Millennial Matt exposes the Jews

I've always like Matty. You know the guy that gained e-celeb stardom with the catch phrase
Hitler did nothing wrong

In this short video he redpills (((infowars))) on
international Jewry

I thought it was pretty gutsy of him.

Other urls found in this thread:

This guy should replace Spencer. He was extremely redpilled during the youtube stream.

Matt is a good guy, and he's one of ours, rather than starting off as an unrelated goon and then trying to latch onto and co-opt Holla Forums. I'm honestly surprised that Infowars girl allowed him to speak. Was that live? Did it actually air on alex jones?

Matt might be the only one I like, maybe. His actions in the future will tell.

OP can't inb4 you newfag cunt. If you have to inb4 your argument is shit.

i keked


holy shit why have i never heard of this guy

these guys she interviewed.. i defy any leftist zomboid to voice their beliefs so cohesively

I know him as Mustache Matt, I saw him dropping red pills like this during HWNDU He was pretty funny.

Matt looks like a decent guy, but this is not the place for e-celeb faggotry.

maybe someone remembers this vid

MDE and Mustachio should do some kind of comedy tour.

they should, this guy is fucking hilarious.

Bet desperate shills are already digging up info on this guy to slander him. Can't wait for it. Means he is dangerous.

What a cuck that radio was. Jewish control of media is almost impregnable because of these cucks who make a comfortable living.

The way he looks/sounds reminds me of someone I saw in an aids documentary.

Maybe he can fill Milo's shoes.

I don't care for the implication that gassing Jews would be "wrong"


How, precisely, did you find this board, nigger?

Filtered and reported.

One faggot even brings up WW2 as an example to support his point, ironically the WW2 government totally a tool of the jews and literally the ally of the Soviet Union.

This one is fucking gold.


in all honesty that was very cringy

For some reason my link didn't work in my last post look at this though, this guy in this 80's AIDS news report looks exactly like Matt:

because he's an attention whoring faggot with a speech impediment. not exactly a shining example of someone to look up toward.

I wish OP would have posted a timestamp so I didn't have to listen to all these autistic lolbergs.

These gentlemen don't fit the definition of the 'alt-right', as propagayd by some people here. Will Holla Forums give them a different name, take them under Holla Forums's wing or ignore their existence as outliers?

You know how I know you're a newfag?

Stop posting and lurk for at least 25 years.

Who do you look up to, user?

It's important that Holla Forums actually aggregays the people, ideas and concepts that are in line and compatible with Holla Forums's stances as during this episode of D&C (or DnC) it seems like every single person is considered a kike, shill, plant, infiltrant or general idiot, depending on who you ask.

Mustachio is a Holla Forumsack. Some of ours were there.


Good to hear that. However, it seems disagrees.

What would you define as a true Holla Forumsack and how would he have conducted himself in such an interview, as well as during such an event?

Without asking for eachother's definitions and expectations we're going to remain confused and divided to the point of impotence.

I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about the other faggots in the video who think we only need to "physical remove commies" so we can have a libertarian/capitalist society.

There is no such implication in that sentence.
There is literally nothing wrong with gassing jews

Thank you for the clarification. It's possible that they were Chris Cantwell listeners and it was a meme as well as a reference to Hans Hermann Hoppe, as both popularized the phrase 'Physically remove Democrats and Communists!'.

The act of physically removing those groups should be in line to your goal though, just the step after. Almost all alliances in history were temporary and even short until the shared enemy was defeated. Is it not a sound strategy to consider doing the same with libertarians/capitalists?

The shared enemy will disparage both groups equally and call both groups 'evil nazis' to begin with. Potentially a large minority of them would be swayed and joins Holla Forums's position. Like a hired army, their loyalty depends on a strong leader. However, there's no man without sin or fault that we could choose without being criticized by others.
Ergo, we need to define what the perfect leader would be. Uncle Adolf comes to mind of course but what model or mold does a candidate have to fit, concretely?
This is of course an open question, not specifically pointed towards you alone.

Eurofag here

Why do people dislike Spencer? I keep hearing he's a CIA-funded stooge but I haven't seen any evidence for it. His views seems to align pretty well with most of Holla Forums and he's clearly very active and actually doing stuff.