Why is Holla Forums invading us? Are they that butthurt that Trump was shown to be a Zionist/corporate shill after one day of being President-elect?
Your fault for not feeling the Bern.
Why is Holla Forums invading us? Are they that butthurt that Trump was shown to be a Zionist/corporate shill after one day of being President-elect?
Your fault for not feeling the Bern.
They think we are angry that shillary who is capitalist puppet lost.
Could be all the hardcore tankie meming I've been doing over there any time someone there says we're liberals. I figured some would come over, and maybe even stay. Better red than brown, after all.
Do you really want them over here though? They'll probably be a bunch of faggots and try to get posts they disagree with b&
As opposed to what? They've been shitposting here for like a year now at least.
Haha holy shit was I that convincing? I'm the AnCap meme btw. Wasn't representing Holla Forums in that thread, just commenting on what Holla Forums's feverish paranoia has done to them.
I don't want the massive hordes, no, but if a handful of Holla Forumsacks with open minds come in, and we teach them the truth, I'd consider that worthwhile.
tbh I would rather them go to a neutral board like /politics/ so there can atleast be an even exchange of discussion between us. If they come here, the anarkiddies will throw a fit about "muh spooks"
I'm getting a chuckle out of this picture mainly because of "oh no you can have varying opinions about jews now the board has changed"
that's how Holla Forums was originally before it turned into /stormfag/ you snowniggers
because they can
oh yes, lovin' the salt and the denial and the Holla Forumsacks who go #nevertrump because they can't stand jews
4pol was always superior.
More like
Your board is shit, your threads are fucking shit, and your ideology is flawed and harmful.
Remember who won WW2, cuckold
Don't forget who won WW2, cuckold
So I suppose those day of the rope callings, advocating for black genocide, and demanding a second holocaust is not """"harmful""""
Our """harmful ideology"""" saved the west from a bunch of """"Aryans"""" who sperged out and chose feels over reals.
I'm pretty content, tbh.
Holla Forums is not invading anything you newfaggot, we have a constant stream of them 24/7, if you haven't learned how to handle this, then you should fuck off to reddit.
Why are piratefags and catfags such spastics without a sense of subtlety?
but user those are πππreal numbersπππ, not the imaginary figures I make up by overestimating non-born white children due to interracial marriage, feminism & other things I don't like that are being pushed by a secret Jewish cabal that dominates the higher spheres and somehow always perfectly agrees on how to piss me off.