Was this thing actually made by commies?
If so, this is a pathetic car and if I made it, I would be ashamed.
Was this thing actually made by commies?
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sorry, too busy winning the space race
When did this come out?
no such thing, planned obsolescence is for cappies
Hey this car is aesthetic as fuck
the ussr made some nice cars
This car was literally made out of cardboard.
God the song for it is catchy as fuck
I'd own and drive one if i could because thats how much of a slavaboo i am. I'm sad they don't sell Ladas in Canada since the 90's.
yet it still works after 50 years
silly capitalists and their 5 year lifetime cars
I still see some commie cars being used because they are much more durable
The Trabant was not that bad given it was a budget design. The western counterpart would be the Chevette, the problem was the GDR didn't produce the Trabant in large enough numbers, if East Germans didn't have to wait to get a Trabant they probably wouldn't have complained as much.
i'm so triggered now ;-;
go celebrate your lgbtq president you nazi fuck
… Who wants to tell him?
Are there any Soviet cars with good gas mileage?
They aren't that bad actually.
They were made from recycled materials and were simple as fuck so they never broke down, it's why in eastern europe today, you still see these cars from the 1950s and 1960s still in 100% working order.
The main thing about them as well is that they basically didn't use fuel, like
Not by today's standards, you are talking before computer controls and direct injection.
Yeah man what a piece of shit. Burger cars that fall apart when you've paid them off are much better.
The Soviets literally won ever step of the space race except the moon landing, and even then they never really attempted a moon landing.
It's typical, really:
>first anything that has any relevance today
I knew you guys were retarded, but damn.
What were they thinking?!?!
cappiecars can last 50 years too you know.
good point. while Elon Musk is blowing shit up, Russia STILL does all the ISS shuttle launches.
muh moon
gulag yourself
Theory of relativity and the pledge of allegiance.
nigga i see model As on the highway still
any car works forever if you maintain it forever, look at Cuba
Most modern cars have an "engine life" where the engine itself literally breaks down after a certain amount of use.