Monster Hunter General /mhg/


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>MH Wiki:

>MH4U Relic Chart:

>MH4U Relic Chart Detailed version:

>MH4U Relic Spreadsheet:

>MH4U Moveset Charts:

>How many times will I have to hunt in order to get _?:

>Ping's MH4G Dex:

>Athena's ASS for MH4G and MH4U:

>Attack Stat Stack Chart:

>Kinsect Flowchart:

>Kinsect Ingredients list:

>Arena Armor Recipes and Requirements :

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>Hunting Music:

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Reminder that sexually harrassing monsters is against guild regulations and will get you arrested.

I've never seen a monster get three kills before HR Glavenus. It was so cool I'm not even mad we failed on his first super tail sweep. I lied, I'm fucking pissed pubs are this stupid.

Daily reminder that hunting horn is for legs only.


Tried Final Fantasy Explorers after hearing Dragoons were in and it's a pretty soulless MonHun clone but enjoyable for what it is, definitely wouldn't pay more than $10 for it but not bad enough I don't want to play it

Still working my way up to G-rank in Big Guy edition

Talking about secondary games, what do we know about Monster Hunter Stories so far?
Any hope it'll be entertaining?

But user what if the monster sexually harasses me?

Standard procedure is to carry a dung bomb on you at all times and use it for such cases.

Checked the MH wiki and not really much besides a compilation of promotional videos and character art. Might be worth checking out when it's out.

You should already know what to do.

I ain't into that, man.

Reply to custom quest topic posts from previous thread.

I'd want to do this, that sounds like a fun fight, a bit tiring and a bit challenging, but still fun.

Hellblade tickets have no place in this, you could replace them with the chance of VE ticket variations.
There are too much accolade tickets, especially since it's 100% chance, it must at least be cut in half.
Ancient fragment? Did you confuse it with ancient shard?
Hyper scales, ghoulish horns and black blood are too should be abolished. Maybe in favor of some other quest. If you want to include unrelated rewards, then make them related somehow either by including the monster or by including the monster, invasion for example or make some quest lore where area name got devasted by really powerfull monster name\disaster caused by monster name's actions. Right now those rewards are no good.
Or you could just leave room for some other custom quests.

Also, that.

The only monster I've ever seen get three carts was Alatreon.

That's because I don't play online.

I started playing some Level 90+ Yan Garugas and my left thumb eventually started to hurt after 4-5.
Does it ever happen to you?
Got any fix other than to stop playing for a while?
I'm using old 3DS XL+ Circle Pad for that sweet analog.

Does it run badly on the old 3ds?

It's locked to 30 frames but other than that it's perfect , and i never had any problem with the camera thanks to the analog.

Something worth noting is that the circle pad is weightless, which makes the whole thing unbalanced given it sticks out on the right of it, i get it they didn't want to make it even heavier but it's awkward to play like that if you're not used to holding your hands on a table or on your legs.

I feel it improves the 3DS's balance because it's such a nice big grip compared to the normal form factor. The 3DS has always been a very unbalanced, uncomfortable handheld thanks to the top screen hanging out like it does. Back when I was using the O3DS XL I almost never touched it without the CCP because it was so much more comfortable.

I'd do the same for my N3DS LL if not for the fact that circumstances are different and I carry it around with me places instead of just play it in my room. In that situation I prefer to keep the thing in a carrying case, and the piece of shit garbage nub is serviceable for MonHan.

I was lucky cause i got kid icarus for €10 because of a massive discount, and they had pic related in the box.
It's more comfy than you think it'd be and i prefer it to the circle pad for every game that doesn't require it because i suspect the Bluetooth connection it shares with the consolle drains the battery a bit faster.

How about a comment about no sticker on the lower left part instead? Retarded owner, wouldn't play mh with, 0/10.

The stick would catch a lot of powder and skin under the analog
It also looks better if i put the circle pad on cause it's black on both sides

I kinda wish some of the bow skills like spread shot wasnt so shit compared to rapid fire.
Also when I keep on charging does it give it extra damage to my bow if I fully charge it?
Or should I just focus on spamming my highest level bow attack?

What are you talking about, spread shot is superior for things like elemental and status spam. You just have to be smart about it and pay special attention to how you aim so all of the shots land, and so the middle shot hits the weakest point because it does the most individual damage for the spread.


I miss Sand Barioth.

I switched from a 3DS XL with CirclePad to a N3DS XL only for MHGen.
But even with the improved Hardware in very rare occasions I have minor frame drops (fights with a lot of effects most notable vs Amatsu so far).
As side note: You can always disable the 3D in the main menu options to improve performance. However I read this also turns off anti-aliasing.

Also noted… the circle pad is way more comfy to use than the N3DS clit knob.

The problem isn't really the hardware, but the engine. The 4th gen engine just runs worse than the 3rd gen engine did. 3G/U averaged an easy 40-50 fps constantly on the O3DS. I don't know what they had to sacrifice the framerate so hard for, it's not like the new areas are any bigger than the old areas (and the textures still look like ass as always).

The middle does the most damage? Huh.
Normally I prefer rapid fire since it builds up a lot of meter for hunting skills. Also piercing shot, because long range.

But thank you for the info. I will stick with spread since I love status effects.

Blast spread shot is fucking awesome man.
That, and pierce element damage on very long bosses like water against akantor/agnaktor.

I was thinking on getting a blast element and see if I can get a blast coating skill to stack with it.

Assuming I can actually do that.

Can't tell, i only ever had bows as multiplayer buddies.
But if you aim for fast kills spread blast is best, except for things like rajang but what can you do.

it seems to be a pretty unique monster collecting game so far with a focus on things you normally do in the original game + using monsters as allies in a rpg style gameplay and it seems to be balance, so far everyone is useful at something.

they already comfirmed alot monsters from flagships to favorites of the series in the game
it might be worth the pirate
there are more demo videos of monsters if anyone is interested is seeing another one

I barely played 3U but FPS never really bothered me there. In 4U the FPS in single player was all right on the O3DS, only in multiplayer drops were notable.

Also I can't tell for areas, but in 4U the N3DS used high-res textures for Monsters. Not sure about Gen though. The only thing I know is that the loading times are much better.

Naa fuck this
Gold and silver is pretty fucking bad as well

God village quests are awful this gen especially with a HH like the fuck am I suppose to even do when I cant even hit the monsters


Tracing stylized "air" effects when you swing your weapon, use arts, hit the monsters and so on.
It's the first iteration towards upgrading the game visually from this point onward, Gen is sort of a giant "experiment" trying to implement things that will then be polished and implemented in later games.

See it as a sort of rough preview of future ideas both visually and mechanically.

pickle monster is a cute

MHGen. room, round robin quests. If you're using a HH, make sure you go for the tail.

Pass: 7243

2 slots open if anyone is still interested.

Im 20 hours in and i've only now got to rank 4.

At least you're not a HH user

Those fucking shit tier gather quests. And now I'm stuck farming charms like a retard without knowing what exactly I'm looking for.

83 hours or so, HR5 and pretty much just building a needlessly vast armory, like I always do. Can't complain.

So I made a solid early HR set to try out GS, and I really, really think I suck at this weapon. My kill times are insanely high, and I spend so much time not attacking because the post-4th gen speed up makes good openings few and far between. I had the most trouble so far with Zinogre and Khezu, the latter of which is a fucking shitty meme monster and seems like the perfect anti-GS with its constant screaming and lightning fast aoe attacks. Am I having a bad time because I'm soloing high rank? Would I be better served hopping online where monsters are more likely to get toppled?

user the GS is the best weapon in all MH games, if you aren't getting good kill times you're doing something wrong.
charge blade doesn't count, it isn't real

what the fuck happened to hunting horn exactly i dont remember HH being viewed so poorly

It got a nerf then became a meme, in that order.

You can always just spam draw attacks until you are certain you can get a charge off. Monsters are psychic and know what you are doing behind them so prediction based attacks are far harder to do now it seems.

They got nerfed and then autists argued to the point where the entire concept of HH itself has become a meme.

It's fine, don't worry about it, if you use HH keep enjoying yourself.
Just make sure not to hit the head, or hit the monster, or play notes or actually push buttons or move around or breathe or play MH at all.

What's you guys favorite style in Generations?

Dumb forced meme because some guy said HH shouldn't get head priority over other weapons. This of course caused an autism war

Welp, guess this isn't the weapon for me. I'll go back to aerial meme axe.


Aerial, purely for the fun factor.

I mostly stick with Guild, though, since I don't want to pick up bad habits from the other styles and then have to re-learn how to play if the next main series game doesn't include them.


Jinx'd :^)

Sorry something went wrong with the text boxes and I fugged up.

But people said Status Crit works with Blast yet it's grayed out when I carry a Blast weapon. Did they change it in Gen?

Yeah they changed it in Gen.

Guys, styles aren't going away.
Don't just look at these threads, actually get a feeling of the MH community as a whole.
Out there, people absolutely fucking love styles, removing them would cause a massive backlash at this point.

Are they gonna get reworked and balanced?
But they're not gonna be removed.

Instead, what COULD possibly be removed, are hunter arts.

I'm fine with styles staying as long as they're tweaked but hunter arts needs to go.

Fuck now what should I put on my Blast SnS set? Maybe Atk M?

people said the same thing about underwater fights. and look what happened to those.

More damage, at all times.

I know I'm late but hol up

They could be removed but at the end of the day i think they're gonna stay, but nearly every single HA we have in Generations will be changed and re-designed from the ground up.

It's very likely they'll still be in, but we'll see completely different ones, it's by far the roughest and "proof of concept" feeling part of Gen, it's clear they were just testing shit out.

You're trying to get smart with me?
The entire MH community bitched non stop about underwater fights, -everyone-, that's why they were removed.
The MH community isn't bitching about styles, at all, they're welcoming the change pretty much uniformly, and no, bitching on 8ch Holla Forums doesn't really represent the MH community as a whole.

You know full well that underwater fights were VERY despised both on Holla Forums and everywhere else, and people complained to capcom very loudly to get it removed, that's why it was removed.

Is this one of the crimes that makes the Kotoko sweetheart kill you with her hammer?

except that people love and still argue that they were fun but poorly implemented.
Just like styles.

"people" being a minority.
Yes, a minority of people liked underwater fights, while the majority fucking hated them, capcom listened to the majority, so it was cut out of MH.
The majority of people love styles, while a minority hates them, not only that but within that minority most of the people just think they need to be balanced and polished and don't even really want them removed.
Thus, capcom is gonna listen to the majority once again.

This is how it works.

Where's the proof

Fuck off.

Status crit DOES work with blast user. Don't listen to these retards.

Then why is it grayed out? Was it always a secret feature?

Wait, I'm referring to 4U. I don't know about cross/gen. S-Sorry

Oh you better screencap this shit because i'm gonna LOVE your tears starting from the next MH.

"oh man ur gun b so butthurt cap this le ebin tears xddd"
Here's your reply.


You can memepost and act assblasted all you want, mark my words, styles are gonna be in every MH from now on.
Frankly i hope people that don't like styles give up on MH forever once this happens.
I'm going to literally masturbate to their suffering.

Considering the fact that Cross outsold every other game in 2015 despite only being out for about a month at the time, then a few days into 2016 beating 4G's lifetime sales, I can see why you'd think that. However, it's by a different team, and main series head Tsujimoto has nepotism protecting him, so most likely MonHun 5 will not have Styles or Hunting Skills. That said, Cross did well enough that it might get to be a side series like Frontier is.


None of what you just said made the slightest bit of sense.

Monster hunter generations HR round robin

pass is 7654

That's true, sure, however if there's one thing Capcom loves the shit out of, is things in their games that makes them sell more copies.
Capcom is obsessed with sales, way more than most other companies, they'll cut down or refuse to release games in the west if they don't mean their ridicolus standards in sales.
So we'll see.

Very true, but before all else they're very petty old men, hence shit like how they treated DASH 3 or shitting on Devil May Cry to spite Inafune and Kamiya. Personally I think nepotism is likely to carry the day here, but time will tell.

Is the room still up? I put in the ID and couldn't find it.

try this one
pass 0153

I now realise 140GQ relic grinding and 5 random monster expeditions were why i kept coming back to MH4U.


Doing one HR gypceros, then whatever 5* quests.

Kill yourself.

If you're in here Tralf, thanks for the help with Deviant Los. I should have just gone with perception to begin with.

np. They must have changed the deviant monster behavior from normal monsters because they don't even try to limp away most of the time.

Village Requests room. Just take turns posting.
pass: 1112

Room is still up. Doing 5* urgents.



It hurts to be in the minority sometimes.

We're the silent majority, brother.

It was only good for chasing down that faggot Plesioth.

I didnt mind but I only put like 60 hours in MH3U so far.

Then again I can still see its flaws. Hopefully they bring it back and improve water fights.It has flaws but it can be improved, I hope they dont shy away from it since they took it out.

Unfortunately most people really shit all over the underwater fights. Capcom are pretty big cowards nowadays so they probably won't bring it back. Though I think with some fine-tuning it could become really great.

No, but since Gen doesn't have proper high rank village, you'll pretty much have to do HR eventually, even as a solofag.

I dont think we'll get any more water segments until they bring the games back to a dual stick system due to the nature of moving in 3 planes. I seriously do hope they bring it back honestly, because seeing Lagiacrus dive into the water AND NOT BEING ABLE TO FOLLOW HIM RIGHT IN THERE fills me with a deep sense of loss.

You can with the N3DS with the mini dual stick if they made one. But we wont see a new hand held until the NX or whatever replaces the N3DS.

I think I'm in love with guard lancing. I can't reliably hit counters for shit, but the arts are all fun and being able to block just about anything is fantastic. I think it'll be a fun alternative to HBGing. That being said, is there any method to countering in particular I should know about? And is adept lancing any good?

I'm someone who has never soloed the Hub quests but I'm not really having any problems with soloing everything in this game.

any other completionists want to do duo turns for all the shitty low rank gathering quests?

Fuck collecting shit by myself, and fuck cycling turns between 4 people
will make a room if someone's interested

oh ok then
I'm sure as soon as I hit high rank I'll give more shits about cats because I'll be getting them better gear.

Oh I was on the same boat until generations, but that game forced me to do guild quests to have any high rank. The hub quest monsters have a bit of a health boost, but otherwise tt's perfectly soloable so far, even the elder dragons (I'm at HR5).

Yeah I'm nearly done 6 just working through the hyper monsters.

I started out being neutral on them, but over time i noticed i absolutely dreaded going back to those hunts as i put more and more hours into the game.

Not only that, but i think the biggest indicator that shit wasn't working out is how the community started approaching Abyssal Lagiacrus.
NO ONE, and i mean NO ONE fought Abyssal Lagiacrus fairly.
EVERYONE started just going LBG elemental counter set, and exploiting the geometry of it's level to take him out, by hiding at the right spot of that little corridor behind the pillar or whatever it was, essentially taking him out from a distance avoiding most of it's attacks.

And i'm not talking "this was the fastest way to do it for azn tryhard speedrunners", i'm talking "this was THE ONLY WAY everyone fought him and would kick you out if you didn't show up as a gunner".
Why? Because everyone fucking hated that fight and wanted to cheese the shit outta it to get it out of the way.

Thus, it's clear underwater fighting had to go, when your entire community cheeses hunts and literally kicks out people that want to hunt propely because they reached the point where they're so fed up with underwater hunts they gotta speedrun them or they see them as a waste of time, they -had- to go away, it was clearly completely unfun for a big majority of the community.

you should still try to shoot cats to get rare shit if you havent stockpiled a ton of those already.

Should I go through Hub and hit High Rank before taking on Hypers? I made it through Village 5* quests and killed Seregios in 6*, but I've had access to Hyper Monsters since Guild 2* (only now Guild 3*) and I'm not sure what level I'm expected to be at going in.

Is there a way to cheese certain deviants for quick kills? The Hellblade IG and the Thunderlord SnS look good.

The deviant stuff is pretty meh for minmaxing.
And no there's no way to cheese them.

I did a rank 9 double Hellblade last night and it wasn't so bad. First time fighting it too. Fighting them normally isn't as much of a pain as I thought it would be.

It's probably because you played better cause you were focusing.
My struggle is always finding myself into the comfort cycle:
Am i the only one?

That's not a thing in Gen. Area-change animations now have priority over all other animations including staggers and knockdowns.

What, seriously?
Shit game.
I remember one of the most memorable times in 4U agains a khezu was killing it with a flying bomb while it was flying up to run away.
You're telling me that's not a thing anymore?

Ichinose definitely watched some speedruns on YouTube. He removed Felvine Bombs from Gen and I imagine the area-change animations were tweaked to put an end Dung Bombing flying monsters and then staggering them out of the air as they try to flee until they die.

vid related

…what the hell is that shit on the screen?

But that's a very specific exploit to a very specific boss.
They could've easily fixed it by making it so the boss would stop trying to escape if it was interrupted.
But no, instead they just wanted to ruin the fun of chasing down a limping boss and tripping it while it yelps for his life.
Fuck you.


I really hate that I can't flashbomb monsters just as they lift off, it has to be before they lift off. Fucking garbage change. Give monsters a new move when they're in limping mode instead of locking them in a fleeing animation. Doesn't help that in MHX/Gen monsters tend to change zones 20 times a fight.

The hills area with that really cramped area is a huge offender.

Abyssal was just a cunt to fight though. I don't think that is clear evidence that underwater fights should go away entirely. It needs more work though. Most weapons are shit underwater, depth perception is much harder underwater, evading is shit underwater. If you weren't at such a disadvantage then it could work.

That's not the case, though. I was playing last night and we tripped and killed a monster while it was trying to limp away so it could fly off. What got removed is the ability to knock down monsters who have already started the flying animation.

What like a vehicle section? Take your little combat sub into the inky blackness to fight the caedeus and more?

How about a boat? I can't imagine a submarine working but it does sound cool.

Boats can't go underwater.

Maybe Ceadeus can come above water? I don't know. I would rather have more fluid swimming.

Anybody up to clear some key quests for LR?
Currently the only 1* quest I still need is Royal Ludroth.

That's why I said sub, or the fantasy version of one that's more agile.
More battles on a boat would be sweet though.

Just create the room and share the number here and see who joins. You might get a few high-rank people willing to help make the whole thing trivial.

Oh I see what you mean, tiny subs for each hunter? That might work if done right.

ID: 55-8733-0945-3008
Pass: 1359
Just doing LR Key quests

Trying to get into the SnS, torn between guild and striker, can someone more experienced tell me the drawbacks of striker, because I'm not really seeing it.

Last I checked striker lacks the a charge hop thing.

All you're missing with striker is the charge backhop move (the one you do by holding backwards + A). Other than that they're identical AFAIK.

I've played 3U for 600 hours and I never cheesed Abyssal.
With that being said, I only slayed him twice because he's the most unfun fight of the whole game, he's pretty much a frontier monster shoved into a mainline MH with the inflated HP and the huge AoEs

Welp, thanks for helping me with the royal ludroth at least.

Jesus fucking fuck how much fucking fuck damage does it fucking take to fucking cut Durambofucks tail?


I thought you cut Duram's tail with blunt damage, not cutting?

Information on this is a bit conflicting.
Some people say any damage works, other people say only blunt works.

Personally, i've only managed to do it with blunt.
It has two damage phases, damage it once and it's cracked, damage it twice and the final part will crack open and fall off, that's the "tail cut" that you can carve.

I can't remember ever doing this with any cutting weapon.

I don't if this is in generations only or something, but in 3U I cut it multiple times using GS and LS

Well now I feel even more retarded than usual. Was hitting the tail and not the tip.

Why are there so many unsatisfying tailcuts like Pinecone, Astalos and this fat faggot, where only a tiny piece comes off?

It's not. Anything that flies and can be dunged is susceptible to the same strategy. Monsters like Tigrex are more difficult with shorter area exit animations and fast flying movements, but it's still possible, and even easy against other families like the Kut Kus.

If they want to stop cheesing like that, they should focus on limiting traps first.
I mean, with combo books you can make 5 traps per mission can't you? It's fucking insane, and that's per hunter

You can break the tail with cutting weapons. I did it earlier today with a longsword.

Furthermore, I forgot you can mine the tail once it's broken in half. Wait for Duramburos to do a flying slam and you can mine it while he's not moving, like mining Uragaan's back when it falls sideways.

Anyone up for The Marshlands Nightmare and The Descending Fog to unlock Savage Jho?

4. If you're lucky the cats might lay a trap each, and in a place where it's actually useful, but they're usually too worthless to do that.

Post a room nigga

Which one of you faggots did this

Any fags here wansns run through some of the Hub quests
I've just got to them after finishing most of the village quests and wanna have some fun with Holla Forums fags

Best waifu.

Pass: 7536

Unlocking Savage Jho

What about pitifalls though?It'd make it 5.
8 if you bring the mats to craft pitifalls too.

I have bad news user…

Go drink some bleach.

The material to make both kinds of trap is something you can only carry 2 of. Thus, one of each type of trap, and two of the combine material for a total of 4.

Why did you smear poop all over the picture? Wait, don't answer that.

We're not gonna kick you out of the thread for acting reasonably, user. No one's making you fit some Holla Forums stereotype to be here.

Oh yeah, trap tools.
Still, 4 is already a fuckign lot when you consider that every hunter can carry that amount for up to a total of 16 traps in a single hunt.
My point is that there are other, easier ways to cheese the game that they haven't fixed

What if there is a gender difference that makes females look like crap? :^)

Since when is being homosexual acting reasonably?

At most they would have smaller fins and be less colorful.

Mistus are like those ocean worms or Holla Forums sleepover threads that stab each other with their dicks until one becomes female.

To be fair, if you have four people beating on a monster anyway, there's no way you could need even four traps, let alone 16, so I'd say that's the issue beforehand. 4 is a lot for a single hunt, but I'd say it's fair simply because hunts where you need to bring the monster in alive exist, and god knows I've had times where I simply can't pull off the capture because small fry monsters either get in the way or knock me around or god forbid paralyze me while I'm working. Besides, the monster builds up tolerance to the trap to the point where it barely lasts after a while.

Any of you guys on a homebrewed 3DS? I'm not, but I'd like to be, assuming I can still play online and my save files won't be utterly decimated.

I think you can, but you should ask the homebrew thread

On a homebrewed/piracy-capable 3DS, my save files are just fine and playing online works just fine.

Hell, with a piracy-ready one you can even dick around with your save-file and give yourself stuff if you're a shitter who fears the grind.

If you mean switching over to a CFW, then you might want to backup your saves before you formate anything. You can do it once you get basic homebrew running, it's a pretty basic process.

Haven't seen that before.

Pass: 1488

I've created a neat set and I would like help getting all the materials necessary for it. Most should go fast, but Akantor Fangs R and Silver Los parts are on the table.

Should be fun though.

What weapon would you advise against a Daimyo Hermitaur? I'm having a little trouble here

I feel like bow would be fine if you're a gunner. I run meme style switch axe, so I just bully anything that comes by.

Anything but hammer and HH honestly. HBG/Bow fucking decimates him.

Did the HBG get a nerf I didn't see, or was I overhyped on the prospect of pellet shot?

HBG is fucking stronk. Adept HBG is bat-shit insane. They removed the limiter-removal option, but with siege mode being so accessible with adept, it doesn't even matter. I was testing out a build with the La Foi and Shot Up and just siege moding all over the place. Went through a ton of shots really fast and managed to clear quests in record time with a group. It's what I was doing with the insanely quick Rajang mentioned earlier. I definitely wasn't doing everything, but I was definitely doing a metric assload of damage.

Sweet, hopefully i'll be able to go back to my usual gunner set then.

Pellet is still strong solo, or in organized groups of gunners.

Pellet is like Pierce. It's situational.

Use it on Zinogre's head.

Is it any monster with dual headbreaks or just Tama and Zinogre?

Really? I've only gunned a few times and when I did, every other shot type seemed to outperform pellet easily (not counting bows).

From what I've experienced, it's easy to lose pellet critical distance and that leads to a massive dps loss.

What other monsters have dual head breaks?

Alatreon, Garuga, Kutku..(I think), Shaggy Maggy, Rajang

I've got a Seregios set with Sense, it gives a lot of leeway.

Someone a while ago said that you can use any HBG you want and you can pick one just by design, is this true? They do have very high raw so I think it's true but I'm not fully sure.

You still need to look at recoil, reload speed and what ammo it carries. Many weapons are viable at max level of weapon though.

What about the new one, Altalos or whatever? I remember getting what looked like two head breaks on him, but one of them might have just been staggering him out of his electric mode or something.

Anyone mind helping me with posting a few harvest tours I haven't unlocked yet in HR?

Getting fuck-all rare scarabs from leeching off ore mining lobbies

In mh4u I heard that you should get artillery novice and eat for felyne bombardier instead of going for artillery god on a gunlance. Is this true?

That was me. Here's the thing with HBGs. You really only need to worry about three things. The reload/recoil, the ammo cap, and what you can siege fire.


The reload should never be above Below Average if you plan on using Normal 2/Pierce 2 in NON siege. E.g., if you want to use a HBG but don't like or can't use siege mode. Average reload will load Normal 2 in about 1.5 seconds while Below Average will load it in about 1.7. It's a negligible difference and doesn't really matter much in the long run. Pierce 2 is slightly longer of a reload than that. Generally speaking though, even with a slightly longer reload, pierce 2 (even 3) will out-dps normal 2 guns assuming you hit ~half of the piercing hits (as pierce ammunition tends to out-damage normals in ideal hitzones by double, even triple in some cases. Recoil should never really be an issue. If you're Normal 2 gunning, I don't think there's an HBG in the game that can't fire it with no recoil, so this should never really be an issue. If you're pierce gunning, most will be able to fire at least pierce 2, which is all you need. Pierce 3 is badass when you get it to complete it's hits, but that very, very rarely happens on anything but the biggest monsters. So basically, don't worry about reload, and only worry about recoil when using pierce guns. Pierce 2 requires "Some" recoil (one step down from average) to fire without a delay.

Ammo capacity will simply be what determines the kind of ammo you'll be using. ONLY WORRY ABOUT NORMAL AND PIERCE AMMUNITION. Status shots should be reserved almost exclusively for LBGs, not to mention they almost entirely require low recoil to fire without delay, so they're insanely slow. You can still bring along status shots if you really want to, but don't expect anything other than poison to really ever have an effect. You're much more useful doing damage in the time it took you to fire all 12 para 1 shots and still not get a para on the monster. Bottom line, you're looking for (typically) at least 5-7 pierce 1/2 shots per reload in a Pierce HBG, and 6-9 Normal 2 shots per reload in a Normal HBG. Internal shots are gimmicks that you don't really need to worry about too much. They can be useful, like slicing and triblast, but like I said, they're the gimmicks of the HBG world. Don't rely or care about them too much unless you "just HAVE to use long 2 and go full sniper mode."

Siege fired ammo is the last thing you should worry about. And this is ONLY if you plan on using it. Some people prefer to be more mobile. You will do more damage in siege mode, but you're much more vulnerable and if a monster goes out of critical distance, you're going to be hitting much, much lower until you either get up and move, or they come back. This is why I tried my Shot Up with dedicated Siege mode-ing Normal 2s. The critical distance on Normal 2s is MASSIVE with shot up. I was effectively in critical distance the ENTIRE fight. With teammates getting aggro, I was just laying into the monsters non-stop. It was glorious. Although, I had to make a LOT of ammo.

That's about it. To recap, Recoil/Reload is negligible in most circumstances. Don't use it for pierce if you can't fire Pierce 2s and virtually anything works for Normal 2s. Ammo capacity is as simple as looking at the ammo caps and thinking "the clips are higher for Normal 2/Pierce 1/2 so this must be a Normal 2/Pierce gun, I'll use it for that! Internal ammo is cool, but it's whatever." And finally, siege mode is only relevant if you actually want to use siege mode. Many people don't, many people do. It's personal preference. If you do, just make sure you follow the recoil rule above with pierce, siege mode doesn't negate recoil.

So yes, since raw is almost always high for HBGs, you can use virtually any HBG you want (based on looks or other criteria) and still dish out damage on par, and even much better in a lot of circumstances, than most melee hunters.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything. Any questions?

this is gonna keep happening isnt it? I already have PTSD from 4U

IIRC Felyne Bombardier completely overwrites the artillery skills and it's stroger than them.
Or maybe it was Felyne Pyro the one that overwrites the Bomb Boosts skills?

Way to invalidate your whole guide, man

As someone that has spent over 500 hours hunting with the HBG, the HBG is not about fun, its about fucking monsters

How so? He was wondering if what I claimed (you can use an HBG based on looks alone and probably be totally fine) was truthful. And I put that together to show that, while generally it is, there are some tiny details you need to know before just picking an HBG up and using pellet 2 with a 3 shot capacity and above average recoil.

I love the Queen's Farflier. Shitty for siege, but it's a good normal HBG. I love the Total Absolution. Not optimal for a pierce HBG, but it still does more damage than most hunters I play with. Both aren't optimal, but look significantly better than most other HBGs, which is why I stick with them.

Firing a high-powered underarm cannon at a monster's head is definitely fun in my book. Especially that fucking amazing feeling of breaking every god damn part on a monster's body.

I just got to HR in Gen, and my hermitaur armor is no longer cutting it. What's a decent LBG set to shoot for right now? I wanted seltas armor, but I think I have to kill seltas queens instead of the drones.

Yeah, you'd have to kill queens. Honestly for HR Gunner armor I made the Metroid suit before even fighting my first Seltas Queen in Gen, but I had to go in as a boomerang palico for that.

That's true but it's more of a CB thing to gem for Novice and eat for bombadier. This is because CB had a phial damage modifier cap of 1.4. So you get 1.1 from Novice, 1.3 from Bombardier and you're good to go. For gunlance there is no such shelling damage cap. So feel free to go with Artillery god and eat for Bombardier if you want to do damage with shelling.

Am I just shit or are the Hyper Lavasioth's hitboxes fucking borked?

Prowlers can be used to cheese hyper monsters ?

Does The Field's a Stage unlock any equipment?

HBG, along with LBG, are without any shadow of a doubt the azn tryhard speedrunner weapons.

I'm not saying you can't play them for fun, but you'll be in the minority, generally speaking people only whip them out when they're tired of a certain hunt and just want to speedrun shit (or those hunters with the mindset that they MUST optimize and speedrun shit from hour 1 to hour 800, and don't give a fuck about any form of fun, generally asian).

Gunners that want to play for fun usually gravitate towards bow.

This is why I want to learn LBG.

I've done it myself for sure while farming certain mats, even tho i'm not proud of it.
If you're having a hard time finding mats off some hard hunt you just slap an elemental set and make a LBG that counters the specific monster you need to farm and go online and enter a room of soulless LBG farming shit just like you are and you do the same shit 600 times.

It'll be the most soul crushing unfun experience you can ever have with MH but at least by the end you'll have all the mats you need.

As i said before the quintessence of this was Abyssal Lagiacrus.
Farming Abyssal Lagiacrus was the equivalent of putting on your white collar work suit, punching in your card and going to work in your cubicle for a couple of hours.

I didn't get that far in 3U I made it to the Lucent Narga. It triple carted my friend and he got so buttmad he never played again. Playing the very end of the game alone was just completely uninteresting to me.


Is this thread full of 4U fetuses who haven't met any gunners other than lost hame randoms?

Was never much of a gunner in big guy edition but I tried guild HBG in the demo and it was pretty fun. I'll be sure to give it a go this time around if I can find a decent set for it.

Don't shill polls in irrelevant threads, faggot.

How far into Gen are you? You can get Attack up (L) very early and it's great on any type of weapon. Hunter Arts have really curbed the need for sets catered to specific weapon types.

Gonna buy it tomorrow user.
It's odd though, I thought sets really mattered for gunning weapons. Sure maybe bushido makes evade skills obsolete but isn't shit like load up, reduce recoil, etc. still good regardless of style?

Details like recoil level and shot type specification follow the gun you're using. Don't let reservations about whether your gear's adequate prevent you from having fun with bowguns though. They can kick ass naked like any other weapon and you'll miss out on good times if you wait until you have a full set tailored to a specific gun.


Do Hornetaurs spawn in any map other than marshlands?

nvm found some in verdant hills area 10

Hit HR3 and took on my first solo deviant, Crimsonhelm Azuros. Not that tough but his enraged 6 swipe combo is a bitch if you get cornered and arent adept style i would imagine.

jaggi/bully set with decorations.

Clearly the knochu and rheneplos of MH4U were not enough tackling from offscreen horseshit.

So I've soloed my way to G6 in the Buja set, with only the Jaggi pants swapped for their high rank version. It's gotten to the point where I just don't have enough defense to not get one shot by certain attacks. Does anyone have any recommendations for general use high rank sets that aren't just HR Buja armor?

Well my goal was to not cart and hit exactly the hyper spots, so boomerang palico was good for that. Also had health horn for the team. Wouldn't call it cheesing.

HR Rathalos is pretty nice

Whoops, meant boomerang Prowler. Didn't mean to say I brought palicos online.




It isn't too bad if you use the uppercut. It goes by pretty quick.

MHGen room. Come and post your village requests, keys, urgents, etc. we'll take turns.


Any Rank requirement?

IDGAF about rank

Just doing some event prowler shit now but i have HR3 unlocked when i'm done if anyone needs shit like Teostra for the broken weapons.

Did i just hit it through the fucking world?

It was a pain with that small target, but I can see the weapon being fun. Is there a recommended monster to practice ?

Kezu,Zinogre, tetsucabra. Anything with large windows to dodge its attacks.

If you can consistently kill bulldrome and blangodonga with it, you're pretty much set.

Make sure you match the arrow type to the monster. Rapid for Kirin, Spread/Heavy for Daimyo Hermitaur, Pierce for Plesioth, etc.

Make a few cheap bows of different shot types and pick any low rank village monsters to practice on. What you're looking to do is get a feeling for what distance is correct for each type of shot. If your screen shakes on hit, then you're good - you've got the right "Critical Distance."

Also, a very effective tactic is to get a monster near a ledge and do a flying shot. The force of the shot will push you right back onto the ledge, where you can immediately roll forward and do it again and again. Just aim your camera properly and you can keep it up for very little stamina cost and constant half-charged shots. Often the monster will become knocked over since you're dealing mounting damage, but you're usually slightly too far for the actual mount to occur.

Anyone know how to unlock a solo HR blagonga quest? I still don't have one.

I know that feeling.
We don't really play anymore.
Not sure if i miss him or not, it was fun while he sticked around.

Is it wrong to walk around with your shield up in DeS/DaS? Speaking of shields, if your friend can't avoid attacks tell him to try lance.

The weapons weren't the problem, his mindset was.

The first time you play tough a souls game, no.
But once you learn them iframing trough everything is the next step.
In fact, only in DaS1 you can truly tank hits, in any other souls game and especially BB, it's all about iframing, poise got nerfed to the ground to the point where tanking hits is a stupid idea.

Iframing in souls games teaches you to get gud in MH iframing too, except in MH iframing is way, way, way less forgiving (unless you play adept in gen, then you're basically playing bayonetta).

Thanks, I got a sense of critical distance. Fairly intuitive, really. What about the special attacks ? Power shot is pretty straightorward, but when is arc shot useful ?

Arc shot is never useful. Anything it can do can be done better and easier with regular charged/power shots.

I know.
I also told him he wouldn't like Bloodborne .

Funny you mention that, cause he did use lance for a period, while i used gunlance.
But as i got hyperoffensive with it (shoot flying enemies out of the sky, sidehop a lot and upslash into the tail/shoot the wings) he stopped using it cause he wasn't being very useful at all.
Btw he wasn't being careful in Dark Souls, he was legit autistic.
It took him twice the time for him to get anywhere, and even tho i died a lot, he somehow was so careful about everything that respawn and backtrack time considered he would still take more time.
He completed the game thw first time at level 141, after about 120 hours.
You can't tell me that's alright.

Sinlge HR Blangonga Mission is called "The new Tenant" and is a Request from Kokoto: Wycoon (3)
I don't know the exact unlock conditions anymore except for the Wycoon pre-ones ofc.

There is also a 6* Hub Mission (Request from Humbo Sweetheart in Pokke) where you have to kill 3 of them.

173 hours and my crowning achievments have been leveling up my Stonefist and Silverwind armours. Then I go back to chip away at the slog that is village until I pull out the Hero's Sword. I initially think nothing of it because I haven't used SnS since 3U.

That as until I used it with my Lv.7 Silverwind set and HOLY SHIT this is awesome! 70% affinity is too good, and the SnS Hunter Arts are really useful too.

Until everyone kicks me for using Round Force III.

Jesus, what the hell.

So I just beat the village quests

I don't see what the problem is some people have with the ending cutscene
It's cute as fuck

I guess I'll just keep doing requests then, thanks.

Arc shot can be good for applying status effects to monsters. Since shot damage doesn't affect the effectiveness of status buildup, and arc shots do a ton of little hits, they'll work fairly quickly. They also count as impact damage, but aren't great for knockouts - you want to use it to keep a monster exhausted by hitting anywhere but the head.

Blast arc shots will do fixed damage like gunlance shells, being totally blast damage. I can't say it's terribly effective, and you never want to use it in multiplayer for obvious reasons.

Adept form will replace every arc shot with a power shot. For the same button input, while charging you'll immediately fire a shot one charge level higher than what you would have. If you do the power shot after firing, you'll immediately fire a second shot one charge level higher than your last shot. You almost always want power shot over arc shot.

A slot just opened up for the room if anyone is still interested.

It's weeaboo as fuck. I want a badass hunting video or even some kind of get-together of all the hunters like in MH4U, not some pedo bait and a fat cat dancing.

He may have been grinding shit, doing PvP, getting specific NPC endings, or just dicking around. I know it took me a good while to get that staff that increases souls gained from kills, and that was just running down one corridor from the bonfire in dragon's peak over to the half-dragon sorceror. I even beat the last boss, didn't touch the final bonfire, and went back to do everything else I hadn't done yet. That at least double my playtime for that file.

I would like it better if it was a secret ending for something. Some sort of montage of past games might've been better.

Nothing sexual about it to make it pedo bait, friend. Maybe too much internet for you.

Just treat it like it's Bollywood cause that's exactly what happened.

It might be possible that you need HR6 even though the Mission is a 5*.

I remember doing all available 6* Hub missions trying to unlock 6* hyper lavasioth… I unlocked it after hitting 7.

He played offline, he also didn't care for achivements :^)
He just wanted the most deathproof build ever so he kept being autistic at it until he could oneshot most things.
I think he oneshot the final boss.
Talk about overkill.


My hr is ~60 so that isn't the issue. It seems like an odd monster to lock behind requests or a higher HR, but this is >Gen after all…


He used the dragontooth, enchanted with the crystal weapon spell.
When asked about it he'll reply: "I wanted to try a bit of everything, so i leveled up pretty much all the stats except vitality"
Which is fun, because he would still get two shot cause he had so little HP, which led to him being even more paranoid about getting stronger.

My god that's cute.

It's mostly the fact that she looks like a 7 year old child but is canonically hundreds of years old. It's bait for the closet-pedos in Japan and elsewhere.

I love it and the fact that it makes you gays so buttmad makes me love it even more.

I'm not angry, just disappointed.

So is your dad :^)

Holy fuck, I have been trying to do this fucking mission for 2 hours, and people

Is this the fucking game's fault? Is it just me? I never had this much of a fucking problem with people staying connected in the other games. Like holy shit did they shit the bed or SOME FUCKING SHIT. I would just solo this shit if

I am beyond mad right now. What were they fucking thinking with this garbage.

16+ hunts no no carts or je suis un monte. Upgraded muh mitsu bow too, thanks fam.

If I was a muslim I'd be very aroused by that picture.

Remember how sometimes in old games you'd land an HR quest where the monster had HR health but did G-Rank damage? Variants are like an HR quest where the monster does HR damage but has G-Rank health.

It sucks and the lack of a real G-Rank in favor of pseudo-G-Rank is the biggest flaw MHX has. I don't care if it's "tradition" for side games, it sucks.

Cheers to that. If they're gonna throw monsters at us with G-Rank stats, we should be able to come at them with G-Rank weapons.


Fucking. Got him. Good.

Really? My biggest problem is the style and HA system are really half baked

Daily reminder that Dinovalde died for our sins, trying to protect us from that shit.


Half-baked content is still better than no content. Hunter arts didn't make me stop playing the game. doing fucking everything the game had to offer made me stop playing the game. Straight up no G-Rank just kills the staying power of the title and brings what's usually a 500+ hour video game down to a 150+ hour video game.

I've spent longer on Pokemon titles than I have on MHX.

Maybe next time I'll go aerial pellet HBG just for you, big guy :^)

Shame I had to go do something otherwise I would've stayed for more hunts.

i feel like this was balancing or a bug and only one of the other.

If you have a lightning weapon, Moofah S is pretty good, though you'll want a Fire Res amulet/shoes occasionally. Fighting Glavenus in woollen armour was not my best decision.

That's not sexual at all. Might as well say her wearing a dress and not slacks is an invitation to fuck her.

You'll never need anything else basically.

and so on.

I have been tackled more in 100 hours in MHG than in the 800 hours i put into MH4U.

and of course its always when i activate triple shot.

I don't know if they do it in MHX, but I've been playing 3G lately and I've gotten full fucking body tackled and knocked on my ass by Felynes.

One of the things I was looking forwards to in Gen was doing Alatreon. I remember slaying him like 50 times in original Tri to get that fucking 2% Skypiercer (you had to break both horns) and even after so many times he was challenging (especially with the pubs sucking and failing).
In Gen however Alatreon feels like a health sponge that can occasionally combo you to death.

Also Special permits are absolutely shit. The Monster barely scales… if at all. The only thing that changes in most cases is the objective.

I'm annoyed even with Aerial style they refuse to put Yamatsukami "because it floats".

*put it back in

Poor fuckers restricted to Frontier now.

Ironically Amatsu also floats.
I'm also surprised that Lunastra never made a comeback.
Instead we get Khezu, Ples- & Lavasioth.



I also never understood why they brought back the dromes instead of g. jaggi and it's subs.

Might be the different dev team from Gen compared to 4U.

I'm legit triggered, and it doesn't help i triple carted.

Teostra explodes when his enrage ends (after 100sec).
You can cancel his enrage by mounting him or breaking/cutting things off.

Setting up a clock for lv140 GQ Teostra was a must have otherwise pubs died like flies.

I also forgot to add: If he is enraged, flies off and starts sleeping somewhere, if his nova is overdue he'll wake up and explode right in your face

I'm so over the jaggi/preys/dromes at this point. Maccau at least does something fun with his tail moves. but the 'easy' of ten years ago simply doesnt hold up now. Tetsucabra and Seltas should be the baseline difficulty now. Not "i attack once every 5 seconds and only have 2 moves".

4U stayed at about 60 for me on a N3DS, Gen hurts my eyes if I play too long. The 3D effect seems to have gotten a boost though, Gammoth looks damn fine.

I know a lot of players cant stand the Jaggi anymore after fighting him since tri as first "big" monster.
However I loved the small jaggis going full retard after the great one shouted. Meanwhile you can barely distinguish the drome from the small ones.

I think they bring back those simple moveset monsters for beginners. All they need to do is learn how to play against two moves. And the past monster hunter games have become more and more beginner friendly.


I know that, i'm talking about the ranged nova thing he does when low on health.

I can't stand them because while the Great *ggis and Maccau all have modern animations and hitboxes, the *dromes are all straight copypaste shit that hasn't changed since the first gen. They look and act like robots and it's completely out of place next to the fluid updated animations of other monsters.

Also their armor is garbage re-colors instead of awesome unique sets.

^This, remove dromes.
I'm also completely sick of rathian/rathalos but that shits going nowhere

Ah, right… sorry
After all this MHGen I totally forgot the range Nova was a thing.

Its time to take a break.

Have it start with a Jhen-style boat fight, then have it beach itself like a whale in the Dire Miralis arena. Bam, land fight.



Are there any set piece fights like him or Lao Shan Lung in MHG?

I still played DS 3 with a greatshield stamina build. Miyazaki isn't the fucking boss of me.

Big set pieces like Jhen, Ceadus, and Dala were my favourite fights, I just like having cannons and stuff that you can use. Environmental interactivity is my shit.

alright, enough pubbies, time for a room

It's Round Robin, all are welcome


Lao was the OG and has the best fake out

Not a single one.
Nakarkos is the only really big monster but it moves freely around it's huge flat map.

Why the fuck isn't it in the new games? I keep getting the hunger for BIG MONSTERS and nothing in Gen can satisfy it.

To be fair Lao was a really, really boring fight. Using the cannons, balistas and dragonator is barely worth it and the best strategy is to wail at his legs for 45 minutes straight.

He was but Shen Gaoren, the krabby ancient one, actively attacked the player.

Now imagine him in the age of MHG when shit climbs up walls and on roofs, imagine fighting him UP the tower map trying to weaken his legs to bring him down for a leap attack with so much drop you start to set on fire before you hit it and burst clean through its mottled ancient carapace.

I really wouldn't mind if the MHO variants of Shen showed up in gen5, could be fun.
I don't know how the fights are but they look really cool.

You know Glavenus has killed me a fair few times and the other fated four have not killed me once, but that said i have need actually killed a Glavenus slow enough for it to go and sleep.

What did she mean by this?

*i have never seen one go off and sleep, i've always killed it before it goes limping because its so aggressive.

Its 2am and i have the brain retard.

A reminder since i keep seeing it get people: if you are a gunner you can pop mizutsunes bubbles before they touch you, no need to dodge roll.

Apparently in Dos you could fight Lao and other giant monsters in the Town instead of the Fortress so the fight wasn't scripted. Skip to 14:49 to see a Yama fight in the Town.

Its a shame some of the earlier devs left. Reading about things like the Amatsumagutsuchi fight and how it floored people because in its final phase the music, skybox and particle effects changed, it had its own unique quest complete theme and the devs spent months looking for rare instruments for its theme and settled on a turkish pipe-flute for the track 'robes rippling in the wind' or whatever its called which is a 3 track acoustic ballad.

You don't get that kind of shit anymore, form pretty much most devs.

Try a Blunt weapon, Stamina Drain skill and dung bombs, keep the bastard moving around so you'll see it stagger. Or use Perception so its icon lights up when it's ready, or take two trap Palicos with no other skills, some tranq bombs and fixings for more, smack it with two of them every time it gets trapped.

If Glavenus in particular is fucking you up, try stacking Fire Res, or go Adept and learn the timing for his bullshit.

This is the big thing in MonHun, any mechanic you like you can boost, any mechanic you hate you can trivialise, you just need the right gear.

Interesting. Wonder if the kinsect can do that.

Oh its not giving me trouble, i just notice the design ethos in MHG is "the more damage a monster does the less comparative health it has to others in its own rank"

Like Gold Thunderprince Zinogre gets more damage but because its so high to begin with it doesnt get the hp boost at higher ranks all the others do.

So, it's the Battlements fights from 4? I loved those.


Pass 1488

Looking for help to do hyper Akantor and Kushy Dushy for one armor piece each. Will help with other stuff also.

A 31 fucking minute hunt. The monster could not kill me, it could barely hit me but the damage on my bow must have been so piss poor it wasnt hitting for shit.

I ran him in a circuit from ruined town to reeds to river to woods on repeat as it kept limping and eating about 9 times, i used traps and barrels and that finally pushed the damage in my favour but fuck i have not seen such a 'GET A BETTER FUCKING WEAPON RETARD' fight yet.

If only the Zinogre one had a slot.

These are the prototypes for them.

Just started the Glavenus capture quest, this fucker is tiny! hes like a Brachydios with a long tail!

I swear the USJ one is 5 times larger than this.

I like seeing how far along the city developed. The battlements are hardly there in 2, but it 4 they manage to get shit like the Demolisher.

pass 1488

Scratch above post. I'm farming Duramboros. Join if you would like.

Is there anyone here who hasn't jumped to MHG?
I've decided to stay on 4U because Gen was confirmed spin off, and I wanted to pick up SnS, and if I played Gen, I just know I'll spoil myself on adept style.
I just want to know if any nigs would still play 4U rooms when I eventually finish caravan and get ready for online.

Its a weird situation kind of like the Fable games, how far can time progress before it loses something in the original style?
That weird aztec meets silk road art style has slowly been phased out and i guess its subjective if thats good or bad but i wonder if one day we will see something like MH6 be almost steampunk or something if time and tech keeps progressing.

Lots still do, you dont stop playing FF6 just because 7 exists niggs.

So i just unlocked the urgent for Nakarkos, how tough is this to solo? should i just look online?

Yeah, always look up (really) large monster battles online first, else you'll most likely waste 40 minutes.
But I've heard that Nakarkos is easy, so you might as well just jump in

Depending on how seriously they take the plot outlined in the artbooks, it would be cool if they either did a prequel in the distant past, or kept the timeline going until another Great Dragon War happens. If humans could rebuild after that, why not monsters? They do seem to be getting stronger with each passing game…

Jump in, the Bonesnail is the easiest monster.
Seriously you wail on him for 30 minutes.
That's the fight, he has almost no attacks and he's so nonthreatening you can just learn everything on the fly.

I don't know why people bother killing monsters when it saves so much time to cap. You have a better chance for rare mats too.

Ironically enough, MHG is the reason I've gone back into 4U to get into G-Rank.
Related question: does anybody have a recommendation for G-Rank armor to grind for while still in HR gear? I'm getting really sick of Tiger Stripe KO-ing my favorite gunner set in 1 touch.

SnS is really powerful and Gen and it's hardly credited to Adept. Striker is the strongest SnS style but I personally enjoy Guild a lot.

Definitely don't hesitate to play SnS in Gen if Adept is your concern, SnS's HAs are so good you'll want a style that gives you at least two. Adept only allows one HA to be equipped.

That being said I love 4U. If I'm lurking the thread I'll join a 4U room. SnS is great in 4U too, though not as dominant against other 4U weapons compared to its dominance in Gen.

One less reward roll unless you have tranquilizer, or whatever it's called in Gen.

I think some folks dont know how a fair few of MH4U's monsters didn't get put in MHG so they remain unique so if you want to fight something like shrouded nercyslla you got one game to do it in.

3 rolls at 2% > 2 rolls at 3%

Huh. Seems like i've been mistaken.

I think in 4U it was 2 parts, and a chance for a 3rd. Tranquilizer can increase that with each level of the skill. Depends which part you're farming for, cap might be better in some cases. I think on almost every monster carapace drops are a much higher chance from cap.

I remember plate farming from Pink Rathians in 3U and people recommended caps. I'll probably stick to them anyway if a monster is tedious to fight, simply for the time it cuts.

Room still open, two spots. Duram is a dick.

High rank Gen room, round-robin quests

Every small monster or insect in this game wants you to eat shit and die.
They'll throw themselves into the path of your shots.
They'll trip you as you set a trap or try to pop off an antidote so you catch a free trip to basecamp from Dreadqueens posion.
And they respawn at just the right time too.
And travel across the map just to fuck your shit up.
Prepare to be fucked by defense down, waterblight, paralysis, high speed tackles and a fucking jaggia hipcheck when carving.

Why did they change the AI behaviours to "suicidally annoying"?

doesn't the fire aura skill help with that?

Where the fuck do I get the MHG main menu theme?
Can't find it anywhere
picture unrelated


So i'm fighting Nakarkus and all that happens is both arms break, it dives underground and pops back up with two more, tried sonic bombs and got nothing, i thought you just broke them once to reveal the cuttlefish monster underneath? or is that the HR version?

Narkarkos doesn't go full squid until the HR7 urgent.

So what am i supposed to be doing? i feel like im not getting something here, ive shot the main body and arms with ballista and keep breaking arms but it doesnt appear to have done anything but made the room dark once.

It takes a little while solo, but you just have to beat on his arms and body until he leaves, essentially. When he falls over, you can go to a rainbow spot that appears in a crack in his skeletal armor that is a weak point. Helps do more damage, obviously.

So its Jhen Moran "i'm gonna circle about like a bootleg ocarina of time boss" edition?

you hit it until it gets bored and leaves.

I was thinking the same a few hours ago, was given a quest to capture a Rathian, after beating on it for a bit a Deviljho showed up due to unstable environment. Now in the same area was this Bullfango, but instead of freaking out and running for it's life, as any rational being would when it sees both a Rathian and a Deviljho lurking and raging. It simply charged at me, the tiny fucking lone hunter, and the Deviljho promptly killed it.
Then it carted me because I got charged from offscreen and had a giant pickle flailing over the top of me, not much I could do.
Now I'm not the most savvy on Monster Hunter ecology, but I get the impression the Bullfango is a herbivore, the fuck is a herbivore doing attacking anything that's clearly above it on the predator-prey ladder? Or even being anywhere near something that is quite likely looking to eat it?

I don't remember the small monsters being this aggressive when large monsters were nearby, even Konchu feel more eager to fuck your shit up in Gen than in UUUU.

I noticed almost all the herbivores but aptinoth will randomly aggro on the hunter and tackle them for no apparent reason this time around, its pretty horseshit "how can we add a challenge where one wasnt needed" that reeks of Dark Souls 2 style 'different team has their own shit ideas'.

I think they fucked with their aggression in this, but there were always instances of suicidal overconfidence in the small monsters. Vid somewhat related.

Well that was Nakarkos i guess. Looks cool, musics great, fucking dull as dicks though.

Were you on LR or HR?

LR urgent. I know theres a 'real' fight at HR but god what a boring waste of time that felt like.

Sorry I had to jet friends.


Duramboros Durslamboros party room. Come get anything you need off this tanky piece of shit.

don't worry HR is the exact same fight but he has a laser.

The "real" fight is still really easy and mostly just as boring. Nakarkos is the worst final boss MH has had in a while.


Bullfango are wild boars, and those guys are pretty aggro irl. There's a reason they get wiped out or domesticated anywhere civilised. Not quite as silly as the game, but close enough.

Go deep into the level, there should be better ones there.

Charms were a mistake. RNG was a mistake. Maybe they could make it that each tier of charm has a certain number of points, and you need several equivilant charms smashed together to make the one you want.

Should be getting dragonite, check kiranico for specific locations. I remember even Jurassic Plains giving me dragonite.

You want a fuckton of dragonite by the way.

I've been fucking topped off on ores since i always mine a blue vein with an autistic tier compulsion to do so. I must have like 300 carbalite ore by now. The trend will continue.

Bone squid is trash and a waste of 10 minutes.
Bone squid HBG is pretty good apparently.
Also need Bone squid parts for Damascus set.
After which you delete it from your quest list and NEVER do it again.

They should add a creepy mindflayer/observer style monster that just calls in a range of small monsters to charge you.

Exploring Primal Forest again almost makes me a little sad i'm not going to run into one of the Everwood treasure rooms with that little node under the tree in the lake.

Is there a Palico skill that leaves bug bodies as reliably as using a poison bomb does? Or a weak weapon with high poison? I just hate bug hunting.


boomerang/flashbom build?

It does not matter that I failed. Now all I need is a tigrex maw.
send help

Do it for her.

I just noticed something. I've only heard "Soooo tasty!" once making the 10 meat to keep in my inventory. Since then i've used one once and otherwise used the meat supplied.

Is it just my experience or does stamina last longer this time?

this, and leave your palicoes at home
I don't know if they do this in Gen, but at least in 4U, you would always get 20 poison vials from guild supply as long as it's not gathering mission.
Just get them and abandon quest a bunch of times and get them with a low power bow.

Nice, thanks!

You mean the hunter item boomerangs? Huh, I'll try that.

Yes, they do, and I autistically grab them because why the fuck not? I'll do that. I'll make a bath robe set for carving, too. Or should I use the Status armour I'm trying to upgrade?

Quick correction, it's Poison lvl1 shots. Lvl 2 is overkill most of the time.

Which weapons are you using? Fights are pretty fast now, I've even gone and hunted a HR Cephadrome in the Dunes without cold drinks because I couldn't be fucked starting over.

Adept bow with focus and blast C+, i never reach the point in even my longest fights that im out of rations my stamina is below like 75% of max.

Cool. I'll try with the bow first, I have literally thousands of Poison Coatings, but I'll need to farm a bunch of toadstools for poison shot. I need Chaos Mushroom anyway to upgrade this armour set.

Thinking about it, yeah, it does seem slower. I remember eating through most of a stack of steak back in 3U, though that may have been me just tolerating a hunger debuff on my armour, but I certainly don't need to eat more than one or two steaks to finish a long fight, even in HR

Thanks for the hunts, was fun.

What happens if you go over 100% affinity in MHGen?
I forgot.

Looking for someone to go through the Hub quests with me.

Aiming to get the tick on everything, including Prowler.

I hunt Guild GS only, excluding Prowler, and, while not great, I'm not going to cart 3 times in 5 minutes.

Got any qualms about rank? I'm HR3 and have my urgent for the rank up already.

Nah, I don't care if someone's above/below me in terms of armour. I'll gladly do the urgent first, if you'd like. What is it?

I'm in no rush to do the urgent, I like filling out all quests before advancing. It's the skeleton-squid guy.

Throw up a room and I'll hop in.

Sorry about the wait, gathering 20 shrooms, and you can never find the last few.

10-7332-0345-5710 Pass is 1234.

rip bread.