Jewess (((Dara Lind))) @ pumping out UTR 'Anti White Supremacist' Propaganda

This neanderthal mutt bitch is in on this media agenda to rabble-rouse the subhumans and destroy the image of white America. Let's take a look at some of her shitposting over at Vox, and study their Cville rhetoric:

The Trump administration is waging war on diversity
For decades, politicians at least paid lip service to diversity. Then Trump came along. Aug 4, 2017, 11:20am'

Nazi slogans and violence at a right-wing march in Charlottesville on Friday night
What happened at a torchlit rally on the UVA campus. Aug 12, 2017, 11:36am

President Trump condemns Charlottesville violence in vaguest possible terms
So vague that white supremacists disagree about whether he was trying to criticize them, or the left. Aug 12, 2017, 3:17pm

Charlottesville Unite the Right rally: what’s happened so far
Aug 12, 2017, 3:29pm

Donald Trump refuses to name the problem of white supremacist violence
His remarks on violence in Charlottesville were ignorance to the point of callousness. Aug 14, 2017, 10:40am

Unite the Right, the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, explained
The alt-right rally was a coming-out party for resurgent white nationalism in America. Aug 14, 2017, 12:06pm

Trump says he’s committed to fighting white supremacy. His policies say otherwise.
The president’s belated response to Charlottesville might have been valuable … if his administration hadn’t already undermined it with actions. Aug 14, 2017, 2:40pm

The jewish co-opted right-wing narrative is snowballing, all we can do at this point is show the golems who's steering them and inject chaos. They are taking all of the cucked gentile men and turning them into a boogeyman for their media agenda to make white America commit collective suicide. Personally, I think they are trying to force Trump into cucking out and further betraying his fellow gentiles in the name of (((PR))) and (((maintaining diversity))). The jews are playing with fire.

>Personally, I think they are trying to force Trump into cucking out and further betraying his fellow gentiles in the name of (((PR))) and (((maintaining diversity))).
Problem is, if he goes any further with that, he's basically worthless - he'll be Reagan 2.0 and opening of the 2nd term he'll run on immigration reform offering amnesty for 'the good ones', and that's that, 2024 comes and the US is 30-40% no-spic White.
As always.

Anyway, bump for heeb exposure.

Here's its profile on These kikes always hide behind irony and unprofessionalism to escape accountability for their overt bias and white genocide pushing. Their propaganda is conveniently pedaled to millions of dumb goyim on faceberg and twatter, as they author reality with their oligarch-financed monopoly, then pretend they aren't apart of MSM by roleplaying as indie/alternative media. The arrogance and obnoxiousness of the media kikes infuriates me.

fuck, forgot pic

either that or JFK 2.0 unless he stops trying to finesse the kikes out of power and just cuts straight to the chase


That's a man.

Stop defaming neanderthals.

You mean a trap? Possibly.

Do not breed, my subhuman friend.

Can you look for any 'fellow whites' posts for me? I dare not visit that filthy cunthole of a network.
