Recruiting free speech protesters for the funeral of Heather Heyer

I'm willing to pay people $500 a piece to protest and picket the funeral of this woman.

If you live in the area and are able to travel I'll pay $500 per person in bitcoin (my budget is $5000 ) to picket the funeral and chant "burn in hell jew loving whore".

If you're willing and able, drop an email. I have a lawyer who will inform us about what we can and cannot do so we can do this LEGALLY

I'll need a video shot to spread on social media.

Note: Google can make this stop at any time by restoring the dailystormers domain name which they unlawfully seized.

Hasn't that poor woman suffered enough?

The dead feel nothing. The living have a very real stake in preserving free speech. Monopolistic corporations are taking away that right and are increasingly relegating us to e-ghettos.

…how in anyway is this a good idea? Yeah they're communist pieces of shit, but would you feel if they did this at a funeral of your loved ones. We're better than this faggot.

What are you? A fucking CIA nigger? Fuck off out of here.

How retarded do you have to be to use jewgle when you're hosting a white nationalist site?

I actually had this exact idea. It's not illegal, but if you actually try to do it be very careful, they'll try to provoke you into violence.

I'm just doing what Andrew Anglin suggested and what caused this backlash. We will not give in to censorship

No, but this is wasted effort and reeks of a false flag.
I despise PRfags but there are better hills to die on.

Fuck off, kike.


Protesting ain't gonna do shit, we need more direct action and if these commies get any bolder we'll start seeing it.

Take it to TRS.

They're the only ones retarded enough to fall for the anti-pr meme.

While I piss on her grave and all that, this will just ruin you as a person if you do this shit. Maybe offer more, like 100k.

So… your goal is to be as publicly reprehensible as is humanly possible, on par with the Phelps clan, and… this will force Google's hand how exactly?

I don't think this idea has been fully workshopped yet, OP.

Just die already Soros

This is dumb, google will just double down. there is no upside to doing this.

There's really no upside to this. Also thanks for the free intel George

The impetus behind the censorship was to stop people protesting the funeral. Therefore we will not let them win.

This is as low if not lower than AntiFa.

what a fucking retard.

Answer the question.

Protesting at an event where people are mourning the dead is a terrible idea.

$500 is not enough for me to do this. $5,000,000 and I would.

Not only that, but also a deep state controlled jew.

Yes goys! Let's make white nationalism as detestable as we can. Then we can move forward for our plan for a Eurasian supremacy plan.

I'm not a PR cuck, but this seems like horrible PR

Your that tmz jew arent you?

Great job op

Retarded idea that will accomplish nothing but isolating normalfags.

To ignore all PR is foolish, but taking too much stock in it is a problem too. I doubt the Westboro Baptist Church would ever gain much public support, but it definitely gained large public opposition when it protested at funerals. OP's intentions are not positive towards the right's movement.

Fuck off, that's a fucking dumb idea. That's not going to help at all; it's westboro-tier.
Weev is a kike who is first and foremost a troll, and will always put trolling above actual goals.

Correct, at least the car thing was self defense OP is just some idiot who's making a big deal out of nothing.

Why would anyone seek to defame themselves by attacking a funeral? Her little nephew and nieces seen crying on the TV while some fat guy shouts "FREE SPEECH" in her dead aunts face is not going to win support. Let the dead lie.

We're not trying to win hearts and minds. We're the 21st century equivalent of the blackshirts.

We're striking fear into the hearts of leftists everywhere. If you have a problem with that and just want to jerk off on the internet doing nothing to support the movement so be it, but don't criticise me.

where's the area and where's the email

No we don't, they're gullible idiots who keep pushing us.

You're a deceptive Jew, luring dumb goyim into your deadend scheme.

Make a throw away email. Don't use a Google service. I'll send you instructions on how to get in touch with our group.

This is a horrible idea and smells very suspicious.

Please, my good nazi skinhead kkk white power brethren, believe me.

who is going to fall for this? Reported.

Trips confirm op is at the very least someone impersonating us.
Either a media group trying to pull a "To catch a predator." or a Jew trying to defame us, or maybe just straight up antifa.

How is any of this fun? Now if we showed up to the memorial service handing out pulled pork sandwiches and offering a Dodge Challenger as a grave marker, that would be fun.


You'd have to be a retard to do this even if OP was actually legitimate.

Hyperborean trips verify OP is a faggot.

I'm willing to put the bitcoins upfront in an escrow managed by a third party before anything is done and before we start organising.

Sounds good. Where's this taking place?

If you don't do anything for fear of your wagecuckery ending, you should be hanged on the nearest tree.

Burning in hell is not punishment enough, I'm afraid. We must torment the living in her memory.

Holy fuck calm down, if you're going to do something edgy, at least do something beneficial like go to an antifa meeting and gun them all down, or go into a ghetto and start doing the same with niggers.

I've got children to feed.

Seeing as how Kikes like weev are creatively sterile, I suggest you send the family a new Dodge Challenger

This is a false flag

Who else but a jew PAYS people to protest?

Fuck no. Do not do this, you retard. You will just make yourself look like those Westboro LARPers and drive people towards sympathy for leftist jew policies. Stand the fuck down please.

Imagine being her red-pilled cousin. Your cute niece turns into a ham-beast, gets indoctrinated with feminism etc., fucks a nigger. Despite her being a cunt you shed a tear when you hear she died. You go to her funeral and some faggots are disturbing the grave dig ceremony.

Why the fuck would I take money to protest some fat anti-white Communist's funeral? What separates us from the Soros troglodytes is that, despite all the talk of us being monsters, we're the ones with integrity.

1) I'm not going to protest someone's funeral, even a dead enemy, because it's disrespectful and dumb, is a waste of energy and time, and serves as anti-white agitprop. YOU ARE A SHILL IF YOU DISAGREE.

2) I actually believe in the things we stand for. Why would I compromise myself or my ideals to take cash from some random person on the internet, who is almost assuredly a left-wing NGO operator looking to honeypot?



OP gives us the funds and we'll use it to buy gear and go to the largest antifa base and tear it to rubble.

Fuck off muh PR queer. A bunch of you retards are a bunch of PR cucks as well. Oh boo hoo a nigger loving commie landwhale died, didn't see any of you faggots feeling bad when the BEACHED pictures were posted.

The only thing fishy is this fag is paying for people to do it, that is fucking weird. But taunting the parents and the nigger who was porking the bitch, taunting antifa over this landwhales death, that's right up our alley.

$5K would be a bretty sweet .50BMG AR platform and enough API/APIT to make those niggers feel it.


we have better things to do than picketing funerals. There is a difference between cucking to PR and being an idiot.

Enough to fund five people.
More than enough to take on a thousand or more.

Oh you're completely right about that, but this autistic moral high ground shit needs to die, that is PR cuckery.

bretty sweet dubs, too, bruh

Pick one. Ideally her entire family would join her in the ground. We will have to settle for making them feel even worse.

at least post a timestamped screenshot of the btc

Fucking hell, (((you))) shills sure are out in force today.

Forget picketing the funeral - start sniping at funeralgoers from nearby hotel windows, etc.

When did Holla Forums lose its balls?

JFC, get out there and start making a goddamned DIFFERENCE!

oh FBI-kun

Dead isnt enough, she needs to pay a fee on top of her coalburner toll

Just a man with convictions.

Or has it been so long since you've seen a true believer that you no longer believe in true belief?

I believe in the power and agency of the white race to resolve its existential crisis.

But make no mistake: this crisis will be resolved only through massive bloodshed and slaughter of every non-white maggot now currently alive on this planet.

I laughed OP

Exactly. A committed NatSoc isn't doing this for more shekels.

Just let them bury the cunt in peace. This isn't a Sicilian clan war.

When will you PRcucks go back to cuckchan?

This. Weev has been a CIA asset since occupy wall street. His little stint in prison was just to remind him who's in charge. His charges getting magically dropped was just the icing on top of the cake. Did anyone really believe this faggot jew who was essentially a communist before going into prison was just magically accepted by the aryan brotherhood and became a national socialist just like that?

This would be a good thread if there weren't SHILLS and PARANOID FAGS to shit it up. Look, you anons that are against this idea, they would not hesitate to protest the funeral had it been one of our people dead. Nothing is fucking sacred anymore, any legal way of shoving our middle finger in their faces and rubbing salt in their wounds is permissible.

Now how it would benefit us is what matters, I think it will escalate the situation, which is always good. They have no respect for our dead and thus we should have none for theirs.

How much does a shovel cost? Just askin! -) It would be more usefull to identify whatever squats the antifas dwells in before the rally etc. Someone paid them to come to the rally after all.

It should be that there is not just one large group of nationalists but also smaller groups to observe and keep the antifa hordes on edge.

Take pleasure that she is now one of the countless, screaming damned in Phlegeton. -)

He is a BASED kike! If you are against him and White Sharia, then you are literaly a homofeminist cucklord!

We need to dial it to 11 with liberals. They aren't going to play nice no matter how mainstream we try to act.

Dude. I'm all for protesting commies.

Seriously, I am.
But this is some westboro shit.
Don't protest the funerals. The dead can change nothing about themselves.
Instead, spend your time rooting out the living Antifa.
Speaking ill of the dead is degenerate.

we should wait a week and then dig up the body and hang it in the town square

I agree. Her family are probably decent people who tried to raise her properly, but then she started sucking black dick all over the place.

she's kinda hot. 8/10 would bang the corpse

No evidence that he's a Jew other than some really old dating profile. He now claims he was mistaken.

Until he provides DNA test I'm not going to jump to assumptions. He's literally the only person on our side with the sufficient tech knowledge to keep us online, despite us being attacked from all sides.