Elysium (yet another WoW private server): Dorf Fort Edition


A new server made by the russians who made Valkyrie, a server created back in '09, this time with a focus on the international community rather than just Russians


Horde (N/a as of this time)

Get in discord


-Don't be an autist
-Don't be a normalfag
-Don't be swami
-Don't be petpriest
-Don't spam
-Moderate your mememastery to a tasteful minimum
-Dorfs only (Dorf fort only rule)

change of pace and the novelty, also deeprun tram flute works outside DRT

Turns out slavs can't code for shit


Ask in the guild if anyone wants to party with you


Whatever the fuck you want really.


Whatever the fuck you want.


Make an account at valkyrie-wow.org/about/?#8

Download the game here: logon.vanillagaming.org/VanillaGaming_1121_Pack.rar.torrent

Change the text in realmlist.wtf to

set realmlist logon.valkyrie-wow.com

Select the "Elysium" realm on login

There are some people currently playing on the L4G server, you can go there if you want as well.


Too bad.


>>>/nostalrius/ is the old one for nostalrius. Heavily outdated.


Working on this


Post in this thread, or message one of the officers at the top of this post.

Strength and autism.

Other urls found in this thread:



Countdown for the launch is here.


You're a real fucking fool if you think elysium is any better, you may as well play on warmane if you want a server thats been out forever that still have broken scripting. At least they have an actual population.

but what about mages and warlocks

make a nigger

Forgot my flag. Regardless there aren't any good vanilla servers so it doesn't matter. Good luck with lazily coded raids, seasonal events and drops.

I see the "I want legacy servers" crowd out in force

Oh neat. I never played a paladin before.

How many people are on this server?

Disregard that I suck cocks.

Does anyone think a lot of people will jump into this server?

I'm cautiously optimistic. If things go badly, then I guess it's back to cucknos, but seeing how many people can't fucking stand Kronos, it gives me hope.

Kronos just feels dead to me.
Theres barely any level 20s running around, at most you'd find 5 in undercity.

It makes dungeon finding slow and shitty.

If this server can actually get a lot of players I'd get glued to it.

fresh servers are always fun

no butthurt kids to hop on their 60 to mount camp you
everyone on equal footing
everyone doing dungeons
everyone world pvping
no BWL geared shitters in BG's vs fresh 60s

and everyone camping the same quest mobs.
I agree though

And lots of redditors to trigger in low level general chats.

This. Every server I've played on, I've always jumped on the train way too late, where it was basically to the point of "everyone has a 60 except you"
It'll be nice to start close to the pack for a change.

you faggots never learn


ill fuk you up m8, belfs arent faggots like nelfs are.


belfs are proud people who has have a slight addiction problem, they easily quench is by having enslaved a naaru. thats pretty hardcore faggot

I think I'll pass.

Did you know that you can fug the elf shortly before you remove them? No need to win them over.

we accept Humans too, Elves will have to prove themselves to not be faggots to enter if ever

jsut admit it, you wish youd look at awesome as we do

No, I can't do it.

nah. proppa orky engineer anyday.

Server's up btw

Did Kronos die off? Fucking awful server where dungeon mobs did no dmg and tanks generated no rage from outgoing or incoming damage. And the devs refused to address these issues even when showed insurmountable proof.

Fuck, can't decide between mage and druid.

Do we have any of these?

there really needs to be a purge every so often in these types of games.

pick mage. druid is for healsluts and furries.


Oh shit, the server's out? How is it? How many bugs? Do the abilities work? How are quests and combat?

Yeah nah, fuck off OP.

we're saving "infinity" for the horde guild when we no doubt burn out from not being able to kill elves

I keep getting booted at the login screen when trying to log.

Same. Is there anything slavs can be reliable about?

lots people trying ot log in at once, don't worry happening to me too



Ok spawn rate is gonna be increased, everyone hearth to the starting area and quickly get these quests done.

I'm UristMcDorf


level 2 bitches

I tanked some server firsts on Nostalrius Begins, but I got really annoyed with normal faggotry so I quit. Should I play here too?

Nothing respawns now lol


What patch is this?
Is this pre-1.6 talents?

can't wait to play catch-up for the fourth fucking time now.


It takes a while to connect.

Medavh's salt is the stuff of legends

Meh, I'm gonna try again later or tomorrow. Too crowded.

I can login to the valkyrie website on their control panel thing, but when I try to login with the client it does not work.

I have tried:
set realmlist logon.valkyrie-wow.com
set realmlist ← Thats the realmlist that you get from the valkyrie website.

Any ideas?


For superior dwarven grinding.

Let me reword it: The connection is being wonky. You have the right text (I use the first one), but it took me a fair number of attempts to get in.


Its not that it times out or anything, it keeps telling me my password is incorrect. The password works on the main site though.

what did you do to anger him?

We're just exposing gnomes as the inferior race.

gas the gnomes, trogg war now.

Made a new account.
Working now.

Let me fix that for you


Need rolls > Greed rolls.

I can confirm stealth works properly on this server unlike on Nost. Mobs turn around to face you when you get too close but don't aggro until you're really close.

I've never seen any other server the greed rolls when someone needs an item.

how many players on the server atm?


hmm, thats not bad, how long has it been going for?

im in if it gets to 3k


Fak off you filthy knife ear


Nigger this is an alliance guild, and everyone knows nelf priests are the best at cliff-camping and MCing people over the edge.

so fubar fucked up and moved all my windows underneath my character portrait, and all my action bars to the bottom right.

Turning it off removes the action bar problem, but I can't find anyway to move any windows or my quest tracker back even with moveanything, disabling fubar, or re-enabling and trying to alter settings.

any ideas?


So why is Rtas allowed in guild then?

user, I played a paladin in retail vanilla. Don't make the same mistake I did. The class can be played by a drinky bird mashing the Flash of Light button.

holy shit that brings me back

raiding is for queers.

oh no, they have rights to access and distribute our anime tiddies

… and sell samples for voice recognition, said anime tiddies, metadata and more to google, Zuckerberg and anybody else who wants to milk you like the stupid cow you are.

This is why you don't use your real voice whenever possible.



It's out already? Fucking fuck.
I'll be a dwarf priest, that's a pretty wild and original combo you don't see often

it's out

server is pretty solid

*doot* *doot*


no one wants to post, we have a live guild but no one wants to post

Conversation is getting split between the Discord, guild chat and here. Guild chat is most active

Havin' a blast so far dorks.
Why don't you all quit being lame and give it a shot?

Guild is fun, but the server is hot garbage. Slavs can't code for shit, only thing they got right was rage gen.

Can we get an update about what works and what does not work so far in the server?
I'm on the fence right now but if it has working dungeons and quests then I'll play a needed class since I can't play druid :(

From what I can tell it's running pretty fine apart from the occasional reset but that's to be expected with a new server on launch day. Haven't tried dungeons yet but I haven't heard any complaints yet either.

are you guys lacking any specific class?

not even if you casual gay bois payed me to play

Priest & Paladin are safe picks.

What have they done wrong?
Seems better then nostalrius for something thats brand new.

It's not so much what they've done wrong but how much they're busy reinventing the wheel. We assumed that they were running another Valk custom server. Instead Elysium is running mangos and trying to patch it to valk levels because the valk cobbled-code was getting unmaintainable. This means we have a lot of typical mangos problems again, but at least this team seems dedicated to pumping out rapid fixes.

So the server is kinda ass, but better Nost. Which isn't much of an accomplishment, but at least we're not going to have shamans with broken windfury for a whole year because devs are too busy watching TV and eating potato chips.

What does that mean?

Mangos is the basic open-source WoW server emulator.

Well, I have tried the server with human mage, it's ok.

Only bug that I have seen is Murlocs near goldshire going evade underwater.




level 9 and already got 8 6slot bags. I can't be only one who's looting these about every level.

just you

I managed to loot 1, maybe 2 6-slotters. I'm level 12 and I already looted 2 8-slotters, and saw a third that I didn't get drop as well.

I've been vendoring them.


gotta love the deeprun tram flute

I'm getting framed because of your Flute Shenanigans!

more flute fun


Nearly made me fall out of my chair.

the russian only makes it better

In Un'Goro, lads!



this is how i got there

Oh hey, that faggot ditched the group I was in to kill the elite Yeti in Dun Morogh after we got the kill and the other guy in the group didn't get the quest item. Bully him all you like.

he has me on ignore, I blast my flute at him whenever I see him

it wasn't a macro :^)

"Have a drink, mate. On the house!"

Seems like I'm too late.

Reminder to educate all liberals you encounter in /world, lads.


Fucking wew

aaaaand this is a libcuck server.


I want to play and I also really don't want to play. Weird feel.


Just play, it'll be fine.

Arigato is ignoring you.


Play it. Dwarves are fun. Bit full on pallies right now unless that's what you really want to play.

Playing WoW is suffering. Not playing WoW is suffering.


Elysium is hiring game masters. We definitely need people to apply… If we have a GM we can have all the gold and items we want >:3

Met russian human rogue name Kirito yesterday.

I'm glad he got fluted on by one of the Urists from Fort. Gave a few /whistle to him.

Pretty sure that's just some faggot and not a GM.

does this download work on mac?

I know, I know..

with wine, perhaps.

Found the torrent but it's not working

pretty sure there are no 1.12.1 clients for mac.


saw a russian named after the shitty protag from that god awful sword art online anime

spammed flute at him and when he yelled at me in russian, I reported him for not speaking english in a public channel

Same guy?

Thinking of making either a Paladin or a Hunter, leaning towards Paladin but what do we need more?

WoW was never good, get over it.

I agree with you on WoW but you posted a game that was never good and only did a handful of things right, any perception of it being good is mostly nostalgia.

nice 666 get

also patch incoming

Odds hunter, even paladin.

Fuck you I'm going Paladin anyway.

I'll download this tonight and make a priest then get to level 30 or 40 and burn out and then uninstall
lookin forward to it lads.

Remember to /join Holla Forums

Plenty of non-dwarves here too.

Filthy Alliance dogs.

Dwarves are cool though.


Guild first deadmines run today.

that's just some faggot, fella. he just happened to get that name before it was taken. he keeps shitting up world chat, looking for attention. basically, keep doing what you're doing, make him regret the whisper.

Just in case you were wondering what dorfs are good against:

Rogues: Breaks out of blind, immune to bleeds & poisons for 8 sec, also boosts armor slightly
Hunters: Breaks out of Wyvern Sting, immune to poisons for 8 sec, also boosts armor slightly
Undead Priests: Removes Devouring Plague

They are also mildly useful against warriors for removing bleed and armoring up and shamans strictly for armoring up.

If you are a Paladin or Priest you can remove diseases and poisons with spells though, so Stoneform is better for a Warrior/Rogue/Hunter. Some Warriors prefer Gnome though for the Escape Artist (but skilled mages will kite you through that anyway so it's probably better to have a Free Action Potion for that shit) and smaller model (being hard to click is a PvP advantage, especially in mass PvP).

Oh, they're also slightly better against Shamans and Mages because of the +10 frost resist.

You are exposing yourself kike.

So if I made a character now, I guess I'd be far to out of level to actually even help?

I more mean in a sense of it being near impossible to grind to everybody's level.
"Wrong Password" happened so I can't delete this

Oh right Dwarf priests are good.

Oh right. Leveling as a dwarf priest is hell.


any ya'll niggers on to invite?

can i join with my night elf?

Character name? Dwarves only.

why must life be suffering
i just want to experience 1-60 again, the grind was fun

Pretty dead server.

Ironband's Excavation Site was bugged as fuck. When they walk up a slope, they do it like they were walking up stairs. Sometimes they do that and walk through air to place they shouldn't be able to go. Also mobs going through walls and floors.


And when I'm talking about they, I mean the troggs in the area.

I cant log into eylsium

I can't either, probably down.

Server is doing a restart.

Its back up.

It is only 3 days or something like that old.
Seems pretty solid otherwise so I hope the userbase grows.

I thought it might be my edgy name kikekilla add me too the guild please

less than 1,000 people online between both factions
peak doesn't hit over 1,200

this is so disappointing because it's the private server that I have the fastest connection speed.

so what's a fun class/spec to level with?
i almost always run warrior, and last time i made the mistake of going prot while leveling
it did fuckall damage and i still had trouble killing 2 monsters at once
yet arms/fury seem useless when you consider that i'd only be invited to dungeons to tank

prot is shit at tanking at low levels

10-39 2h fury, then respec at 40 to 2h arms.

Also take Improves heroic strike, pretty much your only damage move at low levels.

also is paladin really as people say it is?
i wanted to play something mildly different, but at the same time stay the beefy plate/mail/shield wearing character
but from what i hear paladins in vanilla are just healbots

i played a ret pally on nost, its quite relaxing

i didnt care about minmaxing (and neither should anyone in fucking vanilla) so just play what you like and enjoy the gimmicks of your class. like, ret pallies most of the time are kind of average but then you hit undead/demonic areas and start running the show

Well, in dungeons and endgame, yeah.

When levelling you can even tank (as long as you take holy talent concentration asap).

Overall paladin is pretty passive to play.

alright, in that case i'll probably try playing a ret pally for a change
i'm still gonna go human instead of dwarf though since i prefer their questlines
will people be annoyed if i go full RP holydin dialogue?

you should invite other races to the guild as well tbh. there aren't enough people playing to alienate all other races.


Do i really need to get discord for an invite?

not particularly. can't have mages without humies tho. maybe just let humies in?

nm in.

the original plan was all humans had to be niggers but some of the guys didn't want it

If you're going Warrior, fury tanking is an actual thing in vanilla WoW. Disregard prot, tank with your almighty DPS.

If you're going Paladin, do not be a retard soloing mobs with slow-ass right click fights. Get reflective damage and Consecration and aoe grind mobs. Ideally group with a Warlock with 2/2 Intensity and pump Concentration aura so that he hellfires with 100% pushback resist while you consecrate and heal and him (blessing of sacrifice might be good too). You grind through large amounts of mobs really fast with that 2man combo.

Alternatively farm up a Ravager if you want to Bladestorm mobs into the ground while you do your Consecrate and Retribution aura (put a Crusader enchant and maybe use a Seal of Light for self-heals), but you don't get bonus reflective damage from shield spikes, Force Reactive Disk, Blessing of Sanctuary, or Holy Shield that way.

Also if you're playing a Paladin you should probably get Mining and Engineering since they contribute too much good stuff to an otherwise highly passive class (ranged pulls, force reactive disk, gnomish death ray, grenades, rocket boots, net-o-matic, etc.). Alternatively get Herbalism and Alchemy. The upside is that it has lots of utility and can make you rich on the AH. The downside is that Alchemy offers nothing you couldn't just buy on the AH, and you won't have the good Engineering stuff.

Paladins can typically dungeon tank just fine, where the fights are shorter. They tank even better as alchemists thanks to pots and self-buffs giving them some extra staying power.

In end-game raids, Paladins are basically healers. When it comes to tanking, Paladins are only good for AoE tanking given their higher AoE and reflective damage. You could theoretically maintank a raid but your mitigation is worse (no defensive stance), your oh shit buttons are worse (no shield wall or last stand, just Lay on Hands really), becoming uncrushable is a royal pain without the Shield Block prot ability (doable with extreme gearing) unless you actually try to force crits for Redoubt (in which case you are regularly eating crits), and your mana dependence means you probably can't use Greater Stoneshield potions unless your raid is prepared to innervate and shoot major recombobulators (engineering trinket which shares CD with healthstone) at you all the time. And if you keep your mana consumption low, your threat generation will probably be too weak.

Humans are the worst PvP race on the alliance faction though.

Well, humans and dwarves are cousins lorewise, right?

It's funny when I see a dwarf running, it's most likely a Dorf Forter.

So many dwarves whistled.

Can you DPS as endgame pally?


Server sucks.

You can get put on nightfall duty as a ret paladin actually.

It does, mob pathing is bugged as fuck.

every 10th use of charge either sends me flying into the sky if inside a building or cave, or through the ground if outside.

you can tank fine regardless of spec if you aren't an maroon and actually mark targets.

mobs retreat at full speed, wing clip and conc shot do fuck all to alter speed

at this point the only server I'm really gonna hope for is WoC and if that turns out to be trash I'm done with this all

fuck off.

-Don't be an autist
-Don't be a normalfag
-Don't be swami
-Don't be petpriest
-Don't spam
-Moderate your mememastery to a tasteful minimum
-Dorfs only (Dorf fort only rule)

these are the same rules written EVERY thread by wowg at 4chan's /vg/ videogame general threads, by the way

OP is a cuck-channer who posts on wowg


a private server that'll totally not have any bugs this time, we swear. also supposed to have "customized bosses" that would be rebalanced to make the experience more unique.

looking like a pipedream so far.

WWWWWWWW outed yourself as a retard

Another restart inc. I wonder if they fixed something.

You can try but Paladin DPS is pretty much garbage unless you're going for extreme spell damage with a fast 1H (no daggers for paladins) for Seal of Righteousness and Consecrate and Judgement damage and it's Naxx where you can Exorcise and Holy Wrath shit for more damage or you have 5/5 Reckoning and managed to convince your raid to let you have a trash mob to yourself so that you can /sit regularly to force crits and Reckoning procs and thus double your DPS.

Yes but it's better to put Warriors or better yet Hunters on Nightfall duty since they can spam hamstring and wing clip to proc NF more reliably. Depending on the state of seals, you might be able to get invisible hits from seal of righteousness for doubled procs, but it still doesn't compare. Otherwise it's Seal of the Crusader for procs and crap DPS for you, at which point that Hunter is making a much better case for Nightfall than you are.

consecrate damage scales with attack power so it's totally possible to go well over 200dps in fights with more than 3 mobs at once even using only rank 1. too bad that's almost never the case during a boss though.

Consecration scales with both attack power and spell damage, but Seal of Righteousness only scales with spell damage (at a flat 10%, plus the SoR talent only affects base dmg, so it's shit - you want Sanctity aura and 5/5 Vengeance to boost get a 26.5% bonus to your damage output). Thanks to SoR (and Vengeance proccing off crits with a fixed 8 second duration) you want the fastest weapon you can get for maximum SoR DPS and Vengeance uptime. Speaking of which, the fastest Paladin 1H in the game is the Flurry Axe (BoE world drop epic). It's a 1.5 speed weapon which can proc a bonus hit. If SoR gives an independent chance to proc weapon effects this thing does some real nice damage at high spell dmg values. Pretty decent with a Hand of Justice.

You basically want attack power, spell damage, and some weapon crit with this setup. Along with some weapon hit.

wait, seal of righteousness can crit? that sounds like a bug.

No, it doesn't.

What I was saying about Vengeance is that basically the more crit-capable weapon swings you can squeeze into 8 seconds, the better your Vengeance uptime. A flurry axe only needs to crit once out of every 5 blows (assuming no bonus hits) to maintain perfect vengeance uptime.

it could crit on nost as well, not sure if its a bug

either way, you can dps as a ret pally because the endgame for vanilla is actually quite easy; the difficulty came from the fact most people were pure mongs and you often had a lot of people to shunt around; in your raid of 40 ppl it was assumed that 10-15 were essentially nonfactors (died early often, shit rotation, no clue of fight mechanics etc.)

once you reach the crit cap, or at least ~25%, I figure it'd be better to just keep crusader up to get vengeance and then swap to rank one command. always worked for me.

with a 3.6 or slower 2h on a single target I should add.

so i got my human pally to lv 8
am i understanding how the early rotation works?
use the seal that increases attack speed and power, then do a judgement to put the debuff on the enemy
then recase the same seal to get those bonuses
then when judgement is available again, switch to the seal that does damage on hit, do a judgement for 15-25 damage
and then switch back to the other seal for the passive bonuses again


that uses up a whole lot of mana early on. really better off just using righteousness and then judging on low health in my experience, at least until you start getting more seals.

guys will you let my night elf in? i want to druid for the first time in ever but you know, no point doing it alone


I think these niggers are still debating wheter let humans in or not.

There is no debate. The guild is dwarves only, but we run dungeons and do quests with people through the in-game channel "Holla Forums", and by friends list. Some human players went to Titans of War.

Fair enough.

Can my Dorf Booty Warrior get an invite?

Char name is Ahvardh.

What does double posting have to do with anything?
What does ID have to do with OP being a wowg cuck-channer? He's still copy-pasting half-chan wowg thread openers.

The only retard here is you, unless you're desperate and you're trying to deflect with misinformation.

check em

go be a faggot elsewhere

Why has Blizzard shut down only Nostalrius?

yur mum xD

because it was the biggest by a factor of about 100?

It did shut down Legion back in the day as well. probably others. As said, they go after the big ones.

Has any word come out about what happened between Nostalrius and Blizzard?

nost team caved, blizz arent going to be doing anything vanilla

it was hosted in France.

Cheers. Paladins feel kinda mediocre tbh but i figured would be fun for world pvp. Cant get excited about raid healing.

Is there an article or site I can go to to read about this? Because last I heard they had a meeting with blizz, where it was implied they might be getting a deal with blizz to make vanilla servers.

paladin's are the best class for pvp trolling.

You can read about it on nost forums. They're still up and they're releasing news.

Good thing this server is hosted in the same datacenter as nost then.


how so? apart from bubble and squeak

reckoning bombs, concentration aura, ret aura, blessing of sacrifice and judge stacking are all prime scrub cleaning material.

Offical statement said :"We are focusing on next expansion but maybe maybe maybe maybe after that expansion we might release Pristine servers"

Which translated to normal means LOL NO.


nah I'm genuinely bored of vanilla. Instead I resubbed to live to try the demon hunter and played for an hour. Waiting for Legion to launch to scratch my WoW itch though. This whole invasion thing is interesting.

I play BDO every day though and haven't slowed down.

Tauren Druids are much better than Night Elf Druids because they get War Stomp for an extra stun (which doesn't GCD so they can cast while the enemy is stunned).

The main perk of playing a Night Elf Druid is getting Nightscape Boots and a +stealth enchant to cloak with your racial for the +15 stealth so you can skip the 5 talent points of Feral Instinct.

humans are also the only ones next to gnomes who have mages. and there's no way we're letting those little fuckers in. if we accept those cunts, we might as well open the gates for elves as well.

You take that back right now.

here's the thing: Nost didn't have to close down;

consider how many of the smaller private servers get C&Ds and just move hosts

Nost tried to use their position to get jobs at blizzard


What is reading comprehension?

I want to eat a Tauren smoked over an open flame for 26 hours.

You can always tell when the chick artist is a fat cow. They think they are drawing a sexy character, but the thigh fat always meets the FUPA and it becomes obvious they are projecting onto the figure.

dwarves man. can't expect them to be able to read when they're wasted all the time



Why is everyone so certain that these slavs are better than those other slavs?

They ain't.

Waiting for Crestfall, apparently they use different core and will progress to TBC.

after this server I'm not beliving any server hype and will either wait for this shitty one you just mentioned to not be shit or actually wait for WoC

why would you do this
if you wanted demons you could have just went and played on a TBC server

all servers are pretty shitty.
If you ask me might aswell just go to a populated one rather then one that works.

just gonna wait till TBC, I think these last few servers have showed me don't jump on the hype train



was this server hyped?



Did he redeem himself or what?

he got kicked after saying he'd date a nigger


Haha nice.

alright, first time playing WoW, I hope this shit is as good as nostalgiafags make it out to be.

its terrible only good if enough people end up playing and you get to the endgame then its not fun anymore because its endgame

the fun in the game is ruining other people's fun. it's zero sum fun.

I like to think once you get your professions and have quests branching out to other areas of the world. It can be rather addictive aswell as something to keep you busy.

Its much more better with a lot of players tho.

I can dig it


Keeps saying my username and pass aren't correct. Anyone know what the go is or am I just a fucking retard?

Change the .wtf text to what the OP says to.

If you mean to this 'set realmlist logon.valkyrie-wow.com' I've done that.

make an account on valk

if the problems persist I'll do what I did on nost and make a testymcgee account

Got it working. Restarted my comp and it's running fine now. Thanks though.


8 years ago bro

Damn scheming humie kikes.

Non-dwarves are NOT to be trusted!

clearer text version

Alright fags, i'm downloading this. I hope i won't regret it.


So is the server even close to Nostalrius when it comes to scripting? Is the community at least a little less cancerous than Kronos'?

Scripting is worse imo. Probably because they haven't patched up the abomination known as MaNGOS as much as Nost yet.

they DID implement the dishonoured ranks

I think I read something that they're kind of re-doing lot of things they've already done in their previous server because their codebase ended up a cobbled mess.

Also, I'm getting 20% discount from Stormwind merchants by just having honored reputation and PvP Rank 1 (Private).


isn't goldfinger the name of a james bond villain?

You mean he gave 3000 USD to some Kickstarter project?

Yes, from the third movie in the series.

I made a charater on Elysium, who do I contact to get into dorf guild?

type /Who g-"dorf fort"

Then whisper someone.

the niggest dorf

It's quite impressive how quick the numbers are growing, 4th day running and its reached a pop cap of 1700 today.

Where are you getting that number? The highest I saw was around 1050 on Sunday, currently it shows around 950.

I asked world chat and some people just told me that is was around that number.

Patch time soon fellow dorfs


This is actually a good idea, we don't want to have to deal with another Pottu…

actually the tauren were worried about the dwarves angering the earth spirits, and lo and behold come cata the entire dig site gets overrun with enraged earth elementals

to be fair though, in cata it's hard to find a zone where there aren't any pissed off elemental mobs.


Come to think of it, out of all the factions, the Tauren have gained the most from the Burning Legion's incursions. If it weren't for the Legion, the orcs would have never came to Azeroth and the Tauren would still be getting destroyed by the centaur tribes.
Are the tauren actually even bigger cucks than the gnomes?

any alternative guilds?

The gnomes are not cucks, they're Jews, the symbolism is so rife with them, they have no homeland, but set up shop in Ironforge right next to the tram for easy access to Stormwind after the evil troggs (nazis) gassed them 15 trillion times.

You could start/join the Horde guild if you HAVE to play a warlock.


Is there a horde guild already going? I'm feeling too lazy to start again at this point, as I'm level 16 now. As boring as Titans of War is, they do seem to have their shit together as far as endgame goes.

No clue, I haven't played on this server, I'm hoping Blizz comes out with an announcement at Blizzcon for vanilla servers to give those a shot. even if they're shit we can get something better than mangos out of it.

just fucking stop

I said I'd wait till Blizzcon and that's what I'm doing.

If nothing comes of it I'll join you guys on whatever private server we'll be playing on at that time.

Shut up NERD
Why couldn't more humies be like Garithos?

hello dorf fort fag

nothing will come of it, they have a new expnasion that just released and they can't milk vanilla like they can with modern without adding cash shops

it isn't going to happen, they've already laid their offer on the table with the "pristine" server idea, which is basically just Legion with a EXP grind slapped on it

Literally everyone in the thread is in dorf fort.
You're the autistic outsider.

us 4channers eh hehe. fucking autistic normalfags!!!

ignore the autist crying about dwarves

They laid out pristine servers before doing their meetings with Mark/the Nostalrius team.
Those meetings might have changed their minds, and I'd rather wait to see what comes of it at Blizzcon.

I decided to hold off on Kronos because their coding was shit, apparently this server's coding is still shit. If they fix their server and get a real population going I'll join casually, and if nothing comes from Blizzcon then I'll devote more time to it. Simple.

just letting you know someone is going to have to make a new thread eventually

I'm working on it

nothing came of nost, they tried to use their position in the P server community to try and secure jobs at blizzard, and it failed, literally every private server, even the ones with piss poor pop get C&Ds, it's just a matter of moving hosts