mind. I just want to be left alone to my own devices and have peace in my life.
I play way too little time playing video games. I talk about video games all the time, but when I get down to it, I'm just practicing German, or writing music, or playing my Cello, or programming. I've gotten too many "productive" hobbies, and playing video games has become something that almost doesn't actually exist anymore in my life. I play probably less than an hour a week, all told.
Don't have children, guys.
I refactored the sentence but didn't proofread it. Supposed to be "I spend way too little time".
I too wish I could hop to different planes of existence where there was nothing but me.
A nice house on a big piece of land would be fine too, though.
The Internet provides too much distractions.
Is it weird to have no productive hobbies?
All I do is lift weights, play games, and read.
Lifting is a physically productive hobby I guess, but you're just adding on to things that already exist, and I don't think I consider consuming other people's knowledge to be productive.
Do you not enjoy those other things or do you just wish you could cram in playing video games in there as well?
Doesn't sound too bad to me. I just play video games because it doesn't require a lot of effort and commitment… Fuck.
If you want to do something productive build furniture and/or grow a garden. If you assembled your PC you made something. It's fun making things.
It's more that I'm always lurking here while working, and I can't play video games while working. I get 1 to 5 minute bursts of downtime a few times an hour, as a programmer, so I can do little things to dick around during that time since I'm waiting on something to build, or compile, or deploy, or whatever.
I also have a couple friends, and I talk about video games with them when we hang out, but I end up with a total of maybe an hour of free time a night, and most of the time that's also broken up with distractions because of kids. Most of the time I do things that are more easily broken up because of that, or something I can do while feeding a baby.
God I miss the days where I'd get off work and just play video games until midnight.
I do love the other things too, I just wish I had the time to do all that and also play video games for a few hours a day.
wtf why don't I have the old one deleted
>not deleting last year's current year memes
Here's a new meme for you
we'll probably be stuck on various levels of 'ironic' memes for another year, granted i do find some of them funny, the normalfag taint has already hit them
Some anons gained a lot of vidya time back due to divorce. But that usually happens only later when all kids can dropped of at kindergarten or school, so they are not much of a hassle anymore.
Yeah, but filing for divorce takes a lot of time and effort, which is better spent playing vidya. He should just kill her instead, that way he can play video games hassle free.
At this point your opinion is completely irrelevant.
Fuck off fedora.
i use my 666 get to dedicate next years memes to heavy metal
In 90 % of the cases, the mother files for divorce and she waits with that, until the offspring doesn't shit itself anymore and can feed itself. Before that all help is much appreciated of course.
Also feeding a toddler does nothing for bonding. It takes up to three years, before a human can actually recognize himself and his relatives.
you don't have to be a fedora to find people who speak exclusively about their religion annoying
i fucking hate being a spic
I don't understand human beings.
this was another issue i had growing up
8 hours at least.
Some people just exist to piss you off sometimes
I don't think I've ever heard a good story about spic parents.
They all seem ready to beat and yell at their kids for no reason. And then they make fun of white couples for not beating the shit out of their kids.
At least some black parents are better. Though I distinctly remember seeing a black woman in a Walmart once calling her small toddler names and smacking them for asking for candy.
I used to be outside all the time with friends but my mother would lose her shit if I didnt report to her every 15 minutes. And then from 15 years old I kept getting this exact scenario
I can't stand going shopping with other people. Half the time they'll spend hours walking around and they don't even buy shit. Why go out shopping, if you're not gonna buy anything? Do they like wasting my time?
When I go to a store I go there, get what I want and go home.
Only if you don't want a shitty kid.
The weak must fear the strong.
:^), I didn't read that part sorry
You're a faggot.
It's alright if the kid absolutely needs it. And plenty of kids absolutely need it. But doing it for absolutely no reason, or doing it as punishment for everything, is bull. Especially when beating goes beyond smacking. One of my black friends has a scar on her ankle from her mom whipping her with a fucking wire.
For a lot of people, shopping is a hobby. Not buying, shopping.
>user, why carry a gun on you?
Are you 12?
all white
they got slaved so hard whipping is written into their genes kek. i knew this black chick who once told me about how her mother's way of punishing her was sharpening a tree branch with a knife and then whipping her with it
Do tell mom what fun there is to be had outside in the summer time?
That was actually extremely common on rural areas around 40 years ago
I'm not even black but my grandma did it to me once, it's a type of pain that you don't forget, even worse than getting whipped
I remember seeing that when I went to a zoo. I guess if the kids don't hate it, it's not a bad way of letting them walk without getting lost. If I had it put on me as a kid, though, I'd throw the biggest fucking hissy fit
Leashes are alright if you're living in an extremely dangerous country/the kid really fucked up and you want to humiliate him as punishment
Nah, I just live in a shitty third world country (is still pretty bullshit tho)
What's your limit on hitting your kids? Obviously it depends on what they do, so for an example, would you hit you child if they:
A: Accidentally broke a window
B: Purposely broke a window
C: Came home with bad grades
D: Came home in the back of a cop car
E: Broke all of your vidya
For a few of those I'd have no qualms giving them a clip around the ears.
The only time that that's acceptable is if you have a ton of kids. Or have a baby and don't have the free hands to hold onto a toddler.
Your mom just loved you, man
B, D and E.
I remember having to pick my branch off of a willow tree when I was little. It's not a black thing, it's a southern thing. You pick the branch off the tree you were to get whooped with and if you tried to get a smaller one you would get whipped harder with it.
this, specially when you're walking around in a pack and 2 of the kids are the reason why streets are considered dangerous at night
Kids, who don't get hit, end up as SJW adults seeking for "safe spaces".
stern talking to
stern talking to them and make them learn how to replace window, strike them if they show resistance to fixing their mistakes
stern talking to, some form of grounding
severe grounding, stern talking to, strike them if they show resistance to learning from their mistakes
a strike from the forbidden shaolin claw strike to the neck. they won't be breaking anything again
>tfw self defense is actually illegal
Goddamit user, my sides weren't prepared for such a silly joke
This shit is advertised everywhere.
I would just appreciate some consistency about them asking me to go outside, is not like is actually safe during the day anyway
This shit should be illegal.
Why do you carry a baton?There are so many better alternatives for self defense
If they're above the age of 6, give 'em a smack on the head and force them to do a ton of chores to pay it off.
Smack the shit out of that kid. And ground 'em, and force them to do all the chores, but for far longer.
Usually kids get bad grades for a reason. Beating your kid's not gonna make it any better. You should be making sure your kid is studying.
Depends what they did, I guess.
You know he dead
examples? i'm not being critical i'm just curious. i figure a telescoping baton is easy to carry and looks threatening enough to dissuade some attackers without actually engaging in combat
funny enough it was when i went to canada for a trip that i actually had to threaten a stranger to back the fuck off
My father always use to tell me to take a break from playing video games and watch some tv instead. Always claimed that it would deteriorate my mind or some shit. At least he gave up on that. A few months back my mother wanted me to delete "ugly games" because the government was watching me and is taking note that I play such games. All while I was above its esrb rating.
The parents really don't give a shit.
hitting your kids is ok when the parents aren't absolutely retarded. i.e if the phrase "respect your elders" was still valid. I personally don't care a lot about the severity of a punishment since it's useless bullshit that will only make repeated offenses more likely
was it a real accident or was it because of the kid's lack of discipline or caring despite previous warning? if it's a real accident hit, them, if it was because of their lack of discipline but they couldn't know better since they were never told about it don't hit them, and if it could be preventeded with previous advice hit them.
well you can't punish your kids for being retarded, unless the kid got bad grades for not trying
refer to A, on the accident part
Or maybe people treat their pets better than their kids.
Now visit amazon page:
And see how high the reviews of those leashes are.
Because he'd probably get extra fucked for carrying a firearm illegally.
Because weapon laws where I live would classify a billiard-ball in a sock a lethal weapon. The most dangerous shit you can get from non-regulated market stands are those telescopic metal batons
Every single fucking time.
This is one that I still can't figure out
What is a teenager with no friends, money or bike supposed to do outside in a shitty neighborhood? Walk around aimlessly until I get my ass kicked for being whitey? God that used to piss me off
what says.
Plus if the kids want to escape from their parents so much the parents need a leash maybe the kid isn't the one who should be contained
that seems like overkill to me, i think striking them is what you do when they prove to stupid for words to work
that's the only way you can get bad grades in public school, if you're getting failing grades in highschool you are simply not turning in your work
You know what to do.
Jesus man, are you a bong or something?
">If only the should strap adjuster buckles were located at the bottom instead of on the neck!"
Most people who play TTRPG's are awkward asshats. They've just somehow managed to transcend that through apathy, exposure, and autism. Seriously, if you think people who play TCG's are awkward, you've never seen a proper TTRPG session in full swing because that shit gets weird REAL quick.
Only B and E. B because they should fucking know better and E because I'll be seeing red.
I wouldn't hit them for coming home in the back of a cop car, since I assume they've already gotten a hard time from the cop. If it happened again, though, I don't know what I'd do.
Open your eyes, potheads are a mess. They're almost all lazy and stupid and can't go without it. I don't buy that it has nothing to do with weed. It's likely why the Jews are pushing to legalize it rather than cocaine.
you should pay a visit to venezuela some time user. monkeys raised in labs might be able to score better than some of our kids
Just wait til you have children and start worrying about all the muslims
The biggest issue here is that those pictures have faggot moms who somehow need a leash despite not carrying much, and despite having a free hand.
Shit like pics related is far more reasonable.
For one child and when you're not carrying anything, All you need is your goddamn hand.
Ducks are more evolved than humans then.
OH SHIT NIGGERS look at this one! If it was on a ransel instead of a normal back pack it would be just like my japanese loli mangas.
I imagine actual fetishists buying this.
Around that area of the progressive belt, yeah.
That's why I'll be sure to pass on this weapon of mass destruction to them.
They are, though.
Ducklings don't run off and get eaten by crocodiles. Whenever that happens, the next generation of ducks just gets less retarded.
Also one of the pics I have had some autistic kid. If anyone needs to be on a leash, it's autists.
too many people just develop a victim complex when it comes to cops, i know a dude who's got in trouble with the law for juvenile shit in both his teens and 20s and he's still blaming 'the man"
its a shame he's too old for his parents to beat his ass into oblivion because clearly words didn't work
That's incredibly situational. That could range between a massive whippin' and celebrating once the cops are gone.
I got put on a leash once, but it was only on the bus. My grandmother wanted to take me to some family trip to see people who don't even know I existed, and my mother didn't want that to happen, much less see me get lost on the bus. She said to her that I wasn't going unless I was on a leash, thinking that was the end of it. So grandma brought a leash.
Worst road trip of my life.
I love your grandma
That's not how it works
My mom was raised on a farm, her dad used to make her and her sisters go outside and find a stick that he would use to beat their asses with when they did something wrong.
what would the cause for celebration be? winning a fight? i guess i could get behind that assuming no serious legal ramifications are happening
fuckin christ, when i was in highscool less than 10 years ago, if there was a fight both people involved in it would get suspended or expelled which was horseshit really
that's just based
Japanese arrest for this leash shit, lol.
My dad is mixed and his dad would make his choose the switch he'd get beat with. Or he'd just get beat with whatever was around like power wires pans fists.
fuck off with your survey shit
Do you get asshurt at the fact that Pokemon "evolve," too?
Why would I?
This red one has almost the effect I was talking about. And of course then there's the ever popular angel wing backpack.
Grounds for considering physical punishment. D obviously depending on what did he do
The sentence for fucking with my vidya is death or permanent damage
Can't say it without sounding edgy.
It's fucking in public, isn't it?
Wouldn't be a big loss.
i'm just gonna assume it's battering a negro or something then
Make me
When I was 4-5 years old I used to have a leash for when we went hiking near cliffs. Made sense I guess considering I had these urges to jump whenever I got close to the edge.
I play around 8 hours a day, work for 8 hours, 2 for miscellaneous things like shitting, 6 hours for sleep.
I'm 24 how long you think I got?
has Holla Forums ever had webm related happen to them?
About 4.5 inches
As an addendum to D, three more scenarios:
D.a: Caught tping/egging someone's house.
D.b: Caught vandalizing (spray painting)
D.c: Caught vandalizing historic monument.
D.d: Caught fucking three girls in a back alley (consensual)
i always knew suicidal tendencies started young
we've evolved to have a primal lust for death to escape this world
beat x 2
A. Accidentally as in playing ball outside or accidentally as in "I was too hyper/stupid and broke some shit"? If the former, I can only get so upset. If the latter, whup the little shit.
B. Whup the little shit.
C. Have him explain why he's not doing well and address the problem. I'm not hitting you over grades.
D. Depend on what was done. If it was something stupid, then I embarrass him. I better not have to pay for anything.
E. Proceed to sell/donate all his shit. Contemplate throwing someone out the window.
Honestly, with the exception of C, none of that shit should ever happen, and if it does, your kid is too far gone. Breaking windows? Really?
50-60. If you can find 30 minutes to run you might achieve more.
when it comes to vandalizing property, if they refuse to clean their mess up, they'll cop a whooping
Well in japan they're probably worried that some otaku has gone into full gotta catch 'em all mode on the local loli population.
Beat, but to a lesser degree if it was at least an asshole's house. Probably send him back to clean it up (and watch him do it).
Smack him upside the head for being a retard.
Few good smacks should do, and I'm sure there's someone you could talk to about having him make it up to wherever it was. Like if it was a monument in a park, I'm sure there's some park officials you could talk to about making him help clean up the park for a week.
Only a faggot would get mad at their kid for doing this.
Yep, and play your cards right I'll show you the other 4.5
a is a stern talk and maybe some grounding
b is a beating
c is a beating
d my boy better not have caught AIDS. Otherwise GJ
If it doesn't behave from birth just throw it out for adoption. It is too stupid anyway.
That sounds about right, the first time I thought I should kill myself was in elementary school
Now that's a version of pokemon GO I can get behind
Things like wimpier kids sticking up for themselves in the form of finally beating the shit out of that asshole who keeps fucking with them. Or if they're a REAL wimp, a lot of things. Because it means that maybe they're starting to not be as much of a wimp. I'm a bit biased on that one though, since I have always been a wimpy shit myself
The problem is I was in my early teens, so it was nothing but pure embarrassment both ways. Going across the state and then some. And I was a well behaved child. I would get into legit panic attacks if I so much as thought I did something wrong. Up to and including someone else being late meeting me. That was a lot. I'm glad my parents actually laughed at me when I was in tears for absolutely nothing, because it helped me snap out of it later on
The leash wasn't for keeping me around, it was so the old fart wouldn't forget me somewhere.
D.a: Caught tping/egging someone's house.
Unless they did it to a major dickass it's going to be a whippin'.
D.b: Caught vandalizing (spray painting)
He's going to be cleaning that shit off.
D.c: Caught vandalizing historic monument.
Instant whippin'
D.d: Caught fucking three girls in a back alley (consensual)
Depends on what their prospects of getting a girl at all was in the first place.
I need to play video games more after reading this thread. Really. i play them rarely recently.
Can't motivate myself to even put up an all night long completion. Can't even sit straight for 2 hours. Video games becoming more of a chore, than a fun experience. Like "i need to complete this game to know what Holla Forums is talking about". "I need to play this game to know more about the series, that's popular". I always try to make myself play things i don't even like that much, and things that i actually like a rare gems. And when i see a game that i actually like, i put it down and say deep down in myself "if i'l complete this game now, i'l be left with no good games to complete later", and i leave this game for later.
This is how i treat my video games lately. And i have more fun to shitpost on Holla Forums, or Holla Forums, than do anything else. I can't even convince myself to watch some tv series i downloaded recently, because i grew tired of them, can't read manga, because i think there are a lot of other things to do, can't even re-read my favorite book i always wanted to re-read again, because i think its pointless.
This world crumbles from all the news i hear, from all the things i discuss. I don't feel motivation to do anything. Last time i tried to socialize with living people irl, i got disgusted by their behavior, by sluts and betrayers, and utter degeneracy.
Now i am sitting on my parents neck, dropped my job by drinking a lot. Even drink doesn't give me any happiness, because on hangover it gives me more sadness.
There's no point in life. There's no point in anything. Should everything turn to ashes, it will all become useless. I am tired.
shit, I meant
Have you seen tumblr complaining about their family? This is some cult shit that happens outside the family, because their families are always normal. They cry about how they stay in their rooms all day because when they leave them, their parents laugh at them for being SJW faggots who stay in their room all day, and trigger them with racist jokes.
a. Have him apologize and clean it. All of it. For free.
b. Vandalizing what? If he was just spray painting under a bridge or some shit, I'd want to see what he did. Might be cool. If it sucks, bitch him out.
c. Bitch him out. ISIS has done enough damage to historical monuments.
d. "…Were they hot?" If he used protection, high five him and suggest a safer location next time.
My policy regarding the cops is "You're going to get shot, you fucking idiot. Stay out of trouble." It used to be "I won't bail you out," but I've come to realize that it's best to not give way to curiosity in that kind of situation.
Nigger, get some obligations. Even if it isn't a job, volunteer. Oddly enough less time to relax makes it better when you finally do. It's your time to relieve stress, but you need stress to relieve in the first place.
The fact that video games serve no purpose other than being stress reliever sounds really bad.
99% of all the things that you do in your free time are stress relievers and that only.
You gotta look inside yourself for meaning in life user. No one else is gonna help you with that.
this better be fucking real
Well part of it is if you don't have any non-free time it really starts to take its toll on your psyche.
Especially since he browses Holla Forums, which has its spattering of self improvement shit. Probably some guilt tossed into the mix.
What are typically some good places to go to for volunteer work? I was thinking it would be cool to volunteer at the fire station down the street but I don't think they'd have much use for a fat NEET
They aren't in their best shape either.
Gee, user, maybe you should just kill yourself instead of whining on the internet.
Don't mind me. Just came here to collect smugs and Mokous
guy in the first image is a mess, but the guy in the third image does look pretty functionally stronk
the "Sexy firefighter' thing is just a myth
"No, I spend more time hacking game systems and selling them instead"
Makes you sound like you know what you're doing, found a hobby that's different, and you can even make up bullshit about meeting new people
You can't really use the first one since it looks like it's from the 50's.
Animal shelters always need people and while the place is like pet-hell and you will be scratched/bitten at least once if not several times, some of the animals there actually make it worth the effort. Some of the people are genuinely nice and it's also good for meeting girls.
Firefighters wouldn't have much use for you other than menial work, same for cops, but firefighters are typically brotier if you show some respect.
Churches and religious institutions need volunteers to manage paperwork and church owned businesses. They do compensate you (somewhat) and the people you meet their are usually extraordinarily nice (if a bit crazy).
Otherwise, shit like Peace Corps. is good if you wanna travel (supposedly) but you have little control over where exactly you're going.
That nigga in the first image largely chopped down doors and walls.
He also has the body shape of that towers of hanoi puzzle.
Maybe to rob cake stores in the middle of the night.
why not join some kind of dojo and pay some one to beat you into shape and confidence and maybe make some friends
Most definitely. The most seriously addicted have symptoms of both types of that dependency, where the drug compels them, through chemicals, to get them to look for another fix, while they also become psychologically dependent on it because of other reasons in life, like using it as a coping method.
coping methods can be many things, exercise, video games, drugs, food, but the ones that are damaging (overeating and drugs) should be excised.
She is lonely and she is seeking male attention. She smokes weed to escape the pain and loneliness, but it never fills the hole in her heart. You know what to do user. Descarte wills it. Give'r the Doujin.
Pink one's got some real CCS moe going for it.
I will say this, if you're a fucking pussy like me do not try an animal shelter. That shit WILL break your heart in two.
Last time I went to one there was a dog at the end of a hallway, who had to bark to get people to even know he existed. And then nobody wanted him because loud dog.
Haven't look backed either.
how frustrating, poor doggo
Only in the current times and places where fires don't actually fucking happen. In NY in the 70's and 80's most of the dudes there were considered muscular/manly attractive. Modern men need to be male strippers to be considered attractive according to the media so it's not so much as "firefighters aren't attractive" so much as "90% of professions aren't attractive" because 90% of people aren't attractive according to that standard of measurement.
Of course, the media is bullshit, but if you actually have a job that is demanding tons of physical activity and requires breaking, lifting, and carrying shit then yeah you're going to be /fit/ in some way which means you'll be attractive in some way.
I'd look into police civilian work personally. My best volunteer experience by far was with the cops, but I think the era has passed, this was almost twenty years ago.
I really regret falling out of that group when I went away to college.
why would you share that
Warms my heart.
i can't cut ties with my family since only my parents and brothers are bad and the rest are wonderful people, but if i cut ties with my parents but not the rest they would just tell my parents
I always knew this place had good taste.
I really do love when stoners insist that it's not addictive. Anyone who knows a stoner knows that weed is addictive.
They never shut the fuck up about weed, but somehow they insist they're not addicted.
ITT: Highschoolers
i love my mommy
Because that was only one example of multiple things that made me feel sad. Especially things that are easily preventable.
There were multiple empty cages between him and the next dog. He was just dumped at the end and never moved up
And I thought I was bad for dropping out without finishing my freshman year
Dude she's like 70 and lives around 3,000 miles from me.
it's not chemically addicting (like nicotine) but it is psychologically addicting (like animu)
Guess it wouldn't be too bad doing menial shit for firefighters. I do have a lot of respect for them and I've heard from other firefighters that when they're not out handling an emergency they basically just hang out and bro it up. Animal shelter isn't a bad idea either since I love animals and have some experience dealing with them.
I wanted to join a boxing gym but they're expensive as fuck around here
I think I might be able to handle it. I'm not a stranger to seeing animals in shitty conditions. I've almost gotten used to it even.
I don't know what use I would be to the police but I could look into it.
Thanks for the help guys
So you where forced to wear a leash, and you where old enough to remember it? The actual fuck is wrong with your parents?
I'd smack my kid for roughly two reasons should it ever come to it
one, if it beats others and feels mighty strong doing it, a taste of its own medicine if you will
two, if it did something so fucking stupid it could've killed itself or severely hurt others, like those slavs climbing up skyscrapers
basically it serves as a method to make the child aware of the seriousness of the situation
in contrast to light punishment such and getting grounded or something, so it understands that this time it was different and not to be done again
In what country do you live in where that is legal?
In that case it would be fine. It might be shitty to see the condition some animals end up in, but it is nice that they're in a place that takes care of them and tries to get them a better life.
Remember, she was trying to get me to not go on the trip in the first place. At the very least, it wasn't around the neck. It was around the arm. But it was still fully visible on a fucking bus all the way across the state and then some.
It depends on the kid mate. Some kids just don't get the message from light punishment. Some take TOO WELL to light punishment and need heavier punishment to put shit into perspective.
being a drunk is worse then being a pothead, because at least potheads are fucking neutral faggots instead of drunken idiots who fight all the time and act like assholes.
it's not legal, doesn't mean anyone did anything about it
Hell of a lot more manly than being a passive pussy who lets people walk all over you.
That means she's at a safe age where you can creampie her without worry of pregnancy. A tub of vaseline and you're practically good to go.
Shit, I'd do drugs all day if I was that old, too.
just finished all that college bullshit.
nigger classes start next week for a majority of the uni/colleges