Wow, it's almost as if they rely on PR for their income or something.
Cameron Mitchell
Kiketube doesn't even pay them anymore and they've announced their limbo-state for any wrongthink, so there's no rational way to explain this level of cuckoldry as anything other than the nose finally being exposed for all to see.
Christopher Myers
Somethhing about gondola, I don't think Americans can understand him, but Europeans do. As an American, I can only surmise he represents, with the legs, having strong roots in the past and a history, but with no arms, having no future.
Carter Gomez
Gondola is a very contemplative meme. I see them as ancestral spirits, custodians of what came before who shed light on the possibilities of what lies ahead.
Benjamin Hernandez
Think about it like this; What are hands for? Interacting with the enviroment around you. Gondola has no arms and can't interact with the world, all he can do is passively observe the world around him.
Josiah Martinez
Holy shit, I never looked at it that way.
Ian Mitchell
Only in the Current Year.
Chase Robinson
For those of you who are interested, check out an archive of this old thread. You should find it fascinating.
Parker Clark
Some more images, because only saves thumbnails for Holla Forums.
Carson Mitchell
One last thing: keep in mind that the ancient cave painting Gondola predates that thread on the "hexenwand" or "witch's wall".
I miss esoteric threads.
David Lopez
I don't know who any of these fucks are. what real e-celeb's like Sargon of israel, Molyjew, Jonhtron, and CoalBunerOnHead saying?
Joshua Hughes
4 deep 2 u?
Another interesting thing is that children and NEET's are often depicted as gondolas.
I think it's the reason Gondola resonates with so many people. It depicts the feeling of being powerless to do anything but watch as the world burns around you.
Carter Miller
Dylan Morris
I know that feel too, user, I know that feel…
The NEET ones hit hard, speaking personally.
Let's get dark.
Lucas Allen
Also, speaking as a Vancouverite, this one hits close to home as well. I feel for our Australian brothers.
Parker Gutierrez
Here's the hardest hitting one of all.
Jonathan Myers
Guess that gondola triggers some bad memories for you lads, too.
Leo Campbell
;_; fuck you user
Brayden Sullivan
Did someone say Gondola thread?
Dylan Baker
By the Gods these are levels of cuckoldry that shouldn't even be possible. They are non Whites and philosemites. They think that the Swastika flags present at their rally hurt their image or some bullshit. Alt Right will continue to cuck until they are worse than Buchanan tier.
Camden Davis
They didn't learn the lesson from what the cuckservatives have been doing for decades. Kowtowing to the demands of the left, while the left will always consider you a racist white supremacist worse than Hitler regardless, has created an environment in which the left has been able to shift further to the extremes while the cuckservatives have become Clinton era Democrats. Keep in mind even if Jeb would have won they would be pulling the same shit today.
Elijah Rodriguez
They're adherents to "Fellow white nationalism".
Logan Sanders
Every fucking time. Reminder that jews are parasites that will attempt to weasel their way into the host only to kill it when the time is right.
Owen Ramirez
Pat Buchanan did literally nothing wrong.
Aaron Hall
These fags will be the ones banning confederate flags en masse. Nothing short of rainbow flag is good for these fucks
Ethan Gray
That gondola version of it is shopped though.
Aaron Parker
In 20 years there will be serious discussions of changing the American flag.
Ryder Jones
Something tells me the audio is just some cuck/NTR ASMR crap.
Andrew Richardson
a hope in the darkest times
Mason Foster
How does the guy have the audacity to have an avatar of Corneliu Codreanu of all people? I would never use his likeness to represent myself because I know I'm not worthy to do so.
Hitler never called for the death of all Jews. Codreanu did and he killed many of them intentionally so and he did it with death squads, without taking power.