What happened in Charlottesville amounts to the kikes being fucking terrified. They wanted to shut us down on the internet as much as possible and the timing of this coup attempt suggests that they were trying to make it happen by monday.
They know the power of memes. They know the significance of collectively applying energy, especially when it is accompanied with our own sacred imagery, and they know how powerful it would be if such was done during an extremely rare natural event which is central to said sacred imagery.
Not only did they fuck with us but they tried to fuck with our ability to meme. Let us prove to those kikes that their fears were 100% justified. Let's conduct a ritual. Our ancestors performed invocation rituals by offering cooked meat and fine drink and by constructing idols and art dedicated to the gods and sacrificing them by fire, since that is the one power of the gods which man could wield at the time.
I made a painting for them and will sacrifice it in a firepit shaped so the flames will be a sonnenrad. And since we can wield more than fire now I will ignite the fire with a spark plug and blast some uv light and/or radiation at the painting while it is burning.
Join me! Let's invoke the wrath of the old gods!
Consult pic related for the time your area will be under apex eclipse and start your fire then. And call out to Deus Pater, Zeus Pater, Jupiter Dyewos Pater, Dyeus Pater, Tiwaz… they are all the same God. So pick the one that suits you best and meme to him. I will be going with Dyewos Pater
Look I like the guy alot too, but that doesn't mean he's the avatar of vishnu or what the fuck ever
interesting please post this in the non autistic threads
Jason Wood
They aren't. They have total control over the US military and police. The nation is only 60% White because of a huge swaths of geriatric people. The "stepping stone" president is a massive zionist lunatic who let billionaire jew Carl Icahn alter oil/gas drilling regulations to personally profit and the border wall that he promised to build is hung up in limbo [but he did award the contract for its eventual construction to an Israeli firm].
The jews will simply shift gears and direct their military profiteering to the enslavement, murder, and farming of White people in the conquered West. They will take the new mud population on a campaign of red terror east of the Rhine if their "New Europe" vassals don't sufficiently blanda upp.
This is not really meant to be a black pill post. All hope is not entirely lost. There is a certain level of delusion, however, as to exactly where things stand, what our real position is.
Christopher Flores
It's sad that realism is now synonymous with nihilism because tards can't handle that we are still losing the war just less badly we can still fight and still win, but thinking we are 2 hours till reich time is fucking retarded
Mason Bell
We should ask why they assuming the kid's ethnicity and demand proof he's White and not Jewish or something else. The mother's name is typically Jewish. Who's his father? It's not the army guy is it?
Isaiah Russell
How does the left handle it when they cause violence and death? I think they ignore it all together, or spin it the other way with misleading headlines.
Evan Parker
Why aren't the kid's friends in the far Right being interviewed? Was he a plant with no real history among the far right?
Isaiah Russell
Yes they are. They may have remnants of their old control but their plans have done nothing but fail for hte past two years. This shit in charlottesville was a desperate attempt and it was btfo within 6 hours
David Lewis
I will be having a feast and bonfire with my family the night before the eclipse. I might burn some old dead oak branches but my superstitious side is telling me that may be a bad omen. What do you guys think?
Did you make pic 2 and 3? Those are cool troll crosses.
Carson Morris
Hudson Clark
No memeing is deluded optimism
Landon Brooks
So when a National Bolshivik holds a rally with useful idiots as cannon fodder and a mentally ill Jewish kid runs over ANTIFA the Leftis terrified?
Because I'm pretty fucking sure the Jew is laughing his fucking ass off right now at 4/pol/ and all you god damn morons who supported this CIAlt-right event. So go ahead and get more attention for being austist as fuck and do some public occultism.
Nothing wrong with Tyre though, or Dues Pater as they were probubly my famous ancestors.
Mason Mitchell
No, sorry, but they aren't. At their first attempt at really trying, they have successfully shut down the largest Alt-Right rally ever to take place (a rally that would have been bigger than any White Nationalist rally in recent years), they have taken advantage of the car incident, premeditated or not, to demonise all fringes of the Right with the full backing of the media and hordes of soulless golem who paraded in the streets today and yesterday with stunning coordination. They have stepped up their Shoahing and are now getting away with literally banning websites from their hosts in addition to fresh waves of social media purging. Also, this week the new Joogle AI algorithms for detecting and censoring inconvenient and politically incorrect content are coming online. Chances are that in the future 99% of all our propaganda will simply go unnoticed by the masses, and even unnoticed by all but the most industrious users. The president is literally getting lambasted all over the media simply because he wasn't unequivocal enough. I mean, most of us think that the original comment made by Trump regarding Charlottesville was kinda crap, but still not too bad considering he referred to violence on both sides. Yet even this, apparently even-handed and fair characterisation, was deemed a serious crime, and protests have literally erupted as a result. So the President of the USA has to kowtow to pathetic pressure groups and give speeches he doesn't want to. Great.
Richard Spencer says he wants to return to Charlottesville and hold a new rally. I would be surprised if Dickie Spence doesn't face serious legal problems in the weeks to come, let alone be allowed to organise a new rally. I would be surprised if many of the groups at the rally aren't made illegal.
The Jew now knows he can get away with infringing free speech rights, without even a murmur of protest from the general public. On the contrary, as we have seen the events at Charlottesville have only served as an acceleration of the perverse destruction and desecration of monuments of US history. Acceleration is only a good thing if the end result is in our favour, but the forecast at present doesn't look so bright.
John Davis
Can someone give me a quick what happened in Charlottesville. Was in the hospital and thus am out of the loop. Only heard the car crash thing, but it seemed like there was some Berkeley shit going on prior.
Lincoln Clark
Chase Cruz
So it was an originally right-wing / conservative protests and antifa shits started to attack it as always.
Did the conservatives fight back?
Also what kind of shit did they use to cause permanent eye damage?
Thanks anyway.
Ayden Hill
The police ganged up on Unite the Right protesters while essentially leaving the antifa alone, so the fighting was mostly one way, though of course there were a few good examples of right wingers BTFOing some BLM nogs, like here (5:30). My understanding is that the active compound in mace is actually an acid, but normally it is mixed in solution with an alkali to make it pH neutral. It's possible some antifa chemist made some acidic mace/pepper spray to cause extra harm.
In the words of Richard Spencer, the whole event was a set-up.
Jack Butler
I see. Essentially business as usual. Not surprised.
Grayson Murphy
its fucking magic you disgraceful faggot.
Get the fuck out of here with your concernfaggotry the events in charlottesville were a resounding victory for us. Normalfaggots are posting all over the place "…idk I dont want to be a racist but things have been pushed so far that I have to pick a side and with these prison yard rules only one side cares about me or my family having a future."
If you dont think that is a gigantic victory for us and a huge defeat for the kikes and their pet commies then you are a faggot.
You know where trs is.. Go there and stay there you fucking sodomite.
Aiden Cruz
anything such as mace can be ultra concentrated by an act as simple as being a lazy commie and leaving the shit in your car for months
Isaiah Lewis
Praise Kek.
Jeremiah Bailey
A sacrifice by fire means you no longer have something. If you're going to sacrifice anything it should be the idols of your enemies.
Brody Wilson
Question: would hand gestures like be worth looking into? I've heard Trump watches all his speeches on mute afterward to get the motions correct.
Jace Watson
Get your screws checked.
Dylan Brooks
This tbh
Caleb White
And then? The media and (((globalists))) despise him no matter what he does. Meanwhile his base supports him when he acts in our interests and not otherwise. He's not a dumb man, even if he wanted everyone to love him he must know by this point there is only one segment of the population who will, so why give a shit about the opposition aside from working to outmaneuver them?
Andrew Hill
what fucking drugs are you on and is that "magic" countered by this gif?
Joseph Sullivan
Maybe in reference to the modern liberal's stamina.
Jason Allen
Ryan Moore
Only 6 more days.
Henry Ortiz
No, I didn't make them, I'm not skilled with metal. I made myself an aluminium one which is hortler enough to scare a lesser jew.
As for bonfires, a lot of European traditions have bonfires mid-winter, to symbolically re-light the sun.
Connor Reed
Fuck off, smiley.
Benjamin Myers
Actually, sacrifice by fire - including the practice of burning the dead - is a process through which the offering is divested of its corporeal form and its connection to the earthly plane is severed. In this way it can ascend to the realm of pure being, unfettered.
Jonathan Rivera
We should each print out a hundred or more flyers and put them up around the city, with one message and his image:
Xavier Watson
Consult your handbook or ask for a more up to date copy