Tell us:
What are you:
Other urls found in this thread:
Lucinafag has arrived!
Lucina from Fire Emblem Awakening
She's cute! CUTE!
Trails of Cold Steel
Started Yu Yu Hakusho recently
Yes. Not even Metal Gear Survive can ruin my day. Trails of Cold Steel 2 has had a release date, Mai Natsume is in Central Fiction and all is well.
Starting this thread with a YANG!
Yang Xiao-Long (RWBY)
Her hair, weapons, and personality
Yakuza 5
None atm
RWBY Vol 2 ost Caffeine, and most of Yakuza's OST
Yes, pretty much, but that Metal Gear Survive just baffles me.
The stunning spider girl, Juri Han
Her dominant, fun-loving personality and sense of style. Of course, it also helps that she's easily the most gorgeous thing to ever be visually represented in this world.
Still SFV mostly, not really liking the hate my waifu or I are getting when friends get salty though
JoJo part 4 and Rozen Maiden
Bah humbug
Hope everyone's doing well!
The adorably mischievous trickster Jack-O' Valentine from Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator.
Short answer; EVERYTHING!
Long answer; her fun and interesting fighting style, her playful demeanor, her personalities, her love of sweets and Halloween, how beautiful and cute she is, and how she experiences life in her world and her input on it.
Revelator and a couple of other games in my backlog during weekends.
water and juice
various youtube vids
Vocal GGXrd tracks and other vidya music
For now. Enjoying my time with her before I have to go to work.
perhaps one day.
Reminder that these devs deserved to be bullied.
Just let this shit die already.
Back in the day, before you millenial weeb faggots ruined it with your "waifu" crap, I had a crush on Lucia from Lunar 2. I realized that I developed a crush on girls with blue-dyed hair because of her… until SJWs and Tumblr ruined that too.
I hate you millenials with all the flames and burnt ashes from my heart because of that.
Tell us:
The loli-okan, Ikazuchi from Kantai Collection
I fell in love with her personality the first time I got her.
What are you:
New Vegas with mods
Mineral water
Amaama to Inazuma
Soundtracks from Steins;Gate
Real comfy, foam mattress and sofa bed work extremely well.
How does it feel knowing she's already taken thousands of dicks?
what the fuck. That's absolutely pathetic. Permaban for being "mean"(in other words just jokingly criticising the devs)in all-caps? what the fuck is this cancer
this is my ship, there are thousands like her, but this one is mine
Tell us:
Rosarita "Roberta" Cisneros (Black Lagoon)
Simply put, she's inhuman. Relentless. And damn near unstoppable.
What are you:
None atm
None atm
Going through too many atm
Last song, it was probably by an artist named Renholder
I'd say so. Need to revise for the license test though
It's Enoshima Time!
I want Junko to repeatedly stab me in the eye with an ice pick and then pour nitric acid inside my eye socket.
Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Gyaru, Analyst and Despair.
She's cute, charismatic, smart, talented, crazy and has huge despairs
Live A Live
Dang It Ron Paul 3
Electro Swing
The holy knight of the Lionsguard, Agrias Oaks.
She's beautiful, strong, and she's got a strong sense of justice, duty, and honor.
Divinity: Dragon Commander.
Bottled water with Crystal Light.
Rozen Maiden.
I sure am, but I'd be comfier if the temperature would go down. Too damn hot outside.
Well, I suppose I'd let Roberta (along with 3 other girls) tread on me, so I'm not allowed to criticize…
Hibari is my painfu as I hate her so much it's an obsession boiled over into pure passion. Nothing would bring me greater joy than to destroy her body and ruin her mind.
I love the idea of her being in emotional and physical pain, someone so childish and pure could only make the sweetest whimpers and cries.
What are you:
Nothing this instant but I might emulate some PS2 games later if I can be bothered.
Water, all day 'erry day.
I was going to watch Eyes Wide Shut at some point.
To shitty Russian pop rock and rap.
I have a word doc of gore-smut involving Hibari. It's been a while since I've added to it though so it's kinda small. I've been neglecting creative writing a lot lately which makes me sad.
Midorikawa Hana
She is cute, funny and erotic. She gets easily flustered despite putting on a tough front and is in a sense a neo-tsundere, the good kind though. She has short hair and a beautiful face. She does martial arts which I really like in a woman and I'd definitely operate with her. She absolutely adores ramune. If you don't know what ramune is, it's the drink of Norse deities, said to give eternal life and a sour aftertaste. She tends to be really awkward in a cute way. Her blushing face makes me HNGG. She's perfection incarnate. AND. MOST IMPORTANTLY. SPATS UNDER SKIRT HNGGGGGGGG
Multitasking some mobage, a VN and LoL
Red Bull (original flavour)
MobPsycho/ some other seasonal anime
toconoma, the gods on earth
Could be comfier/ 10
I dunno, I could I guess.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be lovingly murdered by your waifu.
Good to see you today JuriBro, How's the matches going?
Your ship a cute
Surely I'm missing out on animes to watch, but your tastes is pretty good.
Liked the new resources for Junko from the anime.
have a nice fap
I guess. Incidentally, these are the other 3 who'd join in with Roberta on the treading.
Thanks alot Yang. And believe me, you're missing out by not watching Black Lagoon. I'm actually going through it, along with Hellsing Ultimate, One Punch Man and Psycho Pass.
Good taste.
My biggest gripe with prison School is that we've been in Sports Namek for ages now and there seems to be no end to it.
Hey there Junko-friend.
Only 24hs to go for another Despair episode.
is Grimm Eclipse a good Musou game at least?
If I already played it, and maybe watched some gameplay. Unfortunately it doesn't play like a Musou game.
Well, I'll put it were WeissBro said, it's pretty bad. For a first RWBY game, I've expected more. I felt disappointed on how rushed the product is.
Right now, they're making DLC for now. I do remember the price is gonna be $5 or $9.
Hey, how's it going Yangbro?
My nigga. She was one of my biggest 2D crushes before I met my waifu along with Minatsuki from Deadman Wonderland.
I can't fucking wait.
Amelia of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
She manages to slay entire armies while maintaining maximum cuteness.
M&B:W (1257 Mod) and Sunless Sea
Water. The heat has followed me back from holiday.
Red Dwarf. Finished One Punch Man and Steins;Gate a few days ago.
Stone Sour It's just like Corey Taylor to name a song after the principle chemical used in abortions, the creepy fuck
Despite my best efforts, I have still been unable to find any more decent art of my waifu. The search continues.
To be honest she's only strong if you get good level ups. And she's super weak when you get her. It was really hard to keep her alive in ultimate mode.
I'm not sure calling off the relationship so suddenly was a good idea considering how depressed she is, but having an obligation to one less person is great.
Pic kind of related.
Don't have to tell me. Luckily I don't much care for most of the other characters so protecting her until she hit General wasn't too much of an issue. Many were sacrificed on the altar of love
Sacred Stones is the Awakening of its time though, super easy FE game so it's not that difficult.
I'm talking about ultimate difficulty romhack. Available for FREE at halfchan's FE threads. I think. Don't know if it's still there.
I want to go running with Emi.
I want to anal Emi
My nigga
What's with this sassy… Lost child?
Sorry, had to follow up,
I just ordered a few custom posters of my waifu, they should be arriving next week.
Do you have any merchandise of your waifu? If so post pictures.
Doom 3
Could be more comfy. Still too hot outside
No, I'm not a filthy humanities major
Unfortunately the only merch of my waifu is a keychain of her weapon. I only got three plushes, a Blu-ray of V3, and a boop shirt that is coming it's way
Right now I'm saving as much as I can to buy myself a ThreeZero figure, for $150 or $172. The plushes of my waifu was already sold out, and yet they haven't restock yet.
This is waifu thread guys, keep your gfs or whatever to yourself.
I can only find this one figure by Banpresto
I'd like to buy her figs but they're too expensive and I'd rather spend that money on vidya.
I don't know about waifus, but I think Mileena is above any and all other vidya grils.
why is OP always bisexual or faggot
I've got pic 0 preordered, won't be ready until November. Pic 1 and 2 just came in the mail yesterday. No actual pillow for it yet, I'm still hopeful I can find an appropriately sized one somewhere offline. Pic 3 is everything I've got so far. Looking into expanding the collection in the near future.
ID change due to phone
I know that feeling. I've been told by some of the people I fight against that I play Jack-O completely different compared to other Jack-O players, and even if they wreck me in the matches we play, they still get agitated during the match on occasion. It's a weird feeling, and I don't even mean to get them that mad. I'm just playing with a playstyle that works for us against our opponents for the most part.
The fact that there are devs doing this more and more is a sad and scary thought, but thankfully karma gives us justice and games of devs that do this get poor sales along with the devs getting bullied. Though it is sad to see a series that deserves a good game get a bad one due to these kinds of devs.
A clever way to put new fans of the games in despair actually.
Ack! Forgot to add this question!
Unfortunately, the only mercy I have of her is her game, as almost ANY guilty gear mercy is sold exclusively in Japan. There is a t-shirt I'd really like to get, and an upcoming figurine that was announced that I'd LOVE to get (no pics of said fig yet though).
Pic related though is the shirt I'd like to get.
Merchandise. Damn my phone sometimes.
The Clawed Girl from They Bleed Pixels.
Because she never gives up and she never stops being cute.
Grim Dawn,
Not much,
Dark ambient.
For the most part.
Neither of us are the formal essay type.
Um… Guys?
What did you need?
Just wondering if that's a waifu material.
That's up to you, but jiggly breasts do not a waifu make. Fap material, probably, but not necessarily a lfelong partner. If she has a personality that appeals to you, spend some time with her.
Too fat for my taste. Fit is good for both body AND mind.
Going well, I've noticed my win average has gone up since Juri's been out. I'm sure a large portion of this is character unfamiliarity, but it's still gives a nice confidence boost.
my brother and our friend have developed a genuine hatred for Juri because of the sets we've played. Every time we sit down to play I end up getting bombarded by "die in a fire", "your waifu a shit", and "I genuinely hate her, you know that?" type comments after I end up winning. I guess that means I'm doing something right, so it doesn't bother me too much. They don't have to like her.
No way, that's a secret.
She is fascinating, and could be real "soon".
Quite Soulless.
Ice water.
Lily C.A.T.
Univers Zero.
Might as well, in a few years.
No cigarette, but she did make me feel like a teenager again.
Damn, this remix is pretty legit
Takane Shijou
She's my girl, my other half. Can't really explain it.
Watched some M&B Butterlord gameplay, holy shit. I can't wait to play that shit.
To my waifu
Not really, only had 5 hours of sleep and I can't sleep now because if I do my whole sleeping schedule is fucked
Someone actually did it huh? That's pretty insane.
Well that's feminism for you. Thanks kikes. Shame, into the trash it goes.>>10417643
Prinz Eugen
Because shes a beautiful girl that leaves me speechless.
Replaying M&L Dream Team is Paper Jam any good?
Old AVGN videos
Titan Quest OST Helos
I'm kinda comfy
No but I made pic related
Okay, no pictures then.
I want to resurrect that smile.
I would like to get some, but no shekels.
Pekoyama Peko
I'm too tired for flowery prose. Just take it on faith that she's really cool and I love her
Class of Heroes 2
Nothing at the moment
Sort of. I'm moving in a couple days so I'm packing up all my shit
Fuck no, not without rehashing the same things over and over.
As if she'd ever get merch
Does the text say something because that doesn't look too spoilery to me
Refreshing the page while typing a post will do that. That's also why there's a post link tacked onto the end
I heard Kat's game is being released at the same time as FF15, even if that game is expected to be shit, it sucks.
Drinking these fucking shakes man. It takes something out of me every single time.
Yeah my browser just closed for no reason.
I guess it's a pretty subtle spoiler, but she's posing exactly like Monokuma.
Ah, feels good to be back. I went to Maui with my parents last week, they really wanted to get out. Was a good vacation.
How's life been, yangbro?
Weiss Schnee
She's smart and pretty and competitive.
Nothing yet, still unpacking
Still watching SZS
Death Grips
It'd probably devolve into stream-of-conciousness rambling pretty quickly, so no.
Best nep
Real fighter, loves her body, trustworthy, strong, tall, will have your back if necessary.
Mostly EDF, but also Vita's Dragon's Crown and MK9
Grape Juice
Some Brazilian animation.
Some OSTs, from Remeber Me to Celceta
Today? Yeah.
I think she would no like to have a hazubando this autist, so, maybe it would not be a good choice.
she's perfect, ain't she?
But that's wrong.
Wish I could but Figmas are expensive as hell.
Muh Niggah that's some good taste right there.
Forgot to post pic.
i wish Kat was more popular
The remaster sold less than the vita game so god knows how bad the sequel sales will be, not enough to justify a third game that's for sure.
It's sad, specially considering that the new Final Fantasy is considered to be shit.
Who's your waifu
Azura from fire emblem fates
hair, face, and kindness to name a few.
What are you:
replaying trails in cold steel before 2.
I have her necklace and a few of her cards
She is probably not going to get a figma or anything which is a bit sad.
Last thing I bought was a drawstring bag for my arcade stick, if that counts it was custom ordered here's an image of it with both of my statues.
Something about Junko's new outfit makes me think of Anna's alt in Tekken 6
Have the figures+plush in the pictures (from LEs) and the custom Blanc keychain from the second picture. The Blanc vs. Zombies figure is somewhat lower quality than expected with a few minor paint issues, but not bad overall. It's probably the only figure she'll get for a while anyway, considering most go to Neptune or Noire.
Find it hilarious that Persona of all things could take it down. A relatively major company with what used to be one of the most iconic RPGs ruined by an okay high school sim powered by waifus.
Yeah, they do look pretty similar. Junko looks better in hers though.
I want Lucario to bully me physically, sexually, and emotionally so that I become dependent on him
Oh I won't disagree with you there, I was never a fan of the Williams sisters in Tekken, don't know why. that, and crazy 2D chicks are best for a multitude of reasons.
Lilly Satou. Tomorrow's our first anniversary, actually.
For her physical beauty and her kind character.
Water was the last thing.
Does not apply.
Not much.
SPMD, MHGen, I have being thinking about getting Pokken
This past few days have being very hot, so lots of water.
Vidya OSTs like usual
My semester just begun, so I will put my 100% into my classes, For him
Sadly, the only thing is a pretty old plushy. I would buy more things if I had the money.
That's a pretty big chest.
funny today is actually mine
Amen, brother.
Happy Anniversary and early anniversary to the both of you, and here's to many more years to come.
How big do you think his cock his user?
I'm curious, have you two ever observed if most people meet their waifus at some specific time of year, kind of like how most people are born in September (due to most people living in the northern hemisphere with winter forcing you to stay inside, possibly with a girl, resulting in more oopses on average, etc)? In my case the factor was summer break from school and an excess of free time. Is there a waifu meeting season the same way there is a human mating one?
If there is one my money would be on the summer when people usually have more free time than usual.
All of my cartoon crushes have gravitated towards the early and late months but maybe I'm just an outlier.
I'm not sure, honestly. I mean I can't say much for myself seeing as pinning down an exact date that Juri and I get together is difficult, but I know it was sometime shortly after SSFIV came out, so I just use it's release date as our anniversary; which is in April.
Happy early anniversary you two!
Hope you two have a great day tomorrow celebrating and having fun together!
And a happy anniversary to you two as well!
Hope you two are having a wonderful day together and having fun as well!
Digging through IGG-Games
the calendary awaiting for these threads to die
vib-ribbon soundtrack
Don't know, I met my waifu in February and she became my waifu sometime in late February or early March, so I just gave the date of March 1st for our anniversary.
Amaama to Inazuma It's great, but it hurts to watch
CRYSEHD's album "Serial Killer"
Think I'm going to get back into Wildstar
Vodka. Probably going to quit drinking soon.
Professional wrastlin in a bit
Vid related
Oh right you can't do both.
Bullshit. When you're hooked on someone or have any regrets which you obviously do, you tend to compare them to attractive people.
When I liked a girl I compared her to Kat Dennings all the time, just because my hormones refused to believe she was average at best.
so how many of you are gonna kill themselves after the 20th this month?
Literally sparkling lemonade.
what is going on?
Why would I do that? I dont go to waifu heaven if I kill myself like a filthy coward. Whats after the 20th user?
Im not sure what you mean there, bud
That's what I thought too until I tasted it. It's just not the same dude.
sit back and enjoy the view, trips kun
just tell us
We looking towards interesting times I think, 6.5 trillion is reported missing from the Pentagon budget this year.. Remember last time 2.3 trillion went missing? Fun times ahead boys
I have a birthday party on the 20th so I cant kill myself.
Why would anyone? A vol confirmed that these threads aren't going to be targeted
just like nobody ever intended to build a wall in germany
None, because Hotpocket-kun said people who post their waifu don't need to worry.
Eh it kind of is. The strawberry one is alright though.
your face when lacks any kind of emotion so I don't know what to make of this
Exactly, because honestly, I couldnt care less if you did or didnt kill yourself
how rude, I care a lot about you being six feet under, the least you could do is feel the same
I do a similar thing. I don't know exactly when I started calling her my waifu so I just use the date I finished her chapter since that's when the seed was planted
Im not going to lie, I felt really bad after posting that. Sorry man
see you in hell
Im a good person, what can I say.
I feel you. Unless I'm sure it's being registered as banter, I generally avoid bullying.
I hate each and every single one of you, I hope you all die after you've led a happy, long life with your waifus by your side.
That was how it was originally intended, but I wasnt being completely untruthful, it really wouldnt effect me to much if he killed himself tonight
Have you been playing Platinum Stars? Is it any good?
dig deeper and say it properly
there's no need to try to look good in front of your waifu because she's not real
If my ID changed, I'll let you know I'm the same YangBro
I know right? It could've been a passionate project, but they just pissed on Monty's grave. If this was good I would've have a legit excuse of posting rubes here.
Welcome back WeissBro, just heading home from work. Motivating myself to get that ThreeZero figure of Yang is all. I got this question, who do you think is the worst self insert? Neptune, or Jaune?
You obviously are unfamiliar with my beloved
Juri is kind of a villain user
I'm certain she wouldn't lose any sleep if you ended it all tonight, that's all I need to know
Hope you two get a happy anniversary for your waifu.
Well at least you guys are not filthy degenerates race mixers that waifu worst girl make way for best girl losers!
I completely ignored RWBY when it came out cause but I can appreciate a good scythe waifu
RWBY died with Monty Oum
let it go
I think you misinterpreted what I said, bud.
I think you'll come to find that I'm here to shitpost, in a designated shit thread where shit congregates, might as well add a dump on the pile
I could care less what you type
Raiden from Metal Gear
He's a cutie. I feel like there is the right balance between him being a strong male character, but also a bishonen twink so I won't feel intimidated by him. He also has a bit of a yandere-streak which I find appealing.
What are you:
Currently some dodgy PC port of MGS1.
Apple juice
Nothing at the moment. Waiting for the new Digimon Tri movie to come out in September
Nothing atm. Haven't really been into music lately.
Despite the recent news regarding Metal Gear, I'm pretty comfy.
Not yet ;_;
You mean murdered, But I agree it doesn't have the same oomph
Scythes r kewl and the grill is kewt
Well, if nothing else, Im glad you're enjoying yourself
And a RubyBro has appeared.
Rubes a cute
His name is Jack.
Jack a cute
thank you
dominatrix with a fat ass
Aage of wonders 3, I just got done pplaying FFXIV and getting all the fucking yo-kai watch weapons for the stupid fucking mount. its not even a good mount its just the minion mount but worse.
water and DR pepper, I really need to drink more water and go to bed because my head hurts like a motherfucker.
absolutely not, my head hurts, my knees are weak, I cant sleep and I screwed up my sleep schedule once again by sleeeping through the entire day.
fucking please kill me garuda or at least make this fucking head ache go away.
Happy anniversary from me too, make sure you love her tenderly.
Do you think Doktor gave his new body a new robo dick?
Good taste, great snek.
P sure ninja Raiden has a robo pussy
best snek
It's alright HikageBro, I missed a few in my time.
BTW, how's the vacation?
Snek is best Senran and no one can argue this.
She'll be fine. I cant stop her, regardless.
Very much so.
That's a hard question. While I really, really dislike Neptune, he isn't the source of the worst 4 episodes in the show. Then again, Neptune is pure pandering in a really annoying way. I personally dislike Neptune more as a character, but Jaune was probably worse for the show. I'm interested to see what he does this season.
Agreed, Blake is worst girl.
Relaxing and fun. Drank a lot of salt water
Izayoi Sakuya
Her attitude and determination to her job. How she looks in her maid outfit, both normal and winter versions. And her timestopping knife throwing moves. It's easier just to say I love everything about her.
Dungeon Traveler 2
Crystal Light
Southpark marathon
Of course, relaxing after a hard day of groundskeeping. Feet are up, already ate, just laying on the couch and letting the time slip by.
When I get more free time I wouldn't mind.
If only the BlakeBro could've claim Penny.
Best Snek More Snek than Miia
Fine taste in maids.
It's good to be home. And it looks like the thread's picking up a bit too.
No worries. We've all had those days where we forgotten what day it is. Good to see you here though Hikagebro!
Your waifu can definitely help you in that regard good user.
But in all seriousness, Izayoi's cool and has awesome powers.
She's really underpowered in the game… Wish she'd get more love.
Friendly reminder that waifus are idolatry.
And that's a problem because…
I sacrifice a goat to my waifu every third full moon and there's nothing you can do about it.
Come, give your own soul to waifuism and experience salvation. Your God is fake, this is true happiness, true bliss.
Accept the waifu
Idolatry is a sin, user.
The Lord doesn't suffer idolaters gladly.
Call me back when Christianity regrows its testicles and maybe ill give a fuck
Considering that body was only used for the mission against Desperado, I don't think so. Plus he lost it after he quick Maverick.
After four bad episodes, do you think Jaune will try to redeem himself? Hindsight might be a 20/20.
Well until god shows up and gives me a slap on the wrist I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing. He's doing a pretty poor caretaker job at the moment.
Also this, waifuism will take you to nirvana. I still like to make a little altar and make offerings to Ebola Chan every once in a while
>More Snek then Miia
Eh, I would disagree. I mean, she's literally a snake, Hikage isn't.
She can be (and the recent patch didn't help things), but that doesn't stop us from kicking ass together!
Can and always will give her all the love I can give her and more.
I don't think you understand waifuism friend
Tell it to people who care, faggot.
Does the lord suffer harems very well? Rhetorical question: if he doesn't he's going to have to suck my nuts because he's a petty, egocentric faggot and so are you.
Take your weakling of god to the dustbin of history where it belongs and cry yourself to sleep, creep.
So has Mark said anything concrete yet?
What a nice selection you got there
I swear Monty didn't die for this. I could see them pissing in his grave.
Our Hikagefag joins us, good to see you mang.
Friendly reminder that my waifu is not my god
To be fair, I shall accept Yang with her struggles, and hardships. I don't really do "that" to her.
I love my waifu. I love her with all my heart. I would take a bullet for my dear Agrias.
Do you love your waifus, anons?
I know he isn't a god but that wont stop me from spoiling him like he is.
with every molecule Im comprised of.
Of course.
I love her so much I want her to kill me.
I love (and hate) her so much I want to kill her.
But of course.
I may die, but my love never will!
I would get disarmed for Yang, and lose a leg. That is how much I care for her.
I would go head first into a warzone if it meant for Houshou's survival.
You know, I am pretty sure this is the second time I seen you shitted up these threads with this argument. Since it is clear that you are just legitimately retarded, can you please explain to us all how loving a fictional character is worshiping them as a God?
>waifu harem
>edgy "God is ebil" rant straight from reddit
What do I do
disgusting, she's a fucking cripple, she should be sent to the camps for a shower.
Don't worry, user. Just remember that each waifu is unique and different from one another. Just because some else's waifu happens to share the same face as yours, doesn't mean that they are in fact the same person. You both perceive her differently, so your own perception of her is unique to you, and only you. No one else can change that.
Challenge him to a duel to the death.
You know what you have to do now.
Oh good so I didn't get cucked out of my waifu. I already bought a shirt of her, after all.
It's good to see anons so dedicated to their waifus. Remember that your waifu loves you as much as you love her.
With all my heart and soul. I'd defend her with everything I am (and make anyone who'd try to harm her wish they could do more to stop me).
I do. I love her a whole lot
Are you the one from /mai/? I admire your massive collection of merch
Or just call him a niggerfaggot and ignore him.
One's true "waifu" is a Valkyrie called by another name.
I like you user especially because mine's also a 艦むす.
I wonder if WeissBro knows about the new DLC updates from Grimm Eclipse? Even if it's still tanked in sales, they're trying to win us over with JNPR.
Nah dude, just a long-time /monster/ dude and snek enthusiast.>>10423303
I have decided to take up arms. May the bastard who tried to take the one I love appear and challenge me.
>Who's your husbando
Mai husbando is Chihiro Fujisaki from the Danganronpa
>Why do you love him
Aside from the obvious cuteness, he's very kind and intelligent.
Fantasy Life and Mon Hun Gen (though I'm not very far at all in that one)
Final Destination 3
The Browning
>Are you a bad enough dude to write a 150 page essay on your husbando?
Maybe not an essay, but I've got something else in mind.
Would you suck his dick? I know I would, almost best danganronpa
Go get him!
It doesn't really matter if you are fighting over trash.
I really should just take of my days off from work and just play play play it through until I'm goof
Well, I had a lovely dinner.
does that even need to be asked?
of course I love her.
just post with her. it is only a big deal if you make it so.
Don't feel bad you'll get a hang of this soon. You should do more work, you'll promise her cookies if you work hard.
I know I should just keep playing till i improve, it just hate losing I'm actually gonna try to teach myself to bake cookies this weekend
I absolutely love her.
calm your tits.
What kind of cookies are you looking to bake user?
This seems revelant
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
roll into little balls
smush them into cookie shaped things with a fork
bake 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes
Holy shit is this MMD?
You can't pick and choose.
I was thinking chocolate chip
And that sounds like a really EX PZ way of doing it! I got almost all of those, except for butter
So you got plans for you, and Raiden?
>inb4 "Memes, Jack!"
W-We're just going to quietly enjoy the night together while playing old PC games.
What do you mean you can't pick and choose? Nobody cares if you love one version of a character over another.
im back niggers
Crit monster supreme
For Sun/Moon I plan on making an all fire team post-game.
Just need to see the rest of gen 7's fire types before I decide.
Mega Man X Command Mission on Dolphin
Not my fault the Crab-man put you in the trash.
Chocolate chip is easy mode, go for Macarons
Does he have a regular dick or a robodick?
Though here is a decent recipe if you aren't up for the task.
None of your business.
C'mon user I'm a beginner! I don't want to end up making poison or something. But thanks for the help
just like the Weissbros vidya duel that never happened? come on m8, its never gonna happen.
from experience, dont smush the cookie dough too much, even better just let the balls as they are an let them get progressively flatter in the oven.
No, just no, macarons are a pain in the ass, the margin of error is just too great.
did mark change the email field so I can't meme with it anymore?
Also so cookie tips for the desired texture:
Use these when looking at a recipe or when creating your own, to estimate what the cookies will be like when they are finished.
Super useful if you don't want to waste time on a recipe that makes a cookie texture you don't like.
I want to make sweet music with Miku.
Well…this seems very useful, I take it you've got experience baking? I just hope my first time doesn't end up like pic related
One of them was up for it, the other just made excuses.
I love the power vocaloid gives hobbiest musicians, she was designed with a great philosophy. I kind of rediscovered her a few months ago after going through a long rough no internet time in my life and haven't been able to stop thinking about her since
Some light nethack before bed
Nothing currently
Vocaloid radio
Macarons are so simple patisseries should be charged with extortion for how expensive their prices are.
It's just meringue user. The only step that you have to watch out for is over/under-mixing while folding in the ingredients. The link I gave shows you what it should look like.
Now making pastry cream from scratch is another matter.
post more
Practice makes perfect RubyBro.
Might cap this, need this as reference.
Might as well get back to it.
Tried 2 times and fail at both, so I said fuck it and never did it again.
Yeah, cooking, gardening, and baking are hobbies of mine.
I've worked both as a line chef and as a sous chef for caterers. Even ran a small outfit of 11 cooks for 3 1/2 years, catering events up to 650 people.
It's a great hobby to get into, everyone loves eating/talking about food, and people will be impressed with what you make even if it is mediocre.
Also a great way to meet friends and girls
Nah, no PS4 only xbone
Haven't actually played an idolmaster game in a while, there was that one game that got localized while but lol iOS
Ya'll ever name your accounts after your waifu? I think in every game I play I have some variation of the name. Frankly only reason I play LoL on occasion is my account has the name Iori Minase (although shit gets weird when other idols add me and try to roleplay. This happened more then once).
I actually made cookies this morning, they may be easy but always a house pleaser. Going to be having a BBQ in a few weeks so I might go full out in treats, sugars awful for you but just so good.
If you're new to baking its better to start simple and work your way to more complicated things. Also KitchenAid one of the best investments you'll ever make.
No because I'm not my waifu.
Keep at it man, it pretty much took me half a year to be able to make pastry cream with the right consistency for my head chef.
And since this isn't a job for you, you can have fun and experiment with it, no pressure whatsoever.
Don't worry about failures, you can eat most of them.
Hell the first time I made chocolate chip cookies they were more soup than anything. Keep trying and learning and you will be making quality product in no time.
Always saw it more of a tribute thing.
I'll occasionally change up my steam name and what not as a tribute to him. Other than that, no, not really. In RPGs and MMOs I'm prone to making my character look like and named after him, though. I've tried to move away from that because honestly I think it's a bit weird. I don't want to roleplay as my waifu, I want to be with him.
I don't have a waifu yet, but playing TW3 my heart fluttered when I made Ciri cry. I felt so bad.
Why does this this mean Holla Forums?
What do you mean?
Yup, it also builds your confidence too.
A mixer, a crockpot, and a cast iron skillet should be standard in every person's kitchen.
You should pursue her and see if she's the right one for you.
All this talk of cookies and baking makes me want to eat cookies with Jack-O, but I need to turn in soon for work. Perhaps another time.
Can't say that I do. I do however try to make her in games I play as best as possible, mostly if the game allows you to create a character for yourself and a partner (Dragon's dogma and Freedom wars are a couple off the top of my head).
essentially. You'll know if it's meant to be good user.
At the very least, it sounds like you'd be adopting a pretty badass daughteru!
Yeah, its definately something to think about.
meant for
Might gonna rest, the managers at my retail are interested in me putting more hours to my work. Also Hastings is closing, and it's being auctioned off for liquidation.
From all the discussion on baking, at least MiiaBro shared some info.
I appreciate you posting this.
You really shouldn't be asking something like that.
Just keep playing the game and interacting with her. If it is meant to be things will flow naturally.
No problem YangFang.
Have a good week fellow waifufags
Went 3-1 with UB faeries in the modern tourney, better than the last couple times where I 2-2'd.
Maybe. Who knows with RT
I can't run the game anyway.
Our waifus a cute. I'll be honest, I've edited Ruby out of pics whenever I can, but I do that with everyone.
Did I miss something?
Considering how Gravity Rush's creator doesn't care much about sales and some FF fans are assuming the new game might flop, i think Kat will be alright
That's nice. It's good that their expectations can be tempered instead of going full EA and demanding impossible sales numbers, then killing the studio because they couldn't get those numbers
This, at least were getting the game, i heard it's common for japanese games to sell less because they have a smaller market compared to the US
Good morning fags, anyone have dreams of their waifus?
Yeah, it was fun and comfy
I don't dream of her.
I wish I did.
It only just occurred to me my name field was taken up.
God dammit, /mai/.
I didn't want to chat with you guys anyway, fuck /mai/ you bunch of safe space faggots. Except Claw Dad you're a bro and have been around from the start, love you.
Didn't last night, but a couple of days I did. It wasn't that great of a dream, she hesitated when we were going to kiss. But it was still nice being with her.
Can't argue with that point
Sadly not tonight. Just moments where I hear and/or see her name or a milisecond image of her before my dream drifts off to somewhere else. My dreams for the most part are getting more vivid though, so I feel like I'm getting close to being able to lucid dream.
I always found that weird when I go to different boards on this site where it saves whatever you put in the namefield when you posted in one board had to catch myself a couple of times before I hit post, though there were times where I still forgot.
>guro fetishist
>pushing it on your "waifu"
>being upset you were banned
At least you had one of her.
And about the safe space, at least it's a place to not get shitposted constantly when you want to talk about her. It can be a bit relaxing sometimes. Sometimes.
I'll always prefer the pace of the Holla Forums Wednesday threads, though. /mai/ is just slow.
Yeah, it's pretty gay. I don't pay attention to it because I didn't even notice it was a thing.
I've had a couple of dreams with her, that was just the most recent one, which was like a week ago.
It's still a safe space, sure shitposting isn't there, but there's also no banter.
The weird thing was no one seemed annoyed with me or anything and I hadn't even been in chat for a while. I didn't go into chat talking about tearing Hibari's guts out or anything, I just do that here or on my own. I think some new mod was probably triggered by my username and banned me which is bullshit. People should be able to handle IGoNutsForHibariGuts.
I laughed.
Banter is usually in the irc. The board is only for waifuposting.
Thus why I mostly just stay in the irc and ignore the board.
Actually, it was Claw Dad that put in the final ban, if I remember correctly.
I believe there was a small discussion about it after you left sometime in… February, or so. I'm bad with dates so that's probably wrong.
man i wish i can remember what the hell i was dreaming of
i always seem to lose any memory of my dream after i wake up unless i recall it immediately
is this normal?
Yeah it's normal.
Thanks man, but you were banned because of the no extreme fetishes rule. Same one that keeps out scat, NTR, etc.
I do wish to have dreams of cuddling Yang. While I become a little spoon
I got no comment
I guess I'll just hold that ban and take issue with the rule.
I had a dream about cuddling with Takane while being the little spoon, I didn't enjoy it. We switched after I asked her.
Wait, there's an IRC?
Fair enough, no hard feelings.
It's for /mai/, but you can come along if you'd like. Visit >>>/mai/ for more details.
It's normal, but you can improve. Keep a dream journal and write down anything you can remember at all the instant you wake up. I did this in middle school and went from words to pages. It also helps with nightmares, esp. parasomnia, which is why I did it.
hmm, i'll try that, but instead, im gonna use my phone's notepad for the journal
thanks, man
Holy shit, Bleach finally ended, after 12 years its finally over, thank fuck.
Nope, never. The closest vidya related dream was one about Quiet (from MGSV) I hate Quiet
went to /mai/ once, and man its a shithole.
I could never get into starting a dream journal. I really should, though.
I heard Bleach has ended too. Dunno why.
All I can say about Bleach ending is this; ABOUT FUCKING TIME! That series went way too damn long.
I have, but sadly not last night.
Agreed. Was never a fan and it just seemed to drag on. Good riddance I say.
Might samfag again, but I feel good that it ended. It took too long.
But yeah, I wish there was a waifu board more like these threads, where I can funpost and express my love for my waifu without fear of being banned for being 2extreme.
I want to hug Yang to cheer her up, and tell her that she can still fight.
I don't want to see more Yang suffering.
Agreed, it was a fucking chore to read 15 pages of nothing and then spending one week to see how a fight keeps dragging on.
Well, it wasnt a property that SJ wanted to keep around, specially since it doesnt have the popularity it had in the mid 2000s (considering they have things like hero Academia now that is a moneymaker).
Also, the whole thing dragged on way too much, the last arc had been going on for more than 2 years and the final boss was just asspull galore.
Im glad its over.
I wish. I've only ever had two dreams with her. I wish it happened more often
Back from workout.
Pretty happy, I gained like 20 pounds of muscle/fat, mostly fat honestly, but I'm at the weight that I need to be to go off to boot camp which makes me happy. Don't have to drink those fucking shakes anymore.
Just finished watching the latest episode of Despair Arc.
Great episode as always.
Yeah, /mai/'s rules were pretty vague when I first started going there. Then some got changed slightly after a few off-board incidents. I personally don't take issue with any of the rules probably because heavy femdom is as "extreme" as my waifu fantasies go but I do think they need to be a little more lax on certain things, however I can completely understand where they were coming from with the case in point, tbh. It really is the best waifu board out there, though
Can't argue with that. All the other waifu boards are utter shit.
/mai/ is a good place for discussing serious waifu related stuff but sometimes it's a little too "no fun allowed" for my tastes.
On with JunkoBro's side with this. I'm pretty much comf with that board.
Sadly not, I did wake up in the same position I went to sleep in with my arms wrapped around the poor simulacrum of her that is my extra pillow.
I think they're too lax on things that they shouldn't be lax on and not lax enough on things that they should be lax on
/mai/ seems to be very chill. Too chill
Seeing some RWBYfags in the waifu thread, I'm surprised nobody claimed Penny, Nora, and Emerald
Here's a look at Kat's new dress
Yeah, but I think that is part of the reason why it is as good as it is, the rules keep out unsavories like ponyfags and memefus. So it's really a double edged sword.
I'd say that's pretty accurate.
I agree with that regarding /mai/. Sure as Junkobro said it can be stricter and more "no fun allowed" sometimes compared to our threads here on Holla Forums, but I still consider it the best waifu-specific board to have waifu discussions, talking about our waifus, seeing others happy with their loved ones, and all around being a comfy place to take a break from either vidya or fun/shitposting on other boards (even with it being slower and less active than before)
Looks pretty neato. I'm pretty much a sucker for costume swaps.
Agreed, should've wished this board was active.
Me too
I do wish Arc systems redeem RWBY, by making a good game. Diverse Roster, Music remixes, and respect of the source material, with Xrd's mechanics. Seeing it as a fun game, someone might put this as an anime fighter in Esports, could you imagine how the tier list goes?
I don't like their idea behind what to do when someone has the same waifu.
Well maybe that's good enough for you, but that shit does not work for me. I like to take my relationship with a 2D girl much more seriously.
Yeah, I can't agree with their views on that either.
I hope it gets a Linux port
I can understand that. I'm lucky enough to say I've not seen another serious Hikagefag yet.
You have no arguments from me there, I feel the same.
Forgot 3rd part. If you are even still here.
Yeah, I feel the same.
This world has room for only one Junkofag.
Jack-Obro. And that's me!
Even if there's a few Yang's, but I'm the true YangBro.
So does the new RubyBro
so does he what?
I'm even surprised I never got another YangBro, but are you talking about RubyBro?
There are many who loved Lucina but they flocked to other women. Their love was false.
Me? My love will never die! For I am the one true Lucinafag!
One and only one, for as long as it lasts which is hopefully quite long
oh, sorry. I wasn't sure what you were saying.
Before the thread is kill, reminder to love your waifu.
always and forever
Always and forever.
Remember to love your waifu gently and lovingly.
My waifu is naoto and she's real cute
she's also smart and boyish to boot
I was playing some Project Zomboid earlier since i had it and haven't played it since like several years ago
Annie May
I'm planning on going to bed after i write this and do some stuff, so ye
Maybe if i get really bored, i could do one over a few weeks that's longer
I want my waifu to bully me with a nail bat
What if she likes it? pls ignore the fact that its yuri. yuri is bad
That's one despair face right there.
yuri shit
but what if my waifu plays rough?
How about Yuri undertones? Hand holding is alright
holding hands is okay
I always do that, though I'm not very good at expressing it
Some bullying is ok
Headed off to bed, Holla Forums.
I hope to see this thread last a little longer tomorrow.
'night hika
Good night m8.
Nice trips.
Probably won't
Yeah, I wager we've only got a couple hours left.
I don't think I'll be here next week. It depends on when I can get internet set up in my apartment.
good luck with your new place
Always and forever.
fuck yeah i made it in time