where would you wanna live
fascist italy.
stalinist USSR.
ancap america
where would you wanna live
fascist italy.
stalinist USSR.
ancap america
Neither I declare my own free territory and fight them all or die trying.
All mine btw
ancap america, i can act out my cyberpunk fantasies
Stalinist USSR tbh fam
ancap america
i build my house inside out and charge the universe for living on my land and breathing my air but hey they could just leave
all good answers
stalinist russia its perfect
Don't I live in ancap America?
prolly get purged in all three for different reasons.
Ancap America
More chances to do hilarious shit and trigger ancaps.
Build tinier and tinier houses within so, while the only way to leave is to exit through the door, it just leads to more property, ad infinitum, until the door gets too small to enter/exit.
BAMF! Infinite property.
Stalinist USSR and PURGE stalin.
One of these things is not like the others…
Ancap America. I will start a business by buying child prostitute slaves, getting them addicted to crack, and using them as enforcers for my competing agency that gives out property deeds.
Do you mean America as it is today or a hypothetical Ancap America?
If the latter, Stalinist USSR I guess. I'd keep my head down and try to become a Pravda reporter.
Eh, my hatred of Fascism outweighs a lot of things, so An-Cap America.
Ancap america and buy plutonium to make dirty bomb.
trotskyite in USSR
t. suicidal
Fascist Italy in 1943
This. Just be a tankie and everything will be fine.
stalinist USSR but AFTER the purges
otherwise ancap USA, hopefully I'll at least be allowed to leave. Oh wait, leaving means I'd have to trespass on private property
I'll buy up an extremely thin strip of land (
How is Chinatsu so perfect?
You're shittier businessman than Stirner
You can free or kill him, what's the problem?
fascist italy, i would be discussing theory in prison with gramsci :^), or at least die as un partigano
the other two options are too depressing.
This. Once he's too old to work just kill him and sell his organs to medical science.
ancap america just because it would be easiest to destroy what with my right to assemble large nuclear devices.
and don't talk to me about resources, I'd just pimp out stolen children.
Don't you mean children that voluntarily signed a contract to be your sex slaves in exchange for not starving to death?