The purge and/or civil war is near

Are we going to see Trump finally go full enabling act and begin the purge of all the leftist filth in the US, the media, politicians, bankers, antifa, university staff, etc etc
Or are we going to see the country break down into civil war as leftist areas break away from the country and declare war on us

I've never seen this level of pure hatred from the leftists before (we've always known they want to destroy us but they've never been this open about it), Charlottesville seems to have changed everything, the left is doxing /our guys/ left and right, sites are being taken down, monuments being destroyed, antifa is being promoted in the media, there's open communist symbolism everywhere with red flags and fists etc, there's talk of assassinating trump or impeaching him, and in comments sections on big news websites everywhere its filled with leftists calling for arresting people for speaking or typing right wing thought and some are even calling for beating them up and some for even going so far as killing them

We are nearing the breaking point, something has to give, these leftists will not simply roll over and let us MAGA and go back to the way things were in the 1910s, 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s

For the first time ever I non ironically feel like I need to get a gun

Are we about to get night of the long knives, or the Spanish civil war?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off kike. Pol is board of peace.

No, and the fact that you even say it suggests you have no idea what the fuck is going on around you, or else you're just an ABC shill.


cia thread

cia comment

I disagree.

But sage because this might be sort of blogpost or 'what does Holla Forums think of x?'

Anyway, I see the same things as you OP.

forgot sage

Yep, civil war. Blue team is stuck with the niggers this time, so guaranteed loss for them. And loss for Rothschilds' Israel which WILL get every single fuckin nigger they bred here.

dude watch the vice video.

They are going full KKK neo nazi demonetization as predicted. We are totally compromised top to bottom. We are toast.

Only saving grace will be if Antifa goes full red terror in the next month and starts burning down middle class hoods.


If you support the current status quo, you support the Jew.

Sage squads are more than likely shills. Counter sage for real discussion.


You serious, m8? What kind of bubble wrapped suburbia did your ass grow up in?

Without pulling the whole

DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS bs, Ive noticed that antifa and old school KKK actually have been using very much the same methods. A lot of us dont remembet but any time the blacks tried to build during the reconstruction era, the KKK would fuck them up to continue their power structure. While I realize a shit ton of lynchings were justified, a lot of innocent negros died under these events and the government turned a blind eye to it. This is similar to what they're doing now with Antifa.

Similarly, were seeing a very common divide between how the south acted after Lincolns election with how Trump was elected. Errily similar. We very much could see a civil war where liberal strongholds are going to attempt to radically cleanse the outer towns. Maybe even orchestrate a famine as crazy as that sounds. Also, remember that these people took notes from Soviet Russia, if you havent read The Gulag Archepelago, do it now. The soviets either executed anyone who had a hint of disagreeing with them or put them in hard labor for 10 to 20 years. We already know how heartless these people are, denouncing their own children and maliciously ruining lives.

I hope the eclipse brings us even closer to total war.

The kind where the leftist threat never seemed this real and the bloodshed never this imminent
Charlottesville is like an hour from me and all the stuff I talked about in the OP has me both hype and sp00ked at the same time


He's CIA you faggot


Trump has demonstrated himself to be a shabbos goy and a complete cuck that won't even stand up for his own shitty agenda or protect his own shitty people.

Kill all leftists starting with judges and teachers

Trump isn't the savior of Whites many thought he would be. I have very little faith in him doing much of anything.

They killed like 3000 negros over 80 years, that isn't very many people considering negros themselves were killing that many a year while the KKK was around.

they aren't going to be burnin down their parents houses anytime soon.

Suck GRIDS foreskin and die kike.

He has done far more then the shills claimed. We knew full well we weren't electing Hitler who may I add was never elected. The problem is the alternative Killary was much MUCH worse. Trump's election is significant however because it proved the power was still in our hands the shockwaves of which we are only really beginning to experience.

Several Big happenings are going to come soon.

wanna know how I know you're not from here?


Jesus Christ, these jews are fucking melting down.


If trumps purging anyone it's those no good racist Nazis

>power still in our hands

how about that swamp?

Yeah sure.

The only purge Trump will be overseeing is one of genuine patriots opposed to jewish control of our nation.