Charlottesville Gibs

Group of Negroes attack "white supremacists" in Charlottesville and get beaten back with sticks. One negro in particular caught a few good wacks on his head and face.

Plays the "victim of racism" card and collects $54,000 (so far)

Don't you love how these bastards attack white people and when white people defend themselves, all of a sudden the attackers are innocent victims and their narrative is fully recharged.

Of course the media is fawning over him and only telling his side of the story.

Other urls found in this thread: full/orcsLbe/

Yeah they are already pushing the dindu narrative on THA ROOT.

Disgusting handouts.

He a good boi, dindu nuffin, gettin his life tagetha.

He and his friends were just passing through the peaceful parade and some evil white supremacist nazis attacked them with sticks.


How long before they start cracking each other's heads open for victimbux? Can we meme this?


Where is the money coming from?

We know the left doesn't have any jobs.

Gullible moderates.

Is that nigger next to him the same one with the DIY flamethrower.

This was during the parking lot fight. These nigs attacked the "white Nationalists" and pushed one from behind onto his face not realizing there were 10 guys with shields and sticks walking by.

The video is here:


Video. Please use youtube-dl and grab the video instead of requiring anons to give twitter views.

A good video of the incident. Negroe runs off in terror.

You can literally see one of them curb stop someone on the ground as they get there to stop them, on the fucking libtards video

You can't make this up

White heterosexual men are the only people who have to work for their money in the CY+2 western world. As usual, the exact opposite of what is claimed.

Note how no one hit him once he was on the ground. If the races were reversed, niggers would have stomped the shit out of anyone unlucky enough to get dragged down.

Lying nigger piece of shit

We should bring down Martin Luther King Jr's statue since he is a minister who cheated on his wife. The black community needs better role models.

The black community shouldnt even exist.
Black people need to fucking GO.

There is no "black community." Niggers have no understanding of working together, christ, they can;t even farm together in Apefrica. The "nigger community" is a wholly Jewish invention to make blacks look like actual human beings. You ever notice they push the "gay community?" It legitimizes bullshit, and makes it harder to argue against it. Niggers in the wild roam like packs of wild dogs.


How do these gofundmes work? Whenever there's any sort of street violence, we should be at the ready making fake gofundme profiles pretending to be antifa/niggerfaggots and siphoning away all the shekels before the real dindus have a chance to make their own accounts.


This, we should be exploiting their cries for gibs every single chance we get and then donating the money to more right wing groups demonstrating on the street.

Get away from the hate by going back to Africa, nigger, where love and peace reign supreme.

they have systems, albeit I ignore which ones, in place to prevent fraud.

spent within a week
seed money for his cocaine business, promptly seized by police

what else is new

He has a t-shirt on with a picture of Mike Brown.

Using gofundme against them would be fucking hilarious. Even if they have a fraud prevention it cannot be that hard to circumvent the affirmative action gender neural tranny who looks over the credentials. I've seen so many leftist and scum bags since gofundme started that literally just started a fund just because they didn't want to work in NY or wanted money to buy a house in the country to make art at. The whole thing is a scam and something easily exploitable.


At the very least, it makes the original gofundme seem suspect and will drive down donations.


Where's the wound?
All I see is a cornrow soaked in fake blood.




Yeah, they don't get it. Yet.




Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Bout time someone let his ass know who he is.


Are there any videos better than these showing this nigger starting the conflict?

That nigger is at least 90% kool-aid.

Haven't seen one turn up since yesterday. Footage could be out there though.

If you watch, you can see some nigger in a green shirt standing over some white guys body before he is chased off.



what if some user used pictures of other injured dindus to collect pity gibs for the RWDS fund?

Tell me when the next Charolletesville event happens and I'm going to do this.

Gaurenteed that nigger on his shirt was killed by black on black violence. Coons love their DIY airbrushed t-shirts.

I really need to work on my spelling.

I just want them to stop existing.
please, niggers, stop being a "thing" in my reality.
I won't stand for it much longer.

That needs to change. Fucker should have been beaten to death right there. For every single white killed black on white violence.

This is about the only thing that made me less depressed today. The injury not the vicbux.

On the bright side that's a lot of leftist cash that isn't going to go to leftist causes. Nigger is just going to get $50 stitches and pocket the rest.

It's weird being on the ground and then watching the whole system come down on you police, state, politicians and all and just make up outright lies, twist everything and omit so much your head will spin. I hope this was a reality check for a lot of people that still had illusions that there was hope in the system.

You have to see it for yourself to see reality as it actually happened because you were there. Then see the sharp contrast in what the "official story" is. Because the official story of what happened there is not anything like what happened in reality. The only commonality is they're using the same event by name, time and place but everything else is completely different.

I don't feel defeat or anything like that or sadness. It's a strange feeling. It's like total shock and awe of how much power the system still has. I thought it was much weaker than it is. It's like you saw Satan himself and were in awe at his power and you understood immediately exactly what you're facing. But it only resolves you to destroy him even more. That's the best way to describe how I feel.

inb4 the nigger doesn't spend any of the donation money on medical bills and blows it all within a month.

hello there

There are pictures of niggers acting violent. One if particular was a nog using an aerosol can as a flamethrower on protesters.


Blood is an improvement to that ugly bastard's face.


Hello nigger lover

just found this at 3:56 you can clearly see him and his group trying to start shit

That's why every single person needs a body camera.

every jew should be crucified.

It would be a good idea to use FaceApp for this, you can make the face look legit and the reverse image search won't pick these up. There's even a version that can "nigrify" the face for additional bonus, although I've heard from a friend that it was pulled from the store due to SJWs (so one would need to hunt for an .apk). If you're on Windows, you can use BlueStacks to run it on PC.


Yo, hol up.


This is GamerGâte again, except with violence.

Pic related. Bring Toto next time.

we should be setting up our own campaigns, all it takes is 1 white "trans black white supremacist" who ends up pocketing 50 grand of SJW bucks for them to think twice next time.

Guy on the left is onto something.


the fuck

Dubs don't lie

What would you do? She betrayed her race and is fooling around with a couple apes.

In all fairness, in Rockwell's days, it wasn't too long after a time where you would get lynched for being a rapist nigger, pedophile, or a man or women miscegenating. It was a natural response that didn't change until Americans became brainwashed and apathetic. Rockwell's response isn't that he disagreed, but directing your anger to individual degenerates in juxtaposition to the system promoting this way of life was unproductive.

Slightly unrelated, that's why I hate cuckchan so much because it's three quarters bait threads of one individual saying something stupid filled with angry responses from anons. It takes the focus off of who we are ultimately fighting against.

This is why you shoot them in the head not give them a whack with a stick.

You gotta remember, this generation of blacks don't know yet that white people don't fucking play games when shit gets real

more than that, their tactics are absolute shit. I wonder if we can spread shitty tactics like comet cleaner bombs and arson via infographic on black twitter?

This is the future for whites that we will have to deal with. State sanctioned violence against us by brown hordes, and any self defense labelled as racism.


And the family of Heather Heyer raised $225,000 for a funeral or something. This is what they do. They act like retards and antagonize people then cash in on it when someone inevitably snaps. It's fucking pathetic.




Has anyone with an account called "George Soros Sedition Fund" and donated yet?
It would be interesting to see him accepting funds for engagin in seditious activities wouldn't it user?


The replies in the tweet have a video about the black guy attacking someone first, but it has been shoah'd from YouTube, and the person who then replied with a tweet of the video had their account shoah'd too.
Supression of truth.


If he really is (((one of them))) then why are these kikes still against him? Ever wonder why these paid faggots occasionally post those 'alex jewstein' threads?

And you sound like a fucking victorian prude, just like how kike shills talk in barely coherent english

Spraying "Dis 4 Malcolm X" or "Black Panthers Matter" would be appropriate on the fallen monument.

In the mean time I have a statue of a legitimately really shitty person in my town, that I think everyone can agree was shit, and I can't get anyone to talk about getting it removed. General George Custer in Monroe Michigan.




actually they push "the LGBT+" community, which is even more of a fantasy.

What is with niggers and those air brushed shirts of their fellow apes that have been killed by other apes?

Responding to my self… How about I come out as a white nationalist and hold a wn pride rally at the General George Custer statue. Do you guys think that will get it tore down? Can you guys help me with this?

Yeah, it's almost as if that was (((the plan))) all along. Keep fighting the drones instead of the ones operating them and you'll see where you end up.

Thank you user
Original is 42mb .mp4, included is 7.4mb .webm but potato quality.
(If user knows of a good suggestion for ffmpeg output settings to create a decent quality .webm please share, I tried with 1000b/s video and left audio the same. 2nd attempt was even worse)

We need to actually focus on creating an ethnostate if we want to survive.

Why do they do those T-shirts?

this, I'm pretty disappointed. There were a lot of cameras around though. I don't even know if it matters anymore at this point

Thanks user. Good video.


Don't even hit them in the head unless you're weak. Understand, it is not hard to kill someone by hitting them in the head. If you kill them, the police will be oblitavistockd to investitavistock. The media will have a field day just like with that fat coalburning whore. This isn't 'muh PR', it's simple common sense. Don't give your enemy ammunition, especially now when the war is for hearts and minds.

If you're going to beat antifa, do it in a way that: (1) they can't exploit and (2) causes them maximum damage. Aim for complex joints/bones like the knee, shoulder, or collarbone. Break their bones with one blow and then disappear into the crowd. Sow fear by crippling them or leaving them with lifelong pain.

smart guy

Any Holla Forumsiggers around willing to volunteer because of "dat big bad left"? It takes 2 to tango. Unfortunately black face is frowned upon but hey, getting your shit kicked in for 50k, fuckit. Right skin colour and you're sorted.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. This was taught to nogs a while ago.

Wow… updated.

That's it? Wow. I was expecting at least a million. We raised about that same amount for Darren Wilson, and he was getting shitloads of hate from the MSM. Seems like this antifa cunt isn't as revered as the MSM would like us to believe.

Pity you/Russkies guys trained many of them including Mandela. Our enemy of yesterday is our ally today. At least they don't take shit. Let's keep it that way.

We get that and understand that. But keep your own people in check. (((they))) are seeding the plan, you are falling into it by not being active within your own id. I don't know you, but by being passive about problem (a) is not going to solve problem (b). If x/pol/we/etc are (c) and they are (b) and (((a))) is responsible, how the fuck do you expect (c) to survive modern society when (b) is apathetic to (b)'s actions and encourages their livelihood (white society as a whole) half the time? Be proud of your identity, regardless of who you are. But look to the splinter in your own eyes before casting stones. (c) will fight its fight, (b) will look for excuses when they lose that fight. (((a))) will rub hands at their work. It's a different level altogether.

(b) and (c) do not get along. that is okay. what is required is mutual respect. This is not happening because (b) refuses to accept responsibility. (((a))) uses this as a force multiplier against both (b) and (c).

I'm okay with this.

Now you know why we hate these fucking people. It's always free gibsmedats for these homos, they've never done a hard days work in their life and then
they wonder why we hate them

Much higher resolution version of the video here / full/orcsLbe/ Yeah I know funnyjunk is distilled cancer but it has it's moments

I need to stop dringing in the middle of the day, I'm fucking retarded. The source was right fucking there.

Waut I'm not retarded, it actually is higher resolution there.

Best money for product - finish the fucking job. As it is, sue the city with the footage available when the nigger knocked up a participant to a LEGAL meeting

Yep it was removed because jews on 8/9/17, APKs from 8/4, 8/9, 8/11 are on this site:
Tested them and none of them have it, and according to this plebbit post: the filters are server sided.

Its originally from a Duerst the Wuerst video. Also shows context of the nogs stalking what they thought was a small group of whites until reenforcements rolled in.

can some user please webm this before it gets shoah'd? i cant into compootur

because they can't read or write eulogies

jesus fucking christ

webm please