Young man kidnapped by negros

Pulled into their car, threatened and harassed for his Confederate Flag tattoo. The young man denies he is a racist. It is "only family history".

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I don't understand why you Americans who have to live with feral niggers don't carry firearms and regularly exercise your right to use them.

PRfags btfo

Maybe because I want to see my children when I get home, though if there is a feral nigger on my property I will exercise my right to kill niggers.

Because zogcops and zogjudges will put you away for half a century.

A lot of these White Lives Matter threads today… Gee I wonder why?

is this some new shill angle or something

Give the left and their jewish backers the credit due. While everyone wasn't paying attention they managed to turn the entire legal system against whites, that's why. U.S. prisons are practically third world tier here which doesn't make it worthwhile to go cowboy, yet, especially since whites are a massive minority within them. Only white people follow laws and now they're realizing the entire system has been turned against them en masse.

The question you're really struggling for is why didn't our dip shit ancestors do the hard, right thing, and deport these fuckers decades or centuries ago. All of this is their fault. ALL OF IT

Well he does now, or probably not. I remember when the Confederacy wanted to keep their bulls and even bred with their women and bred their men with white women.

totally organic!

go play in traffic.

This is why you show no mercy to niggers when you have opportunity to kill them.

There needs to be a serious effort to get white prison gangs on our side. Prison would be bearable if the minute you went to jail for life for killing some kike judge, you got taken care of in prison. Whites as a whole have abandoned the criminal underworld, and we are much weaker for it.


That isn't a cuck fantasy. Slave owners had children with female slaves, and they bought slaves from Europe because they wanted more capable slaves. But I guess every shitty part of history is a cuck fantasy to you.

It makes sense, as the plantation owners of the confederacy were for the most part Jews

stay armed and kill niggers when they muscle up on you

I love yankee apologists, almost as dumb as liberals defending communist hellholes. Kill yourself cuck.

I remain amazed that someone actually pays for this embarrassing low effort garbage

toppest kek

checked for truth

I told you what I said in my first post was a fact, retard. If anything I repeated myself so you could understand.

and he should have before.


these niggers just committed a felony just to make a stupid video.

Why did they upload this? Obviously they think they are black heroes or some shit but why? Who is behind this?

Also, how old is this 'boy'?

fix your bot

They dont have the forethought to do what you're suggesting. Calm down, mr. tinfoil.

You're not going to see your children if you allow yourself to be abducted by niggers. I'm pretty certain that kidnapping is more than cause to exercise defense.

you are a fucking idiot. this isnt remotely true. source, faggot.

That's another point I wanted to make.

this is my first comment.
your first comment is all about black men and white women
now you only mention white males and their slaves

now fuck off lefty cuck

After watching this vid a second time it looks kind of fake.

They hate us, when will you all realize that?

I'm sick of you muh PR people

You are low IQ retards, get fucked.

Niggers were hung from trees for whistling at white women and you claimed there were white female black male breeding programs. In what way is your bullshit not a cuck fantasy?



fun fact:
first american synagog is next to the first american slave auction

go ahead start scrubbing the web

WHITE LIVES MATTER BRO! THAT'S WHY WE CHANT IT AT SPENCER RALLIES NOW! GET WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM! opinion/179441/jews-mostly-supported-slavery-or-kept-silent-d/

And what kike made that up?

Niggers are borderline retarded. There is no concept of future gratification, consequences, or punishments. This is what we call "high time preference". They literally cannot think ahead and ask themselves "is this going to get me in trouble later?". Their brains just haven't evolved to the point where it's a consideration.

White lives matter would be in some way a good thing- you would essentially be co-opting black lives matter and it would destroy any of the lefts argument opposing it.



the time is here white man.

This is why you carry a gun. So that when a nigger tries to grab you, you can just gun him the fuck down.


The second some nigger is running towards me, or some random ass car comes close and pulls up near me, they'd get drawn one within a maximum of 3 seconds, if i'd see their niggers i start aiming for torso shots. Ready to empty the 15 rounds in the mag.

If i walk down the street and the pavement apes are on the street, i cross the street with my hand on my gun ready to draw on anyone that approaches, the second these apes see your hands exposed or some sort of relaxed walking stance thinking you have no gun they might try to rob you or worse.

People who have not lived in the south have no experience with the american hood nigger, that's also why they do not understand whites who want them gone. These liberal retards live in gayd communities never having witnessed the complete disregard and hatred for whites these niggers have.

Educate your fellow friends, when i collected a shitload of videos showcasing the bestiality of the nigger, they all started EDCing. Showcasing Colin Patrick Flaherty who makes videos about the black criminal plaque helps as well. I even briefed them on the legal side of things in my state and overall US on what to do following a shooting. Never state racist remarks, always repeat that you were in fear of your life and you acted in self defense. Police are not your friend, do not chit chat with them, they will casually steer a conversation when your guard lowers that will get you to make a statement that is self incriminating. You have the right to merely state the above and then be silent on any other question by pleading the 5th. It is then up to the police to proof any other motives or intent. Make sure your computer has a encrypted hard drive.

We live in a openly hostile country and it's about time to take out the trash.

Archived for prosperity

As a descendant of slave owners I would like to personally apologize for ferrying this invasive species to this continent.

It's foolish to carry a gun.

Carry two guns.

Kek forgives you, user. The son should not be expected to atone for the sins of his father.
Unfortunately, he may still have to clean up his fathers mess, but we'll be here to help you with that.

Its either fight or flight not be a cuck faggot
Is he a women?

or maybe he is a young kid who literally has ancestors in the american south?

Has this been memed with a Wheat Field Aryan yet?

i got my head pounded in, got out of the headlock and pulled a firearm while pacing backwards and yelled get back. everyone agreed i was within 3-10 feet and that i was beaten and threatened badly. the guy's own girlfriend who started the fight supported my defense.

I was charged with 4 felonies and a dozen misdemeanors totaling over 30 years in prison. my state has some of the best gun laws in the US. that's how "self-defense" works in this country

remember that

Truth. The reprisals are coming. Don't allow any white person to be out walking alone, without an armed guard (concealed carry permit in wallet).

Things that didn't happen: the post



defeatism shiling

do you offer dipping sauces?

Andrew Auernheimer