Anons, stop freaking out. They want you to freak out. Do you know what a real warrior does when faced with an enemy? It looks at it straight in the eye, directly into their soul until they start shivering with fear.
It seems that all Holla Forums’s are finally being targeted. It’s taken many years, but the influence you all have on the internet is too big. Youtube is starting to delete videos and accounts. Twitter is doing that as well. You have the media controlled by the Jews and the Crypto Jews, and you have all the news controlled by the Jews. You have supranational entity that follows the SJW, the United Nations for Israel. You have an economic system entirely controlled by the Jews, in the US and Internationally. All monetary systems are based on debt that is paid to (((them))) again. People are more interested in keeping their identity clean on Facebook than actually fighting for any truth. People will say 9/11 was a terror attack when the terrorists can be found walking around in the Middle East and giving interviews. You have a deep state that is going against the Americans, the CIA and FBI are not here to help you but to help the (((you))). You all know that. We all know that. Heck, anyone knows that.
Anons, we are living in a dystopia. It is similar to the Matrix, the only thing is that people are not plugged. Normal people are just being programmed day and night, with media, newspapers, Facebook and anything that is addictive. They want them to be “plugged” with social addiction.
All of this is a fucking show. Remember that they control the opposition. That means Trump as well. The only difference is that Trump is a fucking Narcissist and wants to do actual good. But he won’t be able to when he is a father, a grandfather, a husband. Too many easy targets to make him vulnerable.
All of this is a fucking show and you all are fucking falling for it. From Spencer to the Clintons, it’s all ran by the higher ups. They are trying to force trumps hand towards “shutting us down”.
And instead of using your brain to defeat the regime, you all are using your “habiting” boners to meme some shit “dodge of peace” memes, that will not help Trump, but actually make him go against you, because in the public eye, he can’t say or do otherwise. So fuck you all.
Now, let’s get down to business. The only way to defeat a regime, is to bring common knowledge of the fraudulent government in the higher-ups to the masses. This nowadays is difficult, because the populous is still very accepting of main stream media narrative. If you cannot show that the mainstream media is a fraud, you are actually the fraud for being a Nazi in their eyes. If they don’t know that “Hitler was right” you are wrong, and you are basically just doing a disservice to everything you stand for.
What Holla Forums should be about is of technological acceleration, making travelling out to the stars, and putting an end to all trivial conflicts on earth. Not perpetrating them. How do you do that?
Stop caring about the show. You are basically the Mexican lady at the laundromat talking about Juan sleeping with Maria. And if Maria asks you what do you think about what Juan did? Ask her: How would you feel having wasted 25 years of your life looking at a box of lights instead of travelling to other worlds? Once the wound is open, you start red-pilling, with kindness and greatness.
So the mission to get Holla Forums back on track is the following:
- Become great and aspire to greatness. Let the fucking normless kill themselves in rallies. When Hitler, or hitlert+1 comes around, you have to be more ready than ever.
- Develop your character and become conscious.
- Become physically fit to function the lifestyle you desire. Always be below 15% body fat unless you plan to travel to Antarctica.
- START doing tangible actions to better the world around you. People will fucking admire you already for your character, but until you don’t start doing actions to better the world, the world will never be yours
- Stop Being part of the Show.
- STOP being a useful goyim.
Good luck. A crisis is on the way. You are Holla Forums. Be smarter than the oppositions. Recognize curveballs when thrown at you.
Good luck guys. You’re going to need it… But fucking hang in here, you are actually doing more good than you imagine.