Konami proves once again they have no idea what to do with Metal Gear

ca.please use archive.ism/articles/2016/08/17/gamescom-2016-konami-announces-metal-gear-survive
Are you hyped for Metal Gear S*urvive*?

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Archive: archive.is/zH5af

I just can't help but smile now. Things have gotten so bad for the gaming industry that we now have a Metal Gear Left 4 Dead. How the hell is this happening. How in the world can Konami think this is what people want. I'd be mad but it's just so nuts at this point that it's funny.

Why do most OPs fuck up the archive. Are you some dumbass shill/shillbot who doesn't know exactly what they're doing.

Honestly, am I the only one who notices this? Am I missing something? It isn't that hard to archive something, copy the link, and post it. I think everyone here is capable of that.

I forgot to archive.

All threads that are about whatever topic that asks Holla Forums some question ALWAYS fuck up in the exact way.

You won't fool me.

I swear I'm not a shill.

MG has been bad for a long time now.

I assume Metal Gear DayZ will be next. An open world zombie survival MMO with crafting, building, and of course early access.

I don't care if they make it a Metal Gear x Snatcher x Policenauts cross over mega game, I'm not going to buy Kojima games made without Kojima.

I don't think I'll even buy a Kojima game with Kojima. Death Stranding has nothing interesting to show besides a catchy trailer song. I'll just keep playing games on my backlog until the Zelda drops.

You are not the only one seeing this, people can't seem to know how to archive something, I always have to point it out or they won't even fix their shitty OP, they are not shills, just retards and/or newfags, you can't be on this site and not know what is an archive.

lets boycott it

MG has always been bad

This is hilarious

Trailer is out, someone webm this becuase I suck at it.


It's Chapter 3 guys

Also no names and topics? fuck you mark

MG2 (not MGS2) was decent.

Why even bother? they should've gotten platinum to do all the work

come on it's thousand and sixteen, it's been multiple years since the webm format is out

A fucking zombie game?
As if we didn't already have enough of these fucking shit games coming out.

It's obvious that this game was a original IP that Konami plastered Metal Gear branding over because Konami is chickenshit and afraid of any kind of original idea.

Another Manufactured Hype

watch a trailer that has actually zero to do with actually gameplay

Let Media tell you how hyped you are

Gaming websites will be flooded with hype news

you will met tons of shills telling you how awesome this game already is

pre-order soon + bonus mission



30 frames

not optimized for PC

optimized for PC culture

socjus friendly dialogs

it might not look like the trailer



I hate this neo meme

Also, everything is a meme.

smooth 120 frames or nipples been remove.

devs these days are utterly shit.


Even following the Holla Forums webm tuto I still manage to fuck up somehow

What in the actual fuck?

Don't use Webm for Retards or that other program. Instead just man up and use ffmpeg raw through a command line. Or use script or batch files. Still better than using W4R.

Apparently Kojima had no part in Portable Ops or Acid and they were… alright?

Honestly I never played them.

There is a program called WebM for Retards. IT'S SO SIMPLE.


Here's a tip: if a youtube video is less than 1 minute 30 seconds, fucking use keepvid.

Next time don't forget you fucking faggot

Name a single time Metal Gear has ever been socjus friendly.

What does that have to do with anything? He's telling you what they're going to do.


Some socjus are alright, weebs are way worse.

I wonder who is behind this post.

that meme tutorial sucks

you only need two things
and you're fucking set

Portable Ops is good, perhaps not very replayable. I can't speak for Acid. Ghost Babel will always need more love, though.

Exactly, tell me exactly what bring you to believe konami has anything to do with socjus autism, aside from hiring 8-4 to do Revengeance, which they still didn't put their agenda into.


also, something I find funny… that last kill shot. That's the cool thing they have to show off, some chick with a spinning arrow shooting a zombie behind a gate causing a small explosion.

What in the ever loving fuck did I just read?

Why can't Konami just do something smart like license out Fox Engine instead of making garbage like this?

Seriously, they'd probably make a good amount of shekels with licensing , wouldn't even a lot of effort.

I don't think it looks that bad to be honest.

co-ops, neat. Knowing Konami I'm not very hopeful but we'll see how it's like.
Is there a working crack for MGSV yet or is denuvo still giving crackers trouble?

Because "le ebin zumbi sirvivl gayems" are popular?

Allow me to translate:

Marketing says co-op based shooters are hot right now so we're going to try and create a clone game akin to L4D and Overwatch.

Then we're going to latch this onto onto MGS because it's a big name franchise so it makes it less risky and it's vaguely related because it's about soldiers and they use guns, right?

Finally, since we're trying to aim for mass appeal we can't actually have the teams shooting enemies that look like real people because that would raise the game rating and Ms. Soccer Mom might night buy screaming Jimmy the game if it's M. So the enemies need to be people abstracts like weird purple crystal zombies.

Just when you think things can't get any worse someone always finds a way to make something just shockingly awful. Living in the future is just great, I'm honestly looking forward to the next time I'm shocked into laughter at how bad things can get

Then you probably have shit taste.



I expected the cry baby reaction from gaming websites users without knowing anything about the game. It's da evil konami I hate it where is faggotjima. Konami making games is better than nothing to be honest.

Death Stranding has the equation for new dimensions on Norman Reedus dogtag, and in pt the Swedish radio speaker talks about moving dimensions. Now you move to new dimensions with a wormhole in mgs survive.

Umbrella corps 2.0

This time with good graphics and more DLC and Lore rape

How much do you want to bet you're going to fight zombie version of all the characters?


Name a single time Metal Gear has ever been done without cumjimer.

It just gets worse and worse

Isn't Ghost Babel not his thing? But then again Ghost Babel is pretty much MGS1 portable.

I'd think it's a hoax if I wouldn't know Konami is greedy and dumb enough to actually do something like this.

They literally just made another generic zombie survival game and slapped "Metal Gear" on it in the laziest fashion story telling wise possible.

Why though? Seems like a side-op that had to be cut (along with most of the unique ones) but just made into a full game.

The ruse thickens.

So you're trusting them? By all means, leave your back open, but don't bitch about the pain, later.

I liked Acid but they weren't MGS games, it was best to treat them as weird stealth turn-based card games set in a spin-off version of the MGS world. The games both use Solid Snake as their protagonist and have you fight Metal Gears in boss fights but that's about it as far as linking into the MGS plot goes, most of the actual links with MGS come from 99% of the cards you use in gameplay (that let you shoot guns/activate special abilities E.T.C.) are references to actual MGS games (and so say using the Olga Russian-Woman-From-MGS2 card lets you re-draw your entire hand or using the Cyborg Ninja card lets you select a target anywhere on the map which gets attacked by a invisible HF blade out of nowhere). A bunch of the cards used also come with short 2-3 second long cutscenes lifted right out of the games they're referencing when you use them as well.

Tl;DR: If you like turn-based stuff play Acid 2 and treat it as a Metal-Gear-themed game rather than an actual Metal Gear game.

Portable Ops.

To be fair, the worst thing about that game were the controls.

Also I can't wait for the 'journalists' to defend the game's setting by referring to vamp and sorrow
it's like pottery

Never said I trusted them, just that socjus autism isn't their thing.

what does that have to do with it?


So how is it Metal Gear, I don't see Snake or Raiden or Otacon or Ocelot or Anyone

So you trust them to not fall into what is considered very profitable, and practically advertised by most investors to be "in"?

But I thought konami left vidya to go make pachinkos, did that backfire on them?


Need a source. Last I checked, buying into socjus doesn't change sales. I also don't know you're continuing to use the word "trust" as if I believe in them in one way or another.


Why are the fuck are you retards arguing about non-existent SJW bullshit instead of talking about how fucking garbage this game's premise is?

Notice were I said "considered". It's sold and outright forced onto publishers by their investors. They either sell the idea to them, which they force onto the developer, or force it onto the publisher, and so on.

So has Phantom Pain been cracked yet or what?

One user thinks Konami isn't gullible enough to fold into Marxist filth like any other major company does these days, to "fit in".

Well they finally did it. They finally made me want them to go back to making pachinko machines

Looks like this is a game using a bunch of assets that were scrapped from MGS V TPP Chapter 3

source: plebbit

Except, again, through thick and thin, Konami aren't the types to buy into that shit, for one reason or another. Same goes for the majority of japan outside of nintendo.

consider going back

Hello, Spurdo!

For now. Mind you, once upon a time, it would he considered impossible for Nintendo to do what they've done to themselves, this last decade.

The slippery slope is very real.

It didnt look that bad, and at least they moved it to a new reality, instead of fucking up the current one.

this is like that time when the stupidest thing that ever happen happened

except stupider.

THIS is what they choose to invest time and money into instead of finishing MGS5?

Would you really want snake and otacon in this?

I'd like for Otacon to make a 4th wall breaking comment about how the game is shit


This is so fucking dumb, they managed to top the pachinko announcement.

Wait. They could have made a war survival game with you playing as one of Mother Base survivors and they just made a generic zombie game?

Come the fuck on.

Fucking damn, I can totally see that.

What really makes me mad is that MGSV had the foundations for the perfect game.

All it needed was more content and content variety and a more elaborate management side. Now there is nobody in the industry with the vision and drive to emulate it.

I dunno one of the worst games in the series sold 5 million copies

The trailer doesn't even feel like it's from an MG game.
It just goes to show how important kojima.

I use Xmedia Recode and its webbum output is comparable in quality to command-line

Actually it'd be cool if at the end otacon and snake put down the controllers and go out to do a as the credits start rolling.


Didn't most of the kojima productions team also leave with kojima?

I convert MP4s with adobe premiere.
The plugin makes some pretty good webms.

Konami's gotta make its money back after wasteful Kojima's efforts almost sank them.

What's with the massive nose?

Go away and eat chen. You shouldnt be here, no honking allowed.

Inside curve. Most likely just german or irish.

If I wanted to use a command-line for simple tasks I'd switch to a Linux distro


Yeah, I know it's not (((that))) kind of nose, but it's still huge.

Yes, meaning that Konami has no more decent people working for them.
Just look at that shitty trailer. It's like a cheap Kikewood action flick.

Requesting Kojima getting Rape by Konami Photoshops

The trailers are my least favorite bits of any MGS game. Still, gotta agree. I think it would help if Kojima would hurry the fuck up and release something showing gameplay but I guess that's reserved for Gamescom.

One of my biggest hopes for Phantom Pain was a Side Ops where you could play an MSF squad fighting to escape the fall of Mother Base.
Oh shit, nigga-
wait, wha-?

When will Konami stop raping Kojima?


That's funny thing to say because Hideo "I'm not genius like George Lucas" Kojima himself fucked up his series. MGS 4 and 5 were unredeemable rubbish with some good gameplay-elements, but the aesthetics and story were utter garbage.






I'm excited to read some goofy lore a few months after it's released

I don't get the hate, its METAL GEAR WITH ZOMBIES! Just like Dead Island but better! So gonna preorder!

To be fair, he wanted to be done with the series for a long time, which is probably why MGS4 was a terrible game, but an acceptable film with an awful story.

Either way, I don't think he is to blame for the missing chapters in V.

c'mon c9304d, you can do better than that, it's not even bait at this point

To do a what?


Even Underfags are making fun of this shit
Congratulations! Even faggots are laughing you konami!

Whats bait? Some of us like games with action not blah blah blah info wars conspiracy theory crap. We want to play games, not watch them.


Explain this.

So basically its MGSV where all the enemies are puppet soldiers and you get less weapons. Bravo Konami all you did was gutted the original. make a small new map and more micro transactions and sell it at full price.


fug I meant Konami

If you had said "Metal Gear, and not pachinko" I would've been interested. But what even is this?

Fuck off to reddit, shill

I see you too play no mans sky

I wouldn't mind a metal gear survival game if it was a WAR survival game, with you having to get away from cypher as they hunt down all the mother base members, but they had to go full retarded.

It looks like it is true the new CEO of Konami hate videogames.

cookie clicker

it's the best game I'm not actually playing

Silent Hills Gets brought back as a FNAF clone when?

Can you hear the sound of an industry crashing with no survivors?

I got bored of cookie clicker
playing kitten's game instead

>cookie clicker
Not playing
Probably the better decision
Agar.io is better anyway


Been hearing it for almost 10 years. Dont know why its stopped yet.

It would have made more sense to make a Castlevania zombie survival game

go away nazi shitter

Oh thank God. We're finally getting Chapter 3.

At first i was mad, now im just sad. Metal Gear cant even be left to die in peace.

Hurt me more, user!



What's your opinion on South Korea? Theyre alright right?

the fuck.

fuck off

it hurts

reverse it an then you have a bait

I expected the arrow actually do something fun.

Why can't we just get MGR2?

I can only hope the brain-dead normalfags can restrain themselves and not buy it.

the rocket part is even dumber when you realize they could just design the frame to allow you to twist the drawstring.

One of them
Needs to be Konami new CEO wearing a pachinko shirt

The rocket part is even more dumber when you realize that it acts like a drill, if you see that end part again you can see it drilling through the zombie before coming out on the other side.

Can someone list a name of execs at konami? i'm sure there's at least one hebrew name there.


No, South Korea is getting literally, by definition, raped over by Megalians.

What in the utter fuck.

Is that a joke? fuck no Korea is the Sweden of Asia.

But arent they still technologically more advanced than japan?


They are. Japistan is far from the golden days of 80s.



how long until they sell the franchise to Jimbo?

user what did you expect after the pachinko remake in fox engine.

But user says they are, and Korea is pretty advanced. Not North Korea but South Korea.

They won't be advanced once all the men are killed by the Megalians.

What if it turns out to be alright?

Just imagine, in 10 years, women will be getting their asses kicked in warfare by men in South Korea.


The only way it would be alright is if all that zombie shit and wormhole crap is just a livid illusion made by their broken minds after losing their homes.

Well that ruined my morning.

Cucks cannot fight, and women cannot reproduce alone. South Koreans are effectively dodoing themselves and Kommie Dong Un will soon take over.

How the fuck is it possible for a human brain to think in this way?

He actually has a point, what if it's somehow a good game?

Good luck with that goy

They will burn every bridge on earth just to make sure he doesn't come back.

They really believe this thing is a good idea. Didn't you see Konami's comments on trying to win back the fan base?

MGS isn't a series that naturally appeals to normalfags though. This will flop.


In preparation for the 2020 olympics Japan reviewed their gambling laws. The changes are going to screw the profits of pachinko parlors big time, and vidya companies no longer can use them as money printing machines.

SNK already got back into vidya, and seems like konami is doing the same.

I mean come the fuck on, did not a single fuck at the board meeting mention that Armored Core MGS edition wouldn't have been a better idea over this shit? It's fucking MGS ZOMBIE, HOW DO THESE PEOPLE EVEN FUNCTION?


at least they're making spin-offs and not main games, and the FOX engine is being put to good use. Good on them

I saw 4-player co-op. I take back what I said.

they could've just told platinum to make mgr 2, and it would sell 100 times the amount of copies this will
then again I guess 100 times zero is still zero


That made my day.

Silent Hill was canned because Konami wanted to fire Kojima.

It was only 2 years they decided to gut their company just to make pachinko shit and they only got serious about it last year.


The main issue here is that most fans aren't interested in this type of game. Even if MGZ turns out to be the best of its genre and a huge commercial success, then good for Konami and good to their new audience. But future games will just keep doing more of the same and never return to what made MGS popular in the first place.

Honesty the game has a chance to be better than any of the metal gear games since the bar is so incredibly low.

These dubs need a source

Here you go:

But what was the damn point of firing Kojima and basically saying "fuck you" to everyone and everything? Have they always been this retarded?
Oh well, what's done is done.

Feels bad. I really loved MGS theory threads.

I'm guessing that they thought Zombie games were the hip thing to do and that would win back the masses.


Sega makes more money from pachinko than anything else, so this vidya barrage will only grow.

That's one person.
I'm sure you can dig out a few hundred comments like that, they're the minority.

I've heard nipponese corporate grudges are srs business. Stuff like they would be willing to burn it all just out of spite.

We are going to have Death Stranding theory threads instead. Seriously, what the fuck was the trailer even about

Wow, really shaking the entertainment world up with zombies.

I know this isn't exactly a ground-breaking theory, but considering it's got Norman Reedus at the forefront like Silent Hills has had (RIP), I assume it's going to be Kojima's Totally not Silent Hills, but actually better.

I wonder if Konami will pay off enough journalists to get a "b-but metal gear was never good MG fans are babies it was all sexist etc"

It has only gotten more negatives.

Those things were obviously Crystal-Headed Ash Humpers, not "zombies".

Seems like pure blinding rage. They'd even fuck their own businesses' into the ground? Damn that's fucking stupid, but that goes without saying.

1000% this. Especially, when you take into account that there were also some easily forgettable zombie games shown off at E3 this year, which wasn't that long ago



So the first game without kojimbo and they immediately go full retard and make a zombie survival game?
I'm actually impressed they cooked up this horrible idea.

Am saving this for the future.

neither is no mans sky. see it even says it in the name

I'm not mad, i just cannot help but wonder why -after the bombs of operation raccoon city and umbrella corps- they would think this was a garaunteed money maker.

Maybe 8 years ago when LEFT 4 DEAD was still a thing but now? it seems like corporate sabotage designed to fail like an uwe boll film.

Remember Rising ? Kojima was the one preventing Konami from being batshit insane.
Zombies will be the base mob, there will be bigger stuff and the game is going full monster hunter with modern weapons

But didn't kojima want to stop making mgs games after 2? I thought the only reason why we had games past mgs2 was because konami wanted to generate more shekels.

There were zombie games at E3?



Oh wait, I remember there was one left 4 dead game.


Kill yourself GG goblin.

Stop that!

Fuck this. Is there going to be anti-brand slut shaming now?

Will the yakuza control video games now instead?


From seeing that the main character starts with a lead pipe and ends with a knife on said pipe, and the strong wumyn character uses an incredibly underwhelming explosive arrow, my guess is
And from the most cliche ending I've seen from a trailer in a long time
>Fighting bigger stuff like Metal Gears which will be treated as "special infected" type enemy

Yup, they're trying to find what's popular and desperately throwing it at the MG franchise to make some profit. Time to die for good, Konami.

>I mean I'll buy metal gear survive anyways because Im a whore
I mean they said it.

Q: Are there retards with retarded opinions on the internet?

A: Yes.


WTF, why the fuck can't they just scrap this shit and the story is about MSF Survivors (Including Mosquito) making their own Private Force and the soldiers shown in the trailer are the main characters who tried to keep Big Boss vision alive since most of the survivors could have abandoned his vision when he "died" BUT NO they gave us teleporting them into Difference Universe with Zombie killing crap


I think it's a smart move, but not one that I think is room for anything that we haven't seen before. Generic co-op zombie third person shooting game play, probably gonna be able to help up squad mates after they go down. Some weapons look like they could be cool like a spear, though I'm sick of bows and arrows.
I'm happier that they stay away from Kojima's Metal Gear and create their own spin off universe from it, though I'd prefer it wasn't zombie survival.
I would've preferred if they made a game about Snake and Otacon in philanthropy and at least have Kojima do some consulting, even if he literally says two words. A man can dream.

Can this get any more cringey?

reddit pls

It could easily be used to set up the private forces from 4 and MGR, but nope that requires real AI and not "see player, move to and attack" ai scripting of FUCKIN ZAMBAMBOS

I just hope Goemon goes to a good home once they die. Though at this stage I don't even know if anyone could pull off a new game.

I wonder if it will make some people warm up to RE7 since at least that looks like the devs give a fuck even if it is also a stark gameplay change.




I hope the devs won't say to us its Mosquito's adventures on a different universe since in lore he was a guard and survived Ground Zeroes and they might reuse certain secondary characters

Kill yourself bud.

He wanted MGS to be the last one.
Then every new game made to be "final."

Now we're left with an unfinished mess. I guess that's fate.

Calling it.

I said stop!

That's what happens in TPP jackass, have you even played the game?


I don't think Kojimbo even wants the franchise. If I recall correctly, almost every single MGS game was supposed to be the last.

I think what he meant was the Entire Metal Gear Survive is about Mosquito's Adventure in the Alternate Universe then somehow went back and goes off to kill venom


Has Kojima said anything about this, or is he all quiet? I'm genuinely curious to see his thoughts on this, but he probably won't comment.



I'm ok if they make a co-op game in the Metal Gear universe. To be honest I'm surprised it wasn't in MGSV at launch.

As always the sheep/Kojima fanboys are downvoting the video en masse. What a bunch of idiots.

Fuck The Hunger Games.

why can't people use fucking grenades anymore?

They played too much A Link's Awakening.



At least we can repost memes.


Don't act like you guys didnt know this was going to happen.

I seriously hope this is just the "Holla Forums is overly emotional about something they knew was going to happen" meme.







Can you imagine the possible GOTY if someone manages to mod the game and replace every zombie with NPCs speaking kikongo?

I'd buy that for a dollar.



Oh Kaz, you and your race wars, you are like a moder day Sam Hyde.

You're lying if you thought Metal Gear was going to become a generic zombie survival game.

Looks more like hired shills to damage control for the game. I mean, who the fuck would be interested in Survive after having only played MGS2? The gameplay is nowhere near that of TPP, let alone a fucking zombie game, and zombies are going to have barely any story so there is no way it would appeal to someone that liked MGS2. And I like that random jab at Death Stranding, seems like a certain company is still butthurt about Kojima.

It looks fun

In what way?


In the tortanic shitposting kind of fun

I did and it was shit

I think the implication is that MGS2 ruined the series. You know, that thing that stupid people say.

They're on their own.

They are shit.

Didn't Konami drop out of the game to make pachinko machines or casual mobile shit or something? Why is this even happening?

Remember the Wormhole fulton
Remember the Lost MSF people you had to find in TPP

Those soldiers are the ones you had to find that where messed up after they came back and the wormhole Fulton is made from tech they brought back.

MGS has the deepest lore.

Well the girl looks cute, there's a possibility of bossfights if the final part actually leads to it.

If what they're going to do with Motherbase is have you rebuild it while also deal with portal-zombies it would be an immense improvement over the MB mechanics in MGSV.


konami's PR machine IGN doing damage controlle.

i wonder who paid them

i wonder who paid them

i wonder who paid them

i wonder who paid them

i wonder who paid them

i wonder who paid them



This is going to be awesome fuck you guys.

Nope. I knew this was going to happen.

Its called survive so its going to be a survival game Its going to be open world have crafting Its going to have rpg elements Its going to have randomized loot Its going to have memes Its going to have socjus shit notice the strong independent woman of color saving the white male Its going to have procedural generation Its going to be early access Its going to have a day 1 patch day 1 dlc and on disk locked dlc Its going to have other stuff that is cancerous and that body like that I cant remember right now

Sounds better than TPP already ;)

0/10 you need practice.

You dropped your "^"

They said they wanted to "win the fans back" and added swimsuits to MGSV.





will be hyped by media

will be a buggy mess

will have season pass

will be overpriced

will have 30 cinema frames

Will need a GTX Titan for unoptimized muh-graphics

sheeples will defend this, becaue media told them that they need this game

will be shilled hard

will have pre-order

youtube cancer will hype it

will have an IR event for all corrupt journos

will get 50 awards in the next 2 years before it is released

will not look like the trailer

will have DRM

How can it be, that i know exactley why this industry went down the shiiter but not a single publisher/dev? Oh, i think i know why, gamers don't have to be their audience, sheeples are way better consumer, brainwashed by karl marx bullshit ideologie that went way to far and got heavily exploited by corrupt socjus idiots. But hey, they got their audience and as good as this can be for (((them))) they are so braindead that the games don't even need any story anymore.

press 'F' to pay respect
fast food gaming for the sheeples

What episode of Seinfeld is this?


Sounds slightly better.

What a shitty gif.
Take this fag.


he's just polish


It's gonna be Umbrella Corps 2.0. It's got all the makings of a shitty rushed product. It's filled to burst with shitty tropes(And all we have is a fucking three minute trailer) and they're using an alternate universe so they can say "Well at least we didn't fuck with the lore, amirite?" Fuck you Konami. May your death be slow and painful.

Honestly it sound like it could be fun if they do it right but it's probably going to be trash with no depth.

Although now that I think about it. They didn't even avoid fucking up the lore. Because a wormhole to an alternate universe is probably the most overt supernatural occurrence in the franchise's history. So they couldn't even get that right.

Wormholes are in the lore retard.

Pretty good list.

It is, but then again they actually work and doN't just transport shit into zombieland.

Not sure. Fox engine runs on toasters pretty good.
The question is that will they make it in the fox engine, but then again it looks like they do.

You don't know where the wormhole take people through. The MSF staff got sucked in but there was not quick exit, they had to fight the creatures in the new dimension and find a way out.

They did and it messed them up and they became the wandering MSF you find the TPP.

Granted, this is in an AU where a different Skullface's plan came to fruition. Still doesn't excuse them from turning MG into a generic zombie killing game.

user everything you wormhole gets sent to MB instantly, and every personnel and vehicle goes through undamaged. By game's definition it should be a-okay.
Were wormholes actually involved with the ending of GZ? Iirc, they just raided the base when BB was away

It's all I had on my laptop homo.

what? nigga I can still see it

The MSF staff got sucked through a wormhole, they are trapped as they explore the new dimension to find tech to get get home.

Once home they wander the wander the land messed up until Vemon finds them and and they give mother base the info on the tech which MB develop with and entry and exit point.

A wormhole is not teleportation, it has to go through a dimension to get to the other side.

That just speaks volumes of your reaction image quality, fool!
Remove yourself from the premises of this site!

This is after BB gets back to MB after the events of Ground Zeroes as he's flying away with the snatch bomb. This is also an AU completely from the get go. Unless all of the wormhole shit happens during the time BB is occupied with the snatch bomb/getting protected by Medic. It's all a mess.


If thats the case then 10 Wandering mother base staff and Mosquito canonically escaped that shit hole

How else do you explain how the motherbase soldiers survived the "inspection" attack?

This may possibly be third game in the V series that was rumored to be hinted at by Koijma.

Not really. You could go on the entire game of not capturing any MSF and shooting mosquito and then get the legendary jackal and unlock wormhole tech. They have no correlation, and i remember ocelot saying in game that the surviving members are all people who were away when it happened and they are just wandering. I am aware that wormhole isn't teleportation, but it functions, but again, shit that goes through goes through uninjured, AND it's almost instant, unlike fultoning people/vehicles.

Yeah, they just raided MB in GZ and suddenly a wormhole just feels so fucking weird. I think you are absolutely right they'll go alternative universe because shit doesn't add up.

Damn nigga, this sounds like a cool MG fanfic, where´s the lin- wait a sec
jesus christ


please someone tell me this this whole idea of making a MG game a zombie survival was ripped from some fanfic, because you gotta operate in a high level of autism to come up with shit like this

You asked for it.


She's just standing on her hind legs.


>no muzzle
>human shoudlers
>human hip
You just want to trigger me dont you

But where's the penis?

Hey consolefags

This terminal cancer is all your fault

You made your bed, now sleep on it



Delete your reaction folder.

Just for you.


Jesus Christ! a 4 player MGS zombie co-op shooter? What the fuck even! Did Konami take a hit off a crack pipe and just randomly come up with that garbage?


Then why does kaz specifically say they were some of the operatives out on assignment when you find them. Still doesn't hold up

For a moment, I was worried they would create something just close enough to a real Metal Gear game I would be tempted to do something stupid. Like play it.

You uh, you didn't look at the dislike bar did you?

Just because they're a minority doesn't mean they're not a loud minority.


So niggers?

No wonder you had such a ridiculous premise. Bless your heart pablo

I hoped that Konami would reboot the series and maybe at least build on MGSV gameplay formula. But I was an optimistic fool.

Then I guess you are Japanese based on your fixation with weebshit.

Reminder MGS unreal 4 remake was C&Ded.

meant for

You'll have to talk to Hideo Kojima, he's the autist who came up with the Parasite Unit/Skulls/zombies in MGSV.



weebshits pls go

Fuck off kike.

The only answer is that the president of the company must be literally fucking retarded.

Bullying is necessary to weed out the weak and bring out the ones with potential.
The weak should fear the strong.

I bet your mom visits the principle often.
She's probably fucking him too to get you some good-boy points.
You're so weak that your mother has to get you cred.

I'm going to buy it just to spite Kojimbo.

Wait, is that supposed to be bullying?

What's going on.

(((Gooks))) are the kikes of the east.

Looks like someone hasn't been reading the thread.

Yeah it was about VIDEOGAMES but then some weebshit happened, was it you?

You are the weeb shit, Pedro.


I won't lie, I'm probably partially responsible although I did not commence it.
To be fir though, all that could've been said seems to have been said.

Holy shit! Now that's a game I'd want to buy!

Principal, you illiterate queer.
Also, checkmate.

You're just proving to me that you're a fucking nerd.
We'll finish this after school.

fucking damn, what an amateur mistake

Maybe they were going for a prettified Jeremy Renner.

You and me at the flagpole fag.
Bring a condom if you don't want to get aids when I cum in your butt.

It's on now degenerate.


You want to go too nerd?

You are really anxious are you? Take it easy WEEB.

Reminder that Konami paid somebody to go to le leddit in order to enact major damage control and get people on their side again with statements of dedication and commitment to customers and fans only to see abolutely nobody take their bait. You know shit is beyond saving when even reddit doesn't budge to bullshit.

This [CURRENT YEAR] has been nothing but trainwrecks and happenings of the highest quality. 2016 Year Of All Years.

I just wanted Chapter 3
And yet I can't even get that

On the bright side at least Nier Automata is shaping up

Un-fucking-real. I need to see some sources on that one. I just can't get my head around those cucks ever wising up.

I really doubt that. Even Jim Sterling rode on the fuck konami bandwagon with the whole mess that was the mgsv launch.


Nothing out of place here.

jesus effing christ I can practically smell the shilling off of them

What are you talking about goy?
Those seem like sincerely excited comments of fans.
You're just paranoid!

Check how long those accounts have been active for.

You guys blow out of pre-portion with how bad things are
I checked on twitter and there's hundreds of people shitting on it

Imagine if this didn't have the Metal Gear name slapped on the front of it.
Imagine if Pokemon Go didn't have Pokemon.
Imagine if all these games had to carry their own weight instead of being carried by a brand. Imagine we weren't all fucking corporate whores.
Fuck this gay earth.

sure kike

hey as long as people know better


Nobody would care about those games if they didn't have the brand.
You also reminded me of Pokemon Go.

Oy vey! That is anti-semitic!

See? Told you haters. We, the REAL Metal Gear fans will buy this game in droves because we the FANS are getting what WE want.

No one wants to pay for naked man with crying baby the movie. We want to play METAL GEAR SOLID!


Normalfags don't give a flying fuck about metal gear on the premise that it's not call of duty/battlefield. Konami have really dug their own grave this time.

I've got something in my throat
I need to be alone
While I suffer

Yeah and the hand of Jehuty which is tech developed around 2170 already exists in the 1980s and a low-poly MGS1 Solid Snake was developed as soldier cosplay by then too.

NIgger I hope you know the concept of just what "Social Justice" was considered in 1936 is nothing like the kind we have now.



You're fucked up and your shit's all retarded.

Skulls are one of the biggest plot-points in the game, teased since 2013 and they are absolutely fucking retarded.

A game with MSF soldiers surviving the attack on Mother Base and running from Skulls actively hunting you down on an open world would have been better than this shit. Crystalline TLOU zombies? The fuck?

Yesterday, you could have said "Metal Gear epic CoD Zombies survival mode.” and i would have chuckled
Now it's a nightmarish reality.

If Konami so much as touches the corpse of ZoE I will personally fly out to Japan and raze Konami HQ to the ground


Reminder that this isn't pachinko, this is pachislot.

zombies? really?

A chinese company bought the IP, so its shit now.

Pretty accurate.

wow how does this not surprise me

Is this where the ending went to?

You can just search the text and make a guess at the Display pic. Oh the wonders of Twitter.

I could break the Kojima in two, WITH MY BARE HANDS!