Car man saves Holla Forums

Anyone who was here long enough before the election year knows what this place used to be like (vastly more intelligent, deeper, more genuinely anti-establishment, hyper-individualistic and anti-group ideology, more ideologically heterogeneous, not as obviously controlled and/or reactionary to deep state narratives and the complete bullshit theater of day to day politics, incredible info dumps and discussions on deep conspiracy and fringe topics all the time, amazing threads on a variety of other topics - art, philosophy, history, health, meditation, etc.). It was completely ruined by the election season, and reddit/4chan leakage before that, and has been in an increasingly sad state for the last couple years.

As many shills, PR fags, and leftist posters have been saying - the car man incident is very bad PR for the ascendant "alt-right" movement among normies. What they fail to understand is that Holla Forums is not and never was the CIAlt-right, though the movement grew out of memes that originated here (how they could fail to understand this is puzzling as droves of posters have been saying it constantly since the first day of the coining of the term "alt-right"). As any high quality anons who are still here already understand, the CIAlt-right is a way of corralling people back onto the ideological reservation who are unhappy with the current paradigm so they don't end up actually thinking for themselves - a way of grouping them together to activate group-think, shut down critical thinking, and make them emotionally manipulable by the team-sports dynamic. The kind of people who fall into this kind of manipulation inherently care about their social status, i.e., they are the exact people who ruined Holla Forums, and that's how the car man's act of unsavory violence kills the alt-right and saves Holla Forums.

The people who made this place interesting have likely never given a fuck about social status and dinner party invites since the day they were born. The people who ruined this place came here because they thought it was the cool trendy hang out for pseudo-anti-establishment LARPers like them to jack each other off. Guess what edgy-alt-righter? This place is for absolute pariahs again and you need to leave or your friends won't like you anymore you. You don't want to be associated with ebil car man do you?

I wasn't able to see any way the board could be purged of it's cancer over the last couple years of increasing darkness but then this happened. Will car man kill the cancer and make Holla Forums worthwhile again? You decide user. The current G.A.T.E./Acquino thread has given me hope that a fair number of you are still here. I advocate a scorched earth campaign of bullying, chaos, and weaponized unpalatability directed against any users expressing mainstream political views or team-sports ideologies of any kind. Gore posting, /x/ posting, any kind of posting that causes discomfort in the kind of user who never should have been here. SMOKE EM OUT BOYS.

Other urls found in this thread:………..

the term "alt right" is not new, and Holla Forums wasn't nearly so allergic to it until CNN started throwing it around. not that i'm sticking up for Implicit Dick, i'm just saying. believe it or not, some of us knew about WLP and AWM before image boards did.

but thanks for making another thread about this

Actually noone cares. Not a single co-worker brought it up, and I literally have a swastika on my coffee cup.

muh boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

I hate to burst your bubble OP but ebil car man will not be your anti-recruiting tool when we are done exonerating him completely. It was self defense.


The term alt-kike is new and was invented by jew paul gottfried who was implicit dick's mentor.

it was a CIA psyop you dumb kike, the entire alt-kike is

That's funny I have a black sun coffee mug at work and a coworker from Israel complimented me on it once.

t. user final boss of internet
we are still here OP and "we" as you know us will never be a majority but we can use the team sports rubes like you said in a benevolent way, instead of letting them become pawns for the jews to use them maliciously


Exactly! We are siding with Trump against hate and bigotry!

Just use emotional arguments against the alt-kike and back them with facts.


The alt-kike / trumpnigger faggotry is over, long live Holla Forums

you had a chance to change your tune up, usurp your CIA nigger leaders, and actually support pro-white causes - but you fucked it up and decided street fights with anifa was a better option than leaderless resistance.

now you look dumb, and PR is important, right?

Real happenings can bring in enough real anons to almost drown out the shills.
Car man hasn't purged the cancer. He only sent it into remission. This is a good thing. A new happening will occur, and the cancer will again be staved off, though it will probably take less and less time to recur. At some point, it will be fully consumed.

The car needs to be restored and put in a museum as CHALLENGER-1

I laughed but then an overwhelming sense of dread swept over me. We live in a world where 99% of people know quite literally nothing and democracy is seen as a good idea.


kill yourself.

Meant to slide.

That's not what "sliding" means you dumbshit.

nah, your entire kiked out movement(tm) is trash

Clearly you're the one we should be listening to user.

Not until the they stop sending the Turk checks

Back to cuckchan shitposting.

No that's what singling my disapproval means, fucking mong.


Berkay isn't learningcode and neither is the nigger smoking weed in the car. He's a white kid from Canada named Nathaniel who used to skype with rabbi moshe smileberg the gwan wizor(PBUH)

filtered, go back to >>>/polmeta/

No. As rightly states, the point is not (and never is) to venerate or hate the token event. It's to understand its effect and how your goals relate to it.

It's called saging you newfag.

I agree the term alt-right is pretty cringey and probably counterproductive, but seems a bit like you are actually disappointed that Holla Forums views are getting some traction in the mainstream.
Do you actually want society to become less shit or do you prefer talking about how shit it is? So if it becomes less shit, this place becomes a bit less interesting

One thing that has always impressed me about Holla Forums is that it is ultimately resilient against ecelebs and personas that wish to misdirect or profit from the content here. I also read many posts here explaining that the August 12 event would be a total setup, which it was. See here for example: . Decentralized National Socialism 2.0 is the way to go. How can you take out leaders which don't exist?

Am I the only one that thinks we should be like ISIS and take credit for every single attack? It would serve us well if we're seen as a hub of terror even falsely. Even when we take credit for things we never had anything to do with. Like the Sam Hyde meme where the meme of Sam Hyde takes credit for every terror attack. We should be the ones taking credit.

Suddenly getting doxed by us would be a lot more terrifying.


I was talking about the thread. Sorry my grammar isn't up to snuff. Cunt.

fuck off alt-kike idiot

Kill yourself, you won't be missed.

You lot first.

so its all or nothing to you? gas the kikes immediately or go home
the overton window is moving to the right direction

Still no real evidence presented that he's a jew. The name Bloom being used by some jews is insufficient because that name is also used by many white people. It's an occupational anglo-saxon name.

terry is that you?

What would lead you to believe that? Re-read the post.

It's not "probably unproductive" it's a psyop for capturing and redirecting the exact trend you want - "Holla Forums view becoming more mainstream". They saw it happening so they set up a pig-pen with a big flashing "edgy" sign on it for all the dummies to walk into.

Car man was probably a false flag designed to kill off the movement they created - 1) see Holla Forums gaining traction 2) create alt-right to capture people potentially leaving the ideological reservation 3) destroy the alt-right - problem solved, or it was just an innocent guy who panicked. Regardless, the alt-right and the people who got on that train were never the source of the power, as we all know, and as is the point of my post, the death of the alt-right is a potential opening for the renaissance of genuine Holla Forums culture.

I don't understand the point of this post.

That's the only logical conclusion, user. Don't know why there are anons arguing for PR. It's not like we can politely discuss this with Normalfags and the MSM. This largely hurts the alt-right, which seems to be a final bunker for some kikes anyway.

put the fact it's a happening above the fact it's a kike CIA patsy.

fuck off alt-kike cancer, i bet you think we need 'normies' too

A better argument is that the reaction saved Holla Forums(not just to the car crash).

absolute horseshit. Holla Forums's official line, as discussed for the two years previous to the shillary altright speech, was that "the altright doesn't exist" or perhaps if it does, they're coopting homosexuals

Not true. White Blooms outnumber jewish Blooms. It's a white name that on occasion has been used by jews. You understand how jews work, right? They're matriarchal. If your mother is a jew, you're a jew. But surnames are passed on from fathers. The result of this is jews very often end up with white surnames. That doesn't mean that surname becomes jewish. That doesn't mean any person with that surname must be a jew.

Bloom is an occupational name given to people who worked in bloomeries, making iron. Hot hard work, the sort jews are totally allergic to. It's a white name, despite the handful of high profile jews with the name.

user, I know exactly what you are trying to say but its the stupid way you are trying to say it makes me think you where not one of the more intelligent users.
8/pol/ is not (((alt-kike)))

Just look at a picture of her face. Come on.

I didn't say they were okay, just stating that people need to be eased into new ideas, especially if these ideas are the polar opposite of their current worldview

>8/pol/ is not (((alt-kike)))
Did you read the post? That's the entire point.

They don't - the people with these ideas need to work against the system and propose to the masses a new pro-white(NatSoc) system.
If you think you can debate or convince demoralized people to come to your side you just might have fallen for aut-right demoralization tactics

the shilling for Trump even though he really hasn't done much to actually call out government corruption or expose the media has been a problem

creates an obviously shilled environment

Give me a profile picture of her nose.

It's all over the board.

I feel you OP, I hardly ever post anymore. There's really nothing cap worthy posted here these days, Beaverposter was the last one that made some quality dissertations. Crossposters aren't even mocked and banned anymore, (((anons))) are openly admitting they are coming from cuckchan/plebbit and bringing caps from there, and nobody gives a shit

this tbh

so what? violent revolution? what about people with views that are not completely polar opposite
you can't just take a gun, walk up to capitol hill and declare yourself the emperor


its an imkampfy shitpost
you know, one of the mods responsible for dumbing down the board?

No such picture. They're all with her facing the camera so the shape of her nose cannot be accurately determined.

Quit lying.

look at her face
then look at his face
he strongly resembles kike enoch

>Crossposters aren't even mocked and banned anymore, (((anons))) are openly admitting they are coming from cuckchan/plebbit and bringing caps from there, and nobody gives a shit
The problem is the mods. The mods tolerate it so no matter how much shit we give crossposters, they keep on doing it.

Note how many sage posters are blatantly unaware / wrong about basic aspects of Holla Forums culture and history. Shilling is rampant.

why you lying for?

nice false dichotomy you have there, alt-kike cancer. you need to be uncompromising.

did you find this place post-april-fools-2015 raid?

Holla Forums has always been NS

it wasnt the mod created dumbed down echo chamber of shills shilling shills that it is today but come on

This is the kind of spirit that has been lost from the board. Brings me back. Good on you user.

uncompromising = telling the holocaust didn't happen right away?
I'm still just saying that maybe not to go all 14/88 immediately, you can skirt around without compromising
not mentioning something doesn't mean much

and NS has always been hyper-individualistic while respecting what is best for the race

true, basically that's what I'm referring to though, now anyone who doesn't conform to kosher aut-right views is called a shill by people who probably don't even remember shillgayte

And then you end up acting like a limpdick kike like dickie who never addresses the real issues.

would be pretty hilarious to be honest

Only through organization comes power
~William Pierce

worked for National Action, right?

Dubs of truth here

You should check out a site called reddit user. You can see who people are and the upboats keep everything organized it's great!

Are you saying that you want to push the narrative that you are so stupid that you think I was talking about social media?
You really want to admit that you're a complete idiot?

You tell me.

whites need to organize in a non-kiked setting under non-kiked pretenses, I thought that was the point of this thread.

This user is not a shill. He wants Whites to ORGANIZE against the Jews.

Only through Organization comes power

If they're not shutting you down or trying to then you're doing something wrong. It would be a boon for us if Holla Forums was designated as a terror group.

terry calm down, I'm just saying that the change should be gradual
first address the quite obvious problems like white displacement
showing people niggers cause only problems is pretty easy, then move on to the next issue

Sorry, there's really nothing here for kike parasites. Now that alt-right is going belly up.
You're gonna have to find a new a shelter.

Maybe make one for yourselves. :^)

The "alt- kike" in my mind, it now 100% confirmed Jewish shit (as if it wasn't obvious when his face was all over ever news media outlet after the Trump win). Spencer failed hard this go around, and then fled like a pussy, leaving everyone he told to go behind to get beat. He conveniently left BEFORE the whole car incident, then was making threats to the mayor and Governor saying "well be back, you vice chair is a nigger." As if that could not solidify this "alt right" as just another low IQ KKK, Neo-Nazi clone.

No you stupid faggot, you sue for civil rights violations and win 10million dollars. You sue the media, you sue the police and let that place rot under the financial burden of your winnings.

Bare minimum Spencer is not fit to lead.


Notice how this shill has no arguments and doesn't use logic. He just wants to SHUT DOWN all opposition to ZOG.


Once they're all filtered, their ability to consensus crack is diminished. Good night anti-White

But to the point, there was more diversity of opinion. Independent thinkers, natsocs, lolbertardians, neo-reactionaries, the occasional gommie and neocohen. When the exodus happened, they were all here, but due to the very nature of this site they fucked off one by one to their own boards, leaving just natsocs behind for a while, eventually ending up with a lot of trumpcucks on the board.
I was one of the anons that always was a proponent of quality OPs, and I supported the min character limit for it. While it has cut down on shill and slide threads for damn sure, it's also cut down on real discussion about ideaology and philosophy. The "proper" post formatting only really Is conducive to news articles, I can't even remember the last time someone wrote a multiple paragraph OP on a political topic that wasn't a current event, followed by intricate arguments from anons. It's literally just someone reposts an article, followed by memeing and shitposting in response. Holla Forums, as I write this, I realize I had basically I become a comment section for news websites instead of a place where organic and interesting discussion about politics I can bloom. I knew it was doomed when, after the election, mods allowed instead of banned the Kek and meme magic threads, as well as banning anyone with a fairly critical comment about Trump.

But the flip side is that 8/pol/ is the safest from shilling than any website that I know. Anons and mods alike here are vigilant and sniff out basically every shill and remove them very quickly. The trade off obviously is stifled discussion, nothing here but shitposting. I don't know if this trade off is worth it, but what I do know is that anons need to stick here and make it better. The first exodus was a one time deal, it sorted the chaff from the wheat and only quality posters showed up here. But continuing to splinter the community into other sites only succeeds to weaken us, and is perhaps an end goal of our enemies.

>"Anonymous Mongolian Frog Terrorists take credit for the recent attack meme"
That would definitely be source of many chuckles.

Imageboards are the antithesis of organization. Go do it someplace else.

You think you'd win a litigation against the (((mass media corporations)))?

I prefer to leave the shills on so I know what tactics they are using. Their shilling increases my ability to find where they are headed next with their false narrative.

Point is to tie up their lawyers, and bleed them of cash. We need smart anons willing to volunteer their time.

Just keep using the Sam Hyde meme. Anytime anything happens, blame Sam Hyde.

I do, and my entire issue with the alt-kike is that they are a phony movement that is suckering whites into organizing under kiked-out pretenses. Entire movement is a phony CIA operation that will ultimately harm whites

I don't particularly want Jim to sell my info. to the FBI.

You'll never manage to bleed the kikes dry in court you idiot. That's playing their game.


The intellectual approach doesn't work. Look what Jared Taylor has tried for decades, same with Dr. WLP and Dr. Duke and Professor Kevin MacDonald and countless others. They do not want civil dialogue, they are leftists. They are savages and they support savages. You are civilisation to their barbarianism but I see the end as it is.

I never said that they were. However, no true White nationalist shills against Pierce or the fact that we must organize against the Jews.

On the one hand, you make a good point. However, as any serious, honest sociologist can tell you, socialization affects us all. If the Jews use their resources to shill up these boards with enough anti-activism posts, it is difficult to resist their propaganda. The best propaganda works not through argument (as the anti-activist shills prove) but by REPETITION. Note how they often resort to three images to grab the attention followed by false claim after false claim. It is like;
Diversity is our strength
No thinking human would believe that. But through constant repetition, even the brightest people are reduced to lemmings, mindlessly repeating this Jewish lie to destroy our societies.

Anyway, we will see their tactics regardless because they switch IPs quite often. Even worse, many of the people pushing the anti-White narrative on Holla Forums are actually not Jews. They're well meaning White nationalists who were conned into going along with the Jewish narrative because they were made to believe that it was popular.
They were made to believe that it was fashionable to be anti-organization through constant repetition of Jewish propaganda.

One final thing that I think it is my duty to do is leave this William Pierce broadcast for intelligent anons to learn from. Note how William Pierce talks about (what we would call) redpilling. Pierce does not kid around. he does not LARP. He was concerned with awakening the racial consciousness of our people. But he knew that you can't go around talking about the Jews behind the (((globalists))) to the uninitiated. Instead, he recommends talking about what people are interested in and building from there. Too many anons (aided by intelligent and cunning shills) feel that we need to talk about the Jews first and race second. This is not only silly, but often times destructive to our efforts to awaken our people. The JQ is often times the last pill to swallow. However it is the INEVITABLE conclusion when you understand that White Genocide is happening.

Not suicide. Genocide. Genocide committed by the Jews upon our race for their own benefit.

Anyway, I advise all intelligent anons to watch this and learn from one of the greatest White nationalists since Hitler.

blessed be this post for Kek agrees

gas yourself user

man do you know how much money has been dumped into ruining this place in the past 12-16 months? Between Brock and kushner alone multiple millions of dollars were spent daily during the primaries / main electoral runup, either steering or polluting every board deemed affiliated with us, including /k/, /fit/, /a/, probably several others I'm not even aware of. every sub Reddit, some of our more obscure bunkers experienced this.

that's in addition to the usual shit like JIDF and co, the SPLC etc. literal millions per day. just keep that in mind, if you ever doubt the influence of this sewer. the real anons who brainstorm and create content are a tiny tiny minority - that tiny tiny minority was considered such a potent threat / resource that millions were spent to misdirect or annoy us out of productivity. some of us scattered to other outlets producing prop / linking up with others offline. while that has never been a main tenet of this board's ideology, i would wager many sought new outlets / real groups in the past 6 - 8 months.

This is an inversion of the Roman slogan of "Unity is Strength" hence the roman fasces.

It takes awhile to completely DE-compartamentalize.

Yes the "fuck PR" people on this board are obviously lefty pol pushing for us to march around in full Nazi costumes, while they run CNN, Fox, and MSNBC 24/7 about how evil whites are. Only low IQ morons would see that as a good idea that is going to raise awareness of our movements.

As funny as Moon man is, its part of that whole agenda. The moon = The communist flag = the Islamic flag.

I admire your optimism. Hell, maybe I have too much "faith" in the System's ability to handle stress. Maybe it is really on the verge of toppling and the few thousand dollars you would take from them would knock the rotting structure down. But honestly, I do not believe it. I think the money it would cost us to hire lawyers would be better spent on propaganda aimed at the masses.

Any movement that raises the racial consciousness among Whites and directs it against the Jews is a good movement. I have yet to see any real evidence that the alt-right is a CIA opp. It appears organic. Some (((anons))) tell me that even David Duke and William Pierce were CIA agents, and that Hitler was hired by the government (and thus Jews) to turn nationalism into a boogieman and send the Jews to Israel. They make many charts and memes "proving" that everyone who has EVER done ANYTHING is a CIA/ZOG agent. But I do not peddle Jewish slander. Maybe EVERYTHING is controlled opposition, but that seems unlikely. Serious White nationalists don't spend our time trying to drag down other White nationalists through the mud based on scanty evidence at best.
Personally, I hate AtomWaffen Division because every one who associates with them I have ever met has been a real arrogant prick and I hate how the guy they worship tries to compare himself and CHARELS MANSON! to Adolf Hitler. I could go on and on about how much I hate them… however I will never peddle the Jewish slander that they're CIA agents until I see real evidence that they are.
And neither should you. Just because someone pushes a meme that you personally dislike or has a poorly designed flag or is afraid of naming the Jews in public for fear of being assassinated or whatever doesn't mean they're CIA. It means they value different thins than you do.

Fuck off kike.

if they change the laws and go full europe things will be different though.

right now I can say the holocaust never happened and niggers are a societal disease, if (((incidents))) like this keep happening at aut-right rallies and they go after "online hate" because every dumb CIA nigger has pepes all over their facebook things might change quickly

This guy gets it.

The shills want all of us to look like exhibit A on the left.
Instead, we should style ourselves to look somewhat like exhibit 88 on the right.

We're not monkeys. We should wear clothes that fit and make us look professional and intimidating. And for god sake we should have a uniform. Or at least matching shirts.

The election was fun and energising but I'm right back to being in pre election Holla Forums depression, which is fine but I'm getting pretty sick of Americans using this board as their personal politics blog for every petty incident that comes up in their 2-minute long attention span. There are enough old stock anons still to have interesting discussions, but I really hope most of you leave.

Because you ignore it, it's right in front of you.
And here's a better version.

As Commander Rockwell said:
To Hell with the "Right Wing"

as for manson, ever wonder why a guy who never killed anyone's in supermax prison for murder? me too


OP wants an apology for not entertaining him enough. That and, he's too cool for us now.

What do you think I do 16hrs a day 7 days a week? I come here for a coffee break.

This kind of shilling comes only from Jews, leftist traitors, or lemmings. No intelligent person thinks that because someone's ancient ancestor was in the army or worked for the government that they're a shill.

Thus even if you're not literally a kike, you are a lemming and thus useless to anyone. When the time comes, you will either fall into line with whoever takes control of the narrative or you will be swinging from a lamp post with a sign that either has a Star of David on it or the words "Race Traitor"

In short, I am not a lemming so I will not fall into line when you push your narrative and I am almost immune to consensus cracking. Would you like to continue trying to con me? or would you like to try your hand at argument, logic, facts, and debate like a White person?

I'm interested in what your position is. Correct me if I'm misinterpreting your position but it seems to be that you fault the alt right, an explicitly White nationalist movement, for not being "edgy" enough. What should they do? Should they wear more swastikas and say "You will not replace us" more often?

You know William Pierce, in many interviews with the mass media refused to say the same kind of rhetoric that he used on Dissident Voices. Do you think William Pierce was wrong for communicating to the media with a different tone than he would to the initiated (the "redpilled" as we say)? Should he have gone on and on about how we need violent revolution and that we need to exterminate the Jews? Was he an "aut right" for not being 100% 88 100% of the time?

Totally agree. The amount of butthurt you generated ITT only serves to reinforce each points you raised. Just take a good look at how they responded and notice the total lack of substance.

It's as you said, critical thinking is of the utmost importance on Holla Forums. It's especially true since we're at a time when the enemy openly calls for more censorship on a global scale. If people want groupthink, they have plenty of websites they can go to. There's no valid reason to push mainstream views here unless your actual goal is subversion of Holla Forums itself. Now (((who))) would want that?


The Alt-Right was always apart of the Soros Bush Clinton CIA crew.

Hillary made them famous. CIA Spencer made the meme. It's the same scam. It's not blue vs red it's the same scam.

lol – key phrase was 'less allergic'. Things weren't always quite the way they are now.

Yeah I'm going to go way the fuck out on a limb and say the guy Huffington post chose to be your leader, that nobody on the right takes seriously at all, who has never done anything of note but get punched in front of a camera, is probably not your best bet for a leader. Just a hunch.

this, the only problem is how to deal with infiltration.

you need people with high IQ's and no attachment to the physical world, hence unable to be blackmailed.

Bare minimum he should be shot on site for being a Soros and Dugin goon. He's a Deep State agent provocateur.

And Holla Forums warned you nufags

I figured as much, but as always was hoping he was real. Now it does not matter if he is real or not (he is not) he is not fit to lead.

This movement is not your "sekrit club" nor was it ever meant to be. Every movement that gets popular has to lose some of that cool appeal, remember that Hitler threw out most of the 25 Point Plan of the NSDAP because he understood that realpolitik means that "only" achieving 75% of your goals is better than holding on to absolute purity and thus achieving 0% of the goals.

Fuck you.

If you read my chart carefully you'll realize that it's not some ancient ancestor and that it's the entire organization that Dickie runs his phony movement through
Put the pieces together and evaluate the absolute shit spencer pushes. He isn't doing it for PR reasons(which Pierce did, and Hitler did, and NordFront does, but they do it in an uncompromising way that venerates NatSoc ideals) he's doing it because he's a National Bolshevist

When has the consensus ever been pro-alt-right? The consensus has always been pro-white and pro-organization, and there has always been great debate over weather or not this movement would be an effective vehicle for that.

Time, the dubious conditions surrounding it, the dubious origins, associations, and actions of their leaders, and the positions they hold have in my opinion proven it both ineffective and harmful to NatSoc ideals and pro-white causes.

If you are not a lemming, and not demoralized by alt-right tactics why do you refuse to question them?

No, it's that the alt-right movement is fake and will end up driving whites into pointless football-tier street fighting over effectively pointless causes instead of targeting issues that genuinely matter. They just care about generating spectacle, not getting things done.

Disassociate from the alt-right and adopt more uncompromising, ideologically-driven viewpoints and tactics(like NordFront)

If you don't believe Spencer is a NazBol look into what the ribbon of saint george represents and his wife's connections to Dugin

reminder that 'muh sekrit club' is a goon tactic to get anons to lower their standards for newfag assimilation

Yeah. I think about that a lot. Both in the context of the Current Year nationalism and in the future. Now it may not lead to death, but in the future, once we enter the violent stage of our war against the Jews, infiltration would mean the death of everyone associated with the traitors.

I have an idea that might work in the future. We could use scopalamine to help interview potential recruits, Turner Diaries style. Of course, I am not a doctor and don't know much about the drug, so if anyone does know if this works, please inform me.
In regards to modern day wannabe infiltrators, there's not too much we can do about them. Fortunately, once the System starts to collapse, the FBI will too. If I were an user who worked in law enforcement, I'd try to get into the FBI and then leak the names and faces of the infiltrators when the time comes.


Politics is compromise but you have the best time ever. Right now NSDAP types are the antiestablishment, the commies are given free reign to do as they please by the government and media establishment and NSDAP rose entirely thanks to people's increasing hatred of the commies. Remember the people hated the NSDAP at first too, because they were uneducated about it. So much so that when one read the German national anthem they were beat up. Let these battles strengthen you and for those of you who were in down, remember Hitler was just a broke homeless veteran and man once upon a time. He was the best because he had nothing left to lose, many of you out there are recently are the same way. Let that fuel you.


They're also ignorant of history
NSDAP rose because the Weimar republic became incapable of sustaining the needs of the lemmings, Hitler proposed a better system and won because of it


There was no internet then. Nobody ever heard of Jared Taylor, there was a monopoly on information and the universities were revered . We are going to win this thing with speech.

alt-kike shills are here.

Northwest front in controlled Opposition, it leaked from after the fall of the soviet union that the Northwest front was a Russian plan to split up the USA.

Yes and because the commies failed and pissed off the general population. Look up all the conflicts between the NSDAP and antifa of the 1930s. Read mein kampf, it explains everything and nobody can refute it.

How long are we going to let the CIA talk like this and just pretend they're some user kid who is confused? It's every time and it's 24/7 monitoring.

Fuck you CIAlt-Right

100% agree with you, but don't pretend that the state failing wasn't a huge part of it.

fuckin' checked

I'd rather cuckchan get the blame and we remain hidden.

Present evidence that he is a Bolshevik. If you bring up the magical ribbon, I will know you are a Jew, a leftist, or an idiot.

Yes. That makes me part of the real consensus. I am pro-White and Pro organization. I don't care what an organization calls itself or what it believes SO LONG AS it is Jew wise and promotes racial consciousness for White people.
Whether you think that capitalism is evil and must be totally replaced or if you think socialism not for Whites is irrelevant at this point. We can argue about what economic systems we put in place later. First we need to remove the Jews from power. We'll have that debate once we can have a REAL conversation.

How? How is an organization that promotes White racial consciousness a bad thing? I've never before seen so many people willing to talk about race and even the Jews than today.

I do question them. I think every one of us should force Spencer to admit that the Holohoax was a Jewish lie. Going around trying to appease the lemmings will not save him. Maybe he is frightened, maybe he actually believes the holohoax story. I've seen many pro-Whites who still believe it out of habit.

Marches are important. So is taking back space from the enemy. It projects strength and lemmings adore strength. Every person secretly wants to be in a torch march. This recent Unite The Right march was an absolute good thing. Car of Peace be damned. It projects great strength whenever Whites take back the streets and shout "ANTI-WHITE" at the anti-Whites. That makes people think.

Seriously. Only idiots and shills push the ribbon meme. Fabric doesn't make you a communist. Anti-Whiteness, coupled with a desire to talk endlessly about capitalism and collectivization makes you a communist. I've seen every single patterned ribbon conceivable in stores. And I bought a few for my GF. If I went public, some Jew might take a picture of her and force meme it into "proof" that I'm a communist. But only low IQ idiots would actually fall for it. That is all I will say about the bullshit ribbon meme.



Wanna know how I know you're not arguing in good faith?

How does the alt-kike do any of these things? Dickie says "America doesn't have a jewish problem" and "racemixing isn't an issue"
I agree with you, this is another issue I have with Dickie, he doesn't think kikes even are running things.

And yet most of it is misdirected into ends that are harmful to whites like national bolshevism which Spencer pushes.

Which he never will, he says the holodomor wasn't real for some reason though. He does not believe in the holohoax but he will not speak on it because his mentors are kikes, his wife translates Alexander Dugin's work and wears the ribbon of Saint George, and at its core his ideology is not pro-white.

What really makes people think is targeted action. Things like occupy wall street before the kikes fucked it all up. Imagine something on the scale of occupy wall street to advocate pro-white causes. The aut-right will never do it.

How about being next to Laura fucking Bush? How about translating the works of a niggerloving National Bolshvist?
I think these things paired with her wearing the symbol of NazBols is a pretty damning case
your logic is on the levels of coked-out neopagans that say the sunwheel has no pro-european meaning tbh.

Good stuff user.

How do you suggest we take false credit for stuff? Contact the media claiming credit? sticky a thread saying pol did it?

Maybe he is really that stupid, or maybe he is trying to appeal to older White nationalists as well as younger ones. Older WNs tend to be Jew shy. Almost everyone younger than 35 who is alt-right is Jew wise. Read through their comment sections. Everyone knows and I suspect he knows too but is trying not to offend Taylor's old folks home (not that I disrespect Taylor's work.)

No. He DOES believe in the holohoax. Anyway, go on…
I instantly don't respect you. I'm thinking you're a lemming. That's better than being a race traitor.

They're neither strong enough or large enough to do that. That is why these rallies are important. Also, this was done during a Trump speech in the area. Very good call. It forces Trump to notice us. Very clever.

Did you know that Spencer is rich and comes from a rich family?
What exactly has Spencer pushed that is even vaguely Marxist? I've never heard him talk about capitalism (although admittedly I can't stand listening to his speeches because I cringe at how timid his speeches are). So if you have a speech about him talking about the benefits of communalization, send it my way.
However, even if he did, I wouldn't care much. He talks about race and is trying to organize Whites into a political force like Golden Dawn. It is still weak, despite what the naïve folks think, but it is growing stronger. I'm JQing people left and right now nevermind my poster bombing campaigns. I've never been able to meet up with dozens of people who all know the holohoax was a myth and that the Jews control the MSM. This is a wonderful climate. But things aren't looking so good for the Jews.

AV is kinda gat but fuck off.

Nigger, mark my words, this car shit isn't going to put a major dent in the alt-right, the media has tarnished it's reputation in the minds of the people and this event will only serve to radicalize both sides, polarize the issue.

While I appreciate the fundamental idea OP
But that wrong you fucking retard.jpg
All the evidence points to a white man panicking as a bunch of dindus begin smashing his much beloved Dodge up and panicking for his life. Unless and until solid evidence proves otherwise that's easily the most rational view given the data.

Actually, I take that back. Maybe he really doesn't believe in the holohoax but pretends to so as to not rustle the jimmies of Taylor's old folks home. Again, I haven't been able to stomach many Spencer speeches so maybe he has left enough breadcrumbs to conclude that he is not a complete idiot regarding the gas chambers and lampshades.
So if you send a video of him implying that the holohoax didn't happen, send it my way and I promise I will try to ignore his "umming" and drama-queen voice and make it through.


His wife.
Well, that's not true actually… I doubt Spencer has ever pushed on his Russian beard except to get her away from his dick.

These people are in it for the memes alone and will never take those views IRL or challenge their leaders positions on zionism or racemixing.

As for older WNs, Spencer has harmed them as well, we've gone from GLR and WLP(who were dealing with America at its material prime and were more successful because they weren't compromising)

Do you know that works against his favor? Do you know that National Socialism opposes the judeo-masonic capitalist elites?

His entire philosophy is thinly-veiled Duginism. Stop calling it marxism/communism when it's National Bolshevism.

He capitalized on the rising pro-white sentiments and is suckering the lemmings into some subversive duginist garbage.

Things are looking great for them if Dickie keeps gaining ground tbh.

He probably knows it didn't happen but won't address it because his mentor, inspirations, and affiliations are kikes. You think Mike Peinowitz is anti-jew when he's married to a B'nai B'irth faghag?

This entire phony movement is a joke

America is a Republic and so was the Weimar Republic

You cut through the propaganda and lies and the history they stop telling you and you will find out Hitler was the one that stood up to violent leftists. Weimar Germany's politics were constant terrorism engaged on politic adversaries almost entirely by leftists. They even started a fucking civil war. Just know you know what to do when the time comes.

Is.. is that a bad thing user?

Only if you fear the fire rising.

Kill yourself kike.

You're a big guy

IThis is a legitimate kristallnacht and there's nothing you kike mods can do about it.

how do you feel about the alt-right?

Was there a particular bread on p25 you weep for the loss of user?

should be:
jew banksters (rothschild, soros, etc) at the top,
then corporatists (big ag, big pharma, etc),
then the state (dnc, rnc, etc),
then state violence (cia, fbi, police, .mil, etc),
finally the individual.

Tone does not translate through type. "unsavory act of violence" is how it's being characterized and why it will have the effects that the post is about, I didn't mean to make a judgement on the motive myself. My guess as to what happened is either he's innocent and panicked, or he's CIA/mindfucked and it's designed to end the alt-right (see: )

Inversion of the truth is Jewish and you should leave.


Holla Forums is not a movement. It's a place where you can post text and images and where certain people ended up and a certain culture formed over time. I'm sticking up for that culture. You're suggesting that a CIA created imitation of that culture, sold as a "movement", in order to corral discontented people were on the edge of leaving the ideological reservation, is more important than that culture. Also, nice samefag

Dubs confirm alt-right is now CIAlt-right

Actually it was really runined right around the time Hotwheels was taken out and Hillary called Spencer our leader.

What most, and quite possibly yourself, don't understand is that Alt-Right was coined in order to falsify the legitimacy of Neo-Cohens. There was conservatism before Israel and it wasn't "Neo". When people were abandoning the Neo-Cohen globalism/Interventionism it became necessary for the (((establishment))) to frame this trend in such a way to kill it. AIPAC and others are launching a concerted effort to destroy conservatism by re-branding the tenants that don't aline with the establishment as Alternative. They pulled the same shit with the Tea Party that they're doing now: find incipient grassroots movement that threatens your (((interests))), Insert personalities and terms to define and control these unorganized/unstructured groups, use personalities to sow dissent from within, highlight the most ridiculous personalities to scare away new followers. This has been done to the Tea Party and Occupy movements and it will keep happening until we learn about subversion. Ron Paul scared the shit out of AIPAC and kosher "cohnservatives".

I agree, we were so passionate in our attempts to get trump elected i think it was contagious. Millions of people seen our memes about him got hyped wanting to be a part of what we were doing. People watching the BLM "protests" and having their blood boil as they watched how politicians and the MSM probably helped push them to our side as well. But the problem was that they were never truly redpilled. They didn't know what they were actually trying to be a part of.

The end result was people who were loyal to Trump and not our ideology. Most probably thought "hitler did nothing wrong" was a satire meme to troll the MSM who insisted we were nazi's. This movement was never about Trump, its always been about securing our existence. We were so adamant about Trump becoming president because he was the biggest step towards that goal we've seen in years. I dont think the car incident will change anything though. I've noticed that this place has improved within the last couple of days but i dont credit that to the car incident. I credit it to the fact that we have threads now that arent
And instead are having threads about a huge white nationalist rally. Showing how far we've come and how our goal is no longer a fantasy but that it may just be possible to actually achieve it.

At any rally or gathering, if somebody is seen with a Nazi flag, uniform, or giving a Nazi salute; take it upon yourself to remove them from the gathering they are obviously LARP'ing antifa or other cuck faggots nobody wants around!
Need to start taking the initiative on shit like this, if (((baked alaska))) had his little stream and people were stepping up telling the saluting fucks the night before to 'fuck off or you're going to get beat next' and the next day any douchebag with a Nazi flag was told to 'scram or get jumped' this shit would not be the news pictures everybody has gone with.
I guarantee they would have ran for it, because the only reason they do this at these right rallies is they think they are safe to pull these antics.

The important point to make is, this isn't Deutschland, this is America. When you wave NSDAP flags and symbols you look like Mexicans waving their cactus flag. It's symbol cuckery. Act like an American and use our symbols; America First works.


the symbols arent german.
the important point is that your anti-swas infiltrating kike ass needs to beat it.

No you idiot. Nobody is saying go marching with swastikas, but changing our viewpoints on the Jews and race is bad.

Fucking newfag, are we being shilled?

Oh no, it's retarded

You know what on the same sort of thing
Instead of the narrative being that Russia hacked the election it needs to be that Holla Forums hacked the election
Fuck I'd love if the narrative became Holla Forums controls Russia and Trump

I miss the comfy economic threads had here in 2015 when minimum wage was a hot topic and historical photo threads that Brit user would dump in, now the mods and cuckchanners have ruined it.

Adding to what OP said, Google unindexing 8ch saved us from a lot of kekistan redditors.

is it too soon?
also im a newfag how do i repost the same image twice here

lets assume Holla Forums at large has views that most of the userbase agrees to in some extent
what happens when these views (albeit they might not be very clearly defined) become mainstream? Holla Forums should stop talking about them because they are mainstream now?

you seem to imply that mainstream views must and will always be somehow bad

the enemy has always called for more censorship and always will

Why are you being obtuse?
For the time being, mainstream refers to jewish or controlled-op sources of information. Holla Forums views becoming mainstream would mean that major outlets are run by who are genuinely redpilled which automatically excludes kikes and certain fags with close connections to Dugin. Holla Forums isn't "contrarian" because to be so is edgy and cool, Holla Forums runs counter to the mainstream because this kike run world is nothing but lies and the truth drives Holla Forums ever farther from their narrative to what is right and natural.



What part of "Board of Peace" do you not understand?


Sure, shit has been a mess since Trumpo, but that's what happens when obscure things come into the limelight, they go down in community quality, because the vast majority of people don't deserve to live. It's not like I can ever recall any iteration of Holla Forums to be flawless, though, and although I try to stay skeptical and always learning when I browse this kind of webpage, being constantly paranoid about SHILL JOOS forces you into a pretty box-shaped and lazy mindset. I'm not really even interested in 'securing an existence for whites'- most whites I've met are just as shit as your average gay nigger. Beyond redemption, and like Europe, beyond saving. I'm more interested in learning, finding bits of truth that make life worth living, and of course, if someone has plans to genocidally massacre my race, and turn me into a useless dumb blob, and generally fuck up everything that's cool (sustainable economy, art, general decency, cultural unity, ect.) then of course I want to destroy ((Them)) right back. Anyways, my point is that the entire world and everything good in it is burning like butane, so fucking chill about your Mongolian fingerpaintinginternet board.

sick fuckin' trips mολόχ

Well stated OP.

It makes sense now why the amount of "hello fellow alt-righters" threads over the last couple weeks has increased. Don't be surprised when we're featured front and center on some fake news story featuring all us ebil neo-nazi's over at Holla Forums and how we are behind the alt-right and the "attack" and need to be shut down. Unfortunately years of archives highlighting our distrust and disdain of these organized movements will not help one bit when it happens.………..

Out, jew.

I wasn't talking about the mainstream media

May I see the archive for that tweet? I have a very, very hard time believing a picture so obviously doctored.

That's not true and any conversation with anyone at NPI will tell you otherwise. Once again, I have no respect for an immature liar like you.

That's quite sad, but it is no one's fault but our own.

Yes but NS is not against people being wealthy. Keeping the fruits of hard labour is a tenant of National Socialism. Besides, only an idiot would think that a revolution can happen without money. If Spencer survives, I'd love to have his money and use it to purchase weapons and rope.

It's not easy to take anything you say seriously when you literally believe that an orange and black ribbon worn on a woman's purse means something. Orange and black go well together.

Okay. You are clearly a kike or a subversive enemy. No intelligent or even half way intelligent White nationalist thinks that ignoring public relations is a wise thing to do. This tactic is clearly an attempt by the Jews to make us throw caution to the wind and make fools of ourselves and when anyone complains, a Jew like you comes along and says MUH PR! GOE BAK TEW RETTID! :DDDDDD

Filter the obvious shills

William Pierce, George L Rockwell, and Adolf Hitler all understood that PR is very important. Directing and controlling the public perception is key to attaining power.
The Jews know that PR is important too and that is why they send shills like ((( ))) here to tell us to ignore it.

Filter the obvious shills

I wouldn't go that far. Here are the reasons
1. No matter what I said, they wouldn't leave and won't listen to reason. LARPers are there to have fun and virtue signal how "edgy" they are.
2. While I share your hatred of LARPers and also agree with Pierce that the "defectives" as he called them make us look like idiots, there is a place for the Swastika. George L Rockwell used powerful imagery to grab people's attention and send a strong message.

However I think reason number 1 is the most important. Many of these people love waving Swastikas more than they love the White race. It's all a game to these people.

With the intelligent ones, I'd try to explain that the only thing that matters is reaching the White masses and awakening the intelligent minority of our race. Does doing exactly what the MSM says we do help accomplish this? What does waving the 1945 flag of Germany do to awaken the racial consciousness of White Americans in 2017?
A far more effective way to communicate with people is to talk about things in THEIR context. Don't talk about Germany in 1933 when you're trying to convert an American today. Talk about how
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide
Everyone knows that when Jews say "diversity is needed" they're talking about a peaceful, White town. They're talking about bussing in niggers and ruining things for their CHILDREN. Talk about their future. Don't wave a German flag. Wave an American flag because we are AMERICANS. Make the word American = White.
That will accomplish far more than marching around in a bedsheet waving a "Nazi flag" and shouting at niggers and antifa. You're not going to convert them. Instead, talk to the average White man.

Fair enough. Hopefully whatever the truth is in the matter let's hope it comes out fully into the light here and now.

Based shit. Revealing truths to people can't be done if you set yourself at odds with them.

spotted the kike