I feel like this shit is counterproductive honestly.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, the real message should be "no presidents".
The one riot where they are burning stuff tipping cars is doing something. Chanting, smoking weed, and singing songs does nothing.
I learned something in the last few days. Being "peaceful" does nothing.
We need to take action
We need to be Mr. Sanders. "nightmare" that he spoke of.
It's just action for the sake of action. Perhaps therapeutic, but really a waste of everyone's time. I don't know what the left should do to strengthen itself in the next four years, but protests about expressing ambiguous anger with no proposed solution probably aren't it.
Yeah it's useless.
notice how concern for "racism" and other victim complex language is at the forefront of their message, while they tack some vague mention of "worker's rights" on at the end (if at all). they don't give a shit about anything of real importance
brainless, spineless, idpol liberal faggots
rioting does nothing but make yourselves look like a bunch of immature children who lash out at anything you dont feel comfortable with, especially if a majority of people dont share the same thoughts.
peak liberalism
of course, and it's completely ineffective. there is nothing that will stop trump from becoming president other than his death.
leftypol doesnt participate in this shit.
it was a terrible plan, but republicans have nothing for the millions who will lose healthcare
much better than shitposting on a crappy 4chan knockoff
i would be there if i lived in a major city
and what would you accomplish?
mostly make himself feel good so he can post on Holla Forums later about how he took action against the patriarchal woman hater racist le system
I'm not so sure. there shouldn't be doubt in anyone's mind that meme magic is real. Protest magic hasn't been working well these last few decades.
agreed. we show that the people are mobilizing. anyone encouraging laziness is c o i n t e l p ro
talk to some of the people there about more radical politics, because a lot of them will probably be receptive
generally though i think expressing popular resistance to a racist and reactionary president is good in and of itself
you know it's just going to be an idpol circle jerk
anyone who goes against their narrative gets fed to the wolves. the best thing to do right now is be sympathetic to the working class trump voters, so when he fails to address their needs, they will be more inclined to support a leftist. all protesting does is give the alt-right figures more ammunition. they'll flaunt the intolerance of the left to their supporters, only further alienating them from real leftism.
They are just upset that Hillary lost, it is a protest in favour of Hillary Clinton as president.
Also just look at these liberals and tell me that they have revolutionary potential.
There's a General Strike being organized for Trump/s inauguration day. Seems like a better plan than just wandering in the streets yelling "end rape culture" or some shit.
there are thousands of people at these protests. why would you assume that everyone of them is an "idpol" liberal who is totally unreceptive to radical class-based politics? i think you're making excuses for your own laziness.
why not both?
I'm fine with taking to the streets with a clear, coherent class-based message. That's not what these protests are.
but for what purpose, from/on what principle? striking because they oppose capitalism and the state would be good, but if they plan to strike because they think trump a "racist" or "misogynist" it's just pathetic delusion and ignorance to actual issues
have you ever considered that you might need to convert people to those class-based politics before you can have protests with them as the message? idiot
Is it though? It's turning out to be prescient because not only did he lose the popular vote but there was massive voter suppression and election fraud that benefited Trump the most as well. He is an illegitimate president.
you arent going to accomplish anything. protests are essentially rallies, not open forums. if you question the narrative you will be shouted down.
there's no point in protesting trump before he even takes office anyway. let the man earn his protest. acting preemptively just makes leftists look close-minded.
Yeah, but this just reminds me of occupy in a weird way.
Violence has to be directed idiot, riots are a waste of time, with the declassified counterrevolutionary manuals the CIA used to propagate amongst anti-leftist insurgency groups (who succeeded most of the time), one would think that leftists would have figured out how to organise insurrection by now.
These protests should really be organized by groups like Election Justice USA, instead of retards.
That's just embarrassing.
Why are liberals always such spastics?
what's the narrative at these protests? that trump is a racist piece of shit? i would never question that. if you would you're a moron.
protesting immediately after the election shows resistance to him from the start
why the hell would you be open minded towards trump?
so what? what does that have to do with capitalism and state power?
so you're admitting that you have no problem with racism? go back to Holla Forums, fash
so trump would be fine were he not a "racist," whatever that means to you?
He would have won even without the voter suppression and shit. That's why Hillary didn't bother challenging it with her army of lawyers. She seriously fucked up that bad.
so what are you protesting besides the alleged "racism"?
I could have sworn we did this shit 4 years ago with the crowd who didn't want obama back.
Anyone know if someone is funding these protest or who is organizing them?
oh look it's almost like the protestors have a leftist view of economics and aren't just butthurt liberal hillary supporters
No one. Just a mix of angry liberals and the usual bunch that enjoy a good riot.
Which is why they are protesting in favour of the heavily wallstreet financed candidate who lost against the retarded orange.
Fuck homework! I'm not going to bed! My mom is a bitch!
protesting against trump isn't the same as protesting for hillary, moron
i don't see any hillary signs in that picture, do you
would they be protesting had she won?
Of course not, they are just upset that their wallstreet financed candidate lost and are acting like massive babies about it in the hope that enough crying and complaining will bring forward a Hillary presidency.
Peaceful protests are fine but all it takes is one attack to paint your entire group as animals. Not to mention the group as it is now will be volatile enough for one little spark to set it off major violence.
Trying to cause a riot will just end in getting rounded up and stuffed in lockup.
who fucking cares
The police in Portland have now classified the protest as a riot. People are breaking windows everywhere.
??? you apparently do, since you seem to support them and their message
shut up. riots do nothing.
spreading a clear and consistent idea, like policy ideas all working class people can get behind if it's explained to them outside of the corporate media, (guaranteed employment or universal healthcare for example)
it's horrible but fuck if millions of people lost there healthcare maybe they'd do something about it
cry about it pussy
Not true. They Agitate. We just need to Educate and Organize as a follow-up.
I don't care if people riot
I'm sure the vast majority of them are just marching in the street and not rioting anyway
They actually do, especially so in combination with more focused action. Strikes, riots, and protests are how we got basic labor rights in the US. It puts the fear of God in capitalists. IN the modern day they'd have to be especially large and widespread. Of course, this kind of action can't be seen as a means to an end. We need a serious revolutionary program beyond broken windows and dumpster fires.
These fucks created reactionaries tbh, so I don't see any reason to support them. tell them to shove the cultural marxism tribalist shit up their asses, because it sure looks like making people check their muh privilege didn't do all to much to eliminate muh privilege.
Good one
look, another Holla Forumsyp pretending to be left-wing
this thread's full of em
Don't these riots fuck up small businesses and poor folks? Granted you do get the giant chains trashed as well.
oh not, not porky jr!
Don't really care
Not sure how.
The riots are kind of stupid, but you're also stupid
Annoyed these faggots wouldn't be protesting if Hillary won, but it's not like they're wrong to be protesting. I'd be out there now if it were in my area.
That's the point.
Get the socdems and Democraps to do all the heavy lifting. Then when the power is up for grabs, we seize it.
I always fucking hated these #notmyxxxx hastags. Every time I see one I hate liberals more
Eh I know I'm in the minority here about that but small shops that have like two or three people working there ain't that bad.
Do you need to suck Frankfurt school cock to be a leftist now?
yes, now run along back to Holla Forums little nazi
No, but it helps to have actually read them instead of just Holla Forums memes.
Rick and Morty was a class conscious show
Your thoughts?
Let's hope they do something actually worthwhile rather than just wrecking their own shit.
You should at least read Adorno and Horkheimer if you want to understand the world we are currently living in. You know, like how mass culture (including the mass culture Holla Forums is now pushing) makes people very susceptible to fascism.
You should read Benjamin and Gramsci too, though they are only tangentially related to the FS. Don't bother reading Marcuse.
Please read up on the huge role small business owners played in the transfer of power in Weimar Germany to Hitler.
Just started with one dimensional man. Why is reading Marcuse not worthwhile?
He's the one that advocated for a "new left" ditching class-based approaches for idpol bullshit.
Good more seats for trump supporters.
Seriously. Small business/petit bourgies are the backbone of fascism.
Beyond that, small businesses are often *more* exploitative of their workers than are large corporations, often with the support more relaxed labour laws for business with less than X employees. It's also easier for a worker to demand better conditions from a giant faceless HR department than from a boss who has spent years pretending to be your friend and crying about not being able to feed their kids if they pay you fairly.
Nah, fuck small businesses. I don't think these protests are all that productive right now either, but I'm not gonna shed a single tear for the plucky entrepreneur getting his windows smashed in.
I'm going to a protest this Sunday to spread class awareness, and you should too.
We could easily evolve this into a class protest.
if it pisses off him and his supporters it can't be bad tbh
You realize he is trolling them on purpose right
Nobody is going to listen to you. Idpollers only care about their identity bullshit.
That's the most obvious falseflag I've ever seen.
Is he though? He seems genuinely hurt sometimes when people reject him.
I can't tell if her supporters are really this dumb or not anymore tbh
That's actually one of the things that occasionally makes me pity him. He's kind of a ball of insecurities.
Oh, they are. That guy just isn't one of them.
I didn't vote for this product, I demand a refund!!!
Only in burgerland.
Yeah, good luck converting geniuses who are protesting against the fact that their status quo candidate doesn't appeal to the people.
This sure is a good ground to build leftist movements on.
I don't understand why people are being so pissy about this. "Ooh you have to be nicer, violence achieves nothing, you wouldn't be doing this if hillary won" you sound like liberals. We now have this shitty president and it's time to organize against him, the sooner the better.
Personalisation of plitics is cancer. You don't fight a man, you fight a system.
As opposed to before? Where were these people before?
They are protesting that they didn't get the product they wanted, nothing more.
As for "violence": they are militant liberal pacifists that have no appreciation for real violent action. This is just their tantrum. I personally enjoy it very much because they are destroying themselves and their ideology right now.
I can't be the only on here who wants to go these then start call all the protesters first worldists?
It's a masturbatory waste of time for spooked liberals that think trump is literally hitler.
thanks for your perspective Holla Forums
People don't reach those conclusion automatically, though. You can't say "I won't support these protests because they aren't targetting the right things" because they're not gonna get there unless you get involved and stir them in the right direction. Right now you have a bunch of people who are probably open to leftist ideas, many of them probably angry at the DNC, who are willing to fight against the establishment in the coming years. It's an opportunity and if y'all can't see that then maybe there'll never be a left in America.
Your far from alone, this election has almost turned me into a third worldist.
American liberals' lack of any critical attitude towards their imperialist candidates always pisses me of. I can't imagine how they could possibly respond to a counter-protest calling them first worlders.
Maybe it would look something like this: youtube.com
t. non-burger from the "second world"
Hillary is still paying CTR?
They should be stopping soon as their contracts don't last for much longer.
You must be kidding. These are the people that get mad at leftists for voting Stein, and most of them are also the people that got mad at people for voting Sandals as well. Very few Burnie supporters are so retarded to be throwing a tantrum because a status quo neoliberal war hawk didn't win when Burnie was all about "we need a political revolution".
Where was this thinking for the past 8 years as Obama continued the path of US global domination and murder? Pretty telling that so many on here decide now is the time.
Then what? Beat down some Trump voters? Burn a few stores. I thought Trump was the backlash against the liberal language policing and hypocrisy. But keep fucking pushing it. See what happens.
no they aren't
you don't have a fucking clue who's protesting so shut your faggot mouth
Yeah, this.
This twitter thread is about liberals' sudden concern for US Muslims, but it gets at the core issue that liberals are only kicking up a fuss because Trump is vulgar. The US is doing unspeakable evils all round the world, but as long as it doesn't affect back home and as long as it's done by some "cool" and discrete like Obama, it's okay. These people hate that Trump is more explicit about the United State's vulgarity, not the actual vulgarity.
I don't think everyone at these protests is a Hillary supporter. But I guarantee that if Trump quit and she took up the mantle tomorrow they'd all pack up the protests and go home all the same.
fuck off Holla Forumsyp
I can see who is protesting by listening to what they have to say. It is true though that I'm probably overrating ex Burnie supporters.
They'd probably just spazz and shit since they would have no retort to how they are throwing brown people in the turd world under the bus while they claim care about "people of color".
Where are you now? I'm sure you wanted to protest before, when no one else did, but now that people actually DO want to protest you're too good for it all.
Le sigh. I want to believe otherwise but this tbh
Roqayah Chamseddine is seriously based. She did a great piece on the Bruening Firing and social liberals' weaponizations of feminism and hurt feelings, too, that neatly cuts to the heart of the issue with why their idpol is so cancerous.
←- Yeah, it's a free country for Trump supporters as well. A free country so that all your movements cancel each other out, thus maintaining the balance of the status quo.
This "hey, it's freedom" is the most intellectually lazy response to politics one can have.
Forgot the pic.
Rejecting these protests because there weren't huge protests against Obama is extremely dumb tbh. You're basically refusing an opportunity to radicalize people because they weren't radicalized already. Anybody who goes to these protests has the potential to be radicalized.
Not everybody here is from America the greatest country on earth.
But these people are already radicalized, they are extremist liberal idpolers.
Not true. The motivation of these protesters is straight up SJW feels bullshit. A handful of leftists talking class and economics won't change shit for these people. Hell, so will attack you as Bernie bros for not voting Clinton. I've said for a while that the libatrds are the brownshirts of the new left. I take this as vindication.
Roqayah and the whole of left twitter are based.
Funny to see during the primary all the thousands of muslims, women, black people, gay people etc that were supporting Bernie dismissed as "sexist white dudebros".
What is the strike calling for? Demanding Clinton is given the presidency? What about the large chunk of the working class who voted for Trump?
you guys need to talk to people more, going to one of these protests would probably do you good
A better term would be "fundamentalists". They show exactly the same thought patterns as other fundamentalists around the world. No critique allowed against their very simplistic doctrine even when it has no relation to the world around them.
So Hillary should be given the presidency? You know these 60 million who voted for Trump. What happens with them?
put in re-education camps
poors don't count as human beings, lets just overrule them and ignore them till they go away
This logic is unironically being seriously peddled within the UK about Brexit and I'm sure will reach the states in regard to Trump
An even better term is "retarded". They show exactly the same thought patterns as a potato.
Why would I even go to these protests? I saw the American Brexit coming, with a smile on my face. These protests are not the path that is going to make the American "left" reconsider their strategy and their politics. That is coming a bit later and more gradually.
Get a fucking job dickhead.
>>>Holla Forums
how does it work
Cause its retarded. Psychotic evil corrupt bitch runs a shitty campaign and loses. Suck it up faggots. Especially true after all their crocodile tears over fears of a violent backlash should Trump have lost. Hypocrites.
And what's ironic is that precisely this logic brought them Brexit and Trump.
Here I fixed your Obamacare assessment, to what reality is…
Additionally, lets not forget that the people protesting here voted for (if they even bothered to vote) a hawk who would have brought fresh war to the ME. They're campaigning on behalf of a warmonger over a nationalist. That takes a special kind of cognitive dissonance.
And _they_ are supposedly the the vile ones…
But didn't you know that Hillary fights for free education for the poor? :^)
trump and clinton are both warmongers and nationalists
Protesting the result of an election reeks of self-entitlement. These same people would have been the first to call for Trump voters to respect the democratic process. Fuck em. Their tears nourish me.
Clinton has form. Trump has spoke of better relations with Russia. As long as {{{they}}} don't get to him on Iran, I see military action under Trump being restricted to bombing ISIS in Syria and Libya. Imagine that. If Trump fixed Clinton and Obama's mess in Libya. I think the HillShills would reach peak butthurt.
Political analysts and insiders from all over around the world are saying America is going to become a bit more "isolationist". Trump and Clinton are different kind of warmongerers. I'd say Hillary is a more dangerous one though because of the whole "progressive consensus" behind imperialism that Zizek wrote about.
Got link? I mean I pretty much get it at this point, '[They're] an empire now. and when [they] act, [they] create their own reality'. But always interesting to read another opinion on the underlying motivations.
Read this one also, published just two days before the election:
Thanks broski
any and all protest is needed
they feel emboldened, yet their president is weak and couldn't even beat Clinton by popular vote (- 440.000 currently) and the overwhelming majority is still against them
this might spark something, they're getting too cooky and put the noose around their own head
I would hope that organized opposition could be more focused on policy rather than personality in future. Trump is just a belligerent narcissist who was primarily in this to further stroke his ego; it's the people pulling his strings who are going to be inflicting the real suffering while also lining their own pockets.
to get more concrete what i mean
people are afraid from the right now. not their boogeymen but very real attacks by the lumpenprols, the bootlickers of capital.
we can now be the scaremongerers and all these minorities who thought they were attacked before? well, shit is getting real now for them and a Clinton wont be there to "safe" them.
this is a gold mine and it was the right wing preparing the mining tunnel for us all along for an american left to dig in right at the point they thought they won.
gotta love dialectics delivering with such irony.
It is worrisome on an individual level, but open racism is better than covert or systemic. America was always like that, now the "good ones" who support bourgeois democracy have to finally confront that shit directly.
I think liberal and right-wing idpol are eventually going to implode through this mutual hyper-hysteria. What else could be the cause of this hysteria than lack of any direction or foundations? Their two candidates this year were already so empty of any meaning or coherent ideology (by idpol standards).
Kek. Yeah destroying people's personal property in a retarded angry mob is really gonna change the world
It is.
You have to wait until Trump fucks up REAL BAD, and then you start a full on revolt/revolution. Throwing half assed fits before his term has even started simply makes the potential better protests harder to take seriously.
How the fuck is destroying convenience stores and working-class peoples property helping you dumb fuck anarchist?
not being there day one only makes you irrelevant later on
Its a protest, protests don't do shit. You wanna change anything you need direct action.
Lol this.
I voted for Trump.
I'm tired of trying to start a war eirh fucking Russia at every turn.
I'm tired of spending billions defending Europe, Japan and Korea when all that money should be spent on our own countrymen and invested in infrastructure, healthcare and education.
Those nations need to grow the fuck up and learn how to defend themselves. Bring the fucking troops home. Close the bases. Invest in our own national defense aecuring our own borders and territories.
protests are for promoting yourself
but yeah, you go ahead with your 3 man (yeah i'm being generous and assume you have some friends, kek) and do a revolution right now
The idiot speaks: Slavoj Žižek endorses Donald Trump
Why are many leftists such LARPers? What even are "anti-Trotskyist Pabloite political tendencies"? And then they accuse others of being too obscure and eccentric for the average worker.
why are you an idiot
You're being facetious but there is merit underpinning this idea. The uneducated impressionable masses are the problem with democracy. A technocratic system might be a solution.
We already have a technocratic system and these are the results of it. Referendums and elections are these little democratic cracks still left through which the failure of technocracy is displayed publicly.
Academics always mad that an awkward, unintelligible fuck with OCD somehow manages to be ten times more popular than them.
To me, this is the miracle of Zizek's rethoric, finding charisma in what should be an absolute lack of charisma.
And you're a dumbarse if you actually think Trump will do anything for the public good in the way of health, education etc.
A system governed by corporate interests is what we have now and I would not consider that a technocracy. More like a corporate oligarchy.
We need a system which is effectively administered by public agents for the benefit of people.
This would mean "boring". Zizek is the opposite of boring, he's an eccentric character.
He's way better than Clinton you fucking dumb British cunt. At least we won't get a war with Russia day one and more fucking warmongering shithole criminals.
Because you didn't do your homework. Trump's not going to do half that shit.
There was a candidate militantly opposed to the military-industrial complex however.
Except her policies on guns, SJWism, Feminism, white-guilting were fucking stupid and a complete turn-off, sorry.
The real working-class candidate who was none of that shit based Jim "it ain't me" Webb.
Gee I wonder why.
Seriously, you should focus on stabbing the heart of the democrat party now that it is exposed. The republicans are going to tear themselves apart anyway. Time for new parties. Webb, Sanders, Stein. They could channel much of the yearning for change into something real.
I wonder what vietnamese comic books Jason reads.
In all honesty, he should've been the Dem nominee.
And yes, protesting because the President Elect is "racist" and a whole bunch of other isms is absolutely fucked up when these feelings-focused libs didn't show up to protest ANYTHING Obama has done in the last 8 years. This isn't going to radicalize anyone–most people can see the sheer partisanship and hypocrisy for what it is and that's going to turn off the majority of people.
Europe needs it`s own army and fast. We can`t be dependent on USA forever. We need a stronger union with common military,taxes,welfare,foreign policy and currency.
This. Strong central government and a military to enforce is the only way EU can stop the shift towards capitalism fueling infighting.
t. liberal
You are socdem who doesn't hate the bourgiEUnion?
Bery gudd :—-DDDD
European integration and movement away form nation states to continental unions is only going to help workers in long term as trade unions power will also turn into continental as opposed to national.
this whole thing is retarded. people need to toughen the fuck up.
I'm disappointed in some of you.
You are given a chance to spread class awareness but resist joing the people because of idpol? You are not only doubting your own abilities but also the abilities of others.
Did you know that the soviet revolution started with a women's food strike? Protests don't have to be perfectly lined up to accomplish multiple goals.
Don't let what you assume to know about people get in the way of helping others, helping your cause.
If you are worth your grit, go out into the streets. Don't hid behind a monitor.
I don't know, if you prey upon liberal outrage, are you any better than a liberal?
Chaos is good for a system. Let the liberals riot while actual vanguard movements form.
I meant chaos is good for us.
Go out and recruit the far leftists and tear them away to become better organized
Holy shit, he looks like early 50s at most
why would you put racist in scare quotes
i swear this board is overrun with crypto-fascists who think that racism, sexism etc literally don't exist
Fascists uphold the capitalist system, we tear it down, user.
because I think those were mostly made up scare tactics used cynically to make up for a weak opponent
Also, even if he were a bigot, it doesn't automatically make him a "fascist"
You're a fucking hypocrite if you condone these protests and you didn't speak a word against Obama
Sauce please I'd really like to read the rest of this. Also I agree with you.
Question. Why does modern Russia have Tsarist symbols when it's a Democratic Republic?
Why exactly is it shocking for the Black community to protest by destroying the transport of the bourgeoisie working arm that oppresses and murders them? A police officer shoots an unarmed Black teenager, walks away with a few weeks' paid vacation, this is fine, Blue Lives Matter. A group of Black people trash a police cruiser, fucking animals, what's wrong with them?
Michael Brown was a thug and a criminal who suicided by cop.
open driver’s window and punched and grabbed Wilson. This is corroborated by bruising on
Wilson’s jaw and scratches on his neck, the presence of Brown’s DNA on Wilson’s collar, shirt,
and pants, and Wilson’s DNA on Brown’s palm. While there are other individuals who stated
that Wilson reached out of the SUV and grabbed Brown by the neck, prosecutors could not credit
their accounts because they were inconsistent with physical and forensic evidence, as detailed
throughout this report.
SUV and punching him by withdrawing his gun because he could not access less lethal weapons
while seated inside the SUV. Brown then grabbed the weapon and struggled with Wilson to gain
control of it.
skin from Brown’s palm on the outside of the SUV door as well as Brown’s DNA on the inside
of the driver’s door corroborate Wilson’s account that during the struggle, Brown used his right
hand to grab and attempt to control Wilson’s gun. According to three autopsies, Brown
sustained a close range gunshot wound to the fleshy portion of his right hand at the base of his
right thumb. Soot from the muzzle of the gun found embedded in the tissue of this wound
coupled with indicia of thermal change from the heat of the muzzle indicate that Brown’s hand
was within inches of the muzzle of Wilson’s gun when it was fired. The location of the
recovered bullet in the side panel of the driver’s door, just above Wilson’s lap, also corroborates
accounts that Wilson fired at least one shot from inside the SUV.
No sympathy for this thug. There are actual people who I do sympathize with like Eric Garner but Brown was utter scum.
Gee, ya think? Like, maybe people are getting sick of career protesting?
Tell me, of what use is it to black people to destroy their own cities?
In case it wasn't clear the troops are in the picture.
Tell me, what do dark people control exactly in their own cities?
I personally don't see much of an opportunity to spreed class awareness in these protests, as they seem to be incredibly partisan and made up of those whom reduce class down to an -ism in order to put it below other concerns at best or even deny it matters at all at worst.
One should also keep in mind that these liberals are not only blaming and demonizing the "white trash" who voted trump because of economic circumstances but also are branding all of those whom didn't vote for Clinton as responsible.
Speaking generally.
Direct action typically involves stopping the normal functioning of an economy until justice is brought about. But in this case, they're destroying a direct tool of the oppressors. That's one less police car patrolling, stopping and frisking, profiling, etc. It clearly benefits them.
I'm sorry, I got this from the leftypol boruu(?) and I have no idea what it is from.
These are valid points. I live in an area where there isn't a lot of political activity so I have to take my chance when I get it.
I'm thinking of the great soliloquy from Hamlet.
Despite my different opinions on the subject I wish you the best of luck.
They are literally protesting for an establisment candidate thats allied with big banks and wants to intervene in syria because that will make her sponsors more money. Those protestors are deluded.
Why do you idolize an enemy of the state in Michael Brown?
Why don't you take up arms and form an actual militia instead of burning down the property of other working class people, you fucking pussy?
See how far throwing rocks and molotovs gets you
Russia is fucking confused.
This is utterly petit-bourgeois.
Is that so strange? Is it normal for a country to abandon its heritage when it becomes a democracy?
Read Dorian Johnson's testimony or fuck off.
Hell no
It leads to revolution
opposing these things is wrong? cartoon makes no sense
ayy lmao
They pretend they're opposing these things, that doesn't mean that's what they actually do.
The workers voted for Trump lol.
Would this have happened if Hillary were elected?
Reading comprehension 0. Stop posting anytime.
Who's ready to die for qt female leaders?