Based Nexon?
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South Korea is already a matriarchy.
Don't even joke about that
It's sorta hilarious how unfamiliar Holla Forums is about asians even tho they buy all their fucking games.
Women in korea and japan call all the shots.
Also they're way more manipulative and horrendously man hating than any western woman.
Guys stick to your 2D waifus, if you ever go on a trip in those places you're in for one hell of a rude awakening.
BBC being unbiased and well-researched as always.
Koreans are not asians. They are genetically predisposed to be slaves and whores which is why they have a strong cosmetic surgery culture.
Also, women don't do shit in japan. They didn't even have a female politician until the last decade. You sound like a tumblrite who doesn't know what its talking about.
Never. They kicked her out because shes trying to fund something that would kill off their consumerbase(and the men in charge) I'm guessing.
sage because this will be a Holla Forums/I hate SJW derail
It's horseshit, Korean women have to have surgery big fucking deal, they dont have the draft and arent expected to slave away their entire life making money, all they have to do is marry. They are as self-entitled as they come and Korean men are just huge cucks.
The writer of this article doesn't know jack shit about Korea.
Pretty impressive they take a whole paragraph of dawdling before getting to the crux.
Really, because as I recall it was to finance the defense of lawsuits against megalia members for slandering people.
Fuck off. Nexon are a fucking garbage company.
I mean as an actress she missed the additional exposure her voice being used would have gotten her but she got the far more important paycheck.
I guess this retarded article's free coverage makes up in exposure, though.
Other than , there's also the fact that most of Nexon games are P2W garbo.
There wasa Korean user who posted around Holla Forums and Holla Forums who talked about the Megalians and why Nexon kicked this voice actress out. Megalians is basically Western feminism ramped up to 11, even crazier women than here in Western countries. They've actually lynched people in the streets if they found somebody didn't share their views. Essentially, South Korea is on the verge of civil war since these Megalians have I filtrate government positions, media, and the like
Well, judging from what that south korean user posted a few days ago, korean women don't marry. At least not korean men. There's some movement going on to 'exterminate the korean male' by not letting them breed or some shit. It's crazy.
Its not true. Korea is even more insular than Japan, and I've spent a long time in both. Anecdotal I know but if they loved foreigners as much as people say online I would have had a much better time.
I'm getting conflicting reports here
They're just female /r9k/ with a penchant for SJW methods.
What the media pushes isn't necessarily what the majority thinks, it's the same in the west. But the fact it's there is scary regardless, because after enough time people may get brainwashed to the point where the sane folks become the minority.
What the FUCK am I reading? Don't cheapen the lolita word like that by comparing it to completely normal sexualization just because 'wahhh men natually like attractive young girls.'
Fuck. At first I read this wrong and thought the Corean Cockroaches were stealing lolita fashion from Japan. That's actually far more preferable than more 'sexism' whining.
When that guy said "lynched" he meant "harassed".
I'm not saying they love foreigners (they don't), but you saying "i didn't have a good time there" is sorta meaningless because i don't expect anyone from Holla Forums to have a good time anywhere, in the west or east.
I mean if you're here you must be clearly dysfunctional and people most definitely pick up on it when they meet you.
It's not really conflicting if you think about it in terms of 'feminism', because men are forced to serve in the military for 3 years women are allowed to do whatever the fuck they like while the men are away and it makes a kind of power void, now they are getting progressively too big for their boots ever since the curfew was lifted so when men try to stop them from usurping power their natural response is to play the misogyny card.
At present the culture and corporations have not been completely infiltrated by bitches who slept their way to the top so you don't see quite as much decadence as in the West, but I dare say its coming.
It was poorly worded on my part, I didn't mean it in terms of a personal experience as much as 'treatment of foreigners in general', I had normalfag friends there who went through the same shit. (You get rejected from renting a place, buying a cellphone, etc. from tons of places)
I don't blame them to be honest because of all the military (read: niggers) who go there and cause trouble constantly.
Is that why they have a super powerful international mafia that dicks over all the other Asian countries in their vicinity?
All they're calling for is less sympathy once they're strung by their necks for intentionally endangering the lives of citizens for their communist, globalist agenda.
Enjoy paying your TV license bongs.
t. megalia
They're literally just making shit up and they get away with it.
Related I guess
(Or maybe not, the posts are old as fuck)
The server took too long to submit your post
Next thing you tell me that spiders are bugs.
You can apply that to almost all of western Europe by now.
What's so great about this again? The T-shirt was completely harmless,it's not like it said "Kill all Men" or something. So unless this Megalia-group is pretty much the equivalent of Black Lives Matter and associating with them is already worth an outrage, why is this defendable?
shit I feel retarded.
No shit, no one cared what the shirt said. They cared about it being sold to fund the defense of psycho man haters.
Ooh boy user, if only you knew.
Because it IS the equivalent of black lives matter.
Funds from the shirt go to defending a female teacher who molested a male student, and a member who (falsely) accused a webcomic artist of sexual assault.
megalian korean bitches shill here sometimes, all you need to do is that they rape little boys because its empowering to them.
Megalia is like a sneakier BLM with a bigger target, instead of shooting cops they're poisoning men with antifreeze.
The real reason why they fired the bitch was because she's affiliated with the group Megalians who are femnazi pedophiles.
You all thought Sweden was bad, Worst Korea makes Sweden look like a right wing paradise.
Okay, in that case it makes more sense. The article implied they were a bit radical but didn't go into detail. Thanks.
dont they put up videos of boys they rape?
that shits fucking disgusting.
In a strange way, I'm hopeful for the future of this dystopian Korea. I want their insane SJW bullshit to continue on, at a breakneck speed. It's all leading to gender war, and you can only push men so much before they snap.
As with every other non-retard on the planet, I have the utmost confidence that men will completely and utterly demolish women in a clear-divide men vs women scenario. Once they have accomplished this, I expect that women will be irrevocably slammed back into the kitchen, where they belong, but this time with very little chance of them coming out to stir up shit again. At least not for another 200+ years.
Wow. We all called this one. We knew they wouldn't keep quiet about the Megalians forever, and we knew they'd spin it as brave feminists fighting back against the patriarchy. I'm not sure if I should be depressed about how predictable the tactics are or about how stupid people will swallow the whole "brave feminists fighting back" angle hook, line, and sinker.
I think lynching dead male fetuses is pretty critical theorist.
I think that the korean user was overdramatising the situation.
He's saying that "a bit" is an understatement.
Wow, great read. Saved.
most of those are only a month old, dude
only a few are over a year old
The only Asia worse than China, they are where 55% of cancer comes from.
The other 45% comes from Korean-Americans
God, I remember the insufferable retard in that thread argueing that everything was fine because the media isnt reporting on it and the media wouldnt lie to us anyway.
I recommend reading this one
as well.
He was clearly a Megalian shill, no one would ever say that unironically.
Buying the t-shirt directly funds an unjust lawsuit, so yeah it's bad. It's not about the words on the shirt.
those were also compiled in the first image I replied to
What the fuck.
Holla Forums said koreans deserve them too:
>>>Holla Forums7146360
I wonder who could be behind that post.
Yeah, my bad. I didn't see it.
That's included at the end of the first one.
No shit retard.
This is what North Korea was trying to stop during the Korean War
Only Korean women that look like women are NORK women.
Also, an image because some of you niggers are too lazy to click the article.
They're seriously never going to let this go, are they?
user you dont understand, gamer goobers are literally hitler
The very idea of those evil sexist straight white men trying to clear corrupt journalists out of their hobby scares the living shit out of them, so they have to misconstrue GG at every possible moment even though it's been pretty much irrelevant for a few months now.
"Asian" is technically a geographic term, not an ethnic one.
Never. Gamergate is basically the Illuminati to them at this point.
Gamergate became the new 'patriarchy' to them.
Where is the joke? She thinks he got hurt?
the joke is they probably don't even have to clean up the mess they make
cool jok dude
I see it as shitposting in the grocery store.
Alright great now when will Nexon publish a game that isn't Nexon-tier pay2win?
Never, because nexon a shit
I don't think so
Also as has been stated, Nexon is bottom of the barrel F2P shit. There is literally nothing in the world they can do to become based at this point.
Is that what America is going to become should Black Lives Matter succeed & people become apathetic?
Rhodesia 2.0.
Is it hot in Chad?
This actually makes perfect sense. Then again, its probably really more a case of absolute power corrupts.
Women are why Japan's birthrates are in the shitter, they're almost as bad as western women.
Course men in the west are for the most part too beta to say "fuck it, you're not worth it".
whorehouses and alternatives to female company aren't as prevalent in the west as they are in japan is another issue
North Korea really is the best Korea.
It would be an absolute bloodbath and Western feminists will be scared shitless and blame Trump for it
Seeing bloodied tampons and slogans writen on walls with menstrual blood, I would have believed in the lynching as well.
Korea might be one of the most cucked countries in the world, but Japan is still off in the other direction. If you think women call the shots in Japan, you're pretty fucking retarded. Japan is still run by elderly Japanese businessmen, you dense motherfucker.
They are jewish. :^)
Isn't China bigger jew
So this is the power of feminism.
The Chinese are just subhumans, Koreans are the Asiatic Jew
No. Chinese don't study the Talmud in school. Koreans actually do.
So, was this done to SK because of what? Samsung did something big?
I just moved outta the country it might turn to shit soon.
korea is literally just a shitty japan, isn't it?
Korea was a village before ww2 when Japan set them straight. Now they are pissy and and are all high and mighty about themselves while dissing on Japan.
That's not even half of it: if it wasn't for Japan and later on America, Korea would have been nothing more than an isolated province of Mainland China and used as a buffer between China and Russia.
Gamergate is to Feminists/SJWs what the holohoax is to jews.
I remember seeing a pic of someone on Neofag saying GG was gaming "9/11."
I wished I saved it.
That's another year I won't be paying the telly tax, BBC.
Most modern feminists have forgotten that there's no way women were subjugated in most societies for most of history without women participating in the system. Kyriarchy, bitches.
So obviously it doesn't take them long to go all meet the new boss, same as or worse than the old boss.
If 1/10 of this is true then this is completely terrifying and after a couple google qwant searches it looks like a lot more than 1/10 of it is true.
I knew things would get worse before they started to get better but I didn't know it would ever go that far. This will happen in the west and it will be just as bad, but once the SJW state takes over anyone who has played it neutral until this point will start giving a shit and we will be on the path to resolving this.
Not until it gets replaced by whatever label is used for the anti SJW side in the inevitable full scale culture war (like the one Korea is apparently having).
Some me are so pathetic that they won't snap for a long time while other men will snap more quickly. This will cause a fight between these two groups of men as women and especially feminists do not fight.
The sad part is this doesn't even make me flinch anymore. Like a couple of years back i'd be in total denial and disbelief. What the fuck happened to this world
you're a part of the end of a civilization m8
what's more likely, war, or all this shit to be reverted only for it to spring back up later? it's all down hill from here m8. the end of an empire.
This is a great read because it ends with the story of a hardcore Holla Forums tard being raised as a national hero for being a god damn terrorist.
Shows that both extrems are basically the same, all in all.
Yup, 6.5 trillion went missing from the pentagon budget. Last time trillions went missing was right before 9/11 happened. Some major happening is about to occur.
They're also free, gotta pay people somehow.
Grow the fuck up, honestly.
Well if that's true then i guess that means gamers will be treated like kings in a few years, just like the terrorists are in europe.
lmao, among all the races in asia, indon is almost at the bottom of the genetic shitpool.
These muds don't even use toilet paper, they use their bare hands to wipe asshole all day every day, meanwhile the very same hands are used to eat rice instead of using spoons.
While they're eating their own feces daily, they have the audacity to call other people dirty for consuming pork.
Indonesian/malaysian really need to look into a mirror during their daily ass wiping before criticizing others.
Why do you think the racial slur for "Korean" in Japan is "Chosenjin"?
Oh, and this thread was just one big Shitpost. I just wanted to see what would happened.
Because Korea is a scapegoat for the real asian jews, the ones who programmed Korea to think they're good goys.
I'd have to look at the other candidates, but they're all dudes this cycle. One guy is even running after coming from being a construction worker. Who knows, SK might pull out of it. Moon Jae-in was staunchly against Park's (Father of current Park) constitutional revisions in 1979.
They do. I have no idea why you'd want more niggers and insane leftists.
North Korea?
Does The Hankyoreh have an English-language online version? Interested to read up their brand of articles.
This is what I have found: english.hani.co.kr
I know the one you mean, but can't find it. Have these instead.
Does he want her to get a breast reduction and wear a burqa while he's at it?
BLM is an annoyance. Megalia is an actual danger to Korean society. I'm not saying the hate is lesser, but the action taken is.
Western Russians are white.