Okay /pop/acks, I'm at the gommie get-together at Goodale Park in Columbus. They are going to march their fat asses to the statehouse for another rally at 8 p.m.

Pic related. Lots of antifa and gommies.

Lots of people wearing color-coded handkerchiefs around their necks. Do the colors mean anything?

Also, invigorate me, taking orders. Mache alles.

Other urls found in this thread:




They started marching toward the statehouse. Checking their cardiovascularambulatorynewtonian privilege.



Another pic. Black Lives Matter made a comeback in the mentions. Also "check your white male privilege" and all sorts of other incindiary and inflammatory language designed to enrage the gommies. They believe they own the streets, as was evidenced by several bouts of hypnotic call-response chanting akin to those squishy little green alien toys from Toy Story obligatory nod to the leftist making pop culture references because that is their reality.

Fucking phoneposter.
t. phoneposter

Sorry, hard to into phone typing when your trigger finger has become itchy.

You got a livestream?

Another one. Fat literal commie useful idiot. Funnily the lil' commie emblem appears to be missing from the corner of the flag.


I'm a ludditefag. How do I do it, generally? Which app? I wanna be sort of anonymouse too, but I suppose they expect one of us in the wreckage brother.

Periscope is shit, don't use that

what are these people going to do when the wall goes up?

See pic related. Call the number, report antifa, win a prize.

op here, be back in a bit.

Pretty fucking decent phone camera you have. Keep posting more.
What's the atmosphere like? Are they talking a lot about yesterday's happening?

Speaking of periscope, here are some streams of a march happening right now in Seattle:


press H to remove the overlay

Keep taking pics user.

I read that and thought I was retarded for reading power instead of peace until I looked again. Wtf does that mean?

You should record some conversations of you with gommies, whilst hiding your powerlevel of course. Don't have to periscope shit.


Another Seattle one

There are a lot of things that make me hate the reds, but patriotic approation is one of them. You can't be anti-white american and take credit for winning a war they fought at the same time. They always raise the flag before burning it.

I am disappoint.


The left has a two pronged approach. On one side they have antifa and BLM. On the other side they have the standard shit tier liberal catladies and college skanks that are told by their professors to go to these events that don't engage in violence.

It's all a highly coordinated affair. This protest isn't spontaneous. They're funded to the tune of billions with thousands of interconnected affinity groups. They never are spontaneous. They want to have these harmless looking skanks on the 9 o'clock news tonight protesting "the violence of white supremacy".

That's what's going on. They're trying to create a contrast between themselves and what happened in Charlottesville. It's reinforcing the narrative they want.

These people are absolutely insufferable and disgusting.


new meme?

She must have been told by a holocaust survivor about all that fuel stored in human fat.

I wonder if they made sure to get permits months in advance and triple checked everything with local police, or if that inconvenience is only reserved for pro-whites

Commies using conservitards, boomers, and cucks as useful idiots…

The way it works for the left is that a female baboon does a magic dance and if they agree it's good the march goes ahead.

if I ran this country, fat women would be burned at the stake

have at 'er

You're forgetting the 3rd and most important prong, which is their total control of ZOG.

Spare the trees user, there is nothing less than a 1,00 year oak that could withstand their weight.

Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this "peaceful demonstration".


didn't you know when your enemies kill you, you win?

I have tons of detailed video footage of hundreds of faces. But can't upload it now. Later I will my Holla Forumsacks.

good on ya. Maybe Holla Forums can have its own social hit-list like that jew on the sticky.


I put them on the youtubes. Tried to get a hyperlink to my channel but couldn't because I am an idiot. alex.zhukov135 at gmail dot com. Someone else webbum them please.

I hate liberals.


what day?

I find it quite funny that you know so little about Communism that you don't even understand the reason why it was intentionally done.

Any more pearls of wisdom?

Is that a knife in his backpocket?


yes. looks like a dagger

Sorry about this

America is only good when you can use it in an anti-white argument to them. Otherwise America is ebil.

They willfully misinterpret the constitution and the will of America's forefathers all the time too.


ok Holla Forums, here you go: youtube.com/channel/UC9COgqLgoj_2DJgr7HABEFQ

one vocation, you had it


I wouldn't be able to help myself.

fuck me it's been 5 minutes and there’s already a hippie drum circle. That poor security dude, hope he's got backup on the way.

I hear drums and chimp like ooking.

no better embedder than eddie vedder, part 1

no better embedder than eddie vedder, part 2

Funny, that's what we're trying to tell them.

haha they have made sure to only have nig and spic cops turn up.

they have a line on the statue, with a single nervous nig cop standing in front of it

Writing "nigger" on the sign would have been a lot funnier. And simple. Get your fucking game up.

no better embedder than eddie vedder, part 3

Hard to tell if the nigger cop is directing the mob or protecting the statue. I saw chains and red paint on the statue.

nevermind, they have cops crawling all over the place in the wideshots

All I've seen so far has been spastic niggers, commies and the cops.

The chimpouts and conflicts are happening much quicker than I expected. DS guys are promising constant organized events and soon. This is gonna be gud. The fire is rising.

Stay triggered kike.

They do it be special snowflakes and to not scare of people with half a brain that know communism is a sick joke.

Why don't people wear body cameras? That way you can record yourself asking people to deescalate many times before blasting away in defence.

The art in the direction in which you prefer has been prepared.



There were tons of yids.

OP here. Previous id was not my final form. The event is probably still going on, but I had to leave to have some tendies and get comfy for the night. Debriefing:

Most of the people at the rally were middle-aged white fat people. Probably former hippies. Definitely leftists. Possibly mostly women. There were a few black people, usually with the Fro Of Violence haircut.

Is there an autist who can go through those videos and do a demographics breakdown, specifically counting the number of hawhite women?
I swear to G-d that most of these people are lost sheep who have been herded by (((the wolves))). Women, especially naive coddled leftist women, tend to be much more susceptible to Shlomo's typical tricks. Anyways, I digress.

There were college-aged kids with the le edgy commie iron-on patches on their backpacks. Also a lot of college-aged kids who looked more or less normal, albeit mostly female and obese or homely. Cf. Uncle Ted's treatise on leftists' feelings of inferiority because, well, they're actually inferior. Everyone is "inferior" in some way, it's a law of statistics. Instead of working on themselves attempt to blame the world around them for their problems. Or project.

The people who spoke at this particular rally were saying things like "fuck da po-leece", "oy vey Trump is a fascist we must stop him right now!" and other things that were really meant to try to get the crowd pissed off. It was crazy. So much violent language, but with the intent to influence the audience. The attempt at manipulation was so flagrant.

Also, there was SO MUCH mangling of the truth and facts behind what happened in Charlottesville, and pretty much all of the other cop-vs-darkie grievances that BLM kvetches about all the time. Blatant lies.

I hope that normies at the rally listened to what was said and had moments where they thought to themselves, "hmm this rhetoric is awfully violent" or "hmm, that particular thing that was said conflicts with the facts that I know." I hope they open their eyes.


Fixed a gap in the edge of the image.


i don't see any in the pictures. what colours?
there's probably a guide on some facebook event group for this 'revolution'
that or it's the typical antifa/communist/anarchist trio

Thanks doc

Some trigger warning: I assume the gender of these people, so stop reading now if you are gender-assume-rape-triggered guys were wearing blue handkerchiefs tied around their necks, others red handkerchiefs. There was a girl with a white ribbon tied to her backpack. I think it could mean something about their roles in coordination.


pic related.


Well well, lookie here. Have you ever noticed that the passersby that get interviewed on the news are overwhelmingly jewish? Pic related is from the NBC station in Columbus.

Looks like lil' Kappy the Kike was an important enough player to get interviewed by the local news. It was all luck of the draw, mind you! He claims to have been in Cville, and claims to have been a block away from the car incident.

By the way, I was at a Trump rally last year. The local news interviewed the attending jews. Interestingly, those jews were badmouthing Soros. I was shocked and asked how they could possibly say something like that. They said he is a "self-hating jew". Taqiyya, man.



colors are bullet denominatons. red.. give em 5-32425325 bullets. other colrs mean … shoot em with only 5-8885 bullets

anyone wanna help out?

He said "burn" not "hang" but you're right, the trees are too valuable to waste either way. And neither do the fatties deserve such an easy end. No, their punishment must be forced dieting.

I wonder this all day. There are so many options now, from gopros to cop-cameras and a thousand others. You can get live streaming, 360-degree lenses, infrared night shooting. Makes no sense why anyone would fail to have two or three of those clipped on and running always.

Androgynous manlet here. Considering slowing the self improvement, getting a few very concealable body cams and LARPing as a leftist. See if I can get anything juicy from people when they think they aren't being filmed.

Wtf is with these useful idiot, cosmopolitan whales and so on coming out to protest. It's more of a circus than anything, anons.
The commies are here, but I'm not afraid.

So sad! Did they get that off Deviant Art?

Appreciate it Doctor.

1 billion times this.
There is ZERO advantage to confronting leftists/SJW psychoes in the streets.
They just defame themselves and get their skulls cracked by the government if they go to far.
Buy them from the government or just take a picture.


No, Jimmy Carter! Not you too. This transmania has gone too far.

What we need is a checklist meme that properly conveys every single sign of being conquered by a foreign, hostile power. The few things that have not happened yet will inevitably be filled later, by which time you merely need to edit that check in.

dat confused Ben Garrison cosplayer tho

"All the world's a movie stage and everyone's a cosplayer"