Dead Rising 4 gameplay
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I haven't even played any of the Dead Rising games, but even I can tell there's some serious heresy going on here
What is this generic action game
Okay, DR has always been wacky but what the fuck? Is this set in the future or something? That's way out there, even for me. It also looks really bland compared to the others. (Maybe not D3). Also what's the setting this time?
i have a fucking plugin that hides comments i should really stop clicking show comments
Main character's voice sounds familiar. Who is it?
At least Frank is still ugly.
wow this looks terrible
Nice power armor
How can you turn an actual fun franchise (it's basically a Musou with zombies, come on) into a boring shitfest? This needs actual effort to pull it off.
or maybe there was none to be had in the first place
Where did it all go so wrong? I know 3 was the start of the decline, but not what I meant.
Please tell me it's not DR1's Brad and they aren't actually making a reboot.
Otherwise you can add that to the pile of Capcom games fucked by outsourcing.
Also all that could have been said about DR3 and what we've seen of 4 has been said. New Frank doesn't make any sense and doesn't have the same appeal as the old one, the Canuck completely misunderstood what made DR1 great and are focusing on the wrong thing and bland fucking color palette.
So yeah, I'm just gonna replay Dead Rising 1 next month.
there was a third one?
Troy Baker
i'm starting to become numb to everything I love being turned to shit
I actually liked the third one for all it was. I have no desire to do anything even approaching defending this shit.
It's just as dreary and grey as three. But did they also downgrade the graphical fidelity compared to the third one, or is that just me?
This gameplay is starting to look more like Saints Row 3/4 than Dead Rising.
I was always bummed that I missed out on it, but I'm glad I'll get a chance now. Are the escort missions really as bad as people made them out to be? I thought they were fine in DR2.
This is a worse bastardization than the new System Shock remake.
yes user
i'm tired of the pain
I think the worst part is how people try to defend it by saying it is silly, but the [problem is that the first two dead rising games may have been silly, they were not as pants on head retarded as this which is just a glorified action game now. The zaniest shit you used may have been just combo weapons like a chainsaw on a pole. Now you have a mech suit that gives magic powers essentially and the game takes itself too seriously.
Remember when Dead Rising was basically a love letter to old zombie films and it was also meant to show off the power of Capcom's engine and how many enemies they can put on the screen without suffering any lag?
AI is worse than in DR1 but once I had some hours in game I started using orders and it got way better.
Basically just tell your survivors to wait at a safe spot, clear the way a bit and repeat. If it's an open area with not too many zombies you can just power through. It's manageable but still trickier than DR2.
Also don't forget to give survivors firearms, they have infinite ammo. Except shotguns, AI is fucking retarded with them, they wait for zombies to get close to blast them at which point they realise they're too close and melee them instead of shooting. They repeat that crap forever and when they do shoot they only hit 1 or 2 zombies.
well this will be the first Dead Rising game I don't buy
it's just trying too hard on both the serious and playful parts and ends looking like it was made by the kind of 14 year old who really wants to be seen as an intellectual while also being a rabid Invader Zim fan.
I started to go numb once Spore was in my hands.
m8 I remember when Lost Planet was still alive.
I saw an interview of the retards that got Lost Planet 3, they were talking about a meeting with Inafune where they told him what their vision of the game was like. They said that faggot nodded in agreement, meanwhile LP3 is the worst fucking game in the series.
I hope Capcom never outsources any of their game again because western devs apparently are fucking retarded and don't know what made previous games they're supposedly "huge" fans of good.
How can you take a game about cool robots, over the top action, huge aliens, shitton of guns and a relatively elaborate movement system and turn it into a fucking borefest cover based third person shooter ?
They just don't care anymore guys.
If any of you had any kind of hope for this game, get rid of it.
Pack it up.
We're done here.
So… a computer saw let's plays of previous Dead Rising games and made a dead rising game not understanding what made the game great, and also got CoD zombies or some shit as feedback by error or some shit, right?
Only a fuck who didn't played the first or even the second game could make this trash.
This ain't Frank West.
Look, I don't mind super whacky weapons and shit but let me have my difficulty and tension and timer from DR1. It's all I ask.
you're asking for the main fucking mechanic that made DR different from the rest.
they cant deliver that, buddy boy
Just fucking split the series into "whacky" DR and good DR. From what I understand they may be doing so for Saints Row.
What? are you serious? I thought Saints Row is now a meme game forever and ever.
I'm assuming that's what they're aiming to do since they've made an entirely new IP(Agents of Mayhem) that looks like it's going to be whacky saints row. Only thing remaining for me to confirm my theory is for a good SR to be announced preferably 6 days from now at Gamescom
4 was a dissapointment and volition is a living meme, not expecting anything good from it.
why split the series when talented people can manage both serious and wacky at once?
At least we have DR1. That's probably a fuck you to MS for killing the franchise.
It's Capcom user, they've fired or sucked the life talent out of most of their workers.
I just want a decent crime syndicate simulator, maybe even a mercenary or war criminal simulator I loved base building of Metal Gear Solid 5.
anyone selling their souls to triple a publishers in current year deserves no pity. go indie or kill yourself
not-AAA publishers(I have no idea what to call them. AA?) exist too you know.
I haven't noticed considering good game releases are extremely scarce now.
Tell me what kind of vidya you like, I may or may not be able to recommend something.
i try to broaden my horizons with basically any genre except strategy. only new games that have remotely interested me in the past 3 years are armikrog, yooka layle, shantae, and the latest kingdom hearts
Ni-Oh, NieR: Automata, Persona 5, maybe Last Guardian, Styx 2.
There is some good stuff coming.
i wouldve also mentioned undertale and stardew valley, but they bring out the autists
i noticed the hype behind last guardian from both ends of the spectrum so i'll consider that if it turns out to be good. persona i dont like the "anime" style so it gets an immediate no from me. I'l look into the rest though, thanks.
with shantae, yookalayle,ty remasters, and possibly good crash remasters coming, it slowly feels like things are gonna get better
The survivor AI is something you'll have to work through, think of them as genuine obstacles you have to work around and less like people and you'll kind of get the hang of it.
Don't be afraid to just ditch a survivor if they're being too much trouble either, you won't, and probably shouldn't try, to get a perfect run the first time through.
4 had an actually decent story and fun gameplay. 3 was boring as fuck.
Basically now the Saints are Start Treck
Lets hope they do get better
Yeah this too, no big deal if you lose some people on the first run.
I don't know if it's because I was more comfortable with the formula or not but I remember DR1 being much more harsher on the timer and survivor locations in the first playthrough.
RIP Deadrising.
This is not fantastic.
When I played it the first time I actually fucked up around the second third and got a bad ending and started again. Much better experience then
this looks neat at least
DR1 can be harsh in some areas, more so if you're trying to get the story done as well as all the psychos and survivors.
The AI is annoying at times, but is easy to learn its shortcomings to reduce stress.
The clayanimation game? You might find The Deadly Tower of Monsters interesting. It's more stopmotion than clayanimation but it's fun, funny and has a really neat gimmick.
Sorry, can't help you there. For what's its worth I'm also looking forward to this and A Hat In Time because collectathons are my favorite genre.
I assume you've played the metroidvanias and La-Mulana already? I also recommend Momodora Reverie Under The Moonlight, Ori And The Blind Forest, Teslagrad and Guacamelee.
If you're talking about charming games that take place in multiple worlds, no idea. If you're talking about 3D beat em ups, I can recommend you Kung Fu Strike(pirate it on IGG or whatever, devs are dead) which is tons of fun until you start fighing women.
Tell you what, here are a few games I've played somewhat recently, go through them and see if you like anything
>Ace of Seafood(Neo Aquarium 2.0. 3D shump in space sea)
Stuff to look forward to:
This is what comes to mind at the moment. Try looking through Play-ism's catalog for some obscure jap indies, you might find some good stuff on there.
Why is Frank West talking to him self and acting like he is afraid all these zombies. Hes a veteran zombie killer! Why is it that in the first game hes never dealt with a zombie outbreak and hes the most cocky out side of Falco. Here his acting like some reluctant hero. Fuck this bullshit hes covered wars you know
Something about this screams "it's gonna be shit" to me.
I mean, most people who worked on the original three R&Cs don't work at Insomniac anymore.
Yeah, the Hastings brothers and Brian Allgeier are still there, but most other devs aren't.
When is the first game set to release on PC?
September 13th.
Writin every recommendation down and will hafta go through em tomorrow, but i tried max payne the other day and it fucking refused to launch no matter what patch/thing i did. so fuck max payne for now.
hoyl fuck i completely forgot about that
Next month, I think.
Sep. 13, because the other ports have to be released with it simultaneously, even though it's as good as ready, right now.
A demo on the 8th wouldn't be so bad, you know. They could even port the demo that originally released with the game, too.
Even the .bat fix I mentioned in the thread? Here it is again. Create a new text file. Paste
start /affinity 1 MaxPayne.exe
in that file, and then SAVE AS the file as MaxPayne.bat. Launch the game from the .bat file.
Same deal for maxpayne2 with a 2 at the end of it.
oh i used a copy from igg-games, which i assumed would be fine after i patched it and did everything i was supposed to.
And first check your task manager process for Max Payne if it was already running, if so close that process before running the .bat file.
Used that same copy. Try the fix.
Thank you, QLOC. Polish Empire soon.
just tried your solution and no dice.
Did you check your task manager processes first?
yea guys great fucking idea. Only in media could people be this braindead. Or at least the couple of people running these studios that don't play video games.
i have it open on my 2nd screen. it doesnt open the exe at all. neither your solution nor the patch launcher
Huh. I didn't install the 1.05 patch because it asked me for a CD. Try not installing it.
Wait a second are you launching the .exe or the .bat file?
tried both bats. exe does nothing even with compat settings.
DR2's engine sucked. That's why.
MTF is infinitely superior, and that is why Dead Rising 1 cannot even be touched, in terms of fidelity to the chop-til-you-drop, survival-horror experience of a lifetime.
September 13th cannot come soon enough.
Could you post your Max Payne directory?
I'm redownloading from igg again, this time not gonna delete my fucking archive like a dick not installing the patch.
The game isnt installed in something retarded like ProgramFiles if thats what you're wondering.
No I just wanted to check if you had created a MaxPayne.bat.txt file like the other guy did.
State of Decay has the monopoly on zombie games now, sorry not hyped
I'm deeefinitely not that retarded. Nah it was made fine.
Honestly, it looks alright. I mean, after seeing how bad games can get: this looks like it has been competently programmed and has a fair level of creativity to it. If it's too dissimilar to the first and second games: I would just play those anyway.
I can agree with this.
I'd also add that it's not that it's a bad game, it's that it's a bad Dead Rising game. From what I've seen so far, calling DR4 a Dead Rising game is like calling Dead Space 3 a Dead Space game. The title says it is, but the game says it isn't, you know?
Well. i installed the sound patch and ran through your bat while making sure it wasnt already running in task manager, and now its just stuck like this.
Keep in mind it may actually be Baker but at this point, it may as well be him or Nolan North because of how generic he sounds
This was on TJ's FB page
>Former actor at CAPCOM
Or zombrex is incredibly cheap or there are more zombies than you should expect.
It's a meme you dip.
Oh, sorry. Silly me.
Also, I forgot how frequently you had to put zombrex. It was 1 every 24 hours?
Where do you think we are?
Because he's not Frank West. This is some fucking generic retard they shoved in the role. Whoever writes for these new Dead Rising games likes making their heroes really fucking lame. This 'Frank' looks like and acts like Nick but with more 'jokes' he throws around.
if it wasn't for the blanka costume i was convinced this was just any other zombie game and whoever uploaded it was trying to trick me
anyway, i'm sick of zombies and won't be giving money to capcom, i liked dead rising 1 and 2 but i think i've had my fill
And I thought DR3 was hot steaming unsalvageable garbage.
This is pretty much the 'postal 3' of the Dead Rising franchise.
That is.. not my image.
It is suitable, regardless.
same thing as every other dead rising
you fags are just contrarians
hey you
yes you
stop replying to bait
You heard me, faggot.
Wait a minute.
This is just Fallout 4. It's even got the same color pallete
Maybe all the survivors will have infinite health too
fuck off hype thread shill
only currently existing games allowed
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
there are 3 stalker games retard
Is it confirmed to be troy baker?
It's just as bad as the original resident evils that fags nostalgia over and just as bad for the same reasons. I don't give a shit about the atmosphere story etc etc. that you think makes it a good game, they PLAY like absolute dogshit.
All of good game design philosophy move us in the direction of fluidity = good , these games think you should be locked into a grid to fight an enemy and having a single sterile run speed is acceptable, it's not, these games are shit by design.
nigga do you even know what you do in dead rising
the dead are rising
The animations look so wonky, everything is so pale and it sounds boring as fuck. What the fuck? This is suppose to be Dead Rising how you ruin that?
No, they did. Even look at the fucking gore.
The only difference is that its on Unreal 4 and since it also has a huge mall and town they really had to downgrade it.
Its the ps3/360 babies that hit this place like some years ago. This shit is a childhood classic for them.
You just had to say "original", didn't you, RE4fag?
oh baby
It was still fun
You have no right to judge this game, casual.
It wasn't without merit but theres lots of annoying shit that I don't remember the first two games having at all. From the poor optimization, a character that doesn't shut the fuck up during scripted gameplay scenes, regular weapons being absolutely useless compared to combo weapons, being unable to make combo weapons without a blueprint, and they really didn't design the game around the original formula at all. If you try to play nightmare mode good luck trying to find a save point, they blend into the background and for the longest time I don't even remember if they show locations for it on the map.
He's talking about 2.
I thought he was talking about 2. Because 2 wasn't as strong as the original but it was still a good game and at least had some nice ideas of its own.
Minus every ending but S-rank end being dogshit and those gas zombies on the third day.
If a sequel isn't as good as the original, then it is a waste.
it seems weird to me that it has a realistic art style, I feel like a bit more cartoony would be better
What? So the title can be even more unfitting?
Dead Rising itself is realistic as fuck, and MTF is just one of those engines that can accomplish that. In the end, the canuckistan's botched composite is a slow mess, in comparison.
Please go fucking kill yourself
Well, at least the pollacks they've hired for the PC port of the original are doing something good with the series, for once, and that's bringing that glistening nut out of the wonky shit that is XbawX.
I hope Holla Forums's learned a lesson about sending Capcom a message by giving them money. This time, it should just be full yo-ho-ho, rather than hoping the PC port outselling the new game will change their minds, in the slightest.
It probably won't outsell DR4 regardless anyway. DR1 is ~9-10 years old and its a far cry from le wacky zombie killing game xDD normalfags are used to when playing a game in the series nowadays.
Let's just be glad we will be able to play DR1 in the future without worrying about our 360 breaking down (mine did a long time ago).
So what you're saying is that Dead Rising got Saints Row'd
Actually, the gimping of Frank's character alone is pretty riling towards the general fan base, which even includes people who've never played the first game.
This is basically serving as the next "Donte" for Capcom, except that the game series isn't even that popular, anymore. All they can do is waste their money on ad revenue, and one can only guess how much that's going to cost them.
In a strange way it was beautiful, when it happened to me. There was sadness of course, the pain, but as it dragged on it was replaced by the wonderful hollow feeling of nothing.
No. This is Capcom. It got DmC'd.
I hope it bombs and Capcom learns its lesson to never outsource another game again. Every time they've done it the result has been terrible. DmC, Lost Planet 3, RE6's China levels were outsourced too I think which is why they look atrocious.
As much as Capcom can be greedy jews, they have some talented people working there that can put out some good shit when they want. Unless they already all left the company, I don't remember Capcom doing much of notice in the last few years.
The problem with DmC though wasn't becoming wacky and absurd, it was the opposite. It took itself way too seriously in a series with a protagonist loved for not being serious at all.
Jesus christ, dead rising 3 might have been brown and bloom, but it wasn't this fucking bad.
I am absolutely livid to what they've done to one of my favorite zombie series. They're taking something that was definitely the most original game of the zombie genre and just shitting all over it.
Very likely.
Not likely.
Except this is a unique Capcom experience. They take a beloved game, outsource a sequel of it, and watch it burn, all the while they count their Pachinko sales.
It's the modern Japanese business model, at least, until the totally legal "gaming" gets combed away for the Olympics, which must happen, in the name of Globalism. Exciting events, very soon.
What really did it in was the attempt to reboot it and get the mystical 'wider audience' for a niche genre of games by completely change the gameplay and aesthetics to the poster-boy of the genre.
It would be like turning Call of Duty into ARMA; the game itself may or may not be good (and in DMC's case, it was generic but not 'bad' bad) but you're going in with expectations.
That mystical audience never turned up, the old guard had been utterly alienated by, in hindsight, what was a proto-gamergate with the media shitting all over the fans, and it really says it all that fans of the original series got the DmC compilation to beat DMC in sales.
I'd say poor reboot-itus was similar happened to bionic commando. I actually enjoyed the game because the developers clearly put effort into the actual gameplay and it's fun swinging around. The problem was (imo) they clearly didn't have the budget to make an open world/sandbox game to fully exploit those great mechanics.
why must everything i love be destroyed
this guy is just Venom Frank, he's not the real thing
r-right guys?
When's Peace?
Man lot of shit seems off about the trailer.
The graphics just seem off, for all brown in DR3 it at least looked GOOD, this just seems bad, like they had low budget.
The suit instantly popping up also seems odd, the zombies gib in strange ways, I don't know it looks weird.
It's funny that this is the only thing I'm looking forward to going into 2017. I spend my time playing old games and hoping other old games get ports, glad this one finally did though and it looks great.
Hopefully the port is as good as it looks.
Only because you wait for it, and don't act to make it happen.
wait, I just had a horrible thought. You guys don't think Capcom would use denuvo for the Dead Rising port do you?
Borderless full screen, uncapped fps, and rebindable controls with gamepad support. What more could you ask for?
They even cut off the extra bit of dialog Otis gives you about how rude you are for cutting his black ass off, while he was talking to you.
I'm sorry if my post was disrespectful Mr. Trump, it's just that everything is so shit now
That happens for normal clothes in every DR game, too. Retard.
Its QLOC handling the port, butthead. Get it right.
We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.
This is something we call memes, or at least should. Be the meme. Make it happen.
How did they forget how to even do DUMB right anymore? I think Holla Forums needs to just shutter the storefront at this point.
Why was a street light on a train bed? Just what?
press the arrow facing to the right "Show post options & limits" then use the embed box next time
I know I shouldn't spoonfeed but you shared a video that made me happy to see so not bullying you is your repayment faggot.
Again, QLOC, a developer from Poland has full reign over the porting of this game to the PC, just as they've had full authority over anything else Capcom has sent them to port.
Quit your bitching.
Listen here, faggot. You want nothing but agreement on your terms, go back to facebook or whatever nigger infested slime hole you came from.
what? I'm just wondering if they'll use denuvo. Don't know why you think I'm bitching.
I'm going to enjoy this game. Not the shitty new one, but the PC port of the old one. Maybe I'll pirate it, if a good link comes up.
How does that make you feel, gaylord?
You are a silly cunt, the requirements are full retarded considering the source material. Your "works for me" faggotry doesn't hold water.
Dragon's Dogma didn't so I wouldn't expect it.
Enjoy Metal Gear Survival
Your being pessimistic, which is being a bitch. Don't be a bitch.
Then don't complain, if your toaster can't play a decade's old game.
Anyone have that image where some guy says "god has abandoned us, we must dance the dance of heathen gods?" It sums up my general mood these days.
it pops on middle of the animation, like a transition.
There's no fucking transition here, the suit is already on off screen as soon as the animation starts.
Quit justifying a bad game for the sake of shitposting, nobody is going to reply to it. I'm the only one taking your bait, and it clearly stops now.
Fuck you, I didn't ask for this.
I did not believe that this was a real page until I went there
would you?
I heard that it was impressively mediocre and that if you want to play "2D small child scary world indie game" there's a lot of better options to choose from.
Er, why don't you guys play the other Dead Rising games?
They're all coming out next month.
What the fuck is the point of even giving a fuck about DR3 and 4 when you've got all the best ones coming out on everything?
Hell this also means for the first time you can play DR1 anywhere, and DR2 and OTR will finally run smoothly no matter what platform you play them on, no more 360/PS3 slideshow with 2 hour loading times.
Just go play those, problem solved.
Pretty much.
I've learned to let the pain of modern games wash over me now. No more fussing over lost series, no more crying over developer ignorance and corruption. Just move on and enjoy the good stuff, past and present.
I hope you realise that Capcom intends to use these ports as a safety net for their sales.
Just like with DmC, they won't learn shit from this.DR4 bombing while DR1 shines again will mean absolutely nothing to them, regardless, so this time yar-har. No exceptions.
press demo
fags just wanna a reason to whine, 3 and 4 are literally the same shit as the first 2 games
Is this what shills are resorting to now? I saw this exact same comment at many places now
Just noticed how nuFrank is not taking care of his camera at all now.
>i'm starting to become numb to everything I love being turned to shit
I've made a webm for you faggots.
from the thumbnail I thought it was some garry's mod shit
I don't even mind that kind of archetype, I just hate that they had to ruin an already established character
when the fuck does this game even take place? Frank looks younger than he was in the first damn game
50 bucks says the weird tone/character shifts are happening because they're setting it up for a RE crossover
You sure showed me. Dead Rising is shit. Every single one.
Fanboys of this series are really retarded. Its the exact same shitty game and you mongoloids are whinning like they raped the games.
Not buying it. Not even for a second.
It's weird that when some people say Capcom sucks now but they mean after dead rising. What the fuck? Capcom sucked after PS1. They've sucked for ages.
Look at this fanboy faggot
top fucking cuck.
And you have (6) faggot.
Soon to be (7) guaranteed.
careful there buddy
capcom might dock your pay if you go alittle too far
It's so shi that it made me laugh. For fucks sake.
If you liked Saints Row 4 this looks good. For all us none autists this looks like a fucking retard's school project.
I heard they axed the time limit, is that true?
Lemme know when theres a Chuck Greene mod for DR1.
Also, theres a mod for DR2: OTR that lets you replace Frank with…well, Frank from the original Dead Rising!
Great shit
In one hand they didn't get Frank's voice actor, the graphics are generic brown shit, stealth from TLoU because that's what our focus group told us they like and Frank's character went from brave journalist who's covered wars to generic plucky main character who talks to himself in case the player doesn't know what to feel at the moment.
On the other hand I really like the ragdolls flying around.
Not really feeling optimistic about this.
Is sad that you can't save Ted.
Looks like Dynasty Warriors with zombies.
Why would you want to play as that inferior canuck composite?
In case DR1 has a co-op mode and Frank is already taken.
Better him than Nick.
Pretty sure its been confirmed at this point.
This Frank must not be the ending from dead rising 1 we used going to off the record
This guy has been through Gas Zombies. There is no reason he should react like that to seeing of special zombie.
This is a interesting point to make but it doesn't excuse how alien the dialog feels for Frank especially if this is him post S rank ending in which Frank presumably goes insane
Just checked out the Dead Rising wiki looking up some things and I came across this
Is this Chuck Greene all over again
They'd just make a slightly different model for co-op and call the bastard Hank like they did in DR3 with the whole Nick/Dick thing.
Why does it look like she only has one breast?
breast cancer?
No idea, she ugly as fuck though.
And what the fuck is with that zipper?
Look at that shit, does that even make any fucking sense
Who designed this shit? Who on the face of this Earth thinks that looks cool or practical or trendy anything
Wait a minute, I just realized her name is Vick and the characters of the series including co-op partners have their names almost sound the same.
Frank, Chuck, Nick, Dick, now Vick…
If 'she' is the fucking co-op partner in 4…Christ.
Who is making this shit? the guys from Saints Row?.
With how fucking retarded Dead Rising 3 plot was I'm not surprised our friendly Canuck friends have started scraping the bottom in terms of character design.
I sure can't wait to see what they have in stock for us this time.
So Holla Forums, what would you have done to make Chuck a better character?
Cut down the one-liners.
So who's doing the PC port of of DR1?
dudes who did Dragon's Dogma
Here's hoping.
Then whats the fucking point?
Ever since the original game, retards thought the game was or should be about 'KILL ZOMBIES IN OPEN WORLD SANDBOX' instead of 'You are trapped in a mall for 3 days, zombies are everywhere, find out what the fuck happened and dont die.'
The devs changed hands, and has been slowly going down that route ever since.
It does not even take place within the Willamette mall, what the fuck is going on? What's the point of making it take place in Willamette when you are not in the mall, the whole first game was centered around that mall and most of the gameplay was trying to traverse it as fast as possible while minding zombies.
Is this another case of Dead Rising 3, let's just open up the map without any real reason other than "BIGGER, BETTER, UNCUT"
Statistically impossible. You'd have to just rewrite the game entirely, to get everything right, for starters.
The fact photography as a feature was fucking removed from the sequel was a goddamn deathknell to the franchise's integrity.
The fuck are you on about
According to one developer interview they were happy about the series because they felt as though they had their own niche, but they likely misunderstood the appeal that made people fall in love with DR to begin with. Given that the same studio did everything related with 2 including the Case downloadable games and OTR it doesnt make sense.
I seriously thought that was a chinese dude at one point. Seriously, no Rebecca-like character?
Pachinko sales are dimming down, and the government is getting torn between the Olympic Committee and Yakuza in terms of dominance. All signs point to what is seen by the rest of the world as sinful and greedy to be banned before the Olympics even begin to assemble, by 2020.
Pretty ironic, with how well-recieved Brazil is, right now.
What the god damn
Zombie games scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. They still do, but not nearly as much. I remember putting in Dead Rising 1 in the Xbox at my grandma's house. As soon as the eerie music popped up with the zombies sauntering on the screen, I turned off the xbox and switched to another game.
If Dead Rising 1 is coming to PC, I'll have to whip out my gaming desktop and hope it's not too out of date to run it. Is there anyway to use a Wii U Pro controller on PC games?
Dead Rising 1 in general had a pretty spooky opening movie when you waited on the title screen, especially since it really set the mood for the rest of the game.
I think they could have made it if they ran out of their dinky car and went to the semi. I also find it funny how fast those zombies caught up with them after driving for so long.
My theory is that DR4 wont be following Frank but an actor playing Frank in a movie about his exploits at willamette. Then an actual outbreak happens yadda yadda and the survivors he comes across will all think he's the real frank.
Might also explain the power armour and shit, maybe those are movie props
Her gender is unisex.
Remember, you can't fuck around with zombies in this series after dark.
That probably isn't that far off from what the actual story might be if they pull a twist end, and especially since Frank being popular after this exploits in OTR and the trophies of him in 3. Makes me wonder what all means though
True. Part of why I think Dead Rising 1 was so great is the nailed both the faults and strengths of zombies. In general, zombies are slow and stupid and it's easy to maneuver around them. But when they're in huge hordes, you're dead if you can't plow through them or if you get cornered.
Maybe he started his own newspaper and that little chink is one of his underlings.
Honestly though this is just hopeful thinking, if there isn't a jap team behind it we aren't going to get anything clever. If it's the same fucking retards that made 3 we're getting another bland and lame game.
It's a Japanese love-letter to horror movies, mate. That's like asking why they don't just shell Godzilla to death. Because you're gonna die.
The audacity of these niggers
This is Saint's Row the Third all over again.
And a reminder that yes, there will be NO time limits in 4
Doesn't look much different from previous games from the outlook tbh.
If there is no time limit anymore I might actually play it though.
Can you play as a qt girl in any of these games?
There is no time limit.
I want to say "At least they learned from Dead Rising 3" but from what little I've seen I still dont have a lot of confidence.
Without the use of mods? Nope.
No. You play as a dude that gets zombie medication to his daughter, an asshole with a bit of a heart, and a bitch beaner in the series.
You get to give one a piggy-back in the first game
Meant for
Maybe I need to sleep.
If you don't mind Rebecca having Chuck's voice, this is for those who want to be a girl!
Really though, you're better off playing as the guys. No, DR2 will never be playable
It is.
meant to type DR2 Katey, fug
DR3 Katey will also hopefully never be playable.
I've never seen someone misunderstand a brand this fucking hard. Dead Rising had silly elements, but that came as a result of the player actively sabotaging the serious tone and story.
Remember Dead Rising 1? Remember how that game was actually pretty miserable tonally? All of Frank's allies die horrible fucking deaths, thousands are dead, he essentially becomes a ticking zombie time bomb, the government comes in with shoot to kill orders on zombies and civilians alike, by the end of the game the guy's essentially broken.
It's not a series about (Not)Frank acting like a dumb everyman, punching zombies with dildo fists while wearing power armor. Fuck, this makes me so angry, because this is the second time this kind of shit has happened to one of my beloved franchises.
Pic. Fucking. Related.
Do you mean SR3? SR4 was decent, like a nice minty mouthwash after SR3's rancid shit sandwich: sure, there's still the aftertaste of shit, but hey there's mint.
Saints Row 4 is fun, I guess, but I posted it more as the perfect example of misunderstanding what made the series fun in the first place. It's still got a plethora of problems but if you can look past them it's okay, I'm talking more about the franchise slide into nonsense in general.
But user, Dead Rising 4 doesn't have Burch yet.
I don't know when this started but nowadays in western media things either have to be "le wacky everything xDD" pants-on-head retarded or grimdark shit with nothing in-between. I remember seeing reviews for Snowpiercer and a lot of people bashed it because "lol why is there silly stuff in it it's a serious movie". It's been something that has existed a long time in korean cinema (director was korean), you can even see stuff like in The Host and tons of other asian movies in general.
I think I remember an user who blamed the Nolan Batman movies as a turning point, perhaps he was right.
For the grim dark stuff, I would agree that the Nolan Batman films did cause a change where suddenly, that light-hearted not so serious franchise is now rebooted as a very dark and sad gritty story where the main characters cries like a bitch every 5 minutes or talks to himself
As for "Everything has to be so randumb and whacky!"…
I don't know if I would want to say shows like Spongebob and Ed Edd 'n Eddy helped popularized that
Either way, pisses me off the devs miss the point of Dead Rising for the 3rd time. Not just that, but also the fact that theres no time limit whatsoever and there is no option to put it on. Can't believe I have to give DR3 credit because despite how much of a mess it is, it at least gave you the option of having a time limit.
Look legitimately fun. This is why the japanese industry is superior.
Remind me again what Amnesia clones and VNs we should be playing right now, to fit in with the clique?
The first game is the only one made by the Nips, user. Everything else is naCuck work.
It's everything wrong from 3 copy-pasted over with the additions of regen health, what seems like no option for a timer this time unlike 3, and trying to sell itself with Frank being the mc and SR3 tier the series has always been about wackiness and nothing else.
I bet the soundtrack is going to be fucking terrible too, the licensed music they used for 1 & 2 had some catchy tracks. This is a prime example of total watering down of a series for even more appeal and I thought that was done completely with 3 but they found a way to do it even more.
Looks fun to me.
The thing that's bothersome is these devs don't seem to understand why people liked the wacky parts in the first place. People liked Saint's Row 2 and Dead Rising 1 and 2 because even though the main campaign was fucking dark and sad; you could do whatever you want and take a break from all that. People liked Frank in Dead Rising 1 because even though he was an absolute cheeseball in most cases, he was still very much serious and the game was depressing when it had to be. Just because you ran around with a nerf megaman arm blaster doesn't mean canonically you hit a psycho with it in the face and he had a good laugh.
It's like in GTA4, you have the option to pick up hookers, get blowjobs then run them over and get the money back but that doesn't mean Nico himself in the game's story did that. He instead constantly tried wiping his hands clean and ultimately just wanted to help his cousin. There's story balance and then understanding and adding options to doing whatever in the open world.
So what?
Not just them, that's from a conversation I had with an actual person.
Are the PC versions of DR2 and OTR any good? Worth pirating? Or even getting on a sale?
Will Capcom die already so someone can take their IPs and make some good use out of them?
No. Wait for September.
If you're fresh into the series, that's even better.
I played them before their transition to Steamworks so I don't know if anything changed or not but performance-wise I didn't have any major issues. If you're new to the series I'd suggest waiting for September though.
It's just that chick from Telltale walking dead
Nah. They're still laggy as fuck, and barely moddable, to boot.
On the other hand, a direct pollack port of the MTF-based original will definitely be a fun modding experience.
Hate to break it to ya user but I don't think we'll be seeing a whole lot of mods for Dead Rising, it's pretty old.
I'm hoping for some new outfits and graphical touch ups, that'd be nice.
Shit you spergs are beyond dumb. You took seriously games that never ever took themselves seriously. And you say others are the ones misunderstading them.
Lmao, priceless
At this point I wonder if you're a Dead Rising 4 dev. The first two games, namely DR1, walked a fine line between camp and completely serious. There was a clash of relaxing elevator music and silly ways to kill zombies, against potential swarms of them against you, inventory management and weapon degredation, rescuing and managing survivors, brutal boss fights and events that push your shit in, and worrying if you have enough time and the proper stats to make it to the next story event.
Compare that to DR3. You mainly get industrial music against a completely desaturated environment, and theres a lot less tension to it. Now DR has almost lost its identity thanks to what I assume are developers wanting to cater the game to a larger audience.
Even Dead Rising 2, where things got a smidgen more over the top, still had quite a bit of seriousness mixed in. Chuck's daughter runs the risk of death every day, he's lost his wife in previous zombie outbreaks and was forced to kill her himself in Vegas, some of his interactions with Katey are genuinely heartbreaking in Case Zero.
Off the Record took the silliness another step up, but that was still shackled to most of Dead Rising 2's original plot, which kept it at least semi-grounded.
3 and 4 have just gone so off the rails it isn't even fun anymore. Playing them is just like being bombarded with white noise, completely soulless entertainment with nothing unique to offer like the original games.
Such a shame, for now all I can do is hope for another dev to step up if 4 fails. Maybe we can get a reboot that doesn't suck dick.
Unless they jack steamworks to it, like what the Juden at Firaxis did with X-COM 2 being "fully modular", which is decidedly unlikely, considering the Poles who are doing the port have a good history of not fucking with the games themselves, the low amount of games with even the slightest modularity will just flush creativity to a game that already has some mods of it's own, on the 360.
Theres also the fact that in DR2 on the third day poisonous gas zombies appear and practically ruin your chance of rescue, as well as one scene where zombies break into the safe house.
Its amazing how those canucks managed to take what was once a challenging, if not rewardingly cathartic experience, and turn it into this boringly easy and later annoyingly difficult obstacle course. All in the course of one game, too.
Have you never seen a leather jacket before?