What is the worst let's player you've ever had the misfortune of stumbling upon?
I'll start youtube.com
What is the worst let's player you've ever had the misfortune of stumbling upon?
Dsp is probably worse. In his persona 4 series he would not shut up about justin beiber. I swear to god i would rip out his vocal cords given the chance.
Any LPer with a picture of his ugly mug making a wacky face in the thumbnail
Trick question, everyone are shit.
One of my friends tried to be a Let's Player.
He recorded himself playing The Last of Us (badly, I might add) with absolutely no voice over on his part. When I told him that if he actually wants to be a LPer that he'd need to engage with his audience (either by humor or by pointing things out), he got mad and said "I'm not going to talk over The Last of Us, it's engaging enough and anything I'd say would just distract people from the shit that was happening in the game."
So, I mean, it could have been worse, but I have never seen anyone misunderstand Lets Plays in my entire life.
Dreamworks Face is a symptom of undiagnosed nu-male syndrome.
I think DSP at this point is trolling
Her comment section is…interesting.
This is a woman trying too hard to be funny.
A pitiful husk of a human bean desperately comments in hopes of some fleeting attention
Nope. Checked their channel and it's a guy. Not much of a man but it's a guy.
My guess is he is trying to get her attention so he can get a pity nude, maybe.
Spoony does terrible LPs, all he does is act angry and ban people
This Autism is off the scales.
I hope to christ this isn't his son. If it is, than none of you have an excuse to not be spreading your seed.
They're not even LPs, it's basically just him streaming himself playing video games and then uploading the streams as they are, it barely qualifies as a LP.
There's tons of people that stream and then upload on youtube their streams and they're NOWHERE as shitty as the way spoony does it (even tho it'll be always inferior to making a proper lp of something).
It's a shame because his actual old LPs like the Phantasmagoria one were 10/10, and his tabletop stories in Countermonkey were great, yet he stopped uploading those entirely.
Spoony has given up on everything.
Sorry I can't help being satan
Holy shit, i've seen many youtube fags do this but this one you posted is especially ugly, his face is just a really disgusting shade of pink or there's some serious case of bad lighting going on
DSP is the DSP of DSP.
but this is an "anti" e-cepleb thread
This is pure degeneracy, to Hell with whatever Holla Forums says.
A highschool friend of mine decided he was going to be a youtuber and started doing this shit.
The funny part is that he actually think his channel is doing well and refers to it has his business.
the funny thins is that nigger is still your friend
I don't remember the name but its a green hair faggot that screams really fucking loud at the beginning of every video.
some times the youtube autoplay goes full retard and my ears get raped
I normally don't watch other idiots play games because I can play them myself.
Sounds like he was doing it right, for the most part though. I could give a fuck what any of those shitheels has to say. I just want gameplay footage to either get an idea for the feel of a game in the wild - outside of canned press release footage, or to demonstrate some aspect of a game to so I can send the link to someone else.
Having them spaz out over the mic over stupid shit nobody cares about, or trying to act "wacky" for the YouTube community, absolutely does distract from the game.
Of the very few Let's Plays I can tolerate, it's always a duo - like Gabe & Yahtzee or Hugo & Jake - because at least then they can hold a conversation with each other like semi-normal people, and don't have to put on the proverbial clown shoes to try to impress an audience that may or may not be listening.
One type of cancer seldom comes alone.
Those thumbnails indicate you're dealing with a SHOUTCASTER who has his own trademark opening sequence with some shitty catchphrase spoken very fast to hook the ADHD kids attention and be edgy and shit.
They'll some times speak normally then suddenly start shouting and spazzing out for no reason. Pure cancer.
I have a bunch of younger cousins that watch fuckers like these instead of playing the games themselves. There's no much I can really do about it since they live like 200 km away from me. I can only weep.
I knew I had to inb4 that shit. Hating or loving them is e-celeb cancer one way or another.
DSP, no one even comes close he's the Chris-chan of letsplay.
thats part of his appeal
He's been trolling ever since he started.
Is he really trolling? Isn't it just as likely that he's just dumb as shit?
Youtube deletes random comments occasionally so (s)he looks like he is talking to no one.
>I have a bunch of younger cousins that watch fuckers like these instead of playing the games themselves. There's no much I can really do about it since they live like 200 km away from me. I can only weep.
My little sister is exactly like that.
I built her a computer for Christmas a few years ago, so that she could actually play all the games she watches on jewtube.
She hasn't turned it on since I gave it to her. All she does is still just watch that shit on her phone/tablet.
You dun fucked up.
Lets play some Guess Who?
For the first 2 episodes of her Portal 2 series she thought you could only enter blue portals.
Don't even care anymore
Unless you've got a voice like honey, you're charismatic as anything, or you're an expert on some topic related to what you're doing, you shouldn't be making gaming commentary videos.
Only comes out of me when I'm playing a shitty walking simulator or when metal gear triggers my aspergers
I mainly do it because friends sometimes want to watch me play the classics I haven't played before. I'm also currently playing through an assload of PSX games and using the stream as a catalog for future reference for games I liked and didn't like so I can put them on a replay backlog.
Well, the problem is, that sounds perfect, he was just playing something on rails like The Last of Us.
If he were doing challenge runs in anything else he'd probably have a lot of views
Then do what user's friend here is doing:
Spice it up by doing challenges like suggested. I might even end up watching your channel.
Jesus fucking christ I think those thumbnails are actually worse than Pewdiepie.
what made her think that?
looks like you just typed "let's play" into search bar and looked at the newest videos. There are millions of these autistic let's players, pick one who truly stands out. This channel in particular is just some retarded kid, no way she's an adult, so it's nothing truly special
I had problems with crouch jump in the original HL because I skipped the tutorial I was retarded back then
To my defence, I was only starting to play FPS at the time
Mageknight404. He isn't so bad, and his friend is okay, but many (all?) of his videos features this obnoxious fucking tranny who constantly bashes people who like sexy female characters and bashes Donald Trump for no reason, mentioned being anti-Brexit, etc, in a fucking Fire Emblem let's play. And he frequently argues with commenters.
oh boy
What about vinesauce?
I really don't think he is. He used to have a pretty big viewership and completely killed it off. Almost all his 100k+ videos are from 5 years ago.
Is that the guy who made a romhack to fuck his waifu?
Did anyone post that guy that couldn't figure out how to open the inventory in Dark Souls or something like that
my stomach ulcer exploded
Probably as dumb if not dumber than DSP.
How many videos has this guy done?
A brave user collected all his vids and posted a Mega link. Keep in mind this was only the stuff that was recused, he tends to delete his channels from time to time.
It was 5+ GB.
I have no idea what this guy is saying, but I can't stop listening.
There's also a video somewhere on jewtube where 2 guys talk over a video where this retard complains about not being able to understand the tutorials in an XCOM game.
Plus some other user found out that this guy now has a new channel, I don't remember what it was called though.
That screen clearly says Equipment.
I wanted to watch a Neverwinter Nights 2 LP a while back. I ended up watching this:
It features:
-A paladin/sorcerer who doesn't understand his character build and struggles to maintain his L/G alignment. Regularly bemoans the fact that he's weak in melee and doesn't have high-level spells, but never actually connects the dots. Also never figures out that running up to enemies and then casting a spell provokes attacks of opportunity.
-A thief who took two-weapon fighting feats but never does any melee fighting because her attacks always miss. Never figures out that NWN2 uses 3E's weapon size rules (they have her wield two shortswords, which is like wielding two longswords for a halfling).
-An evil bard. The most effective party member by virtue of having played through the game before and knowing where all the powerful magic items and such are. Still stumped by the game's simple logic puzzles. (They have to check a walkthrough a few times.) Occasionally tries to talk the paladin out of murdering innocent civilians and such. Usually succeeds.
I felt some mix of pity and schadenfreude the entire time I watched it. The worst part is, at some point I'm going to want to find another LP to get videos of the expansions. The last time I looked, the only ones I could find were by someone who micromanaged the entire party for each and every round of combat, causing fights to take three times longer than they should.
Only Armored Core 2 AA I could find at the time
Might even have had human plus upgrades but I'm not sure about that
I just wanted to see how other people played
I remember stumbling across some faggot who was one of those hangers on of That Guy With The Glasses. He used to post reviews on that videogame Pissed Jose and his Seven Pesoes used to post videos on before it got shut down. His was a cringy nostalgia critic rip off who reviewed Machinima like he was a fucking expert in it when I doubted he had ever recorded a fucking video in Halo. Anyway, I think he still does reviews now but just spouts memes and references things as his shtick like some poor imitation of the already failure of the Nostalgia Critic who begs other Let's Players to play with him.
*videogame website
They're just as bad at games as DSP. Difference is while DSP is entertaining in that he's the Chris Chan of games, Arin is just a tremendous and literal faggot.
And thought I was pathetic, imagine having a son like him
I can't. I just can't. Why did I click those
All popular YouTubers are child entertainers
All their ad revenue comes from underage children not having adblock
I'm so sick of Arins shit.
i have a friend who does all of this shit. the worst part is that he's actually a really cool, funny, interesting guy, probably my best friend. good dude. but that camera turns on and he turns into such a fucking faggot, and i've told him so many times "just be yourself man"
Somebody call NASA because my sides just blasted into outer space.
silent rob, by a continent-wide margin
i would probably say DSP but fortunately i've never seen any of his videos