People on /r9k/ are calling me an autist for enjoying simulator games and 4X games liek Aurora 4x...

People on /r9k/ are calling me an autist for enjoying simulator games and 4X games liek Aurora 4x. It's got me pretty upset.

Where did this sentiment come from that anything that isn't directly interactive or has a different form of gameplay is autistic? Why wouldn't reading up on a MiG-21 before you fly it in DCS be fun? That makes it much more rewarding.

Other urls found in this thread:

There's your problem m8

To be honest, the 4X and simulator genres are pretty fucking autistic.

I just didn't know they were that dumb. The only reason I bring this up as the discussion is because it's filled with normalfags now, which menas that's how normalfags think.

If that's how they think it could further impact video games. That worries me.

Tell me in detail what makes them autistic and why playing beat 'em ups, for instance, isn't.

you're autistic for liking those games, but getting butthurt about it only makes you even more autistic


You brought this on yourself by going to such cesspools of mediocrity



I was only visiting it. I'm just surprised how low their IQ is.

Do you wanna talk about Aurora 4x now?

But again, tell me


8ch has an /r9k/?

It's not funny to joke about that. I lost a friend to that game.

Then why don't you play it with him?

You're an autist, but you're an autist with good taste.

No one would play these games unless they have a great amount of fixation details in whatever ever setting the games has.

Because they require a level of attention and simulation that goes what normal people usually consider fun, becoming borderline annoying.

You could literally go out there and learn to fly a plane yourself, instead you decide to learn all these non transferrable skills in a badly simulated game.

It's like, if you tried to play Mario 64 normally while having the controls of Octodad. It's needlessly complicated.

Of course you're autistic so you're most likely not going to understand this, but hey, I tried.

I am licensed fly a biplane though in real life. Real pilots still enjoy the shit out of FSX, Prepare3D, and others because it's accurate, so the skills are actually partially transferable because they teach doctrine and discipline in operating an aircraft, if not in practicum, then in concept at the very least.. Simulator games also allow you to get a good feel for what could possibly become a future career before you have the financial means to truly pursue it.

DCS World is very well simulated, as is Rise of Flight. The flight models are coordinated with Lockheed, Raytheon, etc.


that gives this thread so much context


So you're saying that normalfags have a low attention span and that this is somehow good?

So lemme get this straight
You fly as a job, then you come home, and you fly in a simulator?

You do realise how much more autistic this makes it?

Fuck this thread

There's a fine like to walk, requiring to low attention span is bad, but requiring a too high attention span is bad too.

Al the games in the middle are classics.

He's probably German.
Jokes aside I imagine flying is pretty fun, so it's understandable.

So you're saying that people can't enjoy their jobs? Also no, I fly my plane for leisure.

Getting good enough to rampage DMC in Dante Must Die mode requires the same amount of attentiveness, probably moreso, than learning how to fly an A-10 in DCS dude. It's not hard to fly a plane once you understand the basics of how planes work and the general avionics used.

Some people cook for their job and come home to cook even more.

Yes but no people that cook as a job come home and play cooking mama

Isn't that the board about hating normalfags and posting frogs?

Stop listening to fucking /r9k/ then?

You are an autistic for liking simulators and 4X though. I mean shit son most simulator and 4X fans will agree on that.

You just answered your question, OP. They take too much effort, and putting effort into something you enjoy is le autism U NERD xPPPPPPPPPPPP


How do you know?

Why do they think putting effort into something you like is bad?

I have a friend that works as a cook
How do you know they do?

What's your IQ again?

/r9k/ is /soc/ for mentally damaged people

That is a fucking cool looking plane.

Again, how do you know they do?
Can you read minds?


If you like it, look up the Eurofighter and the Yak 17

Hay bro, i too love Sim and 4X games, nothing wrong with that.

from your pic you seem to like DCS, just wondering if you have ever tried BMS?
Its a bit lighter on the Avionics simulation but its top notch for its dynamic campaign.
really nothing like it in that regard, really feels like your fighting a war.

Also have you tried Rise Of Flight?
Its the DCS for WW1 combat.
Its also has great multiplayer, will really put your skills as a pilot to the test trying to fly again them boys.

Never heard of it, but if you recommend it I'll sure as shit check it out. My PC can handle anything and I just ordered TrackIR yesterday.

Also yes I play Rise of Flight. Great game, especially since I can actually fly biplanes. Hopefully one day I can pay someone to let me fly a refurbished Albatross.


To a normalfag, all autism is bad.

I think if you are playing games with enough abstraction that your input comes down to actual spread sheets of control, as opposed to meaningful kinaesthetics, you are indeed autistic.

I don't think there's anything wrong with autism, but I do think it reflects on your taste in games and to me, you have the most boring possible taste in games and I have zero interest in what you're into when it comes to games.

Hahah, i also love the albatros.

Airco D.H.4 is may favorite this and my go to plane for multiplayer.
It was the first plane a payed for, that and the Fokker Dr.I

You're a visual person then.

That's meaningless poppycock because it's still an abstraction anyway. Your issue is you can't bother to use your imagination or brain when you play games.

yknow at one point assumed I was somewhere on the spectrum because I love cars/trains/guns/sims/machinery/airplanes. took a test and turns out I'm not even remotely tistic. turns out having deep interests isn't autistical.

is that second picture the modern Men of War game?

Because fighting games or other games requires less effort or has multiplayer. As said in , if it requires more effort than an average game, which includes tactics and strategy/ short and long term achieving of goals, especially if single player then it's pretty much 'autistic'

Do they have bullshit "le Red Baron's triplane XD" DLC like Warthunder would do, or do they give you a reasonable amount of craft to start with?

That's dumb though because it encourages people to value instant gratification instead of self-achievement and actualization through actually accomplishing more difficult goals.

When I started to kick ass at Men of War in heroic mode I realized I had learned how to multitask better, and it translated to irl.


Yes it is.

Also you're just being a man. Being a man means being able to form abstractions and having a deeper interest in your hobbies than a woman would.

If men weren't "autistic" about their hobbies, most of the shit we use today wouldn't exist.

It's not even that, I was just offended and upset at how dumb they are.

I do use my imagination, but I find numbers do not fill that space with something meaningful. Kinaesthetics is a real quality of games. The wind up and pitch to a spinning kick or pimp-slap in god hand is a tremendously satisfying feeling. Akin to something like the sensation of you doing the action yourself, and there is more of a sense of flow, timing, and consideration on a mechanical, human level rather than numerical.

Saying I'm not bothering to use my imagination is a bit insulting.

Because you have to be obsessed with something to put effort into it and obsession is bad.

The Fokker Dr.I is one of the Red Barron's planes (the famous red one) but its just an ordinary plane like all the others

it's your skill as a pilot and understanding of your planes strengths and weaknesses that will set you apart.

Not really, if i remember you get 2 free planes, but the cost for new ones is very reasonable i think:

What about that cockpit in my pic screams numbers to you? Literally all you have to do is learn some basic physics, watch a video on how airplanes work and avionics, and maybe a few tutorials and a flight manual. It'd take a day tops to get a barebones understanding.

Then boom, you're flying a modeled A-10 blowing shit up with your friends.

If you're referring to Aurora then that's still moot because then you'd be saying all GSGs are bad games.

That's like saying being a commander of an army isn't human. There most certainly is a flow and timing to how things are done in turn based gsgs and 4x games. That entirely depends on your playstyle and how quickly you consider variables and units' actions.

So I have to be obsessed with school to put effort into passing a high level STEM course?

That doesn't make any sense.

perhaps the ultimate case of the kettle calling the pot black

Yeah, it's dumb, but you know that's what's happening around you.

Kids don't play REAL Pokemon anymore, they play Pokemon Go.
TV shows and mainstream movies are usually all about explosions and sex.
People don't even play games anymore, they just watch let's plays of the game.
Game Devs who want to appeal to the masses streamline their products and add tutorials everywhere and regen health.

This post just bummed me out.

you're barking up the wrong tree mate, iv been on Holla Forums 4&8 for more years then id like to admit and i can count the amount of threads i've seen for games like DCS.

some user used to post a WebM some time back for DCS: A-10c that used to get a lot of buzz, but when people realize it's a Study Sim (what i like to call the genre) and have to read the manual/put time in learning about flight, weapons systems and avionics they soon shit on the game.

Kids haven't played a mainline pokemon game since the game boy color, don't kid yourself

Pokemon is a series that lives only because of 20-something manchildren and faggy hipsters

Of course, it even has the robot.

oh and its fucking terrible, a pissing contest of who can feel the most sorry for themselves and who hates normalfags the most

I meant when it comes to hobbies, but they still seem to think that academics are TOTAL NERDS who don't GO OUTSIDE ENOUGH.

What about the Gameboy Advance?

Now this is autism, not flight sims.

Planes are cool though. Why WOULDN'T you want to read up on them. Fuck, you're gaining something to talk about and learning something possibly valuable (depending on how you use it).

I guess that's what people are saying when they say men aren't men anymore. They don't care about manly things like cars, warplanes, warships, guns, etc. They care about about moeshit animu and what they'll dress their waifu up as in their imaginary VR sims.

Fuck you op you autistic piece of shit

we've abused the word "autistic" so much people don't know what it actually means anymore. which would be fine but some are using it to deter having adult hobbies at this point. if you're not counting the bolts on a choo choo train over and over again you don't have the autism, you're just a nerd.

Dude we can talk about that right now if you want.

I didn't make a retarded generalization, I said that it was autistic to go home and play flight sims after working as a pilot all day. I wasn't the one to make the retarded connection with cooks.

I don't think they were kids by then, is 14/15 still kids?
Not sure

Then you've called most airline pilots autistic.

Please tell me more about you're not autistic

It's not that m8, it's that any game designed for someone with an IQ over 80 is automatically 'a game for autists' because autism is the new 'nerd', now that your average moron considers themselves a 'nerd' or a 'geek'.

"autistic" games are the ones with an attention to detail and a presentation that puts those details to the forefront. If it engages your brain, it's autistic. If you can play the game despite being an actual retard, it's not an autistic game.

Replace the word autistic with nerd and you get a better grasp of what it actually means when idiots say it.

Just go drool in front of a fucking television, idiot. Don't stress yourself out trying to think.

Thank you for clearing that up user. I had a hunch that was the case, but I heard it from so many people I began to doubt it.

True autists will call those who like what they dislike (or don't understand) autists.

It's not you, OP, it's them.

When people seem adamant on what they say, my weakness is to believe them.


I wasn't the first one that did, dipshit

Want to guess how I know you aren't from around here?

People enjoy thing
It's not cost effective to always be doing thing
People do less expensive version of thing

You're the autistic one for not understanding how this works

I know what you mean. But in case you had any doubts, niche hobbies are pretty fucking cool, and they in no way determine the personality of the individual.

Just moved to a new area, and found a shop that sells weird halloween/gothic curiosities. Guy who owns it drives a hearse. Despite that, he was super friendly and incredibly helpful - we probably talked with him for about half an hour. Goes to show that you can't judge a person solely based on interests, business, or leisure.

Wow, fucking got me there huh
You sure are blending in
please teach me more about posting on Holla Forums


You haven't stopped :^)


I completely understand someone liking something I don't like.

There's plenty of games that I don't like that I really just don't care about. But if you spend most of your time playing simulators it's arguable you're a bit autistic.
I think it's a fair assumption.

No wonder you are on /r9k/. The board for autists who bitterly wish they were normalfags.

your inferiority complex is showing
let me be your guide

BTW, OP, can you tell me what the games for the two images are?

dcs world and a Men of War: Assault Squad mod

Autism is a buzzword, nobody even knows what actual autism is.
You can roughly translate it to "Wow, you spend a lot more time, energy and attention dedicated to this one thing you really like but I don't!"
If you pay attention, it comes from people that require instant gratification to enjoy anything at all, that can't spend 5 minutes learning how to do anything before actually trying it.
They are the same people that always skips tutorials and hints, even if it's the first time playing the game (and then complain they don't know something).
They are the kind of people that put no value in preparation and then complain nothing works and nothing is happening.

You want a simpler example, they are the kind of people that will gladly tell you Minecraft is for autists not because they have a specific reason to hate the game but because they can't stand the idea of spending some time putting blocks on top of each other, even if in the end they agree there's something fucking impressive you've just built.

Stop going to /r9k/, stop caring about ADHD faggots and just enjoy your thing.

You should have stayed there

I'm fine with people calling things autistic because they involve lots of repetitive tasks, like building a huge construction in Minecraft. That's where the autism comparison comes in. (The fact that we're still parroting a meme Manlet Tears forced years ago still bothers me.) It's not inherently good or bad. You're working with the goal of creating something that will make you proud so it's not like the repetition is its own reward.

This should not carry over to games that require extensive effort to learn how to play, like simulators or 4X games. There is nothing abnormally repetitive in these games. You learn how to play it, you play it, you have fun just like any other video game.

At worst, you have a simulator where there's not a lot to do in the world other than a repetitive task, like those German-made work simulators, but they are designed for people who enjoy doing those tasks or for people who want to learn how to do them. It's no different from doing something that is more conventionally fun in the virtual world like flying an airplane or driving a high-end car. If you instantly knew how to control these things, you might have fun playing around with them.

I guess "autism" would correctly apply to "repetitive tasks over long periods of time" but it has come to be simplified to just "over long periods of time".
That's why many people will classify simulators as autistic as well, not because they require heavy repetition but because the learning process often takes a very long time until you know everything. I can't even imagine how long it takes to fully understand the cockpit of an airplane (although, I wager it's not that long…)

It's not so much the nature of the task but rather how long it takes to payoff that bothers such people.
It does not matter what the payoff is, it does not matter how repetitive it is, just that it takes a long time till you can get your "reward".

Case in point: CS:GO is quite popular among normalfags despite being essentially repeating the same matches and the same thing over and over again every 10 minutes or even less. Why do they like it? Because a victory screen pops between rounds and killing people doesn't take long.


Do you know that there is a gsg thread up on this board pretty much 24/7? Get the fuck in there, we need more fellow autists to argue about history with.

Da fug are you talking about? If anything, the Avionics in Falcon BMN are of A10-C or greater quality. On that note, The A-10C and KA-50 are the only sim modules with extremely complex avionics.

But the Mig21 is the best module in DCS, IMO. OP has good taste. Was worth every penny of the $20 I spent on it.



Anyway what games let me be a SAM operator?

Sam Simulator

People with a short attention span and probably a low iq would call you autist for playing sim games, Fuck them, i love myself some DCS, Men of War, ARMA 3 with milsim group and War Thunder sim battles.


Then let's play right now. Steam? You and I both know we're hurting for people to play these games with

I wish I was smart enough to play these kind of games. I tried Aurora but I'm still not ready to take on these games.
But how complicated they are, really?
Let's say, as an example, I wanna take off with the plane in the sim in the OP.
What do I have to do?

I am more than happy to help you out on this.

I'll tell you how I started.

First I played Homeworld and was impressed with the coordinated military jargon and classifications. So I browsed /k/ for a few days reading the plane and warship threads and learned a few things about how they work.

After than I downloaded FSX, but obviously had no idea what I was doing so I looked up "FSX tutorial" on Youtube. There used to be an amazing series from this one guy but I can't find his videos anymore, but he explained everything about what the buttons in the cockpit of your typical plane do, what the gauges mean, what to look out for, etc.

After I finished watchinghis video I could fly the plane and what I thought were millions of buttons were actually not that many, and most of the buttons and gauges you'll either never check/use during a normal flight, or are just duplicates for your co-pilot.

So I kept flying the planes I though looked coolest like the Lockheed Super Constellation. I read up on the planes out of genuine interest the entire time. After I knew how to fly civilian planes, it wasn't much of a leap to get on with military aircraft.

All in all this process took a little over a week.

That's an understatement user, i tried finding people to play these games with in the respective games but i always end up with people that can't even into english. /id/onehellofadrug

thank you for the guide user


I'm sad to say that after looking around on youtube I think he may have deleted his account. The rest of these tutorials are not as intuitive and are haphazardly organized.

I've spent over 15 hours these few days constructing a big building. 5 were spent on mining resources and 5 on draining water but it's coming along nicely. I do think minecraft has autists though. It's those that do pvp and think it takes skill. It's a matter of gear. Literally no talent required. But building a decent-looking house is cool. Or an advanced circuitry. Just don't obsess over something that's just done in repetition with the same result each time. That's what's boring.

Autistic, but in a good way


If you actually put the time into learning how to play that game rather than doing something productive, then you are autistic.

something like that. After you get a hang of it it becomes easy since the steps follow a logical order.

Life is pointless and you can't get a job without exceptional social skills. Why bother trying to fit the mold others make for you?

1. Mig21
2. Huey
3. A10C

This is how I've felt for the last year at least. Shame, guilt, sadness - this how I feel the minute vidya 'immersion' kicks in and it snaps me out of it instantly. I just can't enjoy this hobby anymore.

of all the games to demonstrate investing time and deeper thought in to a game isn't autistic you pick Minecraft. Minecraft, the shallow, repetitive, actual diagnosed no-joke autism honeypot.
you gave me a chuckle user

If you feel it's so bad to have fun then leave this board and go do something normalfags tell you to do like a good boy

I was about to call you a faggot, but what you said is partly true. More than social skills it's connections. I fear that once I get my degree I'll need a lot of luck to actually get a job.

So, 4x autist, how do I get gud at 4x? I've been playing Master of Orion 2 and I keep getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter.

It's not normalfags telling me playing vidya is childish/immoral/pathetic. They've been telling me that my entire life and I've never given a fuck about their opinion. This time it's my own conscience telling me. It's the exact same feeling I have when I masturbate or when I used to smoke weed. I don't need anyone else to tell me that these things make me a lower quality person.

I'm still shit at it. That's what's so endearing about it. Seeing how well you can optimize your inherent ability to multitask and consider all variables enough to make your empire last.

Trips of good taste
MIG21 master race

Playing vidya or fapping or smoking whatever isn't a bad thing. People need to relax and wind down, anyone who wants you to work without time for R&R is insane. But people need to work too. Not necessarily for others. Improving yourself and learning also takes work, and after work you should rest, maybe reflect on what you just did.

Basically, I'm saying you should actually do something that requires effort, something productive, so you can then proudly say "today I did something productive/that makes me a better person" and sit down and play some fucking video games. Seriously, read a book nigger.

His mind has already been infected user. It's too late.

The meaning of life, at least from my thoughts, is a personal truth only you are capable of understanding. As long as you believe you or anyone for that matter has no purpose, then there is no purpose. I think that your belief, or comforting lie is what I think it is, is based on your own perceived failures as a human being in order to make you feel less terrible about your current situation. You rate yourself on the normalfag standard, which is why you've been alienated. You were drawn to places like /r9k/ because you felt that these were your people, so when you've defined your existence by playing 4X games and when the people that you've shared so much with insult you because of that, you're even more disconnected and shut in. Now you are seeking some explanation of how anyone could possibly call you autistic over playing something closer to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet than an actual video game, and when you discover that a lot of your peers draw the same unfavorable conclusion, you will feel completely isolated. I think the only reason why you've started playing these games was to give you a false sense of accomplishment or to distract you. Of course, I could be wrong, but I think that there are very few who would be content in their last moments before death knowing that the only mark they ever left on this world would be as some nameless fag who frequented anonymous imageboards and played a lot of simulators.

I never even implied this. It is a problem that you've automatically associate productivity with normalfag society. You have to understand that these two things are not always the same. Productivity is something that allows you to fit better in your own mold and while it there is a majority of people who have similar molds, you have no obligation to mimic theirs. As I said before, I don't think you genuinely enjoy what you play, but I could be the naive one here and you can completely disregard everything I've said.

Start going to the gym or something. It's a real bitch at the beginning, but especially if you're a lazy fat fuck like I was, it's a real payoff.

The kind of man I want to be is a productive one. Someone who produces far more than he consumes. Someone who is looked up to and admired by his community. Someone who is a good role model to his peers and the next generation. I'm not going to become that man playing vidya.

I do, and have for years but I show no improvement. The weights are just as heavy as they were a year ago when I started. Is it testostorone? Metabolism? Diet? Technique? The wrong exercises? The wrong timing? Who knows. Whenever I start asking these questions to anyone I'm told in so many words "STFU and just lift," so I do and I will continue to do so. I think the fact I'm in the gym 3x a week at all probably matters more than having any meaningful results.

*when I started .. this time.

In the last 12 years I've gone to the gym 3x a week for a year at a time and then given up when no improvement. This time will be different because I expect no improvement so I won't be disillusioned. Maybe I won't make any gains but at least it'll keep me in the same shape I'm in now as I age, right?

Then you two can start by stopping your bitching and getting off this board if you don't care about video games.

I like to read about video games but I don't like to play them. I'm like a football fan where I know a lot about the game and the people playing it, but I don't get involved myself.

Then get lost.

I didn't realize Holla Forums was only for the players

Do you get off on being obnoxious?

At this point, OP, I think you should either

I highly encourage the last, but if you want to go all out with all three, be my guest. Just fuck off with your shit taste.

To all you autistic fuck who play DCS:

What's the best way to hop in? This looks like it would tickle me just right. Is a flight stick and everything else necessary? Also, how well does it run?

Don't lurk normalfag central then.

How the fuck do I get more planes? I downloaded the 1.5 version of DCS World.



Sorry, I went to sleep after making the post. Assuming that you've already lost the weight, you should eat a lot more protein. I have around three to four eggs daily and since I have lost most of the weight I've needed to, I'm going to start using protein powder. It's also best to increase the frequency you go to the gym. I used to only exercise really one day and now that I've trained myself to get up at 5 AM, I exercise nearly four to five days per week and intend on going for six. I don't know too much about fitness, so you should do some research on it.

Just because you need to use your brain doesn't make something autistic.

Japshit like JRPGs like Mousou are more autistic because it's just mindless mashing. And nobody over age 16 (really 12 but I'm being generous) should be able to tolerate a JRPG's story anymore without being autistic.

Not every game needs moving anime characters

I'm saying that if you have the dedication to understand Aurora, then you most certainly have the will to do something to improve your life. I play video games that are easier to get into because I want immediate satisfaction. With the time I could've learned how to play some of the games you've mentioned I've been using to study programming and macroeconomics. I'll retract my statement calling you autistic because as pointed out, true autism is repetition and mindless mashing. I will call you foolish because the most you hope to get out of games as convoluted as Aurora is some distraction. I am certain that you've learned something from these games that could improve your quality of life but can't see it just yet.


i want to add all games are basically siumlator or some sort

in fps you simu a soldier or such or rpg you simu medieval knight or ninja or samurai or whatever

there is nothing wrong with simu even if germans love simu too much

Normal people can't use "nerd" as an insult anymore since it's hip to be nerd these days, so they started to use "autistic" instead.

Math is autistic, knowing about history is autistic, programming is autistic, not playing Pokemon Go means you're autistic etc.

Anyone played the good'ol Il-2 1946? For a flight sim, it has a low learning curve, and multiplayer was fun for the most part.


seem as if complement since so many geniuses have autism


Still a moot point because people learn at different speeds. What took you forever to learn may take someone else half that time.

Also hobbies don't inherently have to be productive. You're being quite obnoxious.



No that's not a fair assumption, why? Because you don't have a fucking clue why autists develop their "obsessions" in the first place. I'll just get right to it and tell you; it's because they want something they have control over in their lives. That's it, a desire for control generally this is a trait shared by pretty much anybody with parents whom are neglectful, or narcissistic, or emotionally abusive, or control freaks.

Someone who likes playing a simulator is just somebody who likes crunching realistic numbers, math, and science in their favorite subject.



My point was that you should work on something that will benefit you rather than squander your time with serious games that you learned how to play solely for distracting yourself rather than practical applications. Everyone needs to take a break once in a while, but there are much more efficient ways of wasting your time.

Yes, but you don't see to understand, despite the numerous times I've spelt it out for you, is that I think it's your lifestyle and not a hobby. If you think it's obnoxious that people are entertaining that idea when you specifically made a thread requesting the insight of others, then that's your problem.

I build trains in my spare time. Autism is healthy as long as it's used positively.

So more efficient ways would be playing shitty casual games that don't exercise your brain?

Isn't that what wasting time is? If you're going to put the effort into learning and playing serious games, you should at least get something out of it that's more than some distraction from the shitiness of life.

Thank goodness I'm not their roommate.

I'm pretty sure only the individual can make a cost benefit analysis of what is worth their time and what their time is worth. You aren't qualified to make that choice for others. You can make a judgement based on your own perspective, but know that your judgement is completely worthless.

Implying that wasting time has a standard definition implies that everyone lives by the same rules and places the same value in things.

Even you admit that you are only here to read up on game news, yet refuse to play games. That alone is something I could argue is more of a waste than actually playing games and gaining experiences that could possibly place you in tournaments to waste money. But I don't because that is left to your own analysis of what your time is worth.

Also see

*of what an action is worth and what their time is worth

*in tournaments to make money

Man I screwed the pooch on that one.

My judgements are only as valuable to you as you believe them to be. I am merely offering my input that you requested and what you do with it is up to you. I do think that wasting time does have a universal definition, which is that it is the opposite of productivity.

I never said that at all.

It's my fault that I didn't see and for that I do apologize.

You need to either die, or stop telling others how to use their time.

You thought wrong, as no one inherently owes productivity to society.

This game needs better UI

and then a complete refactor, the shit it's trying to do shouldn't be as intensive as it is

Why is intensive bad to you? Games are supposed to draw you in and keep your attention.

You seem awfully triggered, Mr. (48).

Yes, and what does that have to do with the definition of wasting time?

Ayy this is some special autism

Every time I see something like that cockpit, I'm surprised that every single one of those switches and gauges apparently has an actual use.

Again, once you know how aircraft operate and how missles/guns work it just comes to you quickly and none of that is in the least bit overwhelming.

Surprisingly, sending a several ton metal machine sailing through the air requires a lot of variables that need monitoring.

Are there any toaster friendly nice flight simulators?

MS flight Sim X is toaster friendly. So is DCS if you're willing to play at the shittiest settings.

Decent enough if you have a GTX600+ video card. Some modules run better than others. The A10C runs well and is still the most fully developed module, so start with that. It's like $20.

You do need a joystick with, but a logitech 3d wingman or whatever will suffice for starters. If you decide that you're really getting into it at that point, you should get head tracking before upgrading your joystick. There are cheap

Simple flight stick is fine for FC3 planes ( simplified ).
A good HOTAS and headtracking is almost required for the more complex planes and gitting gud

You buy them

Thanks for your input guys. Gonna check these out.