Don't buy this trash, you'll regret it. Pirate if you must.
Deus Ex: MD now has a season pass
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Don't even give a rat's ass tbh fam. HR was a great time sink and this one probably will be too, considering the same fucks are behind it. If it ends up being shit, who cares. Not like I could've put that (((store credit))) to better use, considering their stock.
Between all this garbage and rolling out with Denuvo, it's looking to be a pile of shit.
any leaks on the story yet or how bad it is? The hour footage that got leaked definitely didn't allude to good things.
It always had a season pass. Honestly, what game doesn't nowadays?
Saw that 2 hr gameplay video. There is a reason why Eidos refuses to let anyone show footage; it's fucking garbage. And the kicker on the shit sundae is that it has Denuvo. All the more reason to not get this trash heap.
It's written by a salty nigger with a chip on his shoulder, a salty nigger that thinks Apartheid was bad.
You know the one about a million monkeys with typewriters eventually making Shakespeare? Well, imagine what a single monkey with a typewriter can do.
I like how all the mediocre games are "protected" with Denuvo.
Take your fucking meds.
isnt it denuvo 2.0? that old version rise of the tomb raider has? Fuck I saved 120$ on just cause 3 and rise of the tomb raider, holy shit were they mediocre.
Nice try, shekelberg.
But user, what other threads could we be making besides "AAA game will be ripping the player off for the millionth time?" And remember, capitalism the tits until companies pull this shit, then they HAVE to adhere to practices that we demand, even though they'd make less money in the end.
Oh look, it's the "take your meds" guy who gets upset a lot.
yeah, that definitely showed in the first hour where the black chick(who was right) basically wrote off everything Jensen learned in HR because it was offensive.
Wait, what? Can I get a sauce on that? I wanna see the shit show before it starts.
You smell that? It's the bullshit shilling on Holla Forums.
HR was alright.
After playing the original Deus Ex too i have concluded that the entire series is just ok.
The stealth is mediocre, the gunplay in all the games it's nothing stellar, the AI is meh, the plot get interesting here and there but overall it's nothing to write home about, the main draw is "ok you have to do B but you can approach B by doing A, X, Y and Z" so you have many options to approach an objective, and that's entertaining but i don't feel like that element alone carries an entire game.
Overall i don't really put the original on a pedestal.
Nor do i think the new game was an abomination or anything, it's main problem was incredibly stupid design decisions like obligatory boss fights with no "out of the box" options.
The new game will probably be decent if they learned anything from the previous one and iron out the problems that it had, it wasn't that far off from being an overall enjoyable game.
What the fuck did he learn, exactly? There were 3-4 endings. The only thing he learned was that choosing humanity's future isn't something that should be left up to him. I'm calling bullshit, HR was an allegory for the whole Occupy Wall Street shit. There wasn't anything "offensive" to SJWs about it.
In ten years you faggots will be looking back and saying that it was meh. In five years you faggots won't call it shilling. What's your point?
/thread but the original is like the Metropolis or Ctitizen Kane of video games. It doesn't look like shit now, but it was revolutionary for it's time in the way that you can solve a problem in any way you please among other things while packing it all into a single neat little game.
It's SE, don't act like you're surprised. Let me guess, you give them a pass because of FF, right? How many times do you have to be kicked in the teeth before you get a fucking clue?
This game's going to suck, isn't it Holla Forums?
Fuck. I'm genuinely upset.
If HR is any indication, then yes it is.
Point at this faggot and laugh.
Again, there was no ideology being pushed in HR besides the fact that they shouldn't be controlled by some random asshat who stumbled onto a room of buttons.
Make sure to buy that season pass to piss those SJW's off.
Come on, dude. Know your enemy, SJWs will and do get pissed about almost anything.
Ok but that has nothing to do with the new game. There's no way Jensen can be told to forget HR because something was too offensive because the only thing he learned was that humanity was not to be controlled by a single group or person
Oh well. I didn't have much hope for this anyway, so it's not a huge loss.
What game Doesnt have season pass/content post release these days?
Its expected at minimum.
I have a feeling this game was finished forever ago and they are just making it worse by dumbing down wahtever the nu-male sjws testers they bring in found even remotely challenging
This is not Deus Ex, it's just glorified fanfiction. Stop calling it like that.
Remind me again what happened?
Killphrases. But you have to discover that shit in advance. Same with killing navarre on the plane.
Video games are continous services not singular products. You should be grateful you can play almost forever with single payment without the need for a monthly subscription fee.
I just wanted to be a cybernetically-enhanced supersoldier taking on a conspiracy, without third-person cover, regenerating health and all that social commentary bullshit (MUH SEGREGATION).
I never understood the appeal behind Season Passes anyways. You're gonna get the DLC later, so wait to buy it later. The fuck is wrong with people where they buy it on day one, and even defend it?
I thought it already came out.
I wanted Deus Ex to rest in peace as the classic that it is. But hey, i've got 3 consolized pseudo sequels instead! You can't always get what you want.
Pre-ordering unannounced DLC is pure madness. With preordering a game there's some guarantee you are going to get the game, but with DLC subscription you could get anything.
/r/ing that pic of the Holla Forums steam group where almost everyone was playing FO4 on launch day.
It's exactly what's going to happen here and you know it.
That's exactly what happened with the Fallout 4 Season Pass if Steam reviews are to be trusted, even worse than that is that it costs almost as much as the full game.
I don't understand why people just don't wait on DLC, wait until they all come out, buy the ones that are worth a shit when they go on sale, and call it a day.
because they have no sense of time and believe that the moment something with a price tag is put in their face is the best time to buy it.
Nah, i'll just buy it on PS4, i'm not going anywhere near the PC port.
There are valid reasons for not using steam let alone not joining mongolian tapestry forum groups on steam, for fucks sake so i'm not going to argue against that.
What I'm saying is that, for the amount of counter-shilling around FO4, a lot of people here are authentic battered wives towards Bethesda. And it's not any different with Eidos/Squeenix. Lots of faggots here are hypocrites by trying to lecture other faggots on buying unannounced DLC when it is a fact that they do exactly that, or worse.
DX:MD's pass seems especially iffy.
Narrative DLC isn't defined, so it could just be two shitty quests in separate downloads. It doesn't even say the in-game items are going to be new, so Explosive Ordance DLC that adds two of every grenade type to the inventory at the start of the game would fill that promise.
The writer is the same one as Human Revolution, a white woman. That black guy was the one who came up with the term "Mechanical Apartheid," though.
The term "season pass" comes from sports, not TV, you fucking retard. If you buy a season pass, you'd be able to get into any of a certain sports team's games for that entire season. Kill yourself.
They tried to do this bizarre thing where, if more people pre-ordered, there would be more pre-order content for you to choose from. It was an attempt to get people to encourage others to pre-order, so they themselves could get the pre-order bonus they wanted. It was stupid and exploitative, and there was a backlash, after which SE cancelled the program.
I'm not expecting much from this game and this is coming from someone who loves HR and DE1.
I have a feeling it's going to be more casual, more hand-holdy than HR with some bad porting issues.
10 bucks says the game flout out doesn't work on release.
A 660 is the minimum card. I do believe Witcher 3 was the same and that was a mess at release and still is. Despite passing minimum requirements, other than the graphics card being the minimum requirement, I still couldn't run it at any level.
It's triple-A jewry, of fucking course it's going to have a season pass, did you expect anything else?
what did he mean by this?
This is the only good meme to come out of Holla Forums.
Some of the pasta is kind of funny, but then there's always Bane and JUST so it's not so bad.
reminder that ps4 version has 30fps lock, just google for source
shitty, forced, annoying, just like BANNEEE?????
SJW are the right side of history. BLM and Feminist need to destroy the current colonial freedom so it can be rebuilt.
Banposting and JUST are forced and unfunny. "What did he mean by this" is subtle enough that even longtime posters regularly fall for it.
Please tell me you're not American.
it means that no matter what you do, humanity is still doomed
What the fuck happened in 1837?
I was just being generous with the estimated beginning of the end. It's arguable that the honest to God model of what America should have been was abandoned after Jefferson. Some major events occurred in 1837, but Jackson leaving office and his work against the central banking system being reversed were the most significant.
Even if we were riding a straight line to hell, we would still be progressing.
Pirates win yet again
Jackson was a cunt.
You give BLM and feminists way too much credit. I've never met a single person in real life that support any of their shit. It's a false consensus that people accept them because the media is sympathetic to them and try to white wash their actions, but this as the negative effect of making them bolder and more extreme guaranteeing that people will turn against them.
Who the fuck said anything about TV you dumb cunt. Eitherway its a video game not a sports event, so fuck you.
He was obviously implying it was a TV thing by also mentioning "episodes," you fucking illiterate. Kill yourself.
Look pisstard, take the dick out of your eyes for a second and read what I said. That user said it has nothing to do with TV even though they call shit 'episodes'. How do you explain that then?
You can't, and you're a faggot shitbag garbage dumpster picker just like every other cunt who subjects themselves to this nickle and diming horseshit. You are responsible for the death of the gaming industry. Kill yourself in the least inconveniencing way possible to those around you and you will have finally have achieved something in your miserable excuse for an existence, at this point you're worth less than the blister on my ballsack.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
I'm mocking a retard who doesn't know the origin of the term, not defending season passes. You're even more illiterate than I thought. Clean your brain out with some shotgun mouthwash.
Man, what a shitty game. You just know it's going to be preachy as fuck.
Looks like the PC port is good. Press copy using a GTX 770 2GB with an i5 processor and is getting
55-60 FPS on medium,
45-50 FPS on high and
40-45 FPS on Ultra settings.
Fallout 4 is all single player experience, yet they came out with a season pass. No new game is safe anymore.
Wait… Since when HR is considered great and not an incomplete piece of shit with dumbass rushed ending with 'non-of-the-shit-you-did-matters' buttons??
Since they released Deus Ex:invisible war
amazing how a game based upon the critique of capitalism has been consumed by it.
Isn't EYE kind of like that?
there was this pic of a stem group called "boycott modern warfare 2" and then someone took a screenshot during launch day and half of the group was playing a store bought version of modern warfare 2, too. i need that pic
I don't have the Fallout one.
have bestiality
Wasn't there a theory that MD Jensen is not the HR Jensen, he is dead. The new Jensen has implanted memory and is a precursor of the Denton project. Or there would be no way after any of the HR endings to make sense in this new game.
This is a modern video game made by a company in current year. You cannot tell me you fags didn't expect this.
Still probably going to pirate though.
Speaking of piracy, is it known if it's gonna use denuvo?
Well then, I guess we're not gonna get to pirate it for a while, huh?
What the fuck?
I really fucking hope that this shit gets stomped on in game, because one of the major themes of Deus Ex was that progress can actually be incredibly shit (look at how almost everyone you meet lives in America, the incredible poverty and hardship all imposed with the fruits of progress. One of the potential endings enthusiastically described the great things that could be done if progress itself was undone for fuck's sake.
If that line is played straight, that's an instant sign that they don't know what they're doing.
Yeah, I saw that theory. It's pretty cool, and it lets Jensen's story actually wrap up at the end of HR. It also justified Sarif's new voice actor by claiming that it's an impostor, since the real Sarif could be dead (again, due to the end of HR). I doubt they're actually going to go that route, but I would be very impressed if they did.
Denuvo games should be pirated much quicker now that CPY's crack is out.
looks like the story isn't that good. archive.is
I don't speak kraut.
Looks like shooting isn't gonna be shit this time round. Weak main story is disappointing though.
But Deus Ex is a shitty franchise to begin with.
Why would anyone want to play this crap?
Here's your (You).
So is there a cute girl villain like in the last game? I've heard nothing about this sequel it's suppose to come out next week. I've seen no ads for this whatsoever.
Square Enix curse anything they publish is shit nowadays, they also killed DQ builder sales in Japan by accidentally saying there was a sequel with multiplayer when the game was still selling like hotcakes.
what anime? and is it any good?
the first game was pretty good.
i think the new ones are popular just because they're so easy and hold your hand.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III(except for the NSA gov spying part at the end)
Oh fuck, nvm, just read your sentence properly. Disregard.
Space Dandy. It's very good.
Why didnt they come up with a clever way of combining augment and august?
Augment your august!
That implies creativity. Most of us would rather augment our disgust.
After HR I really doubt that.
Besides, the definition of intelligent that jounos have is most likley that of a toddler compared to everyone else.
I think I'll take a season pass on this game
This. If you buy single-player games you're an absolute cuck.
Four more days for my preorder to unlock!! Let's get hyped Holla Forums!!!
Damn, I was expecting the torrent to be up this weekend so I could leave it downloading at the office
pre load starts 6pm gmt today
what if i like a video game and want to support the developer so they make more video games that I might also like?
Ignore cuckposters, they're mentally deficient.
so far this is the lowest review score
Oh grow the fuck up, either get a job or stop complaining about companies trying to prevent piracy
Wasn't Denuvo cracked tho
Only Rise of the Tomb Raider
Hell no!
Fuck off, normalfag!
Found your picture
Fuck off, tumblr!
I dont care. Its fun making fun of poorfags
No xD
what the flying fuck. From all the screenshots and videos I've seen it looks absolute garbage, with the worst thing being the lip-synch, it's the worst lip-synch in a game ever in like 4 years
is somebody forcing you to buy the season pass?
Heeeeeeeeeeeere comes the shit!
You might as well buy everyone in this thread the season pass because you're so cucked.
I liked Human Revolution when I played it but I'm really, really concerned that this one is going to be pozzed as fuck and full of hamfisted social justice allegories. I mean they've already incorporated Anonymous which is gay as fuck in its own right.
I'm really not concerned about gameplay with this title, I'm concerned about story.
i got bad feeling about this one, and i admittedly enjoyed HR even if it was just okay
What the motherfucking shit, seriously. They were apologising last time for only having 2 hubs when montreal was supposed to be the third. What the fuck have they been doing for 5 years?
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition (Square Enix) (RUS|ENG|MULTi6) [L|Pre-Load] by Fisher
Pre load alive
ok nvm the game uses denuvo so downloading isn't a very good idea
I pre ordered and got the season pass.
I hope it is good or I will need to work 40 minutes to break even tomorrow on this loss!
crack should come out a few days from now, as those chink fucks finally figured it out
Its not gonna work, either wait for another bypass leak, buy it on antidenuvo for 2$ or wait for 8 months for CPY to crack it
nah I am not gonna 'donate' for a DRM bypass
The problem is removing triggers. It took cpy 8 months to get rid of all the triggers from rottr, they still havent cracked jc3 fully. 3DM stopped giving shit about Denuvo games, they were probably bribed by Denuvo not to pirate their games for a year or two.
piracy is illegal, and so is antisemitism.
More like blackmailed and threatened by tencent
so if antisemitism isn't illegal where I am from piracy shouldn't be illegal in that logic right?
Blackmail chinese hacker group? Please. They just send them monthly money and 3DM pretends that "they are working on it".
There are only 2 cracker groups working on Denuvo: MkDev and CONSPIR4CY
afaik that should be easy-er now, problem back then was having a way of finding those triggers, that was resolved i thought
It's how I bought Warhammer, DOOM and JC3. I cant wait for another year for a crack so I tried it like this.
the problem is not everygame uses the same triggers.they aren't emulating denuvo with their cracks not actually cracking the .exe
Who cares if it is or isn't matey, have fun with the booty
The problem before was they didnt know how Denuvo V2 works and they didnt even know that it had triggers because they kept them hidden well.
Now they know how it works and how the triggers work. Now you just have to go through all the game data and find those hidden triggers. Thats how Denuvo works. Even if you know what causes the game to crash you have to go through every single inch of the game to see where the triggers are. And that could take months. Months is what Denuvo needs to be succesfull because their entire point is to delay the crack as much as possible to get that extra sale profit first few weeks.
antisemitism is illegal everywhere you retard, it's g-d's law.
Well I wish I could pay for it. too bad all I can get here is steam gift cards.
they could offer you the smallest amount of content and it could fill that criteria
You missed the fag that was streaming an early copy he got, which he played for a decent amount of time. Not sure if he completed the entire game but he had at least six hours of video footage that I know of.
Every boss has multiple ways to deal with it including nonlethal methods, you just need more imagination.
Apparently there are four "hubs," but they're all different parts of Prague. That's disappointing. Even if they do it well, a proper Deus Ex game should show us at least two different cities, from two different cultures.
Fuck me sideways, and I was hyped for dudesex, well now all that's left is hoping that denuvo really is cracked.
Seems like more of the same as the first nu-dudesex, a great game cut in piece, unfinished but cobbled together competently enough that's it's still better than 99% of the AAA shit in the past 8 years.
Welp. Cancelling the download.
reminds me of that fantastic Spiro DRM that made the game turn on you.
Well fuck.
Q. Is it harder to find triggers in a choice/branching/conversation game like DX compared to linear Tomb Raider?
preorder cancelled
SE switched to Denuvo since Tomb Raider
Who? The mute Yelena? She was a poor man's Mistral from Metal Gear Rising with a quarter of the looks thanks to the weird modelling for HR characters.
What a shame.
Through the grapevine I heard that there is a Donald Trump look-a-like you have to assassinate for being prejudiced against those with augments.
Aug lives don't matter
Just ignore pirate fags all together. Closeted communist "Gibs me dat" niggars that think it's somehow immoral to make money off of your own work.
I don't feel like buying this, and if I can't torrent it, I don't mind. Plenty of other better games to keep me occupied.
Denuvo really won't net them any more sales, but it's not like they'll notice this. If anything the antipiracy company will whip up some bullshit statistics to justify their product.
He's making it incredibly easy to tell who he is now? He's been posting this picture almost every thread trying to shill a game.
It'll be shit, but better than HR
DX1 >>> MD > HR
Denuvo doesnt give a shit about this. They earn 100K $ per publisher + part of the profit the AAA publisher earns.
For Indie devs its 10K $. This is why Inside is expensive, because the dev has to repay money to Denuvo for their service.
I will say, wait for 5 more years until crackers figure out how Denuvo fully works then denuvo will go to obscurity like SecuROM. What will happen with all Denuvo games once Denuvo servers go down, that is what worries me
Its possible. Might be a reason why JC3 still hasnt been cracked. The game is huge and it would require to go through every inch of the game, every side quest, collectible, every hidden part to check if it has triggers that crash the game.
RoTTR is linear and the game is shorter so it takes less effort.
So who's fault is this, Square Enix?
I came to this conclusion the other day. I worry for NieR now.
Hey if there's one thing corporations like more than money, it's even more money.
Well obviously the people that paid money for it in the first place are going to get shafted as always
You worry why, because you wont be able to pirate the product?
Piracy is a privilege. Its not a standard. Look for other games and play them while you wait for a crack.
Adam dies again
I imagine if that comes, Steam will force all publishers who used Denuvo to update their games to not be dependant on the DRM server. It would be a huge disaster for both Denuvo and the publishers once they realize the games were dependant on the Denuvo servers.
Maybe, or maybe they will just shut it down and have retards defend them "its a X year old game, there was plenty of time. X amount of currency for X years is such a good deal!"
True, but spoilers can be hard to avoid sometimes.
We should be against DRM anyway, legit customer or pirate. If I bought this game or NieR, I couldn't lend it to a friend for example.
Or maybe they'll just be bankrupt and not have to do anything because the legal system probably is funny enough to let them do that
Nah, nobody thinks that way, it would be bad for business and people would be more willing to pirate the game. People still buy old games to this day, besides I think the publishers do keep the non denuvo copy just in case denuvo servers get bombed or something.
If that happens, the IP isnt wasted. Just like the case with Aklaim and THQ, they sold of their IP to other publishers.
Its only the online functions that will cease to exist after like a decade or so, but by the time that happens, someone will make private servers for it
Spend some time on Reddit. There's no shortage of people talking about how we should thank our corporate overlords for giving us more opportunities to pay them, and excusing any manipulative cash grab.
Shoudl Denuvo shut down they will jump the sinking ship and starta new company.
After their Starforce bullshit bombed they created Denuvo in the first place and nobody will remember who worked there by name anyway.
AS for the games?
They will get resold in a Denuvo free version and you know that thewre are enough retards who will buy it.
Dude, have you heard of the backlash at EA for Darkspore? EA shut down the servers of the game, making the game unplayable, it received a lot of angry comments from players. Now imagine that doing to something like JC3 or Doom.
Yes there are retarded people at reddit who buy every EA game, but majority of players would be pissed off because if that would happen the only way to play the game is to pirate it which would piss off steam and taint the image of those publishers forever. I mean its one of the reason why EA stopped publishing games on Steam, because steam community hates them so much they had to make their own shitty platform.
Steam community is different from reddit.
You mean SecuROM. Before Denuvo there was SecuROM, which was on games like Fallout 3, Oblivion and Spore.
Starforce is a Russian company. They still make the DRM but since even Ubisoft told them to fuck off, they are barely alive at this point.
is denuvo confirmed?
Oh yes, most certainly.
Your turn
The hate for invisible war is mostly people parroting game journo snark from recent years. Easy target, no backlash. If anyone actually played it they'd quickly realize that their beloved, critically acclaimed dishonored and HR are in the same ballpark and they just didn't notice because gaming is worse overall.
It's fragrant… but…
I still want it to be good.
Space Dandy. Casual types hail it as le saving anime meme. In reality it is an experimental show that swaps around directors, writers and art styles each episode. The end result is hit and miss, with episodes ranging from excellent to pure shit. Worth a watch either way, just because it is an oddity.
It's "hit or miss."