I have such a stunning and brave University President dont I? Anyone else relieving emails from their (((College)))??

I have such a stunning and brave University President dont I? Anyone else relieving emails from their (((College)))??

Anyone else feel that you're the only real thinking individual in this world, and everyone else is just a mindless NPC? Except for Holla Forums of course. In my real world, I encounter nothing but minor variations of these mindless drones, zogged out their mind, parroting state narratives:
You will join the corporatist mono-culture goyim!!!
2017 isn't supposed to feel like this. I thought we were supposed to be winning, winning, winning.

And I loved how he called antifa innocent, they threw bricks and his car and hit it with baseball bats

thats what everybody thinks about everybody, its a thought drilled into you all at birth to keep you from forming like minded groups based on a hierarchy of merit

you special lil snowflake you

We should of killed the Alt-Kike when we had a chance. This was all planned and now they're going to silence all redpills.

Speaking of forming like minded groups, how could I possibly join a group in a college like this without facing huge penalties from my peers and possible expulsion?


They're human, but they don't have time to know the full details like we do. The MSM sends their news speedily and sensationalized, damage done by the time new details emerge.

For certain, money and the mainstream press are responsible.

None, but there's nothing preventing you from joining a left-leaning group and assuming a leadership role



(((the rebel)))

(((Ezra Levant)))

The most jewy name possible.

they are going to unleash something they are not prepared for. not all of us are fat neets who plan on shitposting our lives away. fuck you nsa go watch more child porn and quit fucking with my computer.

I go to UF. People are losing their minds about Richard Spencer coming on September 12th, and faculty keep coming out and "denouncing bigotry." Commies everywhere say it's not free speech if it's not their agenda

Save any of the emails by chance?

Nah it's more of an inverse of that.
People make up the majority, but there are npcs in place to carry out scripted events. They are a minority but powerful and are there to continue the simulation and we are all judged based on our actions. So determinism, but with free will and personal responsibility as a focus. Most people will fail, I'm not great but I'm atleast better than the hedonists.

(((Ezra))) I just happened to have my reporter on scene, streaming JUST as the crash occurred.

Are you reading the same letter or just fucking dense? This is the same language Trump used. Don't specify who is using hatred, bigotry and violence. Don't specify who is a peaceful community.

You are inferring what you want.

Hm guess youre right. What about (((Ezra)))? Seems pretty cut and dry

Thank you OP.
May you find peace from the bats of antifa and tolerance from the fires of other (((anarchists))).
Feel love when you are robbed and killed.

All of these (((inspiring))) messages, reports, condemnations, Goybook posts sound EXACTLY the same. They don't even realize it.

Here's the official letter sent out by the president, along with a protest being organized. Our football coach also had to make sure to put his soundbite in.

The student body is having a damn meltdown. They're posting on the normie meme page stuff along the lines of "screw free speech, punch a nazi!" At least our university isn't so cucked as to cancel the event, much to many student group's dismay.

a real rebel doesn't use tags



Trump specifically mentioned evil white nationalists and omitted antifa though.



Well they can't silence redpills now can they. If they plan on trying to suppress them then they're only going to increase their power 10x


Gas these pieces of shit